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#61 Post by mcewanw »

gcmartin wrote:Hi @Saintless. Great-great work.

My only "desire" is for a simple (as in all PUPs, up to QuirkyTahr) manner for a "total" LiveDVD solution with persistence to the Live disc media at end of session.
Probably a lot of development effort would be required to create that facility. I think live usb solutions give much the same benefits though. At the moment testing and bringing the beta to stable is probably the priority and then all ideas for development would be useful to consider.

I don't think DebianDog was ever intended as a replacement for Puppy - both have their strengths and weaknesses; rather, Debiandog is a full multiuser debian system given a great deal of Puppy look and feel but with some differing functionality such as Debian Synaptic/apt-get rather than Puppy package manager.

EDIT: Just noticed, Toni had already answered your query here: ... 787#771787

However, I understand that the weakness of live usb is that some older machines (like the one I use) have BIOS limitation such that they can't boot from usb. Personally I get round that by installing grub4dos to the harddrive and using the menu.lst on there to boot the vmlinuz/initrd and all other parts of the DebianDog distribution on the usb.

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#62 Post by saintless »

Fix from William for saving Monitor Settings (lxrandr) after reboot. If you need to change screen resolution from Monitor Settings install this deb package to save the settings after reboot. ... 0_i386.deb
More information here: ... de6#772755

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#63 Post by anikin »

Hi saintless and everyone,

My sincerest congratulations, Debian Dog does look and feel like Puppy Linux!
It is already in good working shape and can definitely be recommended as a daily OS.
Thank you guys, you've done a great job.

And a quick user feedback: 1) all my drives get automounted on startup. 2) I'd like to have mounts in rox not xfe, how do I change that? 3) remaster script - will it accept the path, like /tmp?
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#64 Post by saintless »

Hi, Anikin.
1) all my drives get automounted on startup.
Comment this line in /etc/rc.local to stop auto-mount on boot:

Code: Select all

2) I'd like to have mounts in rox not xfe, how do I change that?
Right click on any desktop-drive-icon device --> Settings --> Change File Manager xfe to rox. To get also single click sfs, squashfs and iso mounted with rox:

Code: Select all

mv /opt/bin/mnt-img /opt/bin/mnt-img-old
mv /opt/bin/mnt-img-0 /opt/bin/mnt-img
3) remaster script - will it accept the path, like /tmp?
No. It will exclude copy of dev,live,lib/live/mount,proc,run,mnt,media,sys,tmp and make empty folders (only one file /dev/console needed for porteus-boot will be created).

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#65 Post by fredx181 »

3) remaster script - will it accept the path, like /tmp?

No. It will exclude copy of dev,live,lib/live/mount,proc,run,mnt,media,sys,tmp and make empty folders (only one file /dev/console needed for porteus-boot will be created).
anikin, It could be that you mean to use /tmp instead of a partition for the working directory and squashfs file creation.
In that case:
I think /tmp is not a good option because of its limited size.
But that's what I experienced, I think it depends on how much RAM you have.
Why is it that you'd like to use /tmp , btw?

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#66 Post by mcewanw »

fredx181 wrote: Why is it that you'd like to use /tmp , btw?

Actually, I also like to use /tmp for some things in Puppy; for example, when I'm creating dotpets. Reason for me being that this old machine I most often use has winXP on the harddrive with all the partitions being ntfs. So I use /tmp so that symlinks and file permissions work okay. I don't know if that is why anikin wants to use /tmp of course.

Despite being a reasonably old machine, I was able to upgrade its RAM to 1GB some time ago, which is enough for many purposes using /tmp as described. Also when /tmp is in RAM it is faster than using harddrive partition or usb flash.
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#67 Post by anikin »

I should have been more specific. I did mean the path for the working directory, like /tmp/myremaster. In puppy I do almost everything in RAM (2 GB) - compiling, un/squashing, remastering, etc., mostly because it's fast. I don't use a save file and my puppies are lean - more RAM to do stuff. Actually, I did a quick test and started the script with /tmp/ path, the terminal popped up, but I didn't follow through and closed it.
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#68 Post by mcewanw »

In case anyone wants to install Skype in DebianDog, the following works:

Download the Debian7 multiarch from and install it by right-clicking it in and choosing install in either Rox or xfe. Then in a terminal fetch the missing dependencies with:

Code: Select all

apt-get install -f install
That's a usual procedure for other package installs which resulted in missing dependencies.
github mcewanw

#69 Post by gcmartin »

Hello @Fredx181
I think a symbolic path in /tmp would allow remaster building on a real storage device, in addition to what the members share. Thus, there are various good ways and good reasons to address /tmp folder use.

@Mcewanw shares a method of handling installation of packages in this newest "Dog".

Puppy's PETs really spoiled us that settled into PUPs versus other distros with their packaging methods.

This DebianDog's community may need a guide document to lead users in handling installation of packages not included in the base and gotten from places other than its Repos. This is certainly going to be the case since the current Dog is not as fully featured as some of the current 64bit PUPs are where users must turn to getting packages from a variety of locations to match subsystem requirements.

Ah, those growing pains...or retreading for others. :)
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#70 Post by saintless »

Thank you, Fred!
I misunderstood Anikin's question about /tmp. Since I use low-ram computers it is impossible for me to use /tmp but with 2 Gb RAM it should be OK.

Hi, Gcmartin.
gcmartin wrote:@Mcewanw shares a method of handling installation of packages in this newest "Dog".
What William wrote is all you need to install packages not included in debian repository. In post five on the first page we have information about installing packages. I will add this example there.
Puppy's PETs really spoiled us that settled into PUPs versus other distros with their packaging methods.
You have no idea how Debian package management can spoil you :)

I'm working on AptOnCD sfs module at the moment:
It should be around 55Mb. I will make it work on both DebianDog versions and upload it on the site. It might be useful for some users to create CD/DVD repository with custom packages.

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Re: DebianDog

#71 Post by saintless »

labbe5 wrote: I would suggest that a new version has APTonCD integrated, as a good and very useful utility for Debian users. So one has a CD or DVD full of software available, in case no internet connection is available when (re)installing DebianDog on a computer and for the simple fact that installing software from APTonCD is fast and and doesn't consume bandwith.
Done. Too big to be added in DebianDog but here is separate module:

New module 062-AptOnCD.squashfs - 51Mb. ... D.squashfs
Download the module inside /live folder and reboot. It has HAL and some other packages included that needs to be loaded before X. If you load it with SFS-Loader maybe it will not work correct.
Tested to create iso and restore packages from CD/DVD or iso file.
Run System -> Menu Puppy to update the menu. You will find menu entry in System for AptOnCD
If you have less than 512 Mb RAM it is possible not to have enough space in /tmp
In this case start AptOnCD from command line to point different /tmp folder (/live/image for example):

Code: Select all

aptoncd -t /live/image
To use Restore option from already made CD/DVD first mount the CD manual from desktop drive icons.

More information about AptOnCD here:

The only issue I found is on the picture.
After creating new iso with deb packages the window Creating AptOnCD stays on the screen. It should auto close this window I think. See the attached picture.
If Cleaning session is in green color and you see the packages in the background window (dillo on the picture) the work is done.
Anyway it works well from what I can tell. Haven't test it if this Creating AptOnCD window bug is caused from something missing in DebianDog or it is the same in Debian Wheezy official install CD. I will check this out when I have time.

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Re: DebianDog

#72 Post by nancy reagan »

saintless wrote: Done. Too big to be added in DebianDog but here is separate module:

New module 062-AptOnCD.squashfs - 51Mb. ... D.squashfs
Download the module inside /live folder and reboot. It has HAL and some other packages included that needs to be loaded before X. If you load it with SFS-Loader maybe it will not work correct.
Tested to create iso and restore packages from CD/DVD or iso file.
Run System -> Menu Puppy to update the menu. You will find menu entry in System for AptOnCD
If you have less than 512 Mb RAM it is possible not to have enough space in /tmp
In this case start AptOnCD from command line to point different /tmp folder (/live/image for example):

Code: Select all

aptoncd -t /live/image
To use Restore option from already made CD/DVD first mount the CD manual from desktop drive icons.

Maybe you have already done so, but if not, could you place a link in the TS to this msg ?

(and future for essential howto's as well ?)

Though I cannot really handle yout dog, I would like to know how to manually (un)/mount the drives ?
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Re: DebianDog

#73 Post by saintless »

Hi, Nancy Reagan.

All important informations goes in first page posts. For example the one you mention is linked in post 3 on the first page reserved for separate system modules: ... f5d#771572

Mount-unmount drives;
Right click on the drive icon on desktop and choose mount or unmount (see the picture).
Or use from menu Utility -> All-Mount or All-Unmount which will mount/unmount all available drives.

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#74 Post by fredx181 »

anikin wrote:3) remaster script - will it accept the path, like /tmp?
Here's the remaster script with added option for /tmp as working directory.(attached, see below).
It's at the bottom of the drop-down box for choosing a drive.
Before using it, better check out the size of /tmp otherwise your computer may freeze (specially of you don't have swap)

A few notes about setting the size of /tmp when booting with live-boot v2 method:
I have 1GB RAM but the size of /tmp is only 501MB.

Code: Select all

root@dog:~# df -h /tmp
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs           501M   12K  501M   1% /tmp
Officially this can be adjusted in /etc/default/tmpfs by (for example 80% of total RAM):

Code: Select all

But it doesn't change anything after reboot.
So I found that the reason for this is the /tmp entry in /etc/fstab.
Tried commenting it out, but it re-appears again after reboot.
The only thing that worked for me was changing the /tmp line in /etc/fstab to:

Code: Select all

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev,size=800M 0 0
To get the size of /tmp 80% of my 1GB RAM.

For porteus-boot method it's different.
Changing the settings (like the above) in /etc/default/tmpfs work after reboot, but only if you comment out the /tmp line in /etc/fstab first:

Code: Select all

# tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0
Or a completely empty fstab works also,btw.

RemasterDog with option /tmp added
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#75 Post by saintless »

Thank you, Fred.
I will add it in the next version scripts and I will add a link in the third post next version packages.
fredx181 wrote:So I found that the reason for this is the /tmp entry in /etc/fstab.
Tried commenting it out, but it re-appears again after reboot.
The only thing that worked for me was changing the /tmp line in /etc/fstab to:

Code: Select all

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev,size=800M 0 0
To get the size of /tmp 80% of my 1GB RAM.
I think you need to comment also (tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0) in /etc/fstab.d/live. If I do not mistake Debian Wheezy live CD keeps /etc/fstab empty and it is populated on boot from /etc/fstab.d/live Lines you need to add in fstab should go there. I need to check this for confirmation with live-boot v2 and v3.

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#76 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni
I think you need to comment also (tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0) in /etc/fstab.d/live. If I do not mistake Debian Wheezy live CD keeps /etc/fstab empty and it is populated on boot from /etc/fstab.d/live Lines you need to add in fstab should go there. I need to check this for confirmation with live-boot v2 and v3.
Yes, I've tried that also, just deleting the live file in /etc/fstab.d.
No difference, the /tmp line is just added again in /etc/fstab after reboot.

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#77 Post by anikin »

Hi everyone,
fredx181 wrote:Hi Toni
I think you need to comment also (tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0) in /etc/fstab.d/live. If I do not mistake Debian Wheezy live CD keeps /etc/fstab empty and it is populated on boot from /etc/fstab.d/live Lines you need to add in fstab should go there. I need to check this for confirmation with live-boot v2 and v3.

Yes, I've tried that also, just deleting the live file in /etc/fstab.d.
No difference, the /tmp line is just added again in /etc/fstab after reboot.

For what it's worth:
Steven Shiau (he builds Clonezilla & GParted Live CDs) wrote:If the available space in dir /tmp/ is less than 500 MB, tune it to be larger than 500 MB. You can make it by the commands like:
mount -t tmpfs -o "nosuid,size=60%,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
mount -t tmpfs -o "nosuid,size=524288000,mode=1777" tmpfs /tmp
Perhaps, the command can be added to the script?
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List of available addon apps not from debian repository

#78 Post by mcewanw »

Hi Toni, I see you posted link for downloading softmaker freeoffice sfs. Though that covers basic office package, some (not me) might prefer small abiword/gnumeric system like Puppy. I know you made these packages too and have them on smokey's site, but I don't see them listed as available in the first page posts. I think it would be good to do so. I also want to include Premote package somewhere, and there may be others who like a light solution (using apt-get rdesktop) to winblows remote desktop (rather than the rather heavy Remmina). I'm also thinking a small ffmpeg would be a useful optional addon (from Slitaz or Puppy) since several Puppy apps rely on ffmpeg (such as ffconvert for converting multimedia formats).

One slight problem I see is that as the number of puppylike apps added for availability increases there isn't much space, but it would be nice to document all that available in once place I think. Perhaps it will become useful to start a new thread just for description and link to these apps, and then link to that from page one posts here (that would free up some space in these posts). In a similar manner, there are bound to be a few howto's so eventually it might be good to also have an expanded debiandog howto thread?

I've been looking over redeb and trying it out, but it doesn't include any docs about how to make necessary debian control file when trying to make a package. Perhaps something you pointed me to in dev thread has that, but I was busy and didn't download and I think that is no longer on smokey's site. I would also like to know how, once you make your own deb, you arrange things such that that doesn't mess up the dpkg database.
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#79 Post by Py »

Booted the DebianDog with dillo in it. Looked wondeful - but it has not detect my wired broadband connection. I opened frisbee but am at a loss as to what to do in there. I know that I use eth0 but that is about all. Modem is working - eg Slacko 5.6 auto detects it.

I guess I shouldn't have looked at a beta Puppy, but was keen to try out the apt-get feature.

Thanks to all those who are working on this Puppy Dog.
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#80 Post by Py »

Discoverd that I was online but had forgotten how to use Dillo. Red face here. On Dillo now.
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