netpbm-10.67 "very stable" image manipulation toolkit

Paint programs, vector editors, 3d modelers, animation editors, etc.
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netpbm-10.67 "very stable" image manipulation toolkit

#1 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

This pet was assembled from the archlinux package at ... ar.xz.html

If anyone needs it, I've put it at

Partially supersedes some of the pnm* graphics utilities already present in
Slacko-6.0b, for example. You're encouraged to try it in other Pups, of course.

The need for some of the utilities in the netpbm kit came about when discussing the
creation of pdf thumbnails, here:

It's easier to handle and to script than ImageMacick, according to some sources.

Enjoy! :)

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

Just dowloaded pictures from my phone

#2 Post by Pelo »

Just dowloaded pictures from my phone. Is it worth of it dowloading the application ? Who should know ?
netpbm will be tested despues test bench of Lazpaint and some Qt-apps with tahrpup 5.8.3
Some lib missing in tahrpup, netpbm was not running.
Libpng in tahrpup is version 12 ( needed)
Last edited by Pelo on Thu 08 Jan 2015, 01:18, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 14629
Joined: Mon 05 Jan 2009, 00:54
Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#3 Post by musher0 »

Hello, pelo.

You could try installing this library in your Puppy: ... 1.i686.rpm

As to whether the netpbm kit is worth using... that's up to you.

I came about this older image toolkit during a research for the thumbnail creation
thread (see URL above). netpbm is a specialized package, helpful mostly if you
need to modify images through bash scripts.

For regular image editing, the good old mtpaint present in all Puppies may be all
that you need.

Bye for now.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

Task bookmarked

#4 Post by Pelo »

Task bookmarked (Fedora !)
Other distros than Ubuntu can improve our sources for a newer menu. Fedora, Mandriva, perhaps others.
Tahrpup PPM is far less furnished than Lucid one.

lazpaint really enjoys me

#5 Post by Pelo »

lazpaint really enjoys me, and some other people posting on Facebook.
Artistic, a painter would not have done better.
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