tahrpup 6.0, 6.0.2 & 6.0.5 CE

Please post any bugs you have found
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Hesse James
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#401 Post by Hesse James »

Hi 666philb
I just discovered that in Tahr 6.0.2 some Icons seem to be placed in the wrong folder. Have a look at /usr/share/icons/hicolcor. In 6.0 it is correct.
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#402 Post by wyzguy »

I asked a question about setting my lcd Native dpi to 82 and you said try
menu-desktop-font manager which is correct. I rebooted and rechecked
font manager. It showed 84 which is predefined and I did use. However, the screen looked exactly the same and xdpyinfo still showed a resolution of 96x96.

I then checked the /usr/sbin/fontmanager script and from what I can tell,
it is trying to put my dpi setting of 84 only in /root/.fonts.conf, which does not exist. There is a /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file with no dpi settings in it.

Some distros also use /root/{.Xdefaults,.Xresources} for dpi settings.

Not you, but a bash scripting sleuth needs to check on this.
If true, this is a real important bug fix!
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#403 Post by bigpup »

wyzguy wrote:I asked a question about setting my lcd Native dpi to 82 and you said try
menu-desktop-font manager which is correct. I rebooted and rechecked
font manager. It showed 84 which is predefined and I did use. However, the screen looked exactly the same and xdpyinfo still showed a resolution of 96x96.
I used menu-desktop-font manager and changed to 84.
Went to menu->Exit->Restart Graphical Server.
Seems to have changed my desktop fonts to 84.
So, it seems to work for me.

How are you running Tahrpup?
Full, frugal install, or live CD/DVD/USB?
Are you using JWM window manager?
Have you updated to Tahrpup 6.0.2?
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)
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#404 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hallo, 666philb & 'the team'.

I think Thursday's 6.02 'service pack' has broken something, but I have no idea WHAT.

I use rcrsn51's 'Samba-TNG' fork to share between an elderly (but 'top-spec' when new!) Compaq desktop, running Ubuntu 14.04 & Tahrpup, and an even older Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop (which was rescued from the scrapheap by Tahrpup.....magic!). Both machines are running 'frugals' on their respective hard drives.

I installed the updates last thing on Thursday before turning in for the night. Didn't use the machines yesterday, as I was out for the day. Booted both up into Tahrpup midday today (Saturday), and settled down in the front room with the Dell. I use the Dell as 'client', and the Compaq as 'server'. Went to access the Compaq via YASSM on the Dell, and rather than everything working as it should, all I got was 'hidden@pupserver', instead of 'pupshare@pupserver'. Samba-TNG can read its own shares, so I went to have a look at the Compaq, and it was the same story there...

Also, since the update, I now can't access CUPS to make printer adjustments. I can access the homepage, but when I try any of the tabs, all I'm getting is '500 Internal Server Error'. Not only that, but remote printing's up the creek as well at the moment on the Dell; can't print through either Tahrpup OR Ubuntu.....there's apparently no connection. I suspected the network, and spent a couple of hours trouble-shooting, 'cos I thought British Telecom might have snuck a firmware update on to the router, and perhaps it had re-configured everything, but no.....last one was 6 weeks ago, and everything's as it should be.

Both machines can browse the 'net as normal, anyway, so there can't be anything wrong there. The problem appears to be confined to the LAN.

I booted into Ubuntu to try Samba there. Ubuntu can read its own shares fine, but can't 'serve' them....says 'No Connection'. The Dell can READ the shares in Ubuntu, but again, says there's no connection. Now, I can believe (this being Linux!) that one OS or the other might throw an unexpected 'wobbly' occasionally, but BOTH? Simultaneously? That's stretching the bounds of probability just a wee bit.....

Anyway; I've PM'd rcrsn51, to let him know, and told him I'd post here, too. SO;I'm stumped.....I CAN only think it's the service pack; it's the only common denominator. I'll leave this one with you for now....that's the idea of these 'bug-threads', after all!

BTW; LOVE the new PPM.....very neat. Nice one!


Mike. :wink:

EDIT: rcrsn51 thinks the filesystem permissions might have got corrupted, leading to the '500 internal server error' message.....but he doesn't see how that could have happened from the upgrade.

I wonder if it might be anything to do with my installing the up-to-date version of Chrome from Google's site; the Quickpet-upgrade says you can now do that.....or is that still at the experimental stage? It's been installed onto both of the affected systems...yet it's definitely working okay.

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Re: Strange CLICK

#405 Post by greengeek »

sszindian wrote:This CLICK ONLY happens in Tahr an not in any other distro's Puppy or otherwise. I run all on the same HDD, same computer and yes, the clicks are still there just like clock-work, 'every TWO MINUTES' to be exact.

Can anyone anyone explain what's going on here???
What kind of internet connection do you use? Is it through a phone line? (ie router or dialup?). And were you connected to the internet at the time of hearing the clicks? Do they stop if you physically disconnect from the phone line and/or network?

Also - if you keep Htop running on the desktop do you see any sudden changes at the time the clicks occur? (Probably be too quick to see a process name but maybe you will see a repeatable jump at consistent intervals).
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#406 Post by 666philb »

Mike Walsh wrote:Hallo, 666philb & 'the team'.
I wonder if it might be anything to do with my installing the up-to-date version of Chrome from Google's site; the Quickpet-upgrade says you can now do that.....or is that still at the experimental stage? It's been installed onto both of the affected systems...yet it's definitely working okay.

hi Mike Walsh,

yes google-chrome is the culprit! (for the cups problem at least) installing the google-chrome .deb changes a load of folder permissions
damn.... l had forgotten about the issues it caused in the past.

i've removed the message saying 'you can now install chrome' and i've also removed the update whilst i re-check it.

i'm also looking for a fix for you, to reset the permissions that chrome changed

sorry about that
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#407 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, phil.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Sorry if I've caused you any grief (as well as generating a load more work! :oops: )

No worries, anyway. Apart from those two issues, everything else is working fine. And I've always got a fully-functional Ubuntu to fall back to.....

(But I LIKE Puppy better, though (esp. Tahrpup!); it's waaaay more fun.....as well as being a lot kinder on the 10-yr old hardware! :lol: )

Anyway, I've done a re-install on the Compaq, back to 6.01 level; I'll leave it at that for now, while I await 'further developments'. I've not touched the Dell yet, though, so we'll see if SHE responds to the fixes, as & when. I don't mind playing guinea pig, if it'll help anybody else out...


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#408 Post by wyzguy »


I downloaded Tahr-6.0.2_PAE.iso and installed it on a newly reformatted
flash drive. On first boot, I just shut it down to create a savefile. I followed
your instructions (except setting dpi to lowest possible-54-to make easier to see) and the setting was changed properly. Oh yeah, frugal install.

Short answer: I did something wrong.
Long answer: Not needed-just a lot of useless drivel!

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#409 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi again, Phil.

Following last night's re-install back to 6.01, everything's now working nicely, with one small exception. Teamviewer 10 doesn't appear to be working. I don't use it often; wouldn't have even thought about it, were it not for the fact that its menu location has changed.

I like to quickly check everything works on a fresh install...& everything DOES, apart from that one item.

I've unloaded and deleted that one, and copied over Teamviewer 9 from my other install on the Dell.....and that's working nicely.

Sorry, kiddo; I KNOW we're keeping ya busy..! :lol:


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#410 Post by 666philb »

hi Mike Walsh,

teamviewer10 seems to get confused if you have a native wine installed.
if it is due to wine ... try copying /usr/bin/wineserver to /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/wine/bin and overwrite the teamviewer version of wineserver
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#411 Post by 666philb »

Mike Walsh wrote: I've not touched the Dell yet, though, so we'll see if SHE responds to the fixes, as & when. I don't mind playing guinea pig, if it'll help anybody else out...


Mike. :)
hi mike,

can you try rcrsn51's fix for the cups problem documented herehttp://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=89127

in a terminal

Code: Select all

chmod 755 /initrd/pup_rw
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#412 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Phil.

Now then...

I've had a look at rcrsn51's thread, & checked the permissions for /initrd/pup_rw, and they were as follows:-

- - -
- - -

I've tried your suggestion in the terminal:-

Code: Select all

 chmod 755 /initrd/pup_rw
I then checked in 'Properties' for /initrd/pup_rw. As anticipated, the permissions are now

R - X
R - X

and checking in the browser, I'm now able to access CUPS as usual..!

Thanks VERY much for that. With regards to TeamViewer, I'll unload 9, download 10 again ( I wiped it), load it in, and try your suggestion. Will let you know what happens...

Oh, BTW; Am I okay with regard to keeping the 'current-stable' version of Chrome I've now got here on the Dell? Will it generate further problems for the old girl, or is that the extent of the post-install script's mischief? :)


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#413 Post by augras »

I didn'try to use Samba TNG before, i mean with older version of tahrpup, but with the 6.0.2 it doesn't work : nothing happened, no share and no connection (samba tng 0.5 and samba autostart1.1).
Cups is ok for me.
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#414 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Philippe.

If you're running Samba-TNG, you DO you know you have to set up the firewall on the server, don't you?

Have a look at rcrsn51's thread on the subject:-


It tells you exactly how to set up the firewall, to allow communication through from the client. There's also several examples as to how to set up your samba. conf file, at /usr/local/samba/etc/smb.conf. Don't worry about the other two .conf files (smb.conf1 & smb.conf2), as they're merely examples.

It does depend what kind of an install you're running. I'm running a frugal install on a hard drive partition; I find that it seems to work better if you change 'pupshare' from /mnt/home to /root.

YMMV; you DO need to experiment to find out what works best for you. In essence, you're pointing 'pupshare' at whatever directory you want to share.

Hope that helps.


Mike. :)
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#415 Post by augras »

Thanks for your quick answer.
The firewall is off and the share is the share by default.
Is the root password still woofwoof in tahrpup ?
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#416 Post by 666philb »

chrome should be ok now .... although if you install the .deb (say to update) again you'll need to run the chmod again.

i should add it as a post-install-hack
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#417 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi again, Philippe.

Yes, the password IS still 'woofwoof'. Are you aware that with the 3-series kernels, you have to add the option 'sec=ntlm' into the YASSM share select window? I wasn't, until rcrsn51 told me about it.

It WON'T work without it. If you then click on the 'Set' checkbox before you mount the share, YASSM will remember it for the future.

Don't worry about where the share reads 'Pupshare:C'; that's just MY modification on the share name.....for identification purposes, since I'm running more than one install of Tahrpup..!

Hope that helps.

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#418 Post by rcrsn51 »

I just tested a clean install of tahr-6.0.2_noPAE.iso with the built-in Samba-TNG and it worked correctly.
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#419 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Phil.

Tried your suggestion with TeamViewer; unloaded 9, and re-loaded 10. 10 still doesn't work.....and now 9 won't, either!

Any ideas how to set things back to how they were? :lol:

BTW, since running

Code: Select all

 chmod 755 /initrd/pup_rw 
Samba-TNG's back to it's usual accommodating self. Go figure..!


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#420 Post by 666philb »

unload all teamviewers ... then delete the wineserver you copied to /opt ....
i would then reboot .. and then try your teamviewer9 again
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