Star & UFO

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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#121 Post by Ted Dog »

A little warning from USA and its new pulse jet drone, fastest craft in the world. That was one of its pulse clouds. You can't shoot down what you can't match speed. Not sure how you could drop bombs with the wierd way it uses for movement. Based on a sea creature, using a burst of cavatation bubble to push itself along. The burst is so fast it generates a temp hotter than the sun, objects move so fast that the heat can't transfer. causes a flash of light ( very dim ) and a wicked pop sound that by the time you hear it the craft is thousands of KM away.
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#122 Post by the last saviour »

Thse are the most stunning UFO stations which surrounded my house last year. Due to the design, they are probably the most conservative Alien group and perhaps the one who had conducted Mayan people.
It's a pity that Zenfone4 camera is so poor to take the sky photo. :-( Anyway I hope they can impress some of you.
If you don't believe there are many UFO stations inside these clouds, I hope you will not click this topic anymore.
I don't know what happened in this photo.
Maybe it's the Panorama error or something else.
If that black line was much shorter as the other two
I can understand what they should be.
Perhaps the 3rd one flew much slower than others.
(100.34 KiB) Downloaded 13 times
When I arrived at the main road many of them were awaiting for me.
How many animals can you find in this photo?
I got 7, 4 dogs, 1 ox, 1 gorilla, 1 piranya.
(189.73 KiB) Downloaded 15 times
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#123 Post by Geoffrey »

the last saviour wrote:If you don't believe there are many UFO stations inside these clouds, I hope you will not click this topic anymore.
So we need only reply if we believe, that sounds very biased, pictures of clouds do not make what you claim true.

I'm sorry you feel that way about the subject, I thought healthy discussion was the aim, whether for or against, else it becomes a dogma.
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#124 Post by the last saviour »

If anyone believe those are normal clouds and nothing insides. I hope they have any chance to see anywhere (sky, internet etc.) and photo the clouds like those stunning clouds around my house. Or any cloud that can transform the upper part into jet-shape in 15 minutes while the lower part still intact.
Then I will be very glad to know those are my delusion.
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#125 Post by Ted Dog »

Well looks like an interesting Summer around the Ranch, we are listed to be part of the US forces published civilian suppression takeover practice of Texas by US Military.
Told to tell if we spot things out of the ordinary. If They dress like either undocumented immigrants or oil field workers, they will totally blend end around here. :lol:
Hopefully will have something to report... :wink:
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#126 Post by Moat »

the last saviour wrote:If anyone believe those are normal clouds and nothing insides. I hope they have any chance to see anywhere (sky, internet etc.) and photo the clouds like those stunning clouds around my house. Or any cloud that can transform the upper part into jet-shape in 15 minutes while the lower part still intact.
Then I will be very glad to know those are my delusion.
Such cloud formations (and actually many far more spectacular and bizarre - including roll, shelf, wall [with tails] and mammatus clouds... even tornadoes) are a normal, almost daily occurrence during spring and summer months across the North American Great Plains and midwest.

If you were able to stand amongst these "beasts" while they were forming - armed with some basic understanding of the science of meteorology - you would quickly come to realize the purely natural reasons of how and why they form, move and change shape like they do. And it has nothing at all to do with such silliness as "aliens". Or huge bunnies with their arse in the air. :)

You hold to your delusions, because you want to. The truth is all right there, free for the takin'...

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#127 Post by Ted Dog »

One thing about spring is the cool little dust devils. There is a zone on my Ranch they breed. My avatar dog and I would chase them and see if we could disrupt them before they get too big. She would bark if she sees one form. I have never been so proud to punch the wind out of the dust devil.
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#128 Post by Moat »

Ted Dog wrote:One thing about spring is the cool little dust devils.
I've been about knocked off a tractor a time or three by those things, while tilling wheat farmland in NW Oklahoma (flat, dusty, sunny, hot). The bigger ones can be a little scary to pass through. :shock:

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#129 Post by rokytnji »

Sometimes clouds are not even present during UFO sightings on a clear sky sunny DAY

PDF Link below ... DMS02K4J6g

Funny how the military will send soldiers when one investigates UFO landing sites.
So if untrue. Why is the government so interested in keeping people away and then cleaning up a site.

Like they did in Mexico? (USA CIA Involvement)

Mexico sure thinks UFOs are real

I am no expert on anything or claim to anything. But things get fishy
when a guy in a uniform with a gun says , "No, you cannot go in there!" You say, "Why?"
They reply, "National security says so and you may be harmed by the site!"

Translation="Careful Boy, you'll shoot your eye out!"

I find it hard to be so clueless in todays info age. Just arguing about one point and then saying the whole idea is wrong.

I guess ignorance is bliss. Like Climate Change, Global warming, and potable drinking water soon to be more rare than gasoline.

Maybe that is why I keep 6 dogs around me. People can be so thick.
Space Surveillance data to Air Force Space Command's Space Control Center

Yeah. ICBM and other early warning from unidentified aircraft.
11 story tall radar arrays. So why ?


Cmon. ICBM from the Moon? That much money from the feds for radar coverage of the moon? Key word. "Money".

Nobody blows money on nothing, unless you are a drugged up star.

Now, the last saviour might not be firing on all cylinders.
That does not mean the last saviour is wrong or full of bull.
Quite the opposite in my book.

Wonderment is a wonderful thing to have. It shows one is not jaded.

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#130 Post by Ted Dog »

I lost my PE kit shorts thanks to a leafy dust devil. Was playing football in 9th grade and had the ball for a score I ran for the dust devil and was tackled just before it hit me. I was still somewhat under the other guy when the gust of wind blew my short completely off my body and 30 to 40 ft way.
The opposing team would not return my shorts and the coach was missing. So I had to cross multiple groups, girls PE tennis track ROTC to get back in the locker room where the coach did not believe my pants blew off :lol: Called me a sick little horn dog dancing about in my undies. :twisted:

My dust devils start on my land it the tree line doesn't stop it then it will grow to the size even larger than in Oklahoma.. ( Everything is bigger in Texas ) including the shorts for skinny high schoolers.
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#131 Post by Moat »

rokytnji wrote: Yeah. ICBM and other early warning from unidentified aircraft.
11 story tall radar arrays. So why ?


Cmon. ICBM from the Moon? That much money from the feds for radar coverage of the moon?
Did you even read the article you posted? Has little-to-nothing to do with early warning/ICBM's or even radar mapping the moon. ... ch_Program
rokytnji wrote:Wonderment is a wonderful thing to have.
And even more wonderful when supported with a modicum of subject-specific knowledge along with a good dose of common sense.
rokytnji wrote:Image
^^ Not the best Photoshop job...!! :lol: :lol:

Funny how the incidence of UFO/space alien reports exploded after the introduction of such things into the suggestive minds of the masses since the late 30's, via mass media (War of the Worlds radio, sci-fi movies of the 50's, etc).

Also funny how - of all the places an alien from light years away, crossing unimaginable distances of empty outer space - more often than not ends up crashing in some remote desert area in the general vicinity of known secret government airfields/flight test areas... :wink:

Given the proportion of military to civilian populations scattered about the world, you can rest assured that if these "things" were for real - chances are that we'd have had plenty of nice museum examples to poke and prod through, by now.

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#132 Post by Ted Dog »

I knew someone would have to throw HAARP into the mix. So much Dept of Defense money poured into that 'hard to hide' massive installations across the pole. I have scary personal story about that from someone who manned the prior generation systems in both Alaska and Labrador. Yes, those sites ATTRACT UFOs and off world communications. For whatever reason, its became used to triangulate sources of signal, as well as its original use early detection grid for cold war use.
As the story was told, there was a ID blast of coded communications directly above the Station in Alaska, which swamped the systems (first hand from person there at the time) when checking for system wide problem the same event occurred at almost the same time at multiple grid checkpoints across the Northern Grid, Iceland, Japan, Canada etc.
It happened again, and by the third time the operators where able to pin point the source of massive transmission FROM OUTER SPACE near moon. This was preceded and followed by UFO sightings directly above grid point stations. This all occurred just as the space race started, I wonder if our jump to manned space flight to the moon had been a result of this series of events.
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#133 Post by Ted Dog »

So Moat-Bob, while I do not disagree with statements you made I do disagree with your final plenty of nice museum examples result.

However based on historic use HAARP was setup 'over and above' existing areas once used for Cold War (see my post above), It does EXACTLY what it states it does, but, if it does 'only' that, what is the point of its existence. UFOs have CHOSEN to select remote areas where they know people from government ARE. Not a hard to understand that logic, why panic billions of people by landing in Central Park on live broadcast. Over the decades the Military has been its central contact point, so why not cover up the UFO existence, those UFO 'aliens' are given 'safety' zones in remote areas and military bases. Likewise military cleans up UFO crashes, no different if our military went to the aid of say Great Britain when both were allies, even to the point of hush-hush if requested, their secrets where also our secrets, if you get my drift.
Very possible they may for good reason not trust humans, so do not want to be known, for now.

See #11 of the uses on the wikipedia link :shock: There we go people hidden in plan sight... Rest is just useful cover and such.
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#134 Post by Burn_IT »

Cmon. ICBM from the Moon? That much money from the feds for radar coverage of the moon?
Not a lot. A single radar pointed at it would suffice (so you might need three for world coverage).

Also I suspect it is government wishful thinking that any ET would want to contact either them or armed forces first. Though I suppose they might think that a place that supposedly studies UFOs might be a place to go.

I wouldn't be surprised if area 51 or whatever has nothing to do with space at all and is just a cover up for strange research and all the ET stories are just things that have leaked or gone wrong.
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#135 Post by rokytnji »

^^ Not the best Photoshop job...!! Laughing Laughing
Which is why it says illustration for the O'hare Airport reported UFO incident.

Like I said. People can be thick.
And even more wonderful when supported with a modicum of subject-specific knowledge along with a good dose of common sense.
I am no expert on anything or claim to anything.
Have fun in your closed world and restricted mind set. :)
Funny how the incidence of UFO/space alien reports exploded after the introduction of such things into the suggestive minds of the masses since the late 30's, via mass media (War of the Worlds radio, sci-fi movies of the 50's, etc).
I guess your history on ufo reports only goes back so far.
There are documented eye witness reports in the 16th century and earlier.
I may not be the most educated. But I have a ball living life.
Given the proportion of military to civilian populations scattered about the world, you can rest assured that if these "things" were for real - chances are that we'd have had plenty of nice museum examples to poke and prod through, by now.
If you say so. :wink: I must have hit a nerve. :lol:

I did not post a link to the O'hare UFO incident. Besides. It would have been wasted on some who already have their minds made up. Yeah, I read the link I posted. I wanted a link to a reputable site describing the dogma given about something, and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

Probably why I am a scruffy scooter tramp and you are not. :wink:

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#136 Post by rokytnji »

so you might need
I wouldn't be surprised if area 51 or whatever has nothing to do with space at all and is just a cover up for strange research and all the ET stories are just things that have leaked or gone wrong.
Area 51 is not the only base. Wright Patterson in Ohio is another besides others. My Father was USAF SAC (Strategic Air Command). So as a kid.

I saw stuff that makes me the man I am today.

Edit: I guess my PDF link was a waste of time on closed mind sets also.
Nobody responded to that part of my post. Or the Mexico links.
Closed minds can be like that though. Just zero in on one point and wave
their fingers.
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#137 Post by Ted Dog »

Wright Patterson yes the massive research and reverse engineering site. I can never forget the two Russian Air Force Officers just walking alone (well with each other) in full uniform at Wright Patterson when I worked under contract on a 'project' there.
Can't tell you what my project was about since it was classified AFTER I worked on phase one. But it was not anywhere earth shattering, just research stuff.
Rumors of other stuff at Wright Patterson, and the sub base below it would curl your toes. :? But none of those are first hand stories like the one above.
Back to the story of what happen at the site where HAARP sits today, There was a young 20 something engineer assigned to the remote site for a long time, no real form of entertainment so watching the northern lights and experiencing the odd circling of the sun around but not too much over horizon was something the few assigned to frozen hell would do. Welcome UFO sightings where a break from normal. But no one would discuss it openly due to the real issue of being forced out of job for being nuts. So when the first directly overhead RF blast occurred, first thought was the commonly seen UFO directly over the site was doing it. Could have been a special Russian jamming craft etc. This first event occurs over multiple sites at about same time. So spooked the remote site engineers, Russian may have one or two jamming craft but nearly identical time across points spread out was not in the realm of possible. That got them planning and worked on getting time synced better if the event was to occur again, it happen at least twice more and by the third event, time sync was in place to calculate location. Far side of the moon ( not on the moon, but near )
Then with in same year the race to the moon begins. :wink:
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#138 Post by the last saviour »

Rajadamneuan road near Royal hotel (Sanam Luang, Royal field) is the place where I firstly experienced the pencil UFO. After 10 minutes I saw one UFOSt. so I decided to take the photo. Then I turned to the road again and found another two UFOs which I did not see at my arrival. They were about 500 m. from that UFOSt., so I believe it must be their mother-ship.

It's my first time to see this famous pyramid UFO, and yours too perhaps.
We can use its proportion to judge which pyramid UFO in internet is faked.
But this was the second time I saw this ducky UFO.
Last year I saw it at this road too but it'd quickly disappeared in 30 seconds.
Feel like I got the SMS "Now that you have seen me".
But this time only its head had just dissolved before I began the shoot.
With this photo quality no one will believe it is a UFO.
But with my eye I 100% sured that it was a big UFOSt. ~300 m. long.
(60.36 KiB) Downloaded 116 times
It's my first time to see this famous pyramid UFO, and yours too perhaps.
We can use its proportion to judge which pyramid UFO in internet is faked.
But this was the second time I saw this ducky UFO.
Last year I saw it at this road too but it'd quickly d
(77.73 KiB) Downloaded 101 times
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#139 Post by the last saviour »

Let me explain some previous post.

"If you don't believe there are many UFO stations inside these clouds, I hope you will not click this topic anymore.
I used this sentence because there's no photo more stunning than those. So if those photos can't convince you that there are UFOs insides the clouds then you had better not to waste your time to click this topic.
I don't really pay attention that you post any response but I mainly concern to the view number.

Thank you for viewing this post.
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#140 Post by nic007 »

the last saviour wrote:Let me explain some previous post.

"If you don't believe there are many UFO stations inside these clouds, I hope you will not click this topic anymore.
I used this sentence because there's no photo more stunning than those. So if those photos can't convince you that there are UFOs insides the clouds then you had better not to waste your time to click this topic.
I don't really pay attention that you post any response but I mainly concern to the view number.

Thank you for viewing this post.
I have a open mind but certainly can't see any alien craft in those clouds. Perhaps you can outline them by drawing the formations of these alien ships in the clouds as you see them so it may be visible to others. Thanks
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