BIT METER OS 0.7.6 (stable) & 0.8.0 (experimental)

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#121 Post by Mike Walsh »


G'Day, sport..!

Well, I hope you were able to follow my little tutorial there; I always attempt to write stuff like that as though I were an absolute beginner.....and need literal, step-by-step instructions to follow. There's a good bit of proof-reading and re-editing goes into it as a rule.

Re your query about including the ability to ask where the database file should be located... Hm. What we've been doing here is basically taking Rob Dawson's app, and, initially, re-packaging the original .deb files to work with Puppy's unique file-system. Geoffrey has then subsequently been further refining it to include start-up routines and various other things.....including the multi-use scenario for the BitMeter .db file; which, as you now know, finally works. All started off by your suggestion, 'cos although the idea had been floating around the back of my skull for the better part of the last year, I really didn't have a clue how to go about implementing it.

I know the GPL permits alteration of source coding, so long as that altered coding is then re-released for public use again; this, after all, is what keeps the whole idea of the GPL alive.....everybody gets to benefit from everybody else's modifications (!) I have NO idea if Geoffrey's up to that scenario, or whether there's a way that could be added in. I suspect not, because this is not something that everybody will want to do; I think this is simply one of those things that boils down to individual decision. No two people are going to have exactly the same set-up...


[Off-topic: davids45]

That's quite some set-up you have there, mate! Of course, you're quite right; no Pup needs much more than a couple of GBs to 'live in'.....even including the save-file/folder.

Like many people, I got used to the MS GUI-based way of doing things. I switched to Linux last year with the 'xpiry' of XP; no way was I paying MS any more of my hard-earned. Starting with the 'buntus ('easy' by Linux standards, but still needing loads of command-line work), I then tried lots of others, before discovering the 'Pups' in October. Magic! Here, at long last, was a system that incorporated ease-of-use along with GNU/Linux's much more powerful and versatile infrastructure. It was exactly what I'd been looking for.

I didn't know you could 'symlink' SFS's from a common partition; never gave it much thought, to be honest. I'm pretty sure you couldn't do that with PET's, since they're directly installed into the system. I have a few SFS's that are in use by all three of my Pups; I might experiment with that. Thanks for the tip.....and a wee bit more knowledge gained!

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#122 Post by mikeb »

my 'shared' sfs ... _uni are sfs 3 and any can use... _xxx are specific to a pup, _sfs4 are shared sfs4 boot manager. One 10GB partition for all distros..seems plenty. No boot manager stuff.

Xp is great...might use it more when I stop using 2000 :)

are we drifting.

Seems like you need to make a HOW-TO thread for the will get lost here.

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#123 Post by Mike Walsh »

Afternoon, Michael.

So how do you go about 'sharing' SFS's between multiple Pups? As I said to David, I wasn't aware you could sym-link them...

I use the same Skype, LibreOffice and Teamviewer SFS's on all three of my Puppies. Should I be able to store these in the 'Common Data' partition I've set up, and run them from opposed to having all three of them loaded in three different locations?

I would be curious to know if this is possible.....

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#124 Post by mikeb »

Well in my case the initrds pick up anything that has _uni.sfs in the name or _sfs4.sfs .

In your case would not the boot manager be able to use a common pool of sfs as long as your frugal installs were on the same partition or is that not possible now? Seems wasteful if not and symlinking..ok a workaround as long as you are not on fat/ntfs.

Do additional sfs have to be in a folder now or not?

I end up asking more questions than answering

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#125 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hm. Doubt that would work for me. I have three partitions, each with its own frugal install, y'see. Anyway, if I'm right, don't SFS's have to be in the same partition as where they're being used, because of this loading 'on-the-fly' business?

I don't think my idea of having the SFS's in a completely separate partition, and then symlinking back to where I want to use them, would work.....for that very reason.

You can't 'load' a sym-link, can you?

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#126 Post by mikeb »

well I use my own sfs loader which does not care where they are... but i got the impression you have to have the sfs either in the (root of) same partition or in the same install folder now..if the latter then you are stuck with the duplication.
One of those features lost with newer pups it seems. :(

Symlink should work IF you are using posix ext2/3/4

Also the fancy bootmanager should really get a handle on this...not exactly rocket science.

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#127 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hah! You weren't by any chance a UNIX engineer, or lecturer, in a former existence.....were you? :lol:

Mike 2 Mike.

#128 Post by gcmartin »

To add some additional ideas with a "REAL World" you can test without having to envision, externally, how it works; rather seeing it LIVE in front of our eyes, try either of these 2 distros whose author (@TaZoC) and inspiration (@Dry Falls) provide for community users. (Only for 64bit PC users)

Download, create a DVD, and boot LIve to see one method of SFS management of things outside of the base system: Get, either, The booting PC shows and guides, so that you understand what is being set for your system's at desktop. Again, I strongly encourage you to boot the DVD Live, to insure you witness this, on your 1st time use.

As such, it helps us to see to understand one obvious method of SFS management understanding while never changing the old PUPPY model of SFS use.

Hope these observations will help in understanding the several possibilities of the current discussion. Be careful as you can easily become TOO comfortable in what these provides.

This is an FYI.
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#129 Post by mikeb »

Hah! You weren't by any chance a UNIX engineer, or lecturer, in a former existence.....were you?
would you believe an Air Traffic Engineer and had little or nothing to do with computers past playing with BASIC in the TANDY store :D

Well my sfs loader is basically what is used in slax..simple and just right click and load the file... if there is space it loads to ram otherwise from where it is. Its system at boot module loading just requires the sfs to be in one of two folders... but sharing would not make sense in that case.
puppy used to load sfs in the root of the install partition so sharing was sort of possible but had a naming restriction..I simply added to that to give the uni (universal) option.

lighthouse like my pups expand the ability to load many sfs which has been in there since puppy 2.16 but never really exploited in the main releases...

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Bitmeter working on 3+ Full Pups

#130 Post by davids45 »

G'day Mikes,

Blame me for this thread wandering from its well-intentioned beginning.

As Bitmeter is Rob D's work, he should be the one to make any substantial and inherent additions to it based on our experiences with it in Puppy.

Not sure if Windows users would be interested in what we like to do with our computers. Although I do recall some Windows programs did used to prompt for an install directory and working directory - when Windows was not so stable and you needed to keep your data on a separate 'drive' so the frequent re-installations of Windows were merely wastings of time and not data as well (ex-ME 'user' here :oops: ).

At mikeb's suggestion, if I can't find one already started/done, I will start a new thread on How To (or initially How I) share files/packages/data between many Pups on a computer.

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#131 Post by Geoffrey »

I'm working on a popup when the pet is installed, gives the options to move the database create a symlink and partition mount or just select an existing database and create a symlink and partition mount.

I'll finish it when I can, I'm working on it in between other projects, here's what it will look like.

You can try this too, remove the sleep 15 and at the top of the script before the network detect add "mount /dev/sdxx" sdxx is the partition the bitmeter.db is located, mine looks as this Example

Code: Select all

mount /dev/sdb1
IFCONFIG="`ifconfig | grep '^[pwe]' | grep -v 'wmaster'`"
while [ "$IFCONFIG" != "" ]; do
   sleep 1
    ping -c 1
    if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
      ping -c 1
      if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
/etc/init.d/bitmeter restart
/etc/init.d/bitmeterweb restart
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#132 Post by Mike Walsh »


That's marvellous, Geoff. Take your time, and get it right; there's no rush. Sounds like it'll be quite a useful addition to the mix. I assume you'll be able to combine all these into a single .pet, will you? Because from what Rob said, once you've got something you're completely happy with, he's quite prepared to add it to the download links on the 'Code-Box' website.

Once that's done, I'll alter the OP to include a link to it in future, so that anybody who's interested can go straight to his web-site, and get a working, Puppy version from there. Or, if you'd prefer, we can just link straight to your .pet, and I'll simply include a link to Rob's site, so that anyone who's interested can have a look through his other utilities; I know folk on the forums do run other distros apart from Puppy.....some of them look quite useful. Up to you.

If you're happy with the idea of a link, I'll request that credits be given to those who've made it all possible..! :wink:

BTW: I assume you've got something like a DropBox account (or similar), yes?

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#133 Post by Geoffrey »

Here's one that gives the option to move the database so other pups can use it, or symlink an existing database to use.

It also installs an older version of for those pups that don't have libpcap included, or creates a symlink to a existing version of libpcap.

Thanks mikeb for the older libpcap.

It's pretty straight forward, select the option and navigate to the bitmeter.db or the drive where it should be stored and press the button to apply it,
a message will popup and the gui will close if all went well, or press the Quit button for a normal unaltered install.

Please test this, best to start without a previous bitmeter installed, it might have problems writing the symlink if one already exist.

As always, use at your own peril.
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#134 Post by mikeb »

Thanks mikeb for the older libpcap.
actually thank you for putting lots of patience ideas and time into contributions have been a little fragmented really.

But I love this app :)

ps I think its javascript as the main bloat for ebay and no gzip to keep it neat.

Keep it in topic it it....gnnnnrrrrr

Hurts to behave doesn't it :D


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Bitmeter-0.8 with link option to a shared .db file

#135 Post by davids45 »

G'day Geoffrey,

This morning, I ran your modified pet in some of my Pup Frugals (new Bitmeter installs in every case) and had no real problem with recent Pups. Linked them all to the same .db file on my data partition which responded and ran well in almost every case.

Pups successfully Bitmetered:

Older Pups - no pop-up message but Bitmeter runs OK with its new and empty /var/lib/bitmeter db file:

- - but stopping Bitmeter in these old Pups with an edit of /etc/init.d/bitmeter to './bitmeter stop', then deleting the db file in /var/lib/bitmeter/ and creating a symlink to the data partition db file, then restarting Bitmeter with /etc/init.d/bitmeter to './bitmeter start', and all is good. So is this no-dialog-box a kernel thing or something in the PPM that installs the pet, or ?

Browsers successfully Bitmetering:

Browsers needing something (java?) to show Bitmeter graphics (text is there):
IE under wine
- so not really an issue with these two.

I must have been feeling confident as I did not back up my .db file before doing this. :shock:

So, many thanks for the Pet improvement. :D

When do we get Bitmeter-0.9? :lol:

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#136 Post by mikeb »

IE under wine
hope you are running that as a user....

Puppy overload...try something else for a while ;)

Seems like we have close to a final pet....tested and working on a bunch of pups now

Also not had any strange ram usage behaviour recently...perhaps the delayed startup helps.
Would we do a similar pet of the 0.7.8 stable anyway?

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#137 Post by Mike Walsh »

G'day, David.

Glad to hear you're 'up-and-running' with your multiple Pups. Geoff's done a marvellous job with this, hasn't he? Yet, in essence, the modification has been all the best things usually are; simple, & elegantly executed. I suspect the most time-consuming part of all this, for all of us involved, has been the continuous installing, uninstalling, re-installing, and testing, testing, testing!

As far as the browsers themselves go, well.....I've been able to pick up the 'original' BitMeter (0.7.6) with Chromium, FireFox and PaleMoon (which is TahrPup's default browser, as I think you know), right from the first moment I installed it. It had always worked successfully in Ubuntu 14.04, which was what I started out in the Linux world with; so I didn't really expect any trouble from that quarter. And with many Pups being based on various Ubuntu distros, I didn't antipicate too much trouble with using the .deb packages. Even now, all three of my Pups are running my Epson 'all-in-one' via an Epson .deb file.

Of course, it goes without saying; any browser worthy of the name has, by its very nature, got to be able to work with the local 'loop-back', as well as t'internet...

In some respects, this has been an interesting excercise; we've ended up doing something with BitMeter that I suspect maybe hadn't occurred to Rob himself.....although it does rely heavily on Puppy's rather unusual use of sym-links!

'Nuff said.


BTW: Those 3 sfs's I mentioned that are common to all 3 of my Pups? Earlier this afternoon,. I moved them from Tahrpup's /mnt/home to sda6, my 'common Data' partition, where the 'bitmeter.db file lives. I then sym-linked them back to /mnt/home. They work perfectly.

So I've repeated the process for Slacko 570 (sda2) and ETP's 'ChromeBook Pup' (sda3); this time, deleting them from /mnt/home, then sym-linking those same 3 sfs's into /mnt/home from the 'Common Data' partition. Again, with complete success.

So; thanks for that! Not that I'm exactly strapped for space with my Pups, what with each 'frugal' having it's own 25 GB partition.....but it always seemed vaguely silly having the same apps installed in several different places on the same hard drive. Now, all 3 Pups are using the same sfs's.

This suits me, 'cos with Skype, in particular, I've always had a bit of a problem with the 'cloud' picking up on differences in the 'chat' history.....depending on who I've been chatting with, and from which Puppy. I often have gaps in the chat history, The 'cloud' is supposed to eliminate problems like that, but it still occasionally gets it wrong...!

Something else I've 'sorted' today. Cheers!


Mike. :wink:
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#138 Post by Mike Walsh »

Morning, Michael. (sorry; afternoon...)

Running IE under Wine? Hell. Good luck with that. Even when I did run Windows, I used IE as little as possible. I started using FireFox from quite early on in its history.

It is unfortunate, though, how bloated it now appears to be getting. It used to be nimble on its feet, and very quick; nowadays, it appears to 'chug' along in second gear, most of the time. It's partly why I switched to, and started using Chromium. And peebee's made it so easy to stay up-to-date with it...

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#139 Post by mikeb »

Yes symlinking sfs should work long as you are on posix filesystems.... Like you, sharing compatible ones simply made sense...doing it in the initrd simply means it works on ntfs and FAT too.

I just stick to older firefox/seamonkey... you never know they might get a grip on themselves.
After all firefox was born out of netscape and one of the reasons was due to the latter's excessive growth.

I can happily wipe the boot part of the MBR with certain games run on wine...thats why I would be uncomfortable with IE and its affinity for virii...
When I have had to suffer IE code then a QEMU virtual machine is the closest it gets. For web page validation there are sites that can do it for you so no need to get your hands or system dirty.

Bitmeter (look on topic) ..thats it...just threw that in there :D

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#140 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Mike.

Yes, I can understand why you've done things the way you have. In my case though, I have no need to, since I'm one of those relatively rare creatures.....100% Linux; not a Windoze machine in sight (and neither the desire, or the need, to run one any more).

Linux will do everything I want. Puppy does it with a lot more ease of use than many other distros...and with a certain amount of flair, too..!

Mike 2 Mike.
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