coreutils-8.24 & util-linux-2.27 (& above)

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coreutils-8.24 & util-linux-2.27 (& above)

#1 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

Here is an update of essential Linux utilities, freshly compiled on
PuppyPrecise-5.4.3, so they should work on all recent Puppies.

The version number is indicated as suffix to all the utilities, to avoid any
squishing of what you may already have on your Pup.

I tried to organize them as they are organized in Puppy. That said, I
would suggest that you unpack them only, somewhere safe -- NOT double
click to install them.

Then if you need to update one utility, rename the original in its original
place with ".old" as suffix, COPY the more recent utility from the directory
you just made, and make a link using the regular name.

Example using blkid:
  • - go to /sbin
    - rename the existing blkid to blkid.old
    - copy blkid-2.27 from the util-linux package to /sbin/
    - in /sbin, link blkid-2.27 to blkid
    - copy all necessary libraries for blkid from /lib and /usr/lib in your
    util-linux-2.27 directory to similar directories /lib and /usr/lib in your Puppy.
    - Done!
I realize some may be offended because Puppy already has most of those
utilities, and they work perfectly well, or any other argument. As a power
user, I have discovered that the utilities included in Puppy do work well,
but sometimes they have been compiled as restricted or the busybox
ones are used, and you're out of luck if you need the full power of utility
x or y in a script.

Or they do not exist in Puppy. Case in point: lscpu or lsblkid do a very
fine job of listing cpu features and partition organization, respectively.
These simple, clear and efficient utilities save you from writing some bash
lines because they already exist. But oops, they can't be found in Puppy,
sorry -- before now.

In any case, I don't want to start an argument with anyone. I for one,
have found some of them useful. Just use these essential utilities as you
see fit, and be responsible about it. -- Available from: ... q3SLLCSAFk --
Source :
2015-07-03 -- Available from: ... EUMRuiVXik --
Source : ... .27.tar.xz
As announced yesterday (Sept. 7, 2015) on DistroWatch.

Edit, Sept. 11: If you prefer to download these sets as regular zip archives, please
go down to this post. Thanks


Also, since this is the first time that I'm using my pcloud account to
distribute my compilations, your feedback will be most welcome
concerning accessibility of the files. Many thanks in advance.

So enjoy these utilities, but carefully! :)


Last edited by musher0 on Thu 22 Nov 2018, 00:56, edited 3 times in total.
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#2 Post by musher0 »

Ahh, finally, ethernet silence. ;)
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#3 Post by slavvo67 »

I'm offended! He he he

Thanks Musher0
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#4 Post by tallboy »

Thank you, musher0, they are valuable resources. Do you think they will work in LupuPlus 5.2.8-005.1?
I have the full versions in my Debian, and realizing there are issues with Busybox, I will add these to my live disc next time I remaster.

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#5 Post by musher0 »

tallboy wrote:Thank you, musher0, they are valuable resources. Do you think they will work in LupuPlus 5.2.8-005.1?
I have the full versions in my Debian, and realizing there are issues with Busybox, I will add these to my live disc next time I remaster.

Hi, tallboy.

My pleasure.

I can't tell, really, if these utilities will work in LupuPlus-5.2.8. The GLIBC
version used in Puppy Precise-5.4.3 is 2.15, with a date of 2012. If it's the
same or higher in LupuPlus, it should be ok.

@slavvo67: Nothing personal! The ethernet, generally! :)


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#6 Post by musher0 »

Hello again, people.

For your convenience, here are the same utility sets available as regular zip files.
-- ... K0TBqlVeOy --
-- ... EXUk9Gjc7V --


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#7 Post by musher0 »

Hello again!

Someone on the French side of the forum was confused as to what these utilities
did, so I prepared a PDF listing with a short explanation for each. It's here.

It there's a demand on the English side, I'll translate it into English. Otherwise, not
that I'm a sadist ;) , but you can do a

Code: Select all

man <name_of_utility>
for the entire 139 of them. (hehe)


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#8 Post by B.K. Johnson »

I am getting "Link Error" for all the links to
(the 2 pets and the zip).

I was able to access the files after modifying the link to https:/ (i.e. I removed one of the '/'). You may want to edit your original post accordingly.

{EDIT 2 Sept-15]
FALSE ALARM!!!! Please ignore.
Last edited by B.K. Johnson on Tue 15 Sep 2015, 16:16, edited 1 time in total.
[color=blue]B.K. Johnson
tahrpup-6.0.5 PAE (upgraded from 6.0 =>6.0.2=>6.0.3=>6.0.5 via quickpet/PPM=Not installed); slacko-5.7 occasionally. Frugal install, pupsave file, multi OS flashdrive, FAT32 , SYSLINUX boot, CPU-Dual E2140, 4GB RAM[/color]
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#9 Post by musher0 »

Hi, B.K. Johnson.

Thanks for the heads up.

I don't want to unsettle you, but I believe something weird is going on in your browser.

I double-checked my links above from my computer, and they react fine as they are.

Anyway, if this happens to someone else, they can follow your advice; so, thanks.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#10 Post by B.K. Johnson »

Retried the original url and was successful so all's well but the problem wasn't my browser; a momentary glitch I suppose. Those gremlins will get the better of you everytime. :) .
[color=blue]B.K. Johnson
tahrpup-6.0.5 PAE (upgraded from 6.0 =>6.0.2=>6.0.3=>6.0.5 via quickpet/PPM=Not installed); slacko-5.7 occasionally. Frugal install, pupsave file, multi OS flashdrive, FAT32 , SYSLINUX boot, CPU-Dual E2140, 4GB RAM[/color]
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#11 Post by musher0 »

HI, B.K. Johnson.

Glad to know that all's well again.

You said:
> the problem wasn't my browser;

Maybe a sticky keyboard, then? (A gremlin called "Humidity-in-the-Air" has a lot of
fun with my typing on some of our hotter days here. ) ;)

Bye for now.

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#12 Post by Insomniacno1 »

Hi and thank you for your effort:)

I would like to ask if these are compatible with Tahrpup 6.0.2 or 6.0.5?

If not, then could you possible point me some that are - I'm building local repo for my puppies so I don't always have to download on the crappy connection we have here in the Philippines. Yesterday the max. download speed were 110Kilobit/s And I were trying to get tpfand to work in Mate-Tahr pup 6.0.2 updated to 6.0.5. Not fun, because I had to download extra dependencies:(

Do anyone know if its possible to make devx.sfs into a pet and install it?

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#13 Post by musher0 »

Insomniacno1 wrote:Hi and thank you for your effort:)

I would like to ask if these are compatible with Tahrpup 6.0.2 or 6.0.5?

If not, then could you possible point me some that are - I'm building local repo for my puppies so I don't always have to download on the crappy connection we have here in the Philippines. Yesterday the max. download speed were 110Kilobit/s And I were trying to get tpfand to work in Mate-Tahr pup 6.0.2 updated to 6.0.5. Not fun, because I had to download extra dependencies:(

Do anyone know if its possible to make devx.sfs into a pet and install it?


I'm not sure. I've tried some of them in Debian Pups and older Precise Pups and
they worked fine on those, provided one is very careful not to mess up the existing

I have not tried them on the Tahr Pups. The only way may be to try them on those?

Unless of course someone has beat you to it. So...
"Dear "Someone", a report in this thread would be much appreciated." :)

As I mentioned above, I compiled them on PrecisePup 5.4.3. And these are sort
of low-level CLI utilities. So any Pup from 2-3 years ago onward should be able
to incorporate them.

Also, 666philb (the author of the TahrPups) being a forward-looking type, you might
want to check the version that exists in TahrPup of the utility you're considering
before doing anything. You check the version by opening a terminal and typing:
< utility > --version.

If there's a difference of only one or two version numbers, I'll suggest to you that's
it's not worth the trouble.

On the other hand, if the utility you are considering does not exist in Puppy, then
make a proper back-up of your system, and go ahead and try the utility.

Finally, please DO NOT unload the whole series of them on a Puppy. I tried that
once, and the Puppy froze solid. (We Canadians know "freeze" six months of the
year, so when I say "it froze solid", I know what I'm talking about!) Try them
one by one, on a "need" basis only.

As to the safety and reliability of each of these apps individually, they are safe and
reliable. Let's remember where they come from: the GNU Foundation. These are
very serious people who test thoroughly before publishing anything.

After all, the core GNU-utilities constitute "the left hand" of GNU-Linux systems.
(The Linux kernel being "the right hand".)

Keep us posted? Good luck.
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#14 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

I have just compiled coreutils-8.30 for XenialPup-706.

You can download them from here.

It's a straight compilation, nothing fancy, except I included the version
suffix. (Please see why below.)

If you wish or need to compile these utilties for another Puppy, the
source file is here

English- and French-speaking users only need the executables pet.
Users speaking other languages, please download also the locales pet.

The docs pet can be very useful, but downloading them is up to you.

If you wish to know beforehand what has been updated, please
download, unpack, and read the NEWS zip file.

I took the liberty of replacing the file with hopefully
totally equivalent html documents, prepared using the makeinfo utility
from the coreutils.texi document in the source. Those will be found in

A tree of the executables pet package is attached so you may know
what's where.

I compiled these utilities with their version suffix to avoid copy accidents.

E.g., if you wish to use the latest date utility, may I suggest that you...
-- rename your current date utility to date-old.
-- unpack coreutils-8.30_execs locally with SFR's excellent UExtract in
your Downloads directory (or similar)
-- copy the date-8.30 there to /usr/bin
-- make it executable with

Code: Select all

chmod +x date-8.30
to make sure.
-- make a symlink of it to plain name < date > using the command

Code: Select all

ln -s date-8.30 date
-- Similarly for any other of the GNU coreutils.

I agree that the above is a chore, but one cannot just squish the coreutils
present in your Puppy by installing these new versions with petget: I
know from experience that doing so may cause your PuppyLinux to
freeze, or some other damage to the ex-factory Puppy software.

There are little jewels in those GNU core executables that Puppy does not
provide ex-factory.

I believe I have mentioned it before: I am making these and similar
packages available for reference, study, and... intelligent use.

If you have any questions about this coreutils package, please chime
in below!

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Last edited by musher0 on Thu 22 Nov 2018, 13:58, edited 1 time in total.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#15 Post by musher0 »

Hello again, all.

I have also compiled the latest version of utils-linux, v. 2.33. It's at the
same place.

The same precautions apply.

A tree of this pet is attached as a zip file, to help you know what's where.

Notes --
Compilation formula:
./configure --program-suffix="-2.33" --prefix=/usr --enable-static=no

Stripping formula --
strip --strip-unneeded *

Add'l --
The /usr/share/man directory is missing by default. I did not erase it! So,
there is only one pet including the executables, the libs and the locales.

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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#16 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Please find attached the docs and the man files for the above
utils-linux-2.33 package.

To reassemble the two attached split files, you open a console
and type

Code: Select all

cat x*.pet > x*.pet >
Then you click as usual on the reconstituted archive,, to install it.

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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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