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#201 Post by eric52 »

I'm going with Geoffrey's first comment. It's an inter-dimensional gig. Even if they're from other stars, the distance is so enormous, the only way to get here would be by violating space-time. If 99% of the reports are mistakes or fakes, the remaining evidence is overwhelming. We've got company. Now, given that in human history every contact by a superior civilization has destroyed the inferior natives, how should we handle it? It doesn't matter if they're predatory warlords or benign philosophers; we're screwed.
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#202 Post by Fossil »

By the law of statistics there must be some form of 'Life' on other worlds. 'Life' being the operative word; it does not have to be sentient - just look at how long the blue-green algaes have existed on this planet - stromatolites hold the evidence.
However, if there is sentient life, and far more advanced than our own (questionable) "civilizations", any explorer type races would probably follow the same trail as our own: Invade, conquer, subjugate, and then ply the natives (us!) with pretty beads, alcohol, narcotics and various 'social diseases' - or the alien equivalents. Explorers are not benign!

As belief is everything - take a look at this. Taken October 26th, 2015. The planets are Jupiter and Venus in close - optical - proximity. NO! The planets are not physically close together! The other 'object': is it a Venusian warship jumping into/out of hyperwarp? Or, is there a far more prosaic answer. Belief is everything! :wink: :lol:

And, finally....
It doesn't matter if they're predatory warlords or benign philosophers; we're screwed.
Jupiter, Venus - 06.40 AM, 26-10-2015, x640,85 pc, DSCF0787.jpg
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#203 Post by eric52 »

That you know what a stromatolite is endorses your name.
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#204 Post by eric52 »

There's a third possibility, Fossil, that we luck out with aliens who know what they're doing and bring us up to speed surreptitiously. (e.g.) Send an adventurous explorer like Columbus a map. Find a guy like Edison with tenacious ambition and mail him a poem with a line like "Electric fires ensconced in the void like candles keeping watch through the night." Help a German to create an Enigma Machine to inspire Turing, etc. Within a few generations, you've got a bunch of bozos like us gabbing on the Internet. In the meantime, contact the "authorities" of the planet as cast-away refugees seeking asylum. Carelessly drop clues to the general public. Foster movies on alien themes, etc. Then announce presence to a resilient audience. When I look back on the six decades of incredible progress I've lived through, I suspect something like that is actually happening, but who knows ...
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#205 Post by the last saviour »

On 9 January afternoon, I saw a spherical UFO for the first time, ~500 m. from me, only for a second, a small one ~20m. in diameter. If it didn't reflect the sun light into my eye I would think that it's my illusion. Anyway as the last saviour I should not pay attention to this small UFO. But my people may enjoy this information.

UFO sphere flying over Mosul Iraq
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#206 Post by rokytnji »

Shoot. Do any dudes/sentient beings/civilizations consider conquering ants? Taking over a dolphin pod?

Most life forms just watch them in action. The bent minds usually like to torture or destroy them.

Alien life means we have no freaking clue on how their mind works or what they are thinking, or even if they give a hoot what we think and do.

We might just be a episode for "Aliens funniest videos" where they come from.

No telling really. We have pretty much depleted any natural resources worth being conquered over. We probably taste like crap as a food source (billion mile supermarket run?) with our modern dietary intake.

No wonder evidence is hard to get on these boys hanging out and teasing us.

Love the ak-47 typewriter gunfire in the Mosul Iraq video. Friendly bunch of folks? Are we not?
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#207 Post by the last saviour »

Now back to my previous promise, not milk and honey, a jumbo UFO station which appeared in 2014 when I was at Esplanade, Ratchadaphisek road. That apartment is within 100m. from the back of Esplanade. At first sight I thought it was a big dim sum hanging in the sky because I didn't see those tails even when I returned home and have a look at it again in monitor. At Esplanade it did some mystery. There were many small white dots falling down to the flat disc besides, that white straight line. I waited for a few minutes but couldn't see any miracle. I believed this process, orgone transfer???, was the same as this clip.

Crazy UFO Sighting From Plane Over Nevada

Many decades ago many people had experienced this boomerang UFO in America. ... 91484.html
Please notice that bulk at the top, perhaps some part had just left this UFO station. Maybe the one at LH.
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My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#208 Post by the last saviour »

The second time I saw it was on a hot Saturday afternoon in December 2014, it was behind Central Rattanatibet. It appeared with white fractal cover, so it looked much bigger than at Esplade even I thought it was about 1 km from me. I won't forget that Saturday becuase it rained cat and dog at night all over Bangkok and suburb. This heavy rain is really unusual in December. This second time I obvioulsy saw a very big hole between those two tails, but I didn't realize that it was the same one at Esplanade. So I didn't take any photo because I'm in a hurry and it would waste my time at least 30 minutes. Most important I thought I will see it again. And I was correct, about June 2015, I saw it with white fractal cover again but at the further distance, 3-4 km, its size was only half size of the 1st time. There's only 1 cloud in the sky that night. It's really dark night so I didn't want to take any photo.

The second time I saw it looked like this one at Texas but about 50% thicker and a little bit longer. Perhaps the fractal cloud make it become much bigger in size. Somebody said it's the football field size, but I still think it's bigger than any football stadium and can host at least 50,000 survivors.

Do you think I will see it the fourth time again?
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My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#209 Post by the last saviour »

This was my fourth time to see this vertical cloud. I'ts about 3-4 km. from me and about 2-3 km. besides my house. Please notice the one at your RH. I had seen this upside-down cloud for sometimes with other UFO clouds.
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My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#210 Post by the last saviour »

I had mentioned a pencil UFO at Central Lardprao > a year ago. The protruding tree branch structures looked like this.
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My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#211 Post by the last saviour »

Smithy wrote:Everytime you post I get dragged onto this thread Last Savior with a notification from the murga site.
Could you post pics please so I don't have to go to junky's paradise yooo tube.
Why were they "pretending" to be.?
Are there not a couple of them who are extravagant and exhibitionist in style?

Why do they not just flaunt themselves so everyone can see, they might become disillusioned after attempting the third round of the X(traterrestial factor) and might want to *uck off home, presumably many many many many light years away, but it could be good character building for the sneeky "*ckers.

Are those dudes still living 50 floors up in a New York building?
And if so, what the hell are they doing now?

Good job on your IBM btw :)

You don't think they might have abducted Mike B do you?
Sometimes I must use Youtube for references, there are both truth and fake there. If you don't like just don't click those links.
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#212 Post by rokytnji » ... 288#896288

I was wondering where the fluxbox people got their idea for their design logo from.


Maybe gentoo saw the same same also
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#213 Post by Ted Dog »

There is a show on the AM station about UFOs had radio WOAI for basketball game and left it on then this host has a guest on about Texas UFO history. Really cool about UFO up near Dallas that happened BEFORE Wright Bros first flight.
Crashed and a non earthling was buried in town cemetery.. :shock:, ... O_incident :lol:
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#214 Post by the last saviour »

Smithy wrote:
Everytime you post I get dragged onto this thread Last Savior with a notification from the murga site.
Could you post pics please so I don't have to go to junky's paradise yooo tube.
---Thank for your interest. I always post pictures here of course.
Why there are so many Puppy memebers who dislike YT? Have you ever told a lie or play some trick on April fool day? I have noticed that all the faked UFO video were made by someone who don't believe that "It's a sin to tell a lie".

Why were they "pretending" to be.?
Are there not a couple of them who are extravagant and exhibitionist in style?
---Mostly they have the same or more power than those demigods, a divine who sits on the lotus (Buddha, Jesus, Milarepa etc.). And they wanted to be God but they failed. Anyway some of alien pretended to be God, as many western scriptures were given by alien through the Messenger's meditation.

Why do they not just flaunt themselves so everyone can see, they might become disillusioned after attempting the third round of the X(traterrestial factor) and might want to *uck off home, presumably many many many many light years away, but it could be good character building for the sneeky "*ckers.
--- As human has never seen any Gods, demigods, deva (a divine who stand on Lotus, there're about 30 of them) in their life? Those aliens should do the same as they also have the wonderful power as those divines.

Are those dudes still living 50 floors up in a New York building?
And if so, what the hell are they doing now?
---So you don't really follow my post everytime otherwise I don't have to tell you that I had already made a new interpretation of my dream. It was on.....
Maybe one day I will go to that building to check who lives at the top floor. Anyway I don't think the officer there will let me know.

(I can't find it. Did someone delete that post and photos?) here's the new interpretation;
Finally my colorful dream had become true 50% !!!!!!!!
As many of you had seen my signature "Many bad aliens live in the high building (~50 fl.), some decoration around the top. Near Time Square?".
I had probably made the wrong interpretation. Here the detail of my dream;
I was cruising in the downtown of a city. Sometimes I passed the area which looked like Time Square in NY. It's a good continuous dream without jumping between fragmented data in the subconscious. Nothing special happened until at last I walked into a small lane.
There's absolutely nothing in that lane, only a small white concrete wall <2 m. high on my LH. Strange, isn't it? I had just walked from the downtown full of buildings. Then, over that small wall, I saw a tall square building (30-40 floors). It's <1 km. from me.
There's some decoration around the top of that building. Look like some 20 violin bass bars surrounding the top.
Suddenly the top part of that building (~5 floors) including those bass bars detached from it and changed into a disc type UFO. This was the most wonderful moment in that dream. No one has any chance to have this excitement even in any movie. Wow! there's a beautiful dazzling pink crytal covered all the lower part. It moved around for a while then that pink crystal changed into sky blue crystal.
At once it flew directly to me before changed into a black monster UFO. Before it reached me >10 men in black suit with weapon jumped down from that UFO and ran to me. I quickly released the power from my left hand. (Will you believe that my left chakra is the most powerful in the history?)
Boom! all of them died. I turned my back and saw that UFO came back again. Then > 10 men jumped down and ran to me again. Boom! I killed them with my LH power once more. Having seen that it couldn't give me any harm that UFO quickly flew away at once.

You don't think they might have abducted Mike B do you?
----I don't know Mike B. Perhaps you can send the name for further investigation. But please don't send my name. Some case is not small.
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#215 Post by the last saviour »

This is the best UFO document I enjoy from YT, according to the number of population perphaps Canadian had more experiences of UFO than US. and UK.
I wonder who dare to walk into that UFO which was so shiny. They had better lure people with party!

If you like UFO graphic this is the best one I have experienced;
I had saved this website and found many wonderful graphics I couldn't see online. Maybe some script problem with Lazy Puppy.
I believed they have made graphics of all historic UFOs. Many of which I have never seen anywhere, the most funny one is that square-box at Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, England which I don't believe there's such a UFO. Later I found in Opera, the Page:Style:User mode will show all files.
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#216 Post by Smithy »

Good to see you back.
Yes checked your ufo explorer site, and not a pic comes up, useless javacrap site.

I will have to ponder awhile on that New York dream you had. You've not been to Berlin recently have you? You would probably have some even more vivid dreams.
I think that in the bible that some people did experience God, but maybe as a burning bush or representation of said entity. But if we are all children of God then surely we are god- bumping into each other every day.

I don't reckon there is any other human like life in the Universe, there might be some dolphins on Europa under the crust, very tentative though.
Maybe something else. But once we have "that" out of the way, then we can concentrate on trying to preserve our nutty gun totin' society as is.
I always thought Orang Utans were gentle, friendly species.
But no, they will rip yer face off as they do to their rivals in a flash.
Competing for a mate don'tya know.
What made you come to Puppy site?

#217 Post by learnhow2code »

Smithy wrote:I always thought Orang Utans were gentle, friendly species.
But no, they will rip yer face off as they do to their rivals in a flash.
Competing for a mate don'tya know.
you may be reassured by this creature: ...not to be confused with the authors of the former library of the same name-- those guys are vicious and will attack you just for cleaning up software on your own computer.
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#218 Post by Smithy »

Thanks for the link Learn how to code, on to Giraffes Only 90,000 left.
I do feel as though tagging giraffes will ultimately kill the species off, makes you wonder if poachers and scientists are doing the same crap. And just end up with some genetic trophies.
Hey, we got to understand more about them, erm no sorry, we don't have any live species left, but you are welcome to look around at the skins, heads and legs.
Mr Robot will guide you out of the museum.

On a more thread specific note, Juno spaceship is currently dipping down into Jupiter, contending with massive x-rays (like millions of dental x-rays in one checkup visit) hope it survives for a while. What an amazing planet Jupiter is.
Galileo would be fascinated I guess.
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#219 Post by Galbi »

Just clouds, but someone will hallucinate... :mrgreen:
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#220 Post by Burn_IT »

Is that New York and caused by the power station??
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