Apps Starter

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Apps Starter

#1 Post by puppymartin »

Don't like all the icons on your desktop?
You need only one: AppStarter

New version 1.2
- Dialog now quits after starting an App
- Config-file to change Apps and Icons

Used Icons: Crystal 64x64pix:


(With Browserlinux-apps: ... 936#446936)
Version 1.2
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#2 Post by harii4 »

really like this app.
menus get old after awhile and this is alot faster..

plan to use it with yeahwm. 8)

Cloudapps = Appstarter file config

#3 Post by Pelo »

Fine little program. But after one hour spent completing it with all my purchase stores, clicking an icon no more started the right place in my browser.

In fact, in the AppStarter.conf
EXEC17="defaultbrowser -"
must be replaced by

Remove this dash before url . Claoudapps is repaired. But pls correct the bug. And have a nice day.

#4 Post by Jasper »

I use AppStarter as a desktop folder.

I click on that "folder" to see the screen shot menu below instantaneously.

The folder was automatically populated with all the App icons shown.

The first icon in the top left corner loads my default browser. Then default email etc.

My AppStarter has no bug, but if Apps, descriptions and icons are changed manually then care is needed.
I am currently using Precise 5.4/5.5 and AppStarter replaces almost all of the traditional pre-set desktop icons which I deleted (with the exception of the original Trashcan icon) after installing AppStarter.
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The bug was in Cloudapps

#5 Post by Pelo »

Apps Starter is used by other people to memorize their sites web (pet my-cloudapps). sorry for disturb
Last edited by Pelo on Thu 04 Apr 2013, 15:35, edited 1 time in total.

SOLVED hyphen to withdraw in appstarter conf file

#6 Post by Pelo »

yours has no bugs, it is Cloudapps that puts a hyphen when adding a site, manually.
Again, Apps Starter is a very appreciated pet.
Last edited by Pelo on Thu 04 Apr 2013, 15:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Apps Starter

#7 Post by L18L »

Look how it is looking in puppy precise 5.5 :cry:
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#8 Post by Jasper »


You wrote:

"but in fact Cloudapps is base[d] on APPs Starter"

Yes, but you are in the wrong thread. This is the thread of
the original author of AppStarter 1.2.

Anyone can use it as a base, changing all or any of the
Apps, but any errors will have arisen from carelessness as
opposed to a bug in the pet of AppStarter downloadable
from the first post above.

Anyone can try this excellent pet, which is easily deleted
if not wanted, or should it not work automatically and
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Re: Apps Starter

#9 Post by cimarron »

L18L wrote:Look how it is looking in puppy precise 5.5 :cry:
I think that's caused by the longer button titles in that line. Shortening the titles will probably fix it. I've changed my AppStarter script to remove the titles and replaced them with tooltips, and that also solves your problem. I just think it looks nicer.

The script is in /root/my-applications/bin/AppStarter. Back it up before tinkering with it. Then open it in any text editor. For each button, remove both <frame> lines, and make the first <button> line for each button look like this: <button tooltip-text="$LABEL1"> Of course, change LABEL1 to LABEL2 for the second button, etc.

If you want to remove the "change starters" and exit buttons, just delete the hbox section that includes those buttons near the end of the script. You can always edit the configuration file AppStarter.conf (in the same folder) if you want to change the launchers.

Here's how it looks with Faenza icons, but any would work:
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#10 Post by R-S-H »

I think that's caused by the longer button titles in that line.
Yes, that's always the problem in gtkdialog GUIs. Once you've set up a GUI looking nice (I do work in German User Interface) it's all gone when you switch to any other languages.

I've tried to use some flags like "width-request" which keeps GUIs (or frames, vboxes etc.) at its original size. Works mostly very well ---> except when switching the gtk-theme. :lol:

I'm tired of this!

The gtkdialog developers of course should do some work on this!
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#11 Post by torm »

A must-have for beginners..
maybe even better than gtkdialog examples :wink: it actually does something useful

in my nitefluxbox Lucid 528

#12 Post by Pelo »

in my nitefluxbox Lucid 528
See Metro conky, looks as Windows 8 , they say (i never had W8 )
topic Cosmo Ui about storage of Médor pet
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