RU Xerus64

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RU Xerus64

#1 Post by slavvo67 »

Please read below. However, if you want to get right to it, here's the link: ... sp=sharing

A reminder, this is a WoofQ derivative build of BarryK's Quirky Xerus64. I still haven't changed the splash screen or some other items native to Barry's version. I AM trying to take some of the Woof-CE updates and merge them into this build. I recently found that BarryK is using a very old dir2pet, for example. The Woof-CE version can do automated batch from the command line; the original Quirky Xerus does not (thanks 01Micko for that one). Just one minor change of many back-end thingos.

So it seems Firefox forced my hand to provide a long needed update to RU Xerus. I'm very close to uploading (probably this weekend) with the following:

A few changes / updates:

Kernel: 4.4.6 Packaged by BarryK

OpenSSL now 1.0.2k

LibreOffice: (Latest, I think). New default: I turned off annoying auto-update feature and auto-save feature. You can flip them on under the Options Menu but I don't think auto-updates work in Linux.

Browser Updates:

Firefox - Current or near current (they keep updating the thing). Sound in Firefox should work without any package searching.... Firefox has auto-updates turned on. This should be the only program on RU Xerus that updates itself. I generally hate when something starts running in the background without my control or permission first. Hope you feel the same...

Latest Seamonkey 2.46

Latest Iron (Via use of Spot, only). For those not used to Spot, downloads end up in /root/Spot/ directory.

Added PPSSPP for those PSP fans. I basically have a row of emulators on the desktop now. Use, move or delete as you wish.

MMPLay is a very basic front end for Mplayer. You can create playlists across partitions, folders, etc.

UExtract should be more current, now. Much faster in my testing.

Rename4: Rename files as one name or directory name (i.e. you can take a directory of files and name them maryjones - program will add random k43j232 at the end so you can go back and do a search for all maryjones jpg files and grab them all with a simple carve).

MyLinks: Thanks to Dejan555 for this one. I put a small spin on it but it's basically a contact directory and web bookmark directory.

Peasy Firewall Monitor: Thanks to rcrsn51 for this one. Tells you if your firewall is up and helps for those using Plex to connect to things such as Roku.

Plex: Application for streaming. I use it with Roku. See around page 3 of this thread for a quick "how to".

Rednotebook: Working well with a desktop icon. A little slow to launch, at least the 1st time....

Locate / MLocate: There's a desktop icon for those that want to use it.

Under Menu --> Business there are a bunch of thinks as this place has basically been my dumping ground for useful scripts and items.

One of the most important to me is "Drive Index Creator" which will index all mounted drives (you must choose number 1 on your first run). It then allows you to search out files by type or name and also allows you to copy your refined search items into a new directory (while maintaining the old files).

To compliment Drive Index Creator I added Date Look Between List. This will do a carve by date BUT will only work once you use Drive Index Creator once. You can then take the date carve and use the Drive Index Creator to refine further or copy out to another directory.

VideotoJPG will basically take an mp4 and take maybe the first 30 seconds into jpg photos.

Ccrypt: Front-end lets you encrypt a directory of items or individual file. It will rename the files as numbers for additional privacy.

Truecrypt and 7z Encrypt are also in this Quirky derivative.

PDFChuck: Uses multiple items such as Imagemagick and LibreOffice to convert documents, pdf's, images, etc. It's a little messy but may have something useful to you. Eventually this will be renamed file/image converter or something. I just named it for my personal use once upon a time.... [Note: The LibreOffice convert script used in this required the version # of Libre, so if it's not working correctly; this will be the reason. You may need to edit it or I will provide an update with fix at some point in the near future].

Terminal Items:

Typing drives1 from command line will list all mounted drives and available space in two different ways.

Typing version will give you a quick version listing of RU Xerus, Kernel, etc.

A few known issues: For some reason, the volume slider acts up and I haven't figured out how to fix it. The Desktop is messy with icons. The gaping holes between some of the icons are things that I removed as they are personal or work related items that would have little or no value to most. I will eventually clean the desktop a little but you can always drag the items where you want them or right click and delete them. Also, some packages do not have a puninstall file. That means that they may not auto-uninstall properly, which will leave pieces of programs. I'm working on creating puninstalls for all installed items. In the meantime, you can go to /root/.packages and see where the files are installed and do a manual delete. Most of the bigger programs are in /opt directory.

A big thank you list will be coming...too! A lot of people contributed to this, either directly or indirectly.

A few toys not included but you may want to consider adding:

Right Click Tools: THESE ARE A MUST (in my opinion) but I still can't get them to install right using WoofQ. I have a copy that I'm uploading that puts an icon in the bottom right of the desktop to remind you they are installed.

DEVX Pet: I've considered building it right in but continue to keep it separate, for now. I have a copy that I'm uploading that puts a desktop icon in the bottom right of your screen to notify installed. You can always right click and delete the icon...

RU Xerus 3.28 April 8, 2017 ... sp=sharing





SHA256: 9881a961bbc255e2b9f8aa9f83fa7737908bf4599f2e7a56c3056db7f07925cb

[Previous Post]
This is an no longer Alpha but quite mature, I think. It was made using BarryK's WoofQ and still getting my feets wet.... This is almost an exact duplicate of BarryK's Quirky Xerus 8.0 with a few additions. Thanks to BarryK for the special attention in helping me get off the ground.

Xerus 8.001 at the boot up screen and a gray background are the only real initial changes you will see in this distro.

A little more investigating and you will see Firefox 46.0 is installed and properly working, LibreOffice 5.1 is in there, as well. Via terminal, mplayer, Imagemagick, pdftk, unrtf and pdfgrep are working. Also, YAD 36.1. The Beta will have GUI tools for most of these installs.

Under Menu --> Business -- There are applications Drive Index Creator, Date Look Between (file search tools) and Vid2JPG scripts. You should use Drive Index Creator before using Date Look Between. After using Date Look Between, you can go back to Drive Index Creator and carve it up or extract it the way you wish. Vid2JPG will basically take a video and break out a bunch of frames into jpg's.

This distro is not an .iso but a usfs.xz file. Use BarryK's installer to install to USB. There may be issues with writing to cd/dvd. I don't recommend using CD's or DVD's anymore. THIS IS A LARGE FILE!! You should probably consider a 16GB or higher USB, though 8 may work. Don't waste your time with a 4GB stick on this one.

This is only an Alpha so don't expect too much, here.

Users may wish to use the Setup --> Default Application Chooser to make Firefox the default browser and Libre the default word processor and spreadsheet editor.

Latest: 8/23/16 ... sp=sharing

MD5: 2b03922bd524da3631c49db9aa876897
SHA1: 3d63ef04047bfeb9f40af3fcef7d7a8037520d46
SHA256: 86c05d67211863badd73abbde5cd5f25d64f3cb0f299f743068ee6a757e3a3c7

Install to USB Script (Barry's - Hacked): This is basically Barry K's install script but I wanted to speed it up so I removed most of the options so you can walk away once you choose the install drive. It defaults f2fs, which is said to be all extended USB life. If u don't want this option, please use Barry K's install script for Xerus64. ... sp=sharing

MD5: de45c77e6886414abc3df6db1a22cac4
SHA1: e4187e051f5f2bdf19c6df4bcc9f750b51335b14
SHA256: a911f15f37dfbbf25d044f4f217a08a8d5d3e216d69ffe70d0982dfbc45049e5

RUXerus 8.009 (latest 06.11.2016) ... sp=sharing

MD5 Checksum: 4a942b4e6f5c38530a87389e398e41f7

SHA1: 59a5d0c489905ffe4a065ae89760c8c82a8de2d4

DEVX Pet (Not sfs): ... sp=sharing

MD5: ca2af0aa84811d7df9b148eecc250bbd
SHA-1: a43267d8b3965055a414cb472c6aefd4d44bbfab

SHA256: 1e367c607ad194fb4ea7c912a8ebb6788f598143531e1010e677ba955ef52bfb
Last edited by slavvo67 on Sat 08 Apr 2017, 19:09, edited 20 times in total.
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#2 Post by slavvo67 »

Install Instructions:

Please follow BarryK's installation instructions:

BarryK's Instructions: ... readme.htm

Barry's Install to USB Script: ... ive-gpt.gz

#3 Post by gcmartin »

Is this alpha's md5 checksum correct?
5bc9f86d4d68b38f364a435420e508b8 RUxerus64-8.001.usfs.xz
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RU Xerus64

#4 Post by neur1 »

hello slavvo67,
i get the same md5sum as *gcmartin, installed to 16gb usb. testing it. ff opens at in my rig it seems a little slower to open apps than 8.0 final and 7.90 beta. upgraded kernel to 4.4.8 and also all those debian folders?. good solid alpha. thx for work.
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#5 Post by slavvo67 »

Yes, the Firefox default page is a bit annoying. That doesn't happen when choosing the incognito as default. I'll figure that one out.

The Deb files in root is something that Woof decided to put and leave there. They don't belong and can be deleted without harm but I did notice that if you highlight a bunch in Rox and delete, it sometimes removes folders that weren't chosen.

The fastest way to get rid of them is go to root with Rox-filer and right click, choose Window and terminal here.

At terminal type: rm -rf DEB*

All gone.... Still, I don't want them there so I'll have to see what Woof is doing wrong....

Additional Note: I was going to replace Firefox with Palemoon until I realized just how much I dislike Palemoon. Maybe Chrome or Chromium?

Might have an update over the weekend....

Delays... delays.... When trying to personalize, I created a version that wouldn't boot. Also, I decided to convert all the debs to pets so Woof doesn't leave the residual folders in root. More work but I worry more about sticking a line in Woof that could ruin the entire process. Woof takes too much time and it gets frustrating when something doesn't work. The extra time to convert seems to make more sense, at least for now.
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#6 Post by slavvo67 »

So I am in the process of uploading Alpha 2. It would probably be a beta but I am not happy with the 2nd partition locking as mounted. I'm not sure why this is happening.

Firefox issue: fixed. I kept Seamonkey as the Browser icon default and placed a Firefox icon on the desktop, as well.

Office: This has Libre and ABI.

Deb directories in root: fixed.

Background and Icons changed.

A quick note about PDFchuck, which is an application that you should notice on the desktop: It is an application that converts documents but also has some image conversion scripts. When batch converting all images in a directory, do not choose the same image type as output that you are using for input. For example, if you are converting .jpg files, convert to jpeg or png images. Otherwise you will overwrite your originals. Not a good thing....

New Link: ... sp=sharing

MD5 Sum of New file is: af7c15aa5e6b3743866e3c0dcb729a94
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#7 Post by slavvo67 »

I have recently added Iron to the desktop and after some bouts with getting the desktop icon working in WoofQ, she's now looking good. I like having at least one Chromium derivative and one Firefox derivative, so having Firefox, Iron and keeping Seamonkey meet the needs. Trying to get some insight as how to downsize Iron a bit before uploading a new RU Xerus. From time to time, Iron boots with a frozen icon at the bottom of the screen which needs to be killed. Then about another 30 seconds or so before retrying and it opens properly.

I am thinking that it may be due to the size so I'm trying to fix that first.

I also want to add a firewall status icon but there does not seem to be a ready made solution that works with Xerus.

Other things on the "to do" are adding Truecrypt and probably a recovery program like Photorec.

I'm also going to be adding a directory and file lock script that simply saves you from accidentally deleting or overwriting a file or directory.
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#8 Post by slavvo67 »

I'm slowly making progress; adding some programs that I think should be in every puppy.


Iron and Iron Incognito Icons: These guys still freeze up once in a while, so just right click on them and kill. Then wait a few seconds before starting again. Trying to fix this...

Photorec and Testdisk
Lockfile - This doesn't encrypt, it only prevents accident deletion...

I like Xine but it feels a little heavy so I added a very simple front-end to MPlayer. I call it MM-Play on the desktop. It's only for playing video files.

I'll be uploading tonight....

I'm also going to be stripping out some applications that I generally do not use. If anyone has suggestions, please PM me.

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#9 Post by slavvo67 »

8.009 Now available. See 1st post....

I'll get the DEVX there, soon, as well.
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#10 Post by slavvo67 »

So, I updated Iron from 51... and it's working much better. Really, really happy with that.

I also got Truecrypt working; very happy with that too....

Added Xournal, as this seems to be a way to sign PDF files. Haven't gone through the process but it's still a neat little program.

Added the FLTK checkers, sudoku and block attack. Happy with them...

Broke Dia,again so I want to fix that before uploading the next version...

Photorec and Testdisk seem to be working well.

Firefox 47.0 now. Also,thinking about upgrading Libre from 5.1 but I don't want to get too caught up in the upgrading game. 5.1 seems fine and upgrades sometimes are actually a step backwards. Not suggesting this with Libre, so we'll see.

I think this basically has everything I would want in a distro, so definitely Beta now. Going to tweak a few things and probably upload over the weekend.

Also thinking about virus scanner and network tools... Netcat? Actually found a virus in an SWF file on one of my computers so I'm thinking it's prudent to add some sort of virus program for those of us that have a little paranoia; like me :P

Last thought is on Wifi; Really not happy with the wifi situation. I want this distro to eventually handle virtually all wifi cards. Anyone want to help me with that? I'm still using a wifi stick and won't truly be happy until I can get this to work with my HP Stream's built in Wifi. It's a quest; so it will eventually happen somehow....

#11 Post by gcmartin »

@Slavvo67, you asked for WiFi.

@StemSee is developing a really nice solution, here. You might want to review and test.

Here to help
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#12 Post by slavvo67 »

Well, it's been a while already and I haven't posted any updates.... but progress is being made, here. It just isn't quite where I want it to be, yet. So, I'm holding uploading the updates. Still want a 64 bit Chromium or derivative that works more solidly. Iron has been touch and go. Seamonkey and Firefox are both working well.

Been playing around with some of the 64bit rom players, and they're acting well. I'll probably include them for those that are looking for a 64bit solution to Puppy Arcade, though this isn't the prime focus...

Truecrypt --good. 7zip encryption -good (though it looks like 7z has or had some security issues). Still, I want 7zip included.

A few other little surprises and we should be rolling with another release.

#13 Post by gcmartin »

Glad to hear you continue to progress @Slavvo67.

I am not sure if this can help, but I have often wondered if @Shinobar's Portable Browser could work in a PUP distro. I envision that the PUP could boot with portable folders in the Live media with a utility that allows user(s) to move the portable folder out of the main system to a folder such that any other 64bit PUP that is booted could be able to use the portable browsers without installing to the booted PUP. This way all bookmarks, and apps and etc is available no matter which 64bit PUP that is booted on the PC.

Not sure if this is any help as it just an idea. @Shinobar's portable Chrome, SeaMonkey, and Firefox is easily found in this forum.
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#14 Post by slavvo67 »

Just updated. Added a hacked version of Barry K's install to usb script. Maybe save it in root/my-applications/bin, go to the directory and right click.... make it executable.... then open terminal and type 4install1 and follow directions. Will work best with the usfs.xz file in the same directory, I thinks. Let me know...

Only use this installer if you want to install to usb and want the usb formatted with the f2fs option. I tried to make the install process a bit less interactive but so you can walk away from it after choosing your destination USB target drive and give it 5 or 10 minutes on its own.
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#15 Post by slavvo67 »

Sorry, it's taken so long to update, everyone. I was adding items that were very specific to my work and I needed to weed them back out before uploading. Any feedback is appreciated.
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#16 Post by slavvo67 »

I had a little fun putting a GUI on CCrypt. It encrypts a folder but also renames each file numerically so nobody can tell what the file actually is until you decrypt.

This idea was influenced a lot by Rufwoof's Pcrypt. CCrypt is running in RUXerus and should also run in most 64 bit Puppies and Quirkies.

It will be included in the next RUXerrus but I've attached a link for those interested in using it. It requires YAD, which is already installed in most puppies and quirkies. ... sp=sharing
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#17 Post by slavvo67 »

This is a security update to OpenSSL. It's the latest 1.0.2j. ... sp=sharing

MD5: c29c205341272237c150f1b05b6985bb
SHA-1: d78694c1f220fcd97911745d18cf2aab3597e935



Thanks to Belham2 for the notification on this... ... 440#926440

This will be incorporated into the next RUXerus, as well. I haven't tried it but it should work in Barry's Xerus64 and may work in other 64bit Puppies or Quirkies.
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#18 Post by slavvo67 »

I've been testing Palemoon27 Beta which seems to have some significant improvements over earlier versions. Time to revisit and I'll probably add that one to the desktop, as well....
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Re: OpenSSL-1.0.2J

#19 Post by belham2 »

slavvo67 wrote:This is a security update to OpenSSL. It's the latest 1.0.2j. ... sp=sharing

MD5: c29c205341272237c150f1b05b6985bb
SHA-1: d78694c1f220fcd97911745d18cf2aab3597e935



Thanks to Belham2 for the notification on this... ... 440#926440

This will be incorporated into the next RUXerus, as well. I haven't tried it but it should work in Barry's Xerus64 and may work in other 64bit Puppies or Quirkies.

Hi Slavvo,

I wanted to attempt to compile the openssl-1.0.2j myself, so as to further learn and teach myself. I downloaded yours so when I am done I can compare it and make sure I didn't goof anything up.

My question is this: I downloaded the openssl-.1.0.2j_tar.gz file from the official openssl site, then unarchived it into a separate folder, then opened a terminal in that folder. When I type in "./config" and/or "./config [with any parameter afterwards]", I am getting this response in the terminal after a few seconds of 'config' going through some things:

sh: make: command not found

I am using Barry's Xerus Xenial latest build, and I looked in Puppy Package Manager and it seems all the Development Tools for compiling Barry already installed. Can I ask what you did and/or maybe what I am doing wrong? Do I have to use python instead (in Quirky Xenial) when in the terminal for "./config" to work, something like:

# python ./

Thanks for any help and/or tips with this (also, if you have any compile, make or install parameter tips, would be much appreciated :D )
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#20 Post by slavvo67 »

Hi belham2:

I took Watchdog's lead on this. I'm uploading the DEVX for you to use but... even when you compile, you should download watchdog's pet(s) and manually follow suit just to be sure all security is intact.

It was not completely automatic. Of course, I could have been doing something wrong, too. Let me know how you do. I don't use Python for this; I'm guessing you can but it might be recreating the wheel a bit. Most tar files have a help or readme file that tell you the recipe or instructions that you need to do to compile.

The DEVX link will be on page one. Also, I've been adding a few more utilities to the Pinboard. My latest are SplitVideos (splits by 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour), VideostoMP3 and CopyDirectory. They should be in the next release.

About compile scripts, I'm actually working on a pet project using a gui interface to allow for compiling certain things. For example, I'm constantly updating to having cutting edge YAD (yet another dialog) in RUXerus. It's not ready, yet and to the extent some manual things need to be done in the process, I want the script to automate them (like copy files before creating the pet.

Let me know how you do....

Kind regards,

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