Adobe Flash Player Auto Updater

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#61 Post by Kicalaf »

Is there any problem with this new version ? From yesterday, I've opened Auto Uptader several time and waited for an hour minimum, but still isn't available to download.
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#62 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Kicalaf.

Adobe have been changing things around at their end again, and some of the URLs and other bits & pieces aren't as they should be.

I'll point you back to an earlier post in this thread from sfs; he discovered that the auto-updater script (in /usr/bin) needed a small modification.

Before you do, though, run the following in the terminal:-

Code: Select all

rm -r ~/.flash_update

Then, open /usr/bin/update-flash with Geany, find line 94, and do the following:-

Edit line 94 from:

"wget --no-check-certificate --user-agent="Mozilla Linux" -q -N -P ~/.flash_update"


"wget --no-check-certificate --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 Linux" -q -N -P ~/.flash_update"

Then save, exit Geany, and run Update Flash from Menu>Internet>Update Flash. It should be back to checking for again. is no good to you; it wouldn't work even if you did download it. That's the Chrome/Chromium-based PepperFlash. Even if you could somehow run the script and download it, it wouldn't run when placed in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.....because the Mozilla-based browsers couldn't use it. Unless you've installed the 'freshplayer-plugin wrapper', of course.....

Mike. :wink:

#63 Post by Belham »

sfs wrote:
OverDrive wrote:I edited line 94 from:
wget --no-check-certificate --user-agent="Mozilla Linux" -q -N -P ~/.flash_update
wget --no-check-certificate --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 Linux" -q -N -P ~/.flash_update
It works. You have not forgotten before starting
rm -r ~/.flash_update ?
Sfs & Mike & Overdive,

Thanks, sfs/overdrive/mike, I can't believe I forgot to look in plain-jane /usr/bin with your sfs's tip to fix the downloader script. Even so, I'd never have figured out the "rm -r ~/.flash_update" terminal tip if sfs wouldn't have told me. Otherwise, lol, I would have been banging my head against the wall. Mucho gracias!! :D

The sooner every site only uses HTML5 (and such) and gets rid of flash, the better. Adobe Flash is a long-dead horse, while good during its time, is nothing but a "trojan horse" (it seems) now.

P.S. Mike, what did you mean in one of your sentences of another post on this thread that 32-bit Pepperflash is back & being developed? You mean Google and/or the Chromium gang changed their minds and are going to be releasing a fully updated 32-bit browser, with updated flash no less? I thought they abandon all the architecture of the 32-bit browser, and not just flash? Arrrrrggghhhh, now I am wondering if I could have avoided all these 64-bit headaches over the past 6 months and just stuck with 32-bit puppies??
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#64 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Belham.

Exactly what I said. 32-bit Linux PepperFlash is being actively developed again, it seems. Plus, it's freely downloadable from the 'Flash Player Download Center', in the same way that 'standard' Linux Flash is.

No, Google have not done an about turn. Chrome is, and very firmly remains, 64-bit only. I suspect this move is just on Adobe's part; I believe they've been released from whatever contract they had with Google for the 32-bit version. Google don't want it any more, but the Chromium Projects, where Chromium (the open-source version) is developed, are still developing 32-bit architecture with gusto. And even though Google sponsor the Chromium Projects (it is, after all, where the source code for their own browser is developed), they don't exactly control them. And there's several browsers based on Chromium.

I think it's one of two things. Either Adobe is trying to make amends to the open-source community in their own, fumbling sort of way.....or it's just a gigantic cock-up. I'm merely making use of it while I can; I've just made another series of 32-bit Pepper .pets, and it's running in all my browsers already.....

Mike. :wink:
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Much obliged sir

#65 Post by Kicalaf »

Much obliged Mr. Mike Walsh ;)

Now is everything clear. I have understood correctly ;)
much obliged.jpg
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#66 Post by Geoffrey »

Re uploaded pet in first post, it will now install in all pups, my bad :wink:
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#67 Post by sfs »

Code: Select all

#!/bin/sh autoupdater 160715 sfs
pf="/usr/lib/chromium/PepperFlash/" #change path 4 your in OS

wget --no-check-certificate --user-agent="Chromium Linux" -q -N -P ~/.flash_update || exit 1
LATEST_VERSION=`sed -n '/<strong>Version /s/^.*<strong>Version \(.*\)<\/strong>.*$/\1/p' ~/.flash_update/index.html`

IV() { INSTALLED_VERSION="`awk '/LNX / {gsub(/\,/,".",$0);print substr($2,1,11)}' "$pf"`" ; }

    [ "`uname -m`" = "x86_64" ] && i=x86_64 || i=i386
    wget -q -N -P ~/.flash_update$LATEST_VERSION/flash_player_ppapi_linux.$i.tar
.gz && \
    cd ~/.flash_update/ && \
    tar -zxvf flash_player_ppapi_linux.$i.tar.gz >/dev/null && \
    cd / && \
    mv "$pf" "$pf".bak && \
    mv ~/.flash_update/ "$pf" && \
    rm -r ~/.flash_update && \
    IV && \
    m="DONE! $pf updated $INSTALLED_VERSION" && \
    echo "$m" && \
    exit 0
echo "$0 Error"
exit 1
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#68 Post by Mike Walsh »

SFS, if this is what I think it is ( I'm no bash expert, at all).....then you're a flippin' marvel, man. This is the snag with me not really understanding scripting; I can think of no end of improvements/alterations I'd like to do, but I simply don't know how to implement them.

This could not have been attempted before, however, since Adobe have never made the Linux version of Pepper publicly available for download like this. Previously, you always got the new release built-in to a new browser update.

Coupla questions, if I may?

1) Could this script install Pepper to more than one location? I ask, because I run both Chrome and SlimJet in most of my Pups. Perhaps this (correct me if I'm wrong, please):-

Change line 3 from:-



pf="/usr/lib/chromium/PepperFlash/" && "/opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/"

Would that work? I think you can see what I'm trying to do. As I said, my scripting knowledge is minimal; I pick up odd bits here & there, but I have a very long way to go..!

2) Any way this could be inserted into Geoffrey's script so that we have the GUI for it? I haven't run this yet; do I take it this runs in the terminal?

Mike. :wink:
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#69 Post by sfs »

1. If two files - one update. Correct path

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Code: Select all

ln -s "/usr/lib/chromium/PepperFlash/"  "/opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/"
2. no GUI
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#70 Post by Mike Walsh »


Just had a chance to try your 'Pepper-update-script'. Works nicely for all Chromium-based browsers, by the simple expedient of changing the appropriate path.....despite being 'terminal-only' for now.

Thanks very much! Appreciated. You should make this up into a package and upload it for general use..! Very useful, indeed.

Mike. :D
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#71 Post by totolanio »

guys, I installed the lastest version 24 on firefox (from oscartalk), and it still doesn't work on this page
It's correctly activated/installed in firefox in the plugin panel

I tried to uninstall it and reinstall flash player 11 with "Get flash 1.6" and update flash 1.5 but it still shows "24.0.r" inside firefox plugins and it doesn't display flash. And still shows "libavcodec is not up to date".

Anyone has an idea? It's just annoying that some sites aren't working cause of flash.
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#72 Post by Geoffrey »

@totolanio, this post should help you with the flash not playing problem. ... 759#933759

as for the wrong plugin showing, manually remove the located
then restart the browser, it should not list the flash plugin,
then run the updater, restart the browser once more and it should now displaying the correct version of flash.
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#73 Post by totolanio »

Thanks that's the exact solution. Had two issues at the same time.

I'll keep using your script now everything is fixed!
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#74 Post by Geoffrey »

Flashplayer 11 for Linux is no more, Auto Updater version 1.6 see first post.

I couldn't get youtube to use the new flashplayer version in Firefox, no matter what I tried it continued to use HTML5, seem to work for flash games ok though.
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#75 Post by OscarTalks »

Thanks Geoffrey.
I believe the YouTube thing is something that YouTube have introduced to force HTML5 unless it is not available.
Slimjet has a "force flash player on youtube" tickbox, but it has stopped working.

Regarding the updater, I know it still works without this step, but do you think it would be a good idea for the script to

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chown root:root
at some point?
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#76 Post by Geoffrey »

OscarTalks wrote:Regarding the updater, I know it still works without this step, but do you think it would be a good idea for the script to

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chown root:root
at some point?
Done, implemented chown root:root, re-uploaded Auto Updater version 1.6 with this change, the 5 or so people who downloaded it, if you like re-download.
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#77 Post by sfs »

For pepperflash. Change path 4 your in OS
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#78 Post by Mike Walsh »

SFS, you've excelled yourself, man!! (Again...)

I run ALL my Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Chromium, SlimJet & Iron) from a remote partition, sym-linked into each of 8 different Pups in the appropriate locations; I have one folder for 32-bit, and another folder for 64-bit. Each of these folders also has a PepperFlash folder, sym-linked into the browsers where they expect to find it.

I've modified your script to produce two copies, one for each architecture's 'path' to the appropriate folder, and have made them executable (Right-click->Properties->Click on the top executable check-box->Refresh->OK). I've now placed the appropriate copy of your script in each Pup @ /root/Startup, so that the updater will run automatically at boot.

This is what I've really wanted for I don't know how long..!

Many, many thanks. :D

BTW: For anybody else who might be interested, I'm going to do a thread, linking to your post (and giving you the credit, of course..!!) I shall also explain how to set it to run automatically.

This, along with Geoff's version, will all help to make Pup that much easier for newbies.

Bal'shoye spaseeba! (Probably got that wrong... :oops: :lol: )

Mike. :wink:
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#79 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hiya, Geoff.

As a previous poster put it, 'I hate to be the bearer of bad news....again' :lol:

I've a sneaking suspicion 1.6 has got a bug in it. Just used it to update Flash in a brand-new install of Tahr64.....and it gave me the 32-bit version. So PaleMoon wasn't detecting it, and said 'Not Installed'.

When I was using 1.5 in my main install of Tahr64, it always detected the right version of Flash that was required. 1.6 isn't doing this.....and in fact, looking at the script, it appears to be set for 'i386' ONLY.

Or does it need to have an existing version of Flash to compare to, before updating for the first time?

Mike. :wink:
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#80 Post by Geoffrey »

Mike Walsh wrote:Hiya, Geoff.

As a previous poster put it, 'I hate to be the bearer of bad news....again' :lol:

I've a sneaking suspicion 1.6 has got a bug in it. Just used it to update Flash in a brand-new install of Tahr64.....and it gave me the 32-bit version. So PaleMoon wasn't detecting it, and said 'Not Installed'.

When I was using 1.5 in my main install of Tahr64, it always detected the right version of Flash that was required. 1.6 isn't doing this.....and in fact, looking at the script, it appears to be set for 'i386' ONLY.

Or does it need to have an existing version of Flash to compare to, before updating for the first time?

Mike. :wink:
Yeah Mike, it 32 bit only, it should work without there being a flash version installed, I do find it hangs for a few minutes in X-Tahr, I think it's wget that's the problem, I was going to see about doing a 64bit update, but as I don't use 64bit so haven't found the enthusiasm to do so.
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