aewm-1.3.12 with themes, and vovchik's improvements

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aewm-1.3.12 with themes, and vovchik's improvements

#1 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

The last version of aewm dates back to 2007 and has been throughout the
years a model and an inspiration for other WM's, including pekwm and
jbwm, etc., because of aewm's clear and efficient coding.

What's new with this aewm package -- and why I'm offering it here --, is
that I'm offering an environment for it: the capacity to create unlimited
aewm themes, plus the great look its aemenus can have thanks to
vovchik's hacking of the original aemenu and aepanel codes. Simply put,
vovchik made it possible for aemenu and aepanel to make full use of
cairo's layout capacity,

So please find attached this revisited aewm 1.3.12 with approx.
40 GTK-2.0-derived themes and vovchik's improvements to
aemenu and aepanel.

-- These aewm themes I extracted and constructed from the GTK-2.0
themes present on my Puppy. You can enrich this library from your own
GTK-2 themes, with two scripts in /root/.aewm. (And perhaps post them

This package also includes a Universal Menu, in addition to the traditional
xdg menu (like the one generated by jwm or icewm, for ex.). With this
Universal Menu you have speedy access to:
-- pretty much all of the Linux hierarchy of directories, whether it be the
docs, the bins, the shares, etc., plus your usual docs and applications
-- your opened partitions
-- your running processes
-- the Puppy Menu proper, etc.
You can use the Universal Menu not only with aewm, but with any
window manager.

Your comments and feedback are of course welcome.


A few practical notes:

-- To reassemble the pet archive, please open a terminal in your download
directory and enter the following command:

Code: Select all

cat ?-aewm* >
Then you click on the archive
and install as usual.

-- once installed, your must first enter the /root/.wmx directory and click
on file /root/.wmx/ This creates the "reference xdg"
menu for aewm.

-- may I suggest that you bring script /root/.aewm/ae/
to a convenient place on your desktop for easy access. Also associate it
with the Menu Key on your keyboard (that's the 1st key to the left of the
Right-Control key) for even easier access. After that, you can hit the Menu
key from anywhere on the deskltop and you have your universal menu.

-- to use aewm, type

Code: Select all

xwin aewm
from the inital black console.

-- you may want to use stalonetray as your tray, since aepanel does not
have one. My config file for stalonetray is attached, but of course you will/
may want to adapt it.
Refs.: ... 95&t=49550

-- similarly install ROX's Pager, since aepamel does not have a pager,
although a click on your mouse's left button will give you some info about
what's running on the current desktop.

-- I also recommend that you use conky at the top of your screen.
There's a recent ref. here:
that you may wish to compile. If that doesn't work, you should be able to
find on this forum a number of older, already-compiled, conky versions
suitable for your Pup.

-- I found it very helpful to have a ROX panel on the left-hand side while
using aemw. You set this panel up like so:

Code: Select all

cd /root/choices/ROX-Filer 
rox -l left
and then you can move a number of Puppy desktop icons
to it or arrange the panel any way you like. (Please see 2nd screen cap.)

-- finally please copy this little script in your /root/Startup dir.

Code: Select all

# /root/Startup/ # for aewm set-up
# # (c) Christian L'Écuyer, Gatineau (Qc), Canada, 25 mai 2017. GPL3.
#  (alias musher0 [forum Puppy].)
WndWMngR="`cat /etc/windowmanager`"
case "${WndWMngR:0:3}" in
#	ice)[ -f /usr/bin/icewmtray ] && /usr/bin/icewmtray & ;; # &>/dev/null & # Pas besoin ici.

	aew)aedesk -n 3 # N. de bureaux dans / # of desktops in / aewm.
		aedesk +1 # open 1st desk
		[ "`ps | awk '$4 ~ /aepanel/'`" = "" ] && aepanel &
		sleep 0.3s
		cd /root/.config/
		> panels
		if [ -f -o -f ];then
			if [ -f /root/.config/ ];then
				nohup /root/.config/ &
			elif [ -f /root/.config/ ];then
				nohup /root/.config/ &
				rox -l /root/.config/
			sleep 0.5s
		/opt/local/bin/ &
		sleep 0.3s
		[ -f /usr/bin/stalonetray ] && nohup stalonetray &
		sleep 0.7s
#		[ -f /usr/bin/ipager ] && /root/.ipager/ & # One or the other.
		[ -f /root/my-panel-applets/Pager/AppRun ] && /root/my-panel-applets/Pager/AppRun &
sleep 0.3s
and make executable. This script is essential because
it creates 3 desktops for aewm and opens aewm in Desktop 1.

-- You choose your aewm theme by opening a terminal and running
script /root/.aewm/ or by cliicking on the entry
just before "Exits" towards the bottom of the Universal Menu.

-- you can create a shadow effect for your aewm windows with
xcompmgr. These are the parms I use:

Code: Select all

xcompmgr -C -l -20 -t 5 -c -r 5 &>/dev/null 
Potentially, your aewm desktop may then look like one of the attached
screen captures.


If you have any questions, please ask.

I hope this will make the simple but excellent aewm window manager
better known and more widely used.


For further reading about aewm: ... wm.1x.html
(4.19 KiB) Downloaded 137 times
With the ROX panel at the left and the Universal Menu icon at top right.
(69.2 KiB) Downloaded 362 times
Very clean desktop, without xcompmgr.
(84.14 KiB) Downloaded 357 times
(100.41 KiB) Downloaded 247 times
(100.41 KiB) Downloaded 234 times
(100.41 KiB) Downloaded 232 times
Last edited by musher0 on Fri 26 May 2017, 16:53, edited 6 times in total.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#2 Post by musher0 »

Tree for pet archive above (see attached)

md5sum for same:
(2.29 KiB) Downloaded 135 times
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#3 Post by greengeek »

Beautiful desktops musher - really lovely.
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#4 Post by musher0 »

Thanks g\g.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#5 Post by musher0 »

-- the Universal Menu (top right) and
-- soX (SoundExchange) playing music
in the new aewm environment.

In this case, the Puppy icons, the ROX panel at left and the aepanel at
bottom have all been switched off to provide as much as possible an
undisturbed scenery so the user can focus on the music.

What remains are three "conkies":
-- the usual one for system stats (top middle)
-- the desktop # (top right-ish)
-- date and time (bottom right),

the "stalonetray" (bottom right-ish),
the Universal Menu icon and
the desktop switching arrow (right).

The two "icon lines" at bottom are the panels' switches, which enable the
user to re-populate or de-populate the desktop.
(204.55 KiB) Downloaded 242 times
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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