French-Speaking Puppyists Now Have a New Forum

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French-Speaking Puppyists Now Have a New Forum

#1 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

As the title says.
Please spread the news among your French-speaking colleagues!

A new Puppy forum for French-speakers has just opened at .

I wish to thank forum member Philippe Augras (aka "augras") for his
generosity and commitment.

The new forum is using the ElkArte forum software, and is set-up so
each Original Poster can moderate his/her thread, in addition to the
general moderator. Because of this capacity, there should be no more
sterile and / or dead-end discussions amongst French-speaking Puppyists.

I was fortunate enough to be part of the tests, and I can tell you the
ElkArte interface is beautiful, and very well thought-out. Its editor is
excellent. The list of handy differences -- concerning graphics, etc. -- is
long compared to what this old phpBB forum is offering.

To be clear, I should add that our breaking off from the Murga-Puppy
forum is nothing personal against Flash or John Murga. It is rather a
criticism of the policy -- regarding the fact that these Puppy forum
sections are not moderated anymore, and has not been for many years,
as I understand it. For whatever reason, this Murga-Puppy forum has
not been able to replace the moderators it says it has.

Except Flash, of course, who is doing a fine job, and probably he has
his tongue to the floor at times trying to do everything. Hats off to you,
three times rather than one, my friend!

As the great American novelist Henry Miller once wrote: "If there is a
genuine need, it will be met."

Well, for us French-speaking Puppyists, our genuine need for a truly-
moderated forum has finally been fulfilled, thanks to augras. Our
prayers have been answered.

The French-speaking section of the Murga-Puppy forum has lost many
valuable members throughout the years for lack of proper moderation.

We hope this new Puppy forum will give them reason to re-ignite their
interest in Puppy Linux.

Thanks for all the learning and sometimes the giggly fun, Murga-Linux
forum. But bye-bye... (I personally will still be around now and then.)

But « rendez-vous » at if you
speak French!
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#2 Post by rockedge »

interesting..... I could moderate for example in German or English but French??? I studied for a moment in 7th grade. I worked in France for French Cinematographers without knowing the language and they spoke no German or English (by choice) and we still made the movie. Been to Quebec and the Northeast Canada french speaking regions....I smiled a lot answered in German....keeps the French speakers guessing....point is I speak very little french other than Pomme Frites S'il vous plait and to get some nice wine.

Good luck with your new french language forum!! Don't forget to stop by here and say hello!
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#3 Post by musher0 »

Hi Rockedge.

Obviously, if one does not know the language, one cannot moderate a
forum or section of a forum. (The creation of this new French language
forum is certainly not your fault.)

A few years ago, the French section had a moderator called "Béèm" and
a couple of others. The section was doing fine during that period. After
a while the moderators disappeared (cause unknown!!!) and were not
I put my name up as a replacement moderator, but never
got an answer.

And then a pest joined as a member. An obtuse, stubborn, impolite,
know-it-all pest who started spoiling everything.

His favorite prey was developers. Our most interesting and talented left
one by one. This forum did next to nothing, because of free-for-all,
fend-for-yourself, policy (except cases of racism).

Last year, this pest was finally banned. But he reappeared under
another nickname. He used the same tactics as before; that gave him
away. Someone with the knowledge offered to set up a new forum.

Now you know a bit about the history that led to our decision.

Best regards.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

Musher0 has his forum ?

#4 Post by hamoudoudou »

Musher0 has his forum ? Who did it ? Where then he will complain ? Who wiil find this place to watch him.. YOU :!:
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#5 Post by darry19662018 »

Hey Mush,

Always a pleasure having around you around here take care and don't be a stranger - wish I spoke French cos I'd join up. Yes I sincerely hope many of the french users who were driven from Murga will come back to enjoying Puppy in a nice environment anyway my sincerest regards

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#6 Post by musher0 »

darry19662018 wrote:Hey Mush,

Always a pleasure having around you around here take care and don't be a stranger - wish I spoke French cos I'd join up. Yes I sincerely hope many of the french users who were driven from Murga will come back to enjoying Puppy in a nice environment anyway my sincerest regards

Thanks for the kind words, Darren. I wish you well too.

I'm not quitting this forum. It's just that I will now use the new French
"Puppy-ElkArte" moderated forum whenever I contribute in French.

I did wish for a moderated French forum a few months ago, but member
"augras" made it happen. He actually spent two weeks of his vacation time
testing various forum types, to finally select the excellent (IMO) ElkArte
forum app. So thanks, augras.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

#7 Post by oui »

Hallo Musher

you are, as I see, "simplement une pleurnicheuse"...

99 % of the stuff in the French division of the Puppy forum did not concern Puppy any more but, yes, derivates, but being EXTREMELY as well out of time as in contradiction with the Puppy choices...

in my opinion, the forum have to be essentially the forum of REAL Puppy stuff with REAL Puppy options, and

please, please,

really actual to represent Puppy as an really present Linux like OS NOT-out of OUR TIME!

where is beem now?

did you already ask the staff having made them moderator? perhaps the all thing did be made according a by both part accepted convention between both, the owner and main moderators of that forum and beem itself?

the same question is for MU at the German subdivision (see please picture OF TODAY!!

he was a young man, perhaps he has a good job, a exigent wife and baby's...

and beem? I did not like him, but I did not know him... He did perhaps retires itself, become ill, begin a world tour according the recommendations of Barry Kauler concerning the minimal travelling, or, look all the time at us under an new and anonym for us new pseudo :P

I only know one: Beem was not for Puppy but, in my opinion, mainly for Toutou, the French community ignores about all about Puppy! and the cause is in the Puppy forum itself ... Pfuiiii!

(For those don't knowing the action of Beem: It was the one creating closed threads, continuing until yet to be closed (*1 years after that, on the FREEDOM forum of Puppy, an highly ridiculus situation! Beem was never Puppyist: Out the sight of Puppy, it was a "Griff ins Klo" say German people for such situations...)

The Puppy forum is an of the MOST OPENED community of the forum world of the world. We accept communities with great differences like the multiple «dogs», or like my prefered outsider, the LaZy's (but, important: the last LaZy's did demonstrate NOT TO CHANGE AT ALL somewhat of the original Puppy ISOs!!! LaZy is ONLY a package on Puppy, and does not alterate at all Puppy or main principal things of Puppy! RHS stuff was TOTALY dependent from Puppy and did preserve (but only overwrite at run time the completely preserved Puppy ISO, please check yourself the last TOPLESS's) all contents of Puppy! And did success with the most professional use of Puppy in all the years: The use as main educational system in a school of young men, not children any more! And they did all, those young German guy's, accept Puppy! I can't remember such a success in other countries...

musher, please, be a man and stops your wining!

if you want an other forum, not a real Puppy forum, go to your other forum! Other very interesting creators of original Puppy's did do it in the past. Someone with success, it is only matter of the stuff...

...they are really proposing to her specialized community!

if you offer much you will have much success and I hope really it for you.

Other world language communities did create and organize her own Puppy forum. Why not the Canadian French language community too?

As RSH, for ex. (but not only him, other Puppy developers) did require help to add a French localisation, nobody did answer to the new wish for assistence (although a special man was already designed). I have a TOPLESS in German on a absolutely not modified Original ISO from Barry Kauler, sorry, and I use it since years...

kind regards



these is not closed...
...dead (last message yeeeeears ago!):

the date is actual but the moderator is away...
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#8 Post by musher0 »

Hello "oui".

You wrote:
> if you offer much you will have much success and I hope really it for you.

Thank you kindly for that wish. I do not know if i offer "much" -- it is not
for me to say. But certainly Puppy Linux deserves more success than it has.
If I can play a small role in that success, I will be glad.

On another subject, to put the record straight, I did follow suit with your
suggestion of co-operating with the talented RSH, aka Lazy_Puppy, at the
time. But there was the language barrier, as you will recall: I do not know
German, and he, at the time, knew very little English. Also, I was less
advanced then in things Linux than him -- and that I am now; I probably
would have been of no use to him. So in the end, this lack of co-operation
was nobody's fault.

For the rest, time flows. "Time flies", as the saying goes, but it is also a
flow, like a one-way road or street. Nobody has ever seen anyone driving on
the opposite lane of the road called "Time". Time is a one-way flow, like a
river. People come and go, come and leave, branch in and branch out. At
times, this coming and going is sad and / or negative; at other times, it is
happy and / or productive: that's life, my friend.

What is certain in my mind, is that life has a way of renewing itself in some
form or another in valid projects -- like the Puppy Linux project.

Best regards.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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