Fatdog64-720 and 721 Final [11 Jan 2018]

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#261 Post by drunkjedi »

@Fatdog team,

I wanted to check my last boot/login time.
last command didn't find log.

Code: Select all

# last
last: cannot open /var/log/wtmp: No such file or directory
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Re: - - -FINALLY

#262 Post by slowride »

@dr. Dan,

THANKS (as well as everyone else).

For present, the ?Q? should be whether to FIRST install a familiar Distro to /dev/sda2 and then ADD FatDog64 at /dev/sda1 - - OR THE OTHER WAY AROUND...

Win7 is a butt-hurt and I've pretty much decided can live Where the cat likes to sleep :oops: (on the Lap-top with borked "down-arrow" key.)

dr. Dan wrote:
1) You want to install Fatdog64 to sda1. <snip>
I have Presently:

Code: Select all

/dev/sda1 type ext4     62G   14G   (used)  45G     (Avail)       /mnt/sda1
/dev/sda2 type ext4    88G    BLANK                                         /mnt/sda2
/dev/sda3 type fuseblk  763G  363G  (used)  401G    (Avail)       /mnt/sda3
/dev/sda4 type SWAP 18.6 G  ( not mounted )
ONLY PARTITION WITH NEEDED CONTENT IS SDA3 ... too many u$b drive$ to back up...

Since FatDog64 "likes" swap-FILE (seems like this might be easiest?) there's plently of room for it anyplace...

Can leave the SWAP, as "Other Linux" likes a Partition, and forget m$7 in "the box"....
dr. Dan wrote: 2) Is the Fatdog64-721 .iso on the flash drive?
Yes, Untouched.
dr. Dan wrote: 3) Do you want to use any additional OS?
Preferably... In that I'm apt to mess up and that's indispensible for such occaisions...

Concerning #4, I've recently tried "Bloat & SystemD" Linux's - - Cant log on as root? = USELESS.

Can load SlackEL, or 2 others w/o sD...
dr. Dan wrote: 5) Win7 is not currently installed, Is that correct?
NOPE! Is only on the Laptop.

Couldn't use earlier backups (dd bs=400 thingy) on NEW hd as that might hoze the File table / Partitions of 1tb HD = Different Geometry.
dr. Dan wrote: 6) The Fatdog64 Installer should only write to the partition you want to install to, and the MBR.

FatDog64 "indicates" it's presently installed to /dev/sdb1 I've not dandled or messed with... Only made backups to thumbdrives daily...

/dev/sdb = dispose-a-drive I'm only using for temp and testing.

"BOOTLOADER" (syslinux?) Did write to /dev/sda but is presently unusable. Seeing I was well over my head, I "test installed" To see what installer did on it's own...

I've never succesfully loaded ANY Linux with a Syslinux bootloader... much less "chain-loading".

I'm more familiar with Grub (can navigate the tedious "chroot install" via Arch, but...) SlackEL installs Grub by default, as well as Antix. Puppy file systems are less "Tedious by Default" than Debian or Fedora IMHO... Sadly, SlackEL's is Fedor-ish, and borked itself the first update (so why update?)


FatDog64 First? Or the Other way 'round? if we can get FatDog64 up and happy, I might be fine with only that ...

If "Existing OS" is the easiest route, then SlackEL...
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#263 Post by step »

drunkjedi wrote: last command didn't find log.

Code: Select all

# last
last: cannot open /var/log/wtmp: No such file or directory
I think it's intentional. You need to create the file to enable access logging. Just touch /var/log/wtmp.
Linux manual wrote: wtmp is maintained by login(1), init(1), and some versions of getty(8 ) (e.g., mingetty(8 ) or agetty(8 )). None of these programs creates the file, so if it is removed, record-keeping is turned off.
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#264 Post by drunkjedi »

step wrote:I think it's intentional. You need to create the file to enable access logging. Just touch /var/log/wtmp.
Thanks step,
I did look at http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/last.1.html but didn't look in man page of wtmp.
Sorry for the trouble.
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#265 Post by drunkjedi »

Hi everybody,

I have never used wine.

A friend of mine is giving me a windows software (I don't know it's name yet, it's a hydraulic/pneumatic/electrical circuit simulator).

So I will get wine to try that software.
I saw 5 wine sfs in sfs manager.
2 of them have i686 in their name.
Which should I get to make the software to run? (I don't know yet if it's a 32bit or 64bit software)

What I guess is that, the i686 wine sfs will run only 32bit windows softwares...
While those which don't have i686 in their name are 64bit wine and will run both 32 bit and 64 bit software...

Am I right, or totally wrong?

It's midnight here, I am off to bed, have put wine-2.0.sfs and wine-3.0-i686-1.sfs for download.

Please give suggestion for which version to use for 32bit and 64bit windows software.
It will help me when I get the software.
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#266 Post by SFR »

Hey Drunkjedi,

There's no difference in this regard, it's just a matter of inconsistent/insufficient(?) naming convention.
They're all capable of running both 32bit & 64bit applications.
However, in case of 32bit apps, you also need 32bit-fd64_721.sfs.

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#267 Post by Cu Chulinux »

Hi Drunkjedi,

Once you know the name of the windows software you should first check on the wine website to see if there are any reports on success/failure of running it under wine. It may save you some fruitless labour of getting wine set up if it won't work. Some programs are too tightly integrated with windows low-level drivers/dll's to work properly in wine. Graphic-intensive programs are bad for this, such as CAD (especially 3D).
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#268 Post by drunkjedi »


@SFR, Thanks for clarifying that. Yes I do have 32bit sfs loaded.

@Cu Chulinux, The software's name is Amesim by Siemens and another Fluidsim by Festo. I didn't see them in Wine Application Database. Will try.

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#269 Post by step »


if the Windows app is 64-bit you must create a 64-bit wine prefix. The default prefix ~/.wine is 32-bit and won't work for 64-bit Windows apps. Prefix creation, off the top of my head:

WINEPREFIX=prefix-name WINARCH=32/64-spec winecfg

then run the windows app with:

WINEPREFIX=prefix-name wine TheApp.exe

More details at wine-hq or https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/wine

If you need to add windows common libraries, assemblies, etc. try using
winetricks --help.
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#270 Post by drunkjedi »


Thanks for your tip, the apps are 32bit.
Will see how it goes.
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#271 Post by drunkjedi »

Does anyone have Conky package with Imlib, lua, cairo bindings, and whatever else.
For those beautiful rings....

This was how my Tahr64 desktop looked like couple of years ago, Hope to get same in Fatdog...
I looked into compiling one myself,
The Conky WiKi says I need lua5.1-devl, tolua, tolua++ and what not.
It looks like more than I can chew. (Actually I chewed some and couldn't swallow.)

Thanks in advance.

Conky 1.9.0 from fatdog contributed package thread is an old package, but I did try that it gave me following output

Code: Select all

# conky -v
Conky 1.9.0 compiled Wed Sep 24 09:30:16 PDT 2014 for Linux 3.15.5 (x86_64)

Compiled in features:

System config file: /usr/etc/conky/conky.conf
Package library path: /usr/lib/conky

  * Xdamage extension
  * XDBE (double buffer extension)
  * Xft
  * ARGB visual

 Music detection:
  * MPD
  * MOC

  * math
  * hddtemp
  * portmon
  * wireless
  * config-output
  * apcupsd
  * iostats
  * ncurses
  * Lua

  Lua bindings:
And my conky script returns

Code: Select all

# ./conkystart 
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/cpu: 22: no such configuration: 'imlib_cache_size'
Conky: desktop window (600073) is subwindow of root window (124)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2400002)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/mem: 21: no such configuration: 'imlib_cache_size'
Conky: desktop window (600073) is subwindow of root window (124)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2600002)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/rings: 22: no such configuration: 'imlib_cache_size'
Conky: llua_load: /root/.conky/Ken/bin/conky/clock_rings.lua:162: module 'cairo' not found:
	no field package.preload['cairo']
	no file '/usr/share/lua/5.2/cairo.lua'
	no file '/usr/share/lua/5.2/cairo/init.lua'
	no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.2/cairo.lua'
	no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.2/cairo/init.lua'
	no file './cairo.lua'
	no file '/usr/lib/conky/libcairo.so'
	no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.2/cairo.so'
	no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.2/loadall.so'
	no file './cairo.so'
Conky: desktop window (600073) is subwindow of root window (124)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2800002)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_clock_rings execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_clock_rings execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_clock_rings execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
^CConky: Conky: Conky: received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!

This suggests it has lua but no cairo, Imlib support.

While official package from gslapt gives

Code: Select all

# conky -v
Conky 1.7.2 compiled Sat Sep  3 22:25:41 CEST 2016 for Linux 4.4.18 (x86_64)

Compiled in features:

System config file: /etc/conky/conky.conf
Package library path: 

  * Xdamage extension
  * XDBE (double buffer extension)
  * Xft

 Music detection:
  * MPD
  * MOC

  * math
  * hddtemp
  * portmon
  * Curl
  * RSS
  * Weather (METAR)
  * Weather (XOAP)
  * wireless
  * config-output
  * Imlib2
  * ALSA mixer support
  * apcupsd
  * iostats
Which does have Imlib2 but no cairo or lua or even argb visual.....

Code: Select all

# ./conkystart 
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/cpu: 30: no such configuration: 'own_window_argb_visual'
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/cpu: 31: no such configuration: 'own_window_argb_value'
Conky: desktop window (600073) is subwindow of root window (124)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2400001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/mem: 29: no such configuration: 'own_window_argb_visual'
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/mem: 30: no such configuration: 'own_window_argb_value'
Conky: desktop window (600073) is subwindow of root window (124)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2600001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/rings: 30: no such configuration: 'own_window_argb_visual'
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/rings: 31: no such configuration: 'own_window_argb_value'
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/rings: 68: no such configuration: 'lua_load'
Conky: /root/.conky/Ken/rings: 69: no such configuration: 'lua_draw_hook_pre'
Conky: desktop window (600073) is subwindow of root window (124)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2800001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
^CConky: Conky: received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!
received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!
Conky: received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!

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#272 Post by drunkjedi »

Hello all,

I almost forgot to tell you, got both softwares from my friend,both worked with wine 3 sfs. Didn't test everything yet but just basic functions.
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#273 Post by drunkjedi »

Hello friends,

I have created a Howto about making a wine menu entry for windows portable apps.
This is not just simply making .desktop files to execute "wine your_app.exe"

It works like wine does when installing app. Creating a .lnk file and then creating a .desktop file for that .lnk.

Hope this helps.
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midi support

#274 Post by FanDog »

trying to get midi support working on FD.

the openTTD package says to set DEFAULT_SOUNDFONT (which is empty here) while their FAQ calls for "Freepats or FluidR3". There isn't any in gslapt but Fluidsynth is already installed, the alternative being Timidity. Will installing that fix it?

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#275 Post by smokey01 »

Has anyone tried to build vlc-3.0.2 in FD721?

I tried but failed. I would like to try some of the new chromecast and network features.

This appimage:

https://bintray.com/probono/AppImages/d ... 4.AppImage

works providing I run it as spot. It doesn't seem to have the chromecast support but it can see my local network and allows me to watch videos on my Fetch Mighty (PVR).


#276 Post by stemsee »

How does one run an appimage?
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#277 Post by drunkjedi »

Just click on it.
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JCK on Wine

#278 Post by FanDog »


trying to run japanese apps on Wine (like dictionaries), installed the NLS sfs and tried a few commands like:

Code: Select all

LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine <app_name>
using different fonts (12x13ja.pc, eucJP, 18x18ja), didn't seem to work.

According to the WineHQ wiki [1], one should "file a bug to their distro", apparently a patch is needed for "font replacement" in the wine.inf file, and they give an example there.

Let me know if I can help fix this problem.


[1] https://wiki.winehq.org/Font_Replacements
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#279 Post by don570 »

How does one run an appimage?
To check for problems ---> Open up terminal in the folder where the appimage is stored
and launch with command

For example to open blender I type ./blender

or gimp I type

Code: Select all

https://github.com/aferrero2707/gimp-ap ... 4.AppImage

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Wine crash / high CPU utilization

#280 Post by jake29 »

Hi all. I am back with a problem I have mentioned in the past. Wine app becomes unresponsive with very high CPU utilization, and cannot be killed or terminated. I thought running wine as spot was the solution - but the issue now arises daily. No USB storage devices are connected to this machine, which I believed was a factor previously.

I cannot even shutdown or reboot - I have to use REISUB. I did run archlinux for a few weeks and this problem did not arise. It could be the version of Wine I am using; however why is there no way to kill the unresponsive Wine app?

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