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Posted: Tue 28 Jan 2020, 23:49
by don570
I noticed that packit allows the last character of a password to be blank.
Uextract then requires the blank to be added to password to succeed.

Posted: Sat 22 Feb 2020, 13:51
by SFR
Version 1.21:

- fixes and improvements in creating ISO and ext2 images
- zstd: use '-T0' option (max. # of threads)

First post updated.


Posted: Tue 10 Mar 2020, 00:47
by BarryK
PackIt is great! Feodor reminded me about it, suggesting it, and UExtract, would be good in EasyOS and EasyPup. Yes, they would!

I took the liberty os making some changes to the '' script:

Code: Select all


# PackIt v1.21 by JakeSFR (a.k.a. SFR)'2013-2016,2019,2020                    #
# GNU GPL v2 applies                                                          #
# Thanks to Pemasu for helping me with making this script Woof-friendly       #

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Associate ROX 'SendTo/OpenWith' with PackIt
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#BK got this from UExtract.desktop...
echo -e "$ARCHIVED_MIME" > /tmp/packit-archived-mime



if [ "$(pwd)" = "/" ]; then
	for i in "$LOC1" "$LOC2" "$LOC3" "$LOC4"; do
		[ -d "$i" ] && { RC_PATH="$i"; break; }
else	# Woof/Fatdog build system
	for i in ".$LOC1" ".$LOC2" ".$LOC3" ".$LOC4"; do
		[ -d "$i" ] && { RC_PATH="$i"; break; }

if [ -d "$RC_PATH" ]; then

	# Creates missing folders using contents of 'globs' file
	for i in $(grep ":" "$Globs_PATH" | cut -f1 -d ':' | tr '/' '_' | uniq); do
		[ ! -d "${RC_PATH}/.${i}" ] && mkdir "${RC_PATH}/.${i}"
	# Creates missing folders using contents of 'types' file
	for i in $(cat "$Types_PATH" | tr '/' '_' | uniq); do
		[ ! -d "${RC_PATH}/.${i}" ] && mkdir "${RC_PATH}/.${i}" 
	#BK[ ! -d "${RC_PATH}/.inode_unknown" ] && mkdir "${RC_PATH}/.inode_unknown"
	#BK[ ! -d "${RC_PATH}/.group" ] && mkdir "${RC_PATH}/.group"
	# Creates symlink to PackIt in every folder
	# BK: must have "_", ex to avoid ".text"...
	for i in $(find "$(realpath "${RC_PATH}")" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname ".*_*"); do
		#BK: ignore files already archives...
		echo -n "${i/*./}" > /tmp/packit-mime-folder
		grep -q -x -f /tmp/packit-archived-mime /tmp/packit-mime-folder
		[ $? -eq 0 ] && continue
		[ ! -L "${i}/PackIt" ] && ln -s "$PackIt_PATH" "${i}/PackIt"
	#BK[ ! -L "${RC_PATH}/PackIt" ] && ln -s "$PackIt_PATH" "${RC_PATH}/PackIt"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Associate custom action with Thunar
if [ "$(pwd)" = "/" ]; then
	if [ $(which thunar 2>/dev/null) ] || [ $(which Thunar 2>/dev/null) ]; then
		if [ -f "$CONFIG" ]; then
			grep '<name>PackIt</name>' "$CONFIG" >/dev/null || {
			grep -v '^</actions>' "$CONFIG" > "$CONFIG_TMP"
			echo '<action>
	<command>/usr/local/apps/PackIt/AppRun %F</command>
	<description>Archive files</description>
</actions>' >> "$CONFIG_TMP"
			mkdir -p "${CONFIG%/*}"
			echo '<?xml encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0"?>
	<command>/usr/local/apps/PackIt/AppRun %F</command>
	<description>Archive files</description>
</actions>' > "$CONFIG"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Create shortcut on pinboard/desktop
[ "$(pwd)" = "/" ] && /usr/local/apps/PackIt/createshortcut &

# =============================================================================
...I thought is is better if leave out files that are already archives.
...and commented-out a couple of lines, to avoid duplicate "PackIt" entries in the right-click "Open With..." menu.

Also, the search for mime folders will ignore any without "_" in it. For example, ".text", as again, this causes duplicate entries in the menu.

For the 'pet.specs' file, I made one change, "Utility;package", as the "X-Utility-package" is wrong for Easy -- don't know if that is now acceptable to woofCE.

packit-1.21-1|packit|1.21-1||Utility;package|116K||||Archiving/Compressing GUI||||

Posted: Tue 10 Mar 2020, 06:55
by nic007
Where can I download the rar compression module (not unrar, I have that)?

Posted: Tue 10 Mar 2020, 11:59
by SFR
BarryK wrote:PackIt is great! Feodor reminded me about it, suggesting it, and UExtract, would be good in EasyOS and EasyPup. Yes, they would!
BarryK wrote:...I thought is is better if leave out files that are already archives.
Generally yes (not in all cases, though), but it was more straightforward to add it to all available MIME-Types.
BarryK wrote:...and commented-out a couple of lines, to avoid duplicate "PackIt" entries in the right-click "Open With..." menu.

Code: Select all

#BK[ ! -d "${RC_PATH}/.inode_unknown" ] && mkdir "${RC_PATH}/.inode_unknown"
I don't quite remember what was this special case for...

Code: Select all

#BK[ ! -d "${RC_PATH}/.group" ] && mkdir "${RC_PATH}/.group"
This enables PackIt menu option for multiple items of the same or (and that's important) different MIME-Types.
I think '.group' wasn't implemented in the original ROX, but is supported by some of its forks (jun7's for sure).
There's also '.all', that adds menu item for all MIME-Types, which would be the best option for PackIt, but again it's not supported by the original ROX.
BarryK wrote:Also, the search for mime folders will ignore any without "_" in it. For example, ".text", as again, this causes duplicate entries in the menu.
Interesting, I don't have '.text' dir in Fatdog, but indeed adding it creates a duplicate.
However, just installed PackIt in easy-2.2.11 and clicking a text/plain file shows only one PackIt menu item, even if '.text' dir also contains PackIt symlink.
In fact, I didn't see a duplicate menu entry for PackIt in Easy at all...
In Fatdog I see the duplicates only if I select multiple items of the same MIME-Type and it's caused by '.group'.
EDIT: unless you mean the 'SendTo/OpenWith' case? Yeah, there are some duplicates, but IIRC fixing it would also disable PackIt in the root menu in some cases...
BarryK wrote:For the 'pet.specs' file, I made one change, "Utility;package", as the "X-Utility-package" is wrong for Easy -- don't know if that is now acceptable to woofCE.
Oh, that's because the 2nd .desktop file in AppDir has 'Categories=X-Utility-package;', should be just 'Utility'. And dir2pet picks up the wrong one.
EDIT: I reuploaded the .pet with corrected category.
nic007 wrote:Where can I download the rar compression module (not unrar, I have that)?


Posted: Tue 10 Mar 2020, 13:06
by nic007
Thanks, SFR. Packit, UExtract and Multi-Copy-Paste are excellent utilities. Have you produced any other useful utilities?

Posted: Tue 10 Mar 2020, 14:03
by SFR
Well, depends on what you find useful. :wink:
Some highlights: Find'N'Run (and Step's fork), LockState, MagDock, MultiRename, TAS.


Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2020, 01:31
by nic007
Consider adding capability to create 3fs and 4fs (mkfs.ext3 and mkfs.ext4) for next version.

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2020, 14:44
by BarryK
SFR wrote:
BarryK wrote:Also, the search for mime folders will ignore any without "_" in it. For example, ".text", as again, this causes duplicate entries in the menu.
Interesting, I don't have '.text' dir in Fatdog, but indeed adding it creates a duplicate.
However, just installed PackIt in easy-2.2.11 and clicking a text/plain file shows only one PackIt menu item, even if '.text' dir also contains PackIt symlink.
In fact, I didn't see a duplicate menu entry for PackIt in Easy at all...
In Fatdog I see the duplicates only if I select multiple items of the same MIME-Type and it's caused by '.group'.
EDIT: unless you mean the 'SendTo/OpenWith' case? Yeah, there are some duplicates, but IIRC fixing it would also disable PackIt in the root menu in some cases...
Yes, right-click, then choose "Open with...", you get duplicate entries of PackIt for a text file.
I can't think of any situation where PackIt would not be listed in the root right-click menu. The 'globs' and 'types' mime files are pretty comprehensive, should cover all the types of text files that we are likely to encounter ...I think.

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2020, 16:04
by SFR
nic007 wrote:Consider adding capability to create 3fs and 4fs (mkfs.ext3 and mkfs.ext4) for next version.
I was thinking about it at the very beginning, but since it's only for storing stuff, I didn't see a need for a journaled fs.
Recently I even wanted to remove that option whatsoever, but since it can be used to convert a savefolder to savefile, maybe it has some practical use.
Will see next time I'll be doing something with PackIt.
BarryK wrote:Yes, right-click, then choose "Open with...", you get duplicate entries of PackIt for a text file.
I can't think of any situation where PackIt would not be listed in the root right-click menu. The 'globs' and 'types' mime files are pretty comprehensive, should cover all the types of text files that we are likely to encounter ...I think.
Just checked and now I remember why I decided to add PackIt and UExtract symlinks in /etc/xdg/{SendTo,OpenWith} dir (the main dir, not .something subdir).
Without them there's no UExtract (1 & 2) and PackIt (2) option in 'right-click -> SendTo/OpenWith' submenu at all, if:

1. given file type is not handled (properly) by ROX, e.g. "Macintosh HFS Extended version 4 ...", which is reported by ROX as 'application/octet-stream', but UExtract can extract it,

2. given file type is handled by ROX, but was added _after_ installing PackIt/UExtract and therefore the relevant subdir in /etc/xdg/{SendTo,OpenWith} doesn't exist or does not contain symlinks to both apps.

Thanks to those symlinks they are at least always accessible via SendTo/OpenWith submenu, but in other, "normal" cases there are duplicates, unfortunately.

As for ROX's text (but also image, application, etc.) - I wasn't quite aware of those "parent" MIME-Types and that they are also creating duplicates. I may want to do something about it in next version, indeed.


Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2020, 17:48
by nic007
Yes, need for conversion of savefolder to savefile has been coming up in posts lately. That's why I'm suggesting adding 3fs and 4fs. :wink:
PS: You may want to add a user option for the size of the savefile to be created.

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2020, 18:53
by SFR
nic007 wrote:You may want to add a user option for the size of the savefile to be created.
Yeah, I just realized, too, that since the the size of .2fs created by PackIt is equal to the total size of its contents, it needs to be enlarged afterwards.
Hmm, I think a separate utility just for the purpose of converting savedir to savefile would be a better and neater solution in this case...


Posted: Sun 10 May 2020, 15:09
by SFR
Version 1.22:

- added ability to select individual checksums
- added support for pigz compressor
- PackIt.desktop: fix category (thanks to BarryK)
- install script: ignore parent ROX MIME-Types (thanks to BarryK)
- some minor fixes

First post updated.
