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Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 09:35
by pstef
Will I be able to keep my windows after rotating screen with your script?

Sit Heel Speak, answer to your question is: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is not modified when I run xrandr -o left.

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 21:48
by disciple
Will I be able to keep my windows after rotating screen with your script?

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 22:03
by disciple
Speaking of modifying jwm, some of the responses on this thread ... 461#328461 confirm my experience that users get confused/annoyed by jwm shading a window when they scroll on the window border. It would be great if we could make it only shade when they scroll on the title-bar, and it might be good to have an option to disable shading too.

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 22:48
by pstef
I saved your files muppywm, prandr-left and prandr-normal to /bin and did chmod +x on all of them. Closed X and typed xwin muppywm jwm. JWM's tray or whatever it is called, didn't show up and cursor remained to look like 'please wait,' but I was able to run rxvt from ROX's pinboard. After typing prandleft (this is how I named the file in my system), JWM started and I got normal arrow cursor. No single window lost while switching it back to normal. However, this is what I saw in the console:

Code: Select all

# prandleft 
killall: jwm: no process killed
DEBUG: main.c[108]: debug mode started
# DEBUG: shape extension enabled
DEBUG: render extension enabled
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
asapm: open_apm_device_file: The file does not exist.
asapm: Neither ACPI nor APM are available!
killall: blinky: no process killed
killall: freememapplet-tray: no process killed

# prandnorm 
DEBUG: main.c[108]: debug mode started
# DEBUG: main.c[203]: debug mode stopped
DEBUG: MEMORY: no memory leaks
DEBUG: shape extension enabled
DEBUG: render extension enabled
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
asapm: open_apm_device_file: The file does not exist.
asapm: Neither ACPI nor APM are available!
killall: blinky: no process killed
killall: freememapplet-tray: no process killed
# prandleft 
DEBUG: main.c[108]: debug mode started
# DEBUG: main.c[203]: debug mode stopped
DEBUG: MEMORY: no memory leaks
DEBUG: shape extension enabled
DEBUG: render extension enabled
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
asapm: open_apm_device_file: The file does not exist.
asapm: Neither ACPI nor APM are available!
killall: blinky: no process killed
killall: freememapplet-tray: no process killed

# prandnorm 
DEBUG: main.c[108]: debug mode started
# DEBUG: main.c[203]: debug mode stopped
DEBUG: MEMORY: no memory leaks
DEBUG: shape extension enabled
DEBUG: render extension enabled
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
asapm: open_apm_device_file: The file does not exist.
asapm: Neither ACPI nor APM are available!
killall: blinky: no process killed
killall: freememapplet-tray: no process killed

# prandleft 
DEBUG: main.c[108]: debug mode started
# DEBUG: main.c[203]: debug mode stopped
DEBUG: MEMORY: memory leaks follow
DEBUG:         30 bytes in misc.c at line 190
DEBUG:         24 bytes in icon.c at line 643
DEBUG:         9216 bytes in image.c at line 399
DEBUG:         12 bytes in image.c at line 398
DEBUG:         42 bytes in misc.c at line 190
DEBUG:         24 bytes in icon.c at line 643
DEBUG:         2304 bytes in image.c at line 229
DEBUG:         12 bytes in image.c at line 203
DEBUG:         40 bytes in misc.c at line 190
DEBUG:         24 bytes in icon.c at line 643
DEBUG:         960 bytes in image.c at line 399
DEBUG:         12 bytes in image.c at line 398
DEBUG: MEMORY: 12 memory leaks
DEBUG: shape extension enabled
DEBUG: render extension enabled
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png"
asapm: open_apm_device_file: The file does not exist.
asapm: Neither ACPI nor APM are available!
/root/my-applications/freememapplet_tray_puppy215ce/freemem: line 3: 14219 Terminated              /ro                                       ot/my-applications/blinky-0.8-icewm/src/blinky -bg "#939191"
killall: freememapplet-tray: no process killed


Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 23:27
by disciple
JWM's tray or whatever it is called, didn't show up and cursor remained to look like 'please wait,'
Sorry - looks like I forgot what I actually did.
For the record, muppywm was borrowed from here ... 550#155550

So I missed this:
Edit /usr/X11R7/bin/xwin

around line 17, replace
echo -n "$1" > /etc/windowmanager
echo -n "muppywm $1" > /etc/windowmanager
And it looks like I still start X with `xwin jwm`, not `xwin muppywm jwm`

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 23:38
by disciple

Code: Select all

DEBUG: main.c[108]: debug mode started
# DEBUG: shape extension enabled
DEBUG: render extension enabled
JWM: warning: could not load tray icon: "nothing.png" 
These are related to your X and jwm configuration, not to what we're doing. I think the JWM warning means you have a tray icon defined in your configuration, but the icon defined for it doesn't exist.

Code: Select all

asapm: open_apm_device_file: The file does not exist.
asapm: Neither ACPI nor APM are available! 
I believe this is a tray battery monitor failing to start - obviously you don't have a laptop, so it doesn't work. BTW are you running Puppy 4.2? I guess these things must be default there...

Code: Select all

killall: blinky: no process killed
killall: freememapplet-tray: no process killed 
Maybe they've put entries in the jwm configuration to kill blinky and freememapplet when when jwm is killed or something like that. Maybe you have freememapplet disabled? I don't know why they'd want to kill blinky - it works fine for me when I exit and restart jwm.
It looks like maybe blinky wasn't up yet until the last time you ran the script.

Posted: Sun 02 Aug 2009, 00:34
by disciple
For anyone else reading this, if you try my screen rotation scripts and the freememapplet ends up detached from the taskbar in your puppy version, add

Code: Select all

killall freememapplet
before this line in the prandr-left and prandr-normal scripts

Code: Select all

killall jwm
Also, depending on the speed of your machine or something, you may find you need to add something like

Code: Select all

sleep 1

Code: Select all

jwm &
otherwise it may try to start jwm before it's finished killing jwm, in which case you get a message that the display is already managed, and no window manager. (and if there is a window in front of the rxvt icon on your desktop, and you don't have rxvt open, you need to switch to the other terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F2), login (puppy; woofwoof), start jwm, then switch back (Ctrl-Alt-F3) :) )

Another way to switch window manager without restarting X

Posted: Thu 13 Aug 2009, 08:57
by disciple
Removed (for non-technical reasons).

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 00:38
by Patriot
Hmmm .....

One weird weekend I'm having ...

*swish* ... plenus screen mico ...

Finally JWM will be able to have youtube flash full screen working right ...

It all started with a different problem I'm having ... Of all the apps I have to work with this weekend, I was pretty annoyed with vncviewer (TightVNC-1.3.10) full screen toggling ... The pesky viewer won't let me get out of full screen properly (hmm, the love-hate thing) ... It annoyed me so much so that I loaded half a tonne of motivation to give it a good whack ... and I now have a patched vncviewer that toggles full screen just the way it was meant to be ....

Then it got me thinking that youtube flash could be something similar ... errrkkk ... nope, it was a totally different thing ... tracing here, tracing there, tracing everywhere and then Hermione reminded me again ... it's Levi-O-sa , not leviosa ... Eureka! ... struck one out of my list ...

Well, me apologize for me rant ... and for not having posted any binaries yet ... please consider this to be alpha testing stage. I have some major code cleanup to do with JWM before posting the binaries. It'll be sometime next week before I'll get some beta test versions out ...


Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 04:41
by ttuuxxx
Patriot wrote:Hmmm .....

One weird weekend I'm having ...

*swish* ... plenus screen mico ...

Finally JWM will be able to have youtube flash full screen working right ...

It all started with a different problem I'm having ... Of all the apps I have to work with this weekend, I was pretty annoyed with vncviewer (TightVNC-1.3.10) full screen toggling ... The pesky viewer won't let me get out of full screen properly (hmm, the love-hate thing) ... It annoyed me so much so that I loaded half a tonne of motivation to give it a good whack ... and I now have a patched vncviewer that toggles full screen just the way it was meant to be ....

Then it got me thinking that youtube flash could be something similar ... errrkkk ... nope, it was a totally different thing ... tracing here, tracing there, tracing everywhere and then Hermione reminded me again ... it's Levi-O-sa , not leviosa ... Eureka! ... struck one out of my list ...

Well, me apologize for me rant ... and for not having posted any binaries yet ... please consider this to be alpha testing stage. I have some major code cleanup to do with JWM before posting the binaries. It'll be sometime next week before I'll get some beta test versions out ...

youtube has worked fullscreen since the rounded corners version downloaded from jwm site in puppies 4.2 no blling, it has also always worked in 2.14X series since it uses the same jwm. Then only difference between fullscreen and normal is the conversion of video size, it plays much slower on fullscreen, usually its best to wait until the whole video is done downloading by watching the progress bar at the bottom, then once its finished replay it and it plays more smoothly fullscreen. but if your watching the progressbar you can notice that the buffer is way ahead of the playing video. so that's a clear indication that its the conversion from normal to fullscreen that's delaying the smooth video. But when you compare it to a online pdf viewer, which is also flash based, you'll notice that scrolling fullscreen is much slower fullscreen, So I would say the actual slowdown is flash and not jwm :)

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 12:05
by Patriot
Hmmm .....

That's weird ... I must've dropped out of the loop ...

I ran jwm-svn456 too but couldn't get youtube flash switched to fullscreen. I just get a small square video box. Just to be sure, I re-downloaded the sources, whipped up a new binary and it gets me the same square box. Tested with some of my flashlib set from 9.0 up-to ... Any particular flash version that works fullscreen that I don't know of ?

The alpha patch that I made seems to work correctly with the same set of flashlibs. The other weird thing is that I do not experience any flash fullscreen rendering slowdown. Once fully buffered, all the clips plays smoothly either in browser or fullscreen mode (nope, no jerkiness nor perceivable delay there and I'm only using on-board chrome9 vga). Anyone has any sample youtube flash links with fullscreen slowdown that I can try ?


Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 12:17
by 01micko
This one is ok in ppa-423

kwidich? ( :lol: )

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 12:34
by ttuuxxx
Hi patroit maybe download 2.14X and try it, it has FF3.5 and flash 10 that works fullscreen, I'm about to update it to v8 in about 3hrs time.

download link here at the top of the list

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 12:41
by ttuuxxx
here's a screenshot of it working in 2.14X jwm,youtube,fullscreen

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2009, 13:26
by Patriot
Hmmm .....
01micko wrote:This one is ok in ppa-423

kwidich? ( :lol: )
Thanks Mick ... tested it and no stutter/jerkiness/slowdown experienced in fullscreen. Though the cpu usage almost peaked at certain positions. The video source encoding is quite low I believe ...

I've just recalled one place to try HD flash, The Hunt For Gollum. This clip is the one I tested in HD and found it to be smooth at fullscreen. CPU usage roughly 66% in browser and max'ed out in fullscreen. A quick check indicates that flash 9/10 is lacking any sort of video overlay support. I believe that's the only reason for it being slow on certain hardware ...

As a comparison, mplayer-svn averages roughly about 40% cpu usage for the clip in fullscreen.
ttuuxxx wrote:..... it has FF3.5 and flash 10 that works fullscreen ...
That's probably the reason why, FF3.5 ..... I did my tests on standard issue Seamonkey 1.1.x series ... there's major differences in API and handling between the two ...


Questions about Joe's Window Management Theme

Posted: Sat 22 Aug 2009, 07:08
by nfb.bicyclingrevolution
The screenshot "2" is stunning.

The only thing I don't like about it is the icon theme; they seem to clash with the theme in my eyes. If I downloaded this theme, would I still have the standard icon sets? I think stardust would be my personal choice.

What really sells that theme to me is the wallpaper. Does it come with the theme? Do you know where I can download it from?


Re: Questions about Joe's Window Management Theme

Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 20:12
by Patriot
Hmmm .....
nfb.bicyclingrevolution wrote:The screenshot "2" is stunning. .....
Screenshot 2 is .... just a screenshot of combinations. JWM themes are limited to the window, tray and menu configs. Desktop icons is part of DeepThought icons for the ROX-desktop. The wallpaper have been around for ages on many wallpaper sites. Search for pink sky wallpaper and take your pick ...

JWM and flashplayer

Still crawling through the source codes now. Comparing between svn-456 and my patched 201 version seems like a good way to learn something. Haven't had much spare time to sift through them all yet ...

Ok, some experimentation showed me that fullscreen flash begins with 9.0.64 and the fullscreen inits were modified with flash 10 ... So, I can confirm that flash will go fullscreen just fine with JWM-svn ...

I've done a bit of reading about flash 10 and it seems that it has limited fullscreen GPU acceleration (OpenGL based). Acceleration is also limited to newer flash 10 content. I've also found out that fullscreen flash 9 and flash 10 is pretty much software rendered. No xv overlay is in use.

Thus, this explains the high cpu usage on most machines unless you have a card with OGL enabled and even that does not guarantee smooth low cpu usage fullscreen video. The reason given was that flash uses RGB instead of YUV for the final rendered data (on Linux). Further to this, accelerated fullscreen flash does not mix with Compiz ...

Unless flash uses the xv route, that pretty much makes fullscreen flash videos on older hardware a major pain .....

If I haven't the need to make flash working smoothly, I wouldn't be bothered with it .... I guess it's time to find out how to get mplayer plugins working reliably now ...


Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 23:23
by nfb.bicyclingrevolution
Whoops, I didn't mean the second screenshot, I meant the one called "jwmscr2.png", with the wolf and the two moons or whatever they are. The pink theme is quite well matched with the golden "DeepThought" icons, but pink is really . . . not my color!
I had no idea what the wolf wallpaper would be called, besides "wolf." But then I got the idea to search for "wallpaper wolf universe" and found it right away!
Anyway, thanks for clearing up my confusion about what the JWM included (and thus would overwrite). Thank you, I will definitely download this exquisite theme!

Re: Questions about Joe's Window Management Theme

Posted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 16:19
by gulk
Patriot wrote: Still crawling through the source codes now. Comparing between svn-456 and my patched 201 version seems like a good way to learn something.
Hi Patriot,

out of curiosity, what tool(s) are you using to review and compare and/or implement code? Under Windows I use Codewright for code and winmerge for comparing but haven't found anything as good for Linux.


Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2009, 10:54
by disciple
Hi guys, I just installed Joe's latest snapshot, not having tried anything since 2.01, and I've got some feedback:

Firstly: I can't say I'm a fan of the round windows, partly because if I put my mouse in the very corner the clicks go through to the root window (or I guess anything else that is underneath), which is potentially dangerous.
At least I can built it without round windows though :)


Now, what I really came here for:

A. It is fantastic to be able to resize windows from the top again. But it is really disconcerting to have a gap in the window-resize area either side of the title bar. I can resize the window all the way around the border except these two little spots, which seems like really strange behaviour.
I guess if you let it resize all the way around you'll probably want to move the X button a little further away from the edge... but personally I never thought it looked good that close to the edge anyway :)


B. The new menu asking if you really want to exit jwm seems like a good idea, but it interferes with calling `jwm -exit` from a script.

Like I explained above, I use a hack MU came up with that essentially runs an endless loop as a window manager, to make it easy to exit or switch window managers without restarting X. I use it for two different reasons:

1. So that I can have a script that exits jwm, rotates the screen using xrandr, then starts jwm. Jwm has to be exited and then started again because it doesn't support xrandr - if you don't exit it and start it again, if there is a jwm panel on the bottom edge of the screen and you rotate the screen to portrait orientation the panel will be in the middle of the screen - the same distance from the top of the screen as it was originally. There is a similar problem when you change screen resolutions with xrandr.

2. I use alltray, particularly to run xtmix (and set it up so a right-click on the taskbar volume control restores/minimises it). If I use `jwm -restart` any alltray windows get detached from the program that they contained.

Now that there is a window asking me to confirm if I want to exit jwm, if I don't click OK soon enough, my scripts will try to restart jwm before it has been exited, then after I click OK I end up with no window manager :shock:

Maybe the alltray issue and the xrandr issue could be fixed in jwm, and I should probably learn how to properly restart jwm without exiting X anyway (Dougal did sent me some information on this). There are also of course all sorts of workarounds (e.g. by using xse, or just killing jwm - BTW, is this bad, or is it perfectly safe to kill jwm on a regular basis?). But I still can't help thinking that it is good to be able to exit jwm non-interactively if you want to. :)


Also, I was wondering if anyone has looked into disabling window shading when you scroll over the window border (not the titlebar)? That is still the most disconcerting thing about jwm for newbies...
Shall I look into it?