Page 9 of 14

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 05:45
by ttuuxxx
runtt21 wrote:Woah DUDE !!!! are you ok? I hope that bum was not armed...
Yes I'm ok, a bit shocked, no he wasn't armed, I felt better once the police were here. since I was home alone. If you look at the map where I live on my street its all newer houses, but behind my house is a area with low income housing, and each of those units have at least 3 units in each. Most of the issues we get are from people living in those units. Like graffiti etc. Oh well another day in puppy land, lol

Re: problem with alsa in 4.2rc2----inet 8x0----logitech usb

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 06:10
by jamesbond
slippycurb wrote:hey girls and boys.....
My apologies for putting this post everywhere.........(maybe someone wants to go round and delete all these)
i found some sort of conflict between an onboard intel soundcard and a logitech headphone usb soundcard.......alsa wouldnt configure correctly for the usb headphones....sound alwys came out of normal headphone jack....but was pure distorted.....and alsa wouldnt save configuration for next boot.........
i fixed it by using the module blacklister and disabled the snd_intel module...and voila!!!!!perfect sound that actually came out the usb headphones.....
i put this post in numerous places before i discovered the fix........then checking back upon the desperate posts i made pa_mcclamrock suggested that i download RC3 and see if i have the same do my best
This is common problem and not only happens in Puppy, but also in other Linuces if you have than one "soundcard". Other than blacklisting the snd-hda-intel, there are 2 other solutions:

1) find out what module your headphone uses (most likely snd-usb-audio). Then add this do your /etc/modprobe.conf

Code: Select all

options snd-usb-audio index=0
options snd-hda-intel index=1
This makes your usb headphone as the 1st device, which, normally is the default.

2) Mucker with /root/.asoundrc file ... change the default PCM device from hw:0,0 (the 1st device) to whatever you want, e.g. hw:1,0 (the 2nd device). More info here: ... ult_plugin


Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 07:50
by Libretto100ct

Fixed it.

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 07:53
by esmourguit
post deleted due to previous post

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 07:57
by cthisbear
" Thank god I was home, of we all could of lost a wealth of
puppy related packages/software if he would of taken my pc's. "

I'd take the pic off mate and re-evaluate your security.
Mongrels like that have a history of coming back
and or telling their friends.

Not trying to be funny...OK!

Just look out.
Lucky result...and hope you're OK.


Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 08:21
by Lobster

Puppy Home security system (hopefully a better type of dog)

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 09:34
by ttuuxxx
cthisbear wrote:"
I'd take the pic off mate and re-evaluate your security.
Mongrels like that have a history of coming back
and or telling their friends.
Your right Chris I removed the image, when I was looking up that image on google maps, I decided to see the driving root from my house in Australia back home to my house in Canada, lol what a result that was.
26,096 km – about 56 days 5 hours
52. Kayak across the Pacific Ocean - Entering Japan 5404km

113 Kayak across the Pacific Ocean Entering United States (Hawaii)
6,243 km

129. Kayak across the Pacific Ocean Entering Washington 4,436 km


Google actually wanted me to Kayak 16,000km out of a 26,000km trip. Would of been better to drive across Asia and cross over in the winter from Russia

But I'll never try that, well for a few million maybe. LOL

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 16:05
by Jim1911
For some reason, when I installed your 2 on RC3, it works fine with JWM but will not work with the icewm, my preferred WM. It worked fine with both on RC2.
Hi Jim I'm not sure which pet packages you are talking about, can you upload the pet, or provide a link, I've posted well over 50 packages for 4.2 so far, plus hundreds since I've been with puppy. So just a bit more detail please. thanks
See attached pet.


Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 16:18
by ttuuxxx
Jim1911 wrote:
For some reason, when I installed your 2 on RC3, it works fine with JWM but will not work with the icewm, my preferred WM. It worked fine with both on RC2.
Hi Jim I'm not sure which pet packages you are talking about, can you upload the pet, or provide a link, I've posted well over 50 packages for 4.2 so far, plus hundreds since I've been with puppy. So just a bit more detail please. thanks
See attached pet.

why is its a .pet.bz2?

here's the package again, but just as a pet, try that and see.

wallpaper delay

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 17:38
by playdayz
Here is the "issue" with 4.2 that I reported so badly on rc2. If I use Desktop -> Wallpaper - Set Background Image then when i click Apply, the wallpaper changes in 2 seconds, but the conky pwidgets do not reset themselves for *14* seconds. Now I know to wait, but the first few times I did not and I thought nothing was happening and I went and clicked some other things, such as re-clicking Apply or changing wallpapers and Applying, and what happened was that things got all screwed up and it led to the cpu going to 100% and staying there. This is on a 900MHz 256M ram thinkpad laptop. A little message asking people to wait patiently might prevent the impatience that happened to me the first times.

BTW, the Australian Aurora wallpaper makes a nice desktop, very nice I would say, with the default icons imho--everything fits. Great color, echoing of shapes like the circle, it couldn't have been designed better, It's now my default desktop of choice. I hope someone will check it out so I will know that it was at least considered.

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 17:57
by nic2109
01micko wrote:
nic2109 wrote:Hello; I have tried to update a 3.01 based system as it seemed important.

Bad news!

It started but stuck on the 'switching to the new filesystem' message. The only way out was the power on/off button. :( :( :( :( :(

Is this a known bug and I've missed the solution, or is this the first report? Can we live with it? Seems to me like it ought to be a stopper, but others may disagree.

Sorry to have left it so late to try this out.
Patience my friend... how long did you wait? On a slowish system this can take over an hour, lots of things to change and update.
Well maybe I wasn't patient enough........ but as it's a fast machine (spec in my message footer), and there was no discernable disk activity, and as the usual stack of messages re. files it was updating didn't show up, and as I did wait for some 15 minutes and as it usually takes about 5....... I concluded that there was a problem.

But; I'll try again and wait for longer and see what happens.

Later that same day .......

Imagine my surprise when I tried again and it booted up straight into 4.2 with hardly a message! So; it had finished but it did hang!

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 18:02
I have installed the RC3 on my c.1999 Pentium 350MHz 128MB RAM. I have a frugal install (Lin'N'Win) dual booting with Windows 98 at Xorg 800 x 600 screen resolution. Old machine and old eyes I'm afraid!

I haven't done much yet but I thought I would bring the following buggettes to your attention.

* There was no tooltip text associated with the printer icon in the tray that displays when you hit the top of the screen.

I noticed that the text displayed ABOVE where you float over the icon so if you float at the top of the icon the tooltip text goes off the screen - but if you float at the bottom of the icon it is OK.

* When using Gnumeric the drag pointer icon was not sufficiently different from the normal pointer icon for my taste. The normal pointer is a double cross. The drag pointer is a slightly smaller version of the double cross. For ages I thought I couldn't get the drag fill to work. I didn't see when the icon changed! In Puppy 4.1.2 the drag pointer was a single cross - which was easily seen when it changed. Not sure if this is a Puppy problem or an update to Gnumeric, but it is definitely a step backwards.

* Some apps opened with a Window bigger than my screen. AbiWord was very slightly wider and Geany was taller and wider. Probably not a Puppy bug, but just thought I'd mention it.

* The screen displayed the first time when you go for woof - woof still needs tidying. It still shows the mem applet in the system tray when it no longer exists there any more.

* When booting up for the SECOND time after creating a pupsave file it got to the stage:
'Updating layered filesystem next boot will be faster!'
RC3 spent nearly 5 minutes at this point. RC2 and previous versions did not spend nearly as long as this. I thought RC3 had hung up the first time it happened!

* The Trash and Lock desktop icons appear on top of each other on my screen. Easy enough to separate if you realise this.

* Something I noticed with RC2. I assume it is the same for RC3 but haven't checked yet. I think you ought to consider the text displayed when you first hit help on the menu. It gave me the distinct impression that Barry is still in charge. While we must pay due homage to Barry for creating Puppy and indeed much of what is in this version, we must also recognise that Barry was not the driving force for 4.2. If Whodo is too modest to mention himself then it should be clearer that the Community is now in charge. They should get the brickbats or praise!

Now for some personal thoughts.

I have been watching this thread unfold and getting more and more excited as it seemed that the Puppy 4.2 appeared to be getting much better than previous versions. I was getting a little worried about the recent comments regarding the slow down on older equipment but although it was a little slower it was not too much to offset the benefits of Pwidgets. Not sure about the Calendar widget. A simple line showing the date would suffice rather than take up screen space with the month view that you cannot do anything with.

My first impression on seeing RC2 was - Wow! I am not an Eye Candy type of person but the look of this version was a vast improvement in looking professional. Gone was the fuzzy desktop Home icon at last! Perhaps the theme made the Window title bars a little indistinguishable against the backgroup, but this is a personal thing.

I have to say I was disappointed with the look of RC3. The waves on the sea gave the view a pixellated feel, even though it wasn't. Any picture as a backdrop is a personal choice. I think it better that no picture is used and let users add their own. The RC2 plainness with delicate shading looked so professional - admittedly I didn't see what it looked like in 16 colour mode. I tried to change RC3 back to this but never quite got it - is it possible?

After the disappointment of the backdrop came the disappointment of the icons. RC2 were crisp and clear - RC3 have a 'Toys R Us' like quality and have changed the names in places. I am in two minds about changing 'Home' to 'File'. Yes, you can use it as a File Manager but it is quite right in saying it looks on the home directory. If I want a file manager I open ROX, usually by clicking one of the drive icons. I also tried to change RC3 back to the RC2 icon set. We apparently have two choices. The default L'Orange which I don't like. The alternative Stardust is similar to the RC2 set - but it includes that fuzzy 'Home' icon - grrr!

I feel RC3 does not look as professional as RC2.

One query. I know you have made essential changes to the startup init script. Does it include the change for adding more than 3 sfs files?

I am now looking forward to the release of 4.2. You've all done a grand job, especially Whodo for managing such a diverse range of talents and personalities!

When Barry announced his retirement from the Puppy Dictatorship I had grave doubts about the future of Puppy. I'm glad I held on because the Community has shown, at last, it can work together, at least for a few months. You have put 4.1.2 into history, which is just as well as I felt it was a step backwards when it first came out.

Posted: Tue 17 Mar 2009, 21:12
by Jim1911

Thanks for the new copy of Copy I had must have been corrupt. This copy works fine on RC3.
why is its a .pet.bz2?
I compressed it before posting to save space and surprisingly the compressed file was larger than the .pet that you sent.


Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 05:45
by ecomoney
I dont know if this has already been reported, but has anyone noticed if the volume control in jwm actually doesnt seem to for me, but I have got a rather strange desktop machine with internal speakers, as well as headphones out. The "PCM" slider in gsmixer (which I think should be at the top of the menus - why are we using a console mixer?) seems to adjust the volume fine.

Thought better to mention it then this gets released without a working volume applet on the taskbar.

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 05:56
by trio
ecomoney wrote:I dont know if this has already been reported, but has anyone noticed if the volume control in jwm actually doesnt seem to for me, but I have got a rather strange desktop machine with internal speakers, as well as headphones out. The "PCM" slider in gsmixer (which I think should be at the top of the menus - why are we using a console mixer?) seems to adjust the volume fine.

Thought better to mention it then this gets released without a working volume applet on the taskbar.
It works for me

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 07:57
by jabu2
Test results on
Fujitsu lifebook s2200 intel r centrino 1.5 Ghz 1 G ram
live-CD frugal

rc3 loads in 1min (enter to reduce the 8 sec wait)

after loading with previous pupsave file
previously installed pets all seem to work OK incl Firefox - kompozer

From turning on, am reading Barry's blog via Firefox and previously organized bookmark in 1min20 sec

rc3 found all interfaces and loaded wireless "off the bat" (previous problem obviously fixed)

Have not tested printing

USB etc works
Abiword works
Sound works
so do all other loaded programs as far as I can tell from brief and simple testing

Got shut of the pwidgets without trace or trouble
(some did not show up too good on my screen which is standard wallpaper - but they were working OK - but I don't need such distractions - just a personal preference)

Running a good few hours without any hitches - despite an earthquake/tremor which rattled the house and wine glasses !

4.2 looks like a solid, useable, system.

Small spell error noticed in ROX dialog when delete on any file is tried via a right click - Quiet should be Quit? Sorry if posted in wrong thread. Would only confuse real noobs.

ATVB to all the team, esp to WhoDo who has Doooooo indeed!

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 08:24
by WhoDo
jabu2 wrote:Small spell error noticed in ROX dialog when delete on any file is tried via a right click - Quiet should be Quit? Sorry if posted in wrong thread. Would only confuse real noobs.
:shock: That's a ROX issue and has been compiled in by the looks, unless someone can tell me where else it might reside other than /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/ROX-Filer (which is a binary). :?

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 08:26
by 01micko
jabu2 wrote: Small spell error noticed in ROX dialog when delete on any file is tried via a right click - Quiet should be Quit? Sorry if posted in wrong thread. Would only confuse real noobs.

ATVB to all the team, esp to WhoDo who has Doooooo indeed!
Nah, it's quiet, ie, non verbose :wink:

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 10:54
by WhoDo
01micko wrote:Nah, it's quiet, ie, non verbose :wink:
Oh, DUH to me! :oops: :lol:

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 11:01
by 01micko
WhoDo wrote: Oh, DUH to me! :oops: :lol:
Ah well, we do know you are almost perfect... plus you have an excuse.... Titans beat Knights :lol: :lol: :lol: