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nearly all the custom packs in one folder that can be left

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2015, 06:37
by Puppus Dogfellow

nine extra root menus, ten other configurations you can switch to, the vgt geany line launcher, the nooby ethereal word processor, all the terminal shortcuts, some configurations for you to choose or not, windows repositioning and resizing scripts and shortcuts, rox bookmarks (at least three versions), MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher and SpeedDials, and very little for you to do and very little footprint left behind:

copy the nwp folder in the compressed folder to / (create a new top level directory, /nwp). will fill in details a bit later, but this is pretty much all the customizations that have come from this thread but redone in a way so as not to rely so heavily on the /root/my-applications/bin folder.

haven't tested yet but the menus were made with a series of text substition in geany-- a method that so far has proven at least as reliabe as manually creating the files. the ae menus they're based on and the original jwm menus those are based on (coming full circle/basically swapping two parts of a path) all work fine.

...nwp, vgt, sing, dub menus all work...the ae stuff works...

requires the following (all included as separate pets):

aemenu, wmctrl, xdotool, pexec, dash, gexec (optional. the main launcher (aside from aemenu and jwm) is pexec set to pop open having pretyped "/nwp/", which will allow you to use the terminal shortcuts therein even though they were never placed in the PATH. or on the PATH--the machine doesn't know to look for them, so if you want to use a launcher for some quick tab-completion access to stuff, type fnr into the pexec popup (at least one of the included jwmrc-personal files has pxc (this modified pexec launcher) binded to shift+spacebar--it's pretty convenient to type three or four characters to do just about anything you need done as far as opening files, positioning and resizing windows, etc.

i added a slot to auto generate the six puppypins needed for the puppypin switcher, and fixed some bad program links. see the following threads for further details. if something won't run, check the files in rox--they should be green. change permissions if they're not.




short version: this is the gaexec paexack from the nwp thread but with forty or so jwm specific files. aemenu's ability to popup from keys or the terminal complements jwm well, i think. anyway, it's here if you want it:


whole thing is basically a drop in. pxc goes to root/my-applications/bin, nwp goes under /, and there's a simple little tray (10but, which is in the root3 folder in /nwp) that's set to autohide over the top middle--here's the readme:
easiest way to get the nine other jwm root menus is probably to paste the following into your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file:


the above will use the nine menu blanks folder--the nine extra menus aren't exactly blank, but they're a lot more sparse than the ones off my precise 55 machine (trays and jwm config files included if you're interested--that was a dual monitor set up. the single is from a ~572 installation (a derivative of precise 571). they are a lot more involved and customized--i figured you may want to start from scratch, but 4 and 5 are the single monitor and dual monitor menus, 0 will give you a chance to get familiar with some of the ae menus that can be activated a number of ways, and 1 is the nwp menu...

following is the original readme to the config switch with some of the "/root/my-applications/root3" swapped out for "/nwp/root3/"--nothing to be done; this is just here for background and the above.

allows easy switching of alternate menu layouts and keyboard shortcut configurations by swapping out .jwmrc in /root and replacing it on the fly with one of your (here's a set for ten) alternates. they are set to use jwmrc.personal for customizations by default, but each new root menu has a line (by default commented out) for one of the new jwmrc-personal files that sits with it in its folder in /nwp/root3. you could alter that and switch root menus by sets of ten rather than just one at a time.

all the templates in /root/my-applications/root3 are copies of the original puppy menu from /initrd/pup_ro2 compressed to one line, with the desktops goto, rox opening the applications folder in usr/share, and a jwm config switch (which should also be added atop/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc as well) menu added:

<Menu label="jwm config switch" icon="" height="16">

<Menu label="jwm config switch" icon="" height="16">
<Program label="gjwm">/nwp/gjwm</Program>
<Program label="my3">/nwp/my3</Program>
<Program label="my30">/nwp/my30</Program>
<Program label="my31">/nwp/my31</Program>
<Program label="my32">/nwp/my32</Program>
<Program label="my33">/nwp/my33</Program>
<Program label="my34">/nwp/my34</Program>
<Program label="my35">/nwp/my35</Program>
<Program label="my36">/nwp/my36</Program>
<Program label="my37">/nwp/my37</Program>
<Program label="my38">/nwp/my38</Program>
<Program label="my39">/nwp/my39</Program>
<Program label="orig3">/nwp/orig3</Program>
<Program label="make 6 puppy pins">/nwp/mk6p</Program>

# nwp menu entry for aemenu: cmd "make 6 puppy pins for pp# series" "/nwp/mk6p"
# nwp menu entry for jwm: <Program label="make 6 puppy pins">/nwp/mk6p</Program>

ae menu version:

menu "jwm config switch"
cmd "gjwm" "/nwp/gjwm"
cmd "my3" "/nwp/my3"
cmd "my30" "/nwp/my30"
cmd "my31" "/nwp/my31"
cmd "my32" "/nwp/my32"
cmd "my33" "/nwp/my33"
cmd "my34" "/nwp/my34"
cmd "my35" "/nwp/my35"
cmd "my36" "/nwp/my36"
cmd "my37" "/nwp/my37"
cmd "my38" "/nwp/my38"
cmd "my39" "/nwp/my39"
cmd "orig3" "/nwp/orig3"
cmd "make 6 puppy pins for pp# series" "/nwp/mk6p"

the terminal shortcut for each of the additional configurations is the same as their purposely short program names i.e. enter my38 into a terminal or gexec-like launcher and that menu system and its associated shortcut keys will now be activated. comment out the jwmrc-personal line atop the .jwmrc file you are using and uncomment the one corresponding to your new customizations (keyboard, group, etc.)

overwrite the .jwmrc file in /nwp/root3 to use your own current right click menu in place of the puppy original from ro2 (without having to use fixmenus, which is what "orig3" is, more or less. gjwm opens the jwm files in geany for easy access.)


new shortcuts (off PATH so no conflicts with cryptic system scripts and utilities with this method; you could use pretty much any character(s) the system deems allowable as file names to launch programs and scripts) with the above pxc script searching through/acting on /nwp/ (this is what's on the root0 menu if you're using the 10but includes line (remember to restart jwm to see the changes). if you use either jwmrc-personal in /nwp/root/3 (there's one in the 572 folder and another in the 55 folder), alt+0-9 activate the menus. on blank desktop, the mouse is also the first five root menus (left click is root 1, middle click is root2, right is root3 (main menu), scroll up is root4, scroll down is 5), so moving (change your jwmrc-tray setting from x=0 to x=1) your tray right by one pixel allows you to throw the mouse in/slide your finger to the lower left corner to access roots 1-5, which in turn allows you to make the top autohide tray shorter (menus 6-0 plus now more room for whatever you want to add.)

the aemenu (pxc script plus the emboldened below or) pop ups on root0 (text coming from ... 881#850881 and the post above it):

1 single monitor menu
2 double monitor menu
g grid menu
x x axis menu
y y axis menu
w width menu
h height menu
mv move
wn windows menu
mx maximize window
o old windows manipulation menu
s new version of supplemental menus

n is the original nwpus menu, n1 is the full word-processing menu without any of the supplementals. it has n2 and n3 as submenus but gives some prominence to the overall document formatting commands from from n3; n2 is just the highlight and click to apply word processing/html code section, and n3 is the paste and place section of the main (word processing) menu.

it's often quicker to have the machine spit out the tags and leave the placement to you rather than have it auto delete then recreate the the text with the tags in place. the following menu just pastes the beginning and end tags for various formatting functions--it's up to you to paste them and/or follow the instructions that get printed along with them ("instructions" usually something no more than "delete this and put your text here to preserve breaks and spaces. all this other stuff is not visible when the document is viewed in a browser," and frequently something a good deal less.)
all items are set to work on active window.

some other useful pxc shortcuts (enter the bold text in the modified pexec launcher to by-pass the menu popups and enter the commands to their right directly (adapted from the earlier ... 711#846711)):
some pxc shortcuts of note:

s# send active window to desktop#
s#s send next clicked window to desktop#
d# go to desktop#
c plus a single letter is normally a close command--cr, close rox; cu, close urxvt terminals; ct, close rxvt Terminal.
pp# --change pinboard
p# --change/toggle four panel set frame (can be altered down to one)
my# --swap out custom jwm configurations
gea3 --edit custom jwm configurations
la, lb, lm ---layer above, below, middle/normal for active window
las,lbs, lms ---layer above, below, middle/normal for selected window
stk, ustk --stick unstick active (add an s for the click to select version)
pv2--partview and rox /mnt
rr --rox recently visited
rb1 --four (iirc) rungs down on the rox bookmarks menu
rup --three rungs up from the bottom of the rox bookmarks menu
wp-- access the nwp area of one of the root menus
w5 --access the quadrants, halves, and wholes area of one of the root (jwm) menus
pcp --access pup control
fnr --find and run
hlx -- htop in an urvxt window and lx task ...
ppm is a built in for package manager (will work without pxc launcher or anything having been symlinked to /root/my-applications/bin)
x# move to # on x-axis (increments of 10)
y# move to # on y-axis (increments of 10)
h# width (increments of 5)
w# width (increments of 5)
rs resize
sd -- speeddials
sdr -- speed dials recent list only
gnysys -- open a slew of config files in geany
3but -- speed dials and a version of winswitcher
ws -- winswitcher (also ctrl plus spacebar).
1g0-1g30 grid out the screen. first number is down the y axis in steps of 100, starting with 0; second number is x axis divided by 100. select versions replace the g with an s: 1g0 is upper left corner, 7s20 sends the next thing clicked to 600y, 2000x. increments of 100 for the grid, 10 for movement along x and y axes, 5 for height and width though square presets (bare #) are by tens.

add an s to make the code work on a window to be clicked rather than the active one (examples: x440, y750s, w435, h1275s)
screenshots of two of the configurations available in the /nwp/root3 directory:

screen shot of the custom Precise 5.5 JWM configuration, dual monitors (asymmetrical). additional left and top autohidden trays not shown but are same as below

screen shot of 572 JWM configuration, single monitor

272kb download for the version w/o the jwm additions, 293kb for the -jwm. (smaller version is in the pupli repo as The Gaexec Paexack).


edit/bugfix: to get the trays in the 55 dual monitor configuration to work, you'll need to swap out the beginning of the jwmrc-personal file in /nwp/root3/dub55 with the following:

Code: Select all




you'll also need to provide your own icons (next full upgrade will have better icon management).

alternate version of the pexec/pxc launcher

Posted: Wed 17 Jun 2015, 16:25
by Puppus Dogfellow
more legible font for the comments:

modified version of pexec launcher to use with the gaexec paexack and the nwp/nwpus directory/word processing/"word processing" functions. use if the original pxc is giving you time delay grief; this version doesn't have xdotool type anything, so timing and system idiosyncrasies don't come into play. arrow right to access the scripts in /nwp, type to enter a regular run command ("/nwp/" is already entered, but it's highlighted. typing overwrites it, the arrow key brings you to the end so you can enter the short script name). i suggest adding the two scripts that follow this one to your chosen PATH location or /nwp. since there doesn't appear to be any system conflict with a program named f or t, this would be the simplest way to quickly make up for the autoclosing pexec's lack of tab complete--findandrun does a nice job of that and you can choose whatever shortcut you want to be able to quickly reach a terminal from pxc or np, which is what i'm calling this script at the moment.

Code: Select all


#modified version of pexec launcher to use with the gaexec paexack and the nwp/nwpus directory/word processing/"word processing" functions. use especially if the original pxc is giving you time delay grief; this version doesn't have xdotool type anything. arrow right to access the scripts in /nwp, type to enter a regular run command. i suggest adding the two scripts that follow this one to your chosen PATH location or /nwp. since there doesn't appear to be any system conflict with a program named f or t, this would be the simplest way to quickly make up for the autoclosing pexec's lack of tab complete--findandrun does a nice job of that and you can chose whatever shortcut you want to be able to quickly reach a terminal from pxc or nwpp (which is what i'm calling the script at the moment, though i suppose pwn and np are both arguably more inspirational).

# edit line below to preload other commands, i.e. history=/nwp/s1/ will start the search in a subdirectory of nwp...
[ -z "$history" ] && history="/nwp/"

# create and run dialog
CMDLINE=$(yad --width=350 --skip-taskbar --center --on-top --fixed --sticky \
              --title="nwpp" --window-icon="gtk-execute" \
              --entry --entry-label="Run command:" --editable \
              --column="command" --entry-text $history)

# if the command line is empty, exit now
[ -z "$CMDLINE" ] && exit 0


# run the command

exit 0

Code: Select all

#name t and place in root/my-applications/bin  and/or /nwp
#uncomment the terminal of your choice

Code: Select all

#name f and place in root/my-applications/bin  and/or /nwp
#uncomment the launcher of your choice
here's the original pexec thread


2 add-on packs (the missing 5 increment steps):



from the readme:

the missing 5 increment steps for 100--1205 (px) squares, a 0-2005 y axis, a 0-3000 x axis (ten steps fleshing out from 2000-3000 also added, which will overwrite five or six files in /nwp), an alternate, non xdotool-dependent launcher, and launcher shortcuts for goldendict (gd), findnrun (f), the new launcher (np, pwn, nwpp--all the same; use as a template to search in specific folders for executables), and notecase (nc).

s version of this folder contains the click-to-select versions of the scripts

copy or symlink files to nwp. 19kb compressed, 130kb uncompressed. (30 with gz compression, if anyone's interested. 925 files (x2) not including the readme).


most up to date version, 6/18/15

an easy way to get tiny or huge icons and text on the menus

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2015, 03:22
by Puppus Dogfellow

Code: Select all

geany /root/.jwm/jwmrc-theme

Code: Select all

leafpad /root/.jwm/jwmrc-theme
in a terminal and look for
<Font>Open Sans-11</Font>
The menus are forced to fit the font size--width and height will shrink or grow to fit the text you set and the icons will stretch or shrink to fit their menus.

for further control, enter

Code: Select all

geany /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc

Code: Select all

leafpad /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
in a terminal and look for height="16" and similar in that file--usually there's another for the main menu set at 24 or so. change those settings too if you want, for example, menu and submenu titles to have different size text and icons from each other and/or their entries.

you'll need to restart jwm for the changes to show. to get the changes made to _root_.jwmrc to show, enter fixmenus into a terminal and restart jwm. if the icons look distorted, restart x.


you could also mix up and make hybrid themes this way, since you've already got jwmrc-theme open. as an example, i like the aurora theme but prefer the gray pager from dark gray rounded, so i commented out (surrounded with <!-- -->) the pager settings from that theme and pasted in the <PagerStyle> </PagerStyle> bit from the other below it. jwm restart and the switch is made.

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2015, 10:36
by technosaurus
I have used and abused jwm's menus in much worse ways: as a package manager, drive mounter, bookmarks manager, you name it. Jwm's menus are extremely fast and good enough to handle a lot of things.

It's trays can also replace things like wbar and even desktop icons to some extent ... or even as a crude image viewer. If you don't like its default menu, you can just add a traybutton to exec an external one. With the latest releases though it gets even better. Many tray focus related issues are fixed and a simple yet extremely useful feature added ( this is where I get back to the thread topic ) tray buttons can now recognize right and middle clicks as well as scroll wheel up and down. Combine that with the ability to do a jwm -reload in the background and you have the making of some pretty powerful (and hacky) stuff to replace tray applets and possibly some desktop widgets.

You can swallow any random app too, so its easy to drop in a searchbar or any kind of tray applets using just a gtkdialog wrapper.

Jwm can even set different backgrounds for each desktop, but that uses a lot of resources (well over 10 times what jwm uses otherwise) but did you know that if you set a solid background color it is much lighter. You can add a tray at a specific location containing an image with the same background color (easy to do now that jwm supports svg) and save quite a bit of ram. (Note that images have to be decompressed to be displayed, so a full screen background on a new 4096*2048*32bpp display ends up using an extra 32mb just to have the image.) If you place a 1024*1024 image instead, it would only use ~4mb... Granted if you have a 4k display, RAM is probably not an issue.

As soon as jwm gets working menu tooltips, I will revisit my jwm-tools and add things like contexts so it can be in tablet mode, desktop mode, constrained desktop mode, phone etc... using default settings on 640*480 or smaller screen looks horrible. It uses yad (or simple text editor without xml) for configuration, I know puppy uses gtkdialog, but yad seems to be more widely available.

Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2015, 06:19
by Puppus Dogfellow
technosaurus wrote:I have used and abused jwm's menus in much worse ways: as a package manager, drive mounter, bookmarks manager, you name it. Jwm's menus are extremely fast and good enough to handle a lot of things.

It's trays can also replace things like wbar and even desktop icons to some extent ... or even as a crude image viewer. If you don't like its default menu, you can just add a traybutton to exec an external one. With the latest releases though it gets even better. Many tray focus related issues are fixed and a simple yet extremely useful feature added ( this is where I get back to the thread topic ) tray buttons can now recognize right and middle clicks as well as scroll wheel up and down. Combine that with the ability to do a jwm -reload in the background and you have the making of some pretty powerful (and hacky) stuff to replace tray applets and possibly some desktop widgets.

You can swallow any random app too, so its easy to drop in a searchbar or any kind of tray applets using just a gtkdialog wrapper.

Jwm can even set different backgrounds for each desktop, but that uses a lot of resources (well over 10 times what jwm uses otherwise) but did you know that if you set a solid background color it is much lighter. You can add a tray at a specific location containing an image with the same background color (easy to do now that jwm supports svg) and save quite a bit of ram. (Note that images have to be decompressed to be displayed, so a full screen background on a new 4096*2048*32bpp display ends up using an extra 32mb just to have the image.) If you place a 1024*1024 image instead, it would only use ~4mb... Granted if you have a 4k display, RAM is probably not an issue.

As soon as jwm gets working menu tooltips, I will revisit my jwm-tools and add things like contexts so it can be in tablet mode, desktop mode, constrained desktop mode, phone etc... using default settings on 640*480 or smaller screen looks horrible. It uses yad (or simple text editor without xml) for configuration, I know puppy uses gtkdialog, but yad seems to be more widely available.
as long as it's using jwm to accomplish something new or in a new way, or augments, improves, or reveals a feature, it's on topic. welcome to the thread, technosaurus.

i'm putting together a folder of stuff to launch through jwm keys and menus--it's more or less a mouse replacement (mostly less--i don't have an aversion to it as much as i used to, though ergonomically speaking, this mouse on an adjacent bookcase setup isn't really working out too well (and speaking of off topic)) and an attempt to turn text editors into passable word processors with the aid of browsers and xdotool (mostly wmctrl for the movement and resizing). it's also a collection of utilities and quick links.

anyway, getting back on to the topics of your post, i remember seeing a tray you'd made that had drive icons--it looked cool (though i can't remember if it was jwm). i sometimes drag them to rox panels, but a slide out panel coming from a jwm tray button was really what i was after, i think. can this be done? also, can any of the current pups or quirkies use the multi-mouse input on the tray buttons function? is it already built in?

as to the tray of the same color or that blends into the background, i usually would just use a clear icon that executed a menu if i wanted that--basically no additional resources that way.

still limited to ten root menus?

(i tried eleven and crashed precise 5.7.1. haven't tried since, though multi-button again opens the possibility).

Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2015, 07:50
by MochiMoppel
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:still limited to ten root menus?
No. New limit:36

Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2015, 16:21
by Puppus Dogfellow
MochiMoppel wrote:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:still limited to ten root menus?
No. New limit:36
Add support for more than 10 menus. Now 26 additional menus can be defined using the letters a through z. ... tml#v2.3.2

i sense a tremendous time-sink in my not too distant future.


Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2015, 20:08
by technosaurus
Puppus Dogfellow wrote: still limited to ten root menus?
nope, Joe added at least 26 more (maybe 52) via letters IIRC
Edit: as of this commit time menu supports tooltips :)
Please test.

Posted: Sun 01 Nov 2015, 02:58
by Puppus Dogfellow
technosaurus wrote:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote: still limited to ten root menus?
nope, Joe added at least 26 more (maybe 52) via letters IIRC
Edit: as of this commit time menu supports tooltips :)
Please test.

i have no idea how to git, technosaurus. i'm not even sure what i'm looking at on that page.
that a script?

Posted: Sun 01 Nov 2015, 03:21
by technosaurus
It's on github so you can just get the zip file or tarball from the main page.... I just put the exact commit in case anyone wants to patch a specific version

Posted: Sun 01 Nov 2015, 16:31
by Puppus Dogfellow
technosaurus wrote:It's on github so you can just get the zip file or tarball from the main page.... I just put the exact commit in case anyone wants to patch a specific version
i found the zip file and the following instructions at ... c3de2ac2fe:

For building from the git repository, run "automake -a" followed by autoreconf to generate configure.
Run "./configure --help" for configuration options.
Run "./configure [options]"
Run "make" to build JWM.
Run "make install" to install JWM. Depending on where you are installing JWM, you may need to perform this step as root ("sudo make install").
any special way i should go about it or is the above okay?
technosaurus wrote:[...] as of this commit time menu supports tooltips :)
Please test.
will likely be able to get to it later tonight.

Posted: Sun 01 Nov 2015, 19:52
by Keef
Just to say that I compiled the latest and greatest, and the tooltip does show up.

Puppus Dogfellow:
You can just follow the instructions you have already found. Running 'strip' on the resulting binary is well worth it.
I don't do 'make install' though.
After compiling, I rename it (eg. "jwm-git")and copy it to /usr/bin.
Exit to prompt and do 'xwin jwm-git'. Dead easy to revert to the original if any problems, or to compare versions.

Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2015, 03:53
by Puppus Dogfellow
Keef wrote:Just to say that I compiled the latest and greatest, and the tooltip does show up.

Puppus Dogfellow:
You can just follow the instructions you have already found. Running 'strip' on the resulting binary is well worth it.
I don't do 'make install' though.
After compiling, I rename it (eg. "jwm-git")and copy it to /usr/bin.
Exit to prompt and do 'xwin jwm-git'. Dead easy to revert to the original if any problems, or to compare versions.
i suppose i should've followed your advice, Keef, and thanks for offering it, but i just did the straight through compile (what does strip do and how was i supposed to have run it? and just rename the folder and move it to /usr/bin? the xwin command calls it from that folder? pretty cool. next time maybe. :lol: ). anyway, in precise 5.7.1, no tool tips and no ill effects that i've noticed so far beyond blue menu bars i can't shake. is that the new warning notice? it's not as alarming as it was before if that's the case. also, since none of my trays are standard, nothing got wiped out as usually happens when jwm has had enough, so--it may be suffering and i just don't know what it's saying, but it works fine and all my personal mods appear to still work.

anyway, it's not a particularly annoying blue, and i haven't tried to change the theme file manually yet, but it really should leave when the gui tells it to, i think.

edit: i should say i've only restarted x, not yet rebooted the thing. also, i've since tried to manually edit the theme file, but the colors are already present as not blue--maybe i have to go into one of the pup_ro folders? (or whatever they're called. can't seem to find their representative on this quirky installation at the moment...).

...syntax of hidden trays had to be changed from "true" to "top" (left, right, bottom)....

Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2015, 19:22
by Keef
'strip' removes a lot of unneeded info from the binary.
With JWM it can go from 800k+ to less than 200k.
After running 'make', type

Code: Select all

strip /src/jwm
From that you'll probably fathom that the jwm binary is in the src/ directory. That's the beasty you need to copy to /usr/bin/.

Anywhere in the PATH will do, but /usr/bin/ is the usual location.
Best to rename it so you don't overwrite the original.

Code: Select all

# echo $PATH
The tooltip just goes in the Program label line:

Code: Select all

<Program label="JWM Window Manager Settings" tooltip="Yippee!" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/windows.svg">jwmconfig</Program>

Posted: Tue 03 Nov 2015, 13:17
by MochiMoppel
Keef wrote:That's the beasty you need to copy to /usr/bin/.
Anywhere in the PATH will do, but /usr/bin/ is the usual location.
Best to rename it so you don't overwrite the original.
When testing new versions I find it easier to copy to /bin, not /usr/bin. This way the old version can stay in /usr/bin, but the new version will be executed since /bin precedes /usr/bin in the PATH order.

BTW: I can't see much improvement in 2.3. Still no tray management. IMHO the single most interesting new feature is the <Dynamic> tag to create dynamic submenus. Not only the content of the menus, even the labels can be made dynamic:

Posted: Wed 04 Nov 2015, 03:19
by technosaurus
I just added experimental support for several new image types (gif,bmp,psd,pnm,ppm,pic,tga,pic,hdr)
as well as png and jpeg support without libpng and libjpeg
Slacko64 packages are here
The binary is only ~8kb larger than stock and that is with png and jpeg support built in statically (no more jpeg/png version mismatches).

Posted: Wed 04 Nov 2015, 03:21
by technosaurus
MochiMoppel wrote:BTW: I can't see much improvement in 2.3. Still no tray management. IMHO the single most interesting new feature is the <Dynamic> tag to create dynamic submenus. Not only the content of the menus, even the labels can be made dynamic:
What do you mean by "tray management"?

Posted: Sat 07 Nov 2015, 23:32
by Puppus Dogfellow
MochiMoppel wrote: [...]

BTW: I can't see much improvement in 2.3. Still no tray management. IMHO the single most interesting new feature is the <Dynamic> tag to create dynamic submenus. Not only the content of the menus, even the labels can be made dynamic:
the no reload/no restart aspect's pretty cool--i copied over my jwmrc-personal file and my custom trays instantly appeared. the shortcut keys were instantly active, too. had i looked up the sed command to comment out the original tray, maybe i'd've gotten to see that disappear, but i think you may still have to do jwm -restarts for that thing in /etc.

other than it taking out an old installation (my error, obviously. and i got an easy way to do frugal installs out of the mess, so a positive in that regard as well), i'm happy with the changes. i think i also remember seeing a way to nest windows of a given type in the tray, but i'm not sure if that's new or not. also not sure where i saw it...

(also, i was messing around with more than just jwm when the installation decided it couldn't do anything that had anything to do with a terminal. some kind of weird permissions and set run actions thing all at once it seemed. no loss, a fresh install....also got to see how poorly done a lot of my personal precise spin is...there's a ninety megabyte folder that just seems to do nothing...i'm sure it could be 20 and be just as useless...


jwm word processor functions plus a bunch of other stuff.

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2015, 13:00
by Puppus Dogfellow

A NWP/A NWPUS--A Nooby Word Processor and Utilities Suite
Subject description: robust, extensible, and superseded in ministrosity by pu(/)up!

or NWP: The New UUord Processor and Uber Utilities Pack, if you prefer.
(more to the canine, less towards the copro, but having owned a doggus named clivis...anyway, it's a less sh*tty name, one possibly justifiable by the thing's unending customizability...(it's got more blank keyboard shortcut templates than you'll likely ever need or know what to do with, provisions for 9 extra jwm menus, a very easy way to add and edit commands on the fly...)). latest updates:

aemenu and jwm menu versions of word processor:

aef (for "aefull") will display all they ae menus, which is how the jwm menu handles them.
what it does -- what to enter into the main nwp launcher
nwp and submenus -- n
word processor 1 -- n1
paste and place formatting codes -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors, halves and quarters -- 1
double monitors, halves and quarters -- 2
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra (older) windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement supplemental -- w1

instructions file has launch codes and general overview (in the form of the help file that pops up with "elp" in the launcher):
1. unpack download and move nwp folder to top level (make it /nwp).
2. install the deps in the dependencies folder (choose 32 or 64 bit and see what you're lacking).
3. choose an install script:

a) ae deluxe -- aemenus plus vtg added to root 3 menu. escape and spacebar key shortcuts added to jwmrc-personal. no affect if no jwm--you'll need a key to activate main launcher (this gives you it with shift plus space).
b) ae -- aemenu deluxe with the deluxe commented out. i.e. "aemenus plus vtg added to root 3 menu. escape key shortcuts added to jwmrc-personal. no affect if no jwm--you'll need a key to activate main launcher (this gives you it with shift plus space)" is wrong--no keys. gives you the aemenu version of the nwp. vtg function is handled by v in the launcher. not sure about window managers other than jwm, but right clicking an icon or script on the desktop can give keyboard shortcuts through rox--haven't yet tried to track down which file stores this, but it would allow you to make those customizations portable as well. use cp to copy over whole file or sed (sehd in the launcher is a very minimal sed cheat sheet--i just looked up line replacement to make these install scripts and decided it may come in handy later as well). i recommend shift plus spacebar as the main launcher shortcut.
c) 390x1 -- version for top tray, nine menus, regular bottom tray moved over a pixel. you get the shortcut keys, but the changes to your trays are few.
d) 390 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped
e) 390r -- version with more minimalistic 9 menus available but commented out. joop opens files for editing. three custom trays--you lose the stock bottom tray
f) 392 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped, two additional menus added to root3
(all jwm versions automatically activate MochiMoppel's script to put bookmarks on the jwm menus)

4. optionally, click the geanykeyvtg script to copy over the necessary keyboard shortcuts in /nwp/root3/geany to enable the vtg (your old keyboard config file will be recopied as keybindings.conf-old)

5. for help with configuration files, joop, root9, root9b, root10, and joopf in the main launcher (shift plus spacebar)
these are the included install scripts:

#aemenu deluxe
#aemenus plus vtg added to root 3 menu. escape and spacebar key shortcuts added to jwmrc-personal. no affect if no jwm--you'll need a key to activate main launcher (this gives you it with shift plus space if you do.).
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<!-- Key bindings -->/<!-- Key bindings -->\n<Key mask="A" key="z">exec:xdotool key F12 Down Return<\/Key> \n<Key mask="A" key="g">exec:geany\/nwp\/vtg5<\/Key> \n<Key mask="AS" key="g">exec:\/nwp\/g<\/Key> \n<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:rox<\/Key>\n<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:winswitcher<\/Key>\n<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/p<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/rr<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/cr<\/Key>\n<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/t<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
jwm -restart
geany /root/.wm/jwmrc-personal
#rr rox recents; p main launcer; g grids menu; rup rox bookmarks, four or so up from end
#alt plus z is activating the vtg on root 3 menu
#vtg5 is help files opened in geany
#winswitcher and mbm are by MochiMoppel--resoectively a great window management utility and rox bookmarks on the menus


#aemenu deluxe with the deluxe commented out. i.e. "aemenus plus vtg added to root 3 menu. escape key shortcuts added to jwmrc-personal. no affect if no jwm--you'll need a key to activate main launcher (this gives you it with shift plus space)" is wrong--no keys. gives you the aemenu version of the nwp. vtg function is handled by v in the launcher. not sure about window managers other than jwm, but right clicking an icon or script on the desktop can give keyboard shortcuts through rox--haven't yet tried to track down which file stores this, but it would allow you to make those customizations portable as well. use cp to copy over whole file or sed (sehd in the launcher is a very minimal sed cheat sheet--i just looked up line replacement to make these install scripts and decided it may come in handy later as well). i recommend shift plus spacebar as the main launcher shortcut.
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<!-- Key bindings -->/<!-- Key bindings -->\n<Key mask="A" key="z">exec:xdotool key F12 Down Return<\/Key> \n<Key mask="A" key="g">exec:geany\/nwp\/vtg5<\/Key> \n<Key mask="AS" key="g">exec:\/nwp\/g<\/Key> \n<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:rox<\/Key>\n<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:winswitcher<\/Key>\n<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/p<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/rr<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/cr<\/Key>\n<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/t<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#jwm -restart
#geany /root/.wm/jwmrc-personal

# 390x1 -- version for top tray, nine menus, regular bottom tray moved over a pixel
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk3<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk3<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/x="0"/x="1"/' /root/.jwmrc-tray
jwm -restart
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h
#top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#additional changes to root 3 commented out
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h


#392 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped, two additional menus added to root3:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
# nwp full
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h


# 390r -- version with more 2 minimalistic 9 menu sets available but commented out. joop opens files for editing. three custom trays--you lose the stock bottom tray.
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
#root9, root9b, and root10 in the main launcher open the main nwp 9 menu set and both reduced nine menu sets. adjust mtk2(opened by joop) to match your choice.
#joopf (joop full) opens joop plus the three 9 menu sets
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk2<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk2<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h

#beyond the new configuration options, there are few additions with this upgrade. i'm changing the name from nooby word processor/nooby uber utilility pack and dropping all the pax, packs, pwns, etc. uu like on an early icon set--the new word processor, because it's forever being customized (by you, hopefully). still, as a nod to noobiness, one additon is sehd, which will explain the sehd command i used to make these configuration scripts. enter it in a terminal, and it prints out:

#sed -i s/find/replace/ file
#(this line would normally be absent and the line above uncommented)
#use \ to comment out slashes (and presumably other stuff)
# find and replace / with \/ to make things easier

# that's basically it--instead of instructions telling you to open the file and overwrite and then copy, i just use the find and overwrite sed command to do basically the same thing (one fewer step than the original instructions--the customizations are being put directly into /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc with the insert tag rather than a tag there being commented out (now replaced and moved to the new file) and another line having to be inserted into your jwmrc-personal file (in /root/.jwm). hopefully this will make your own shortcuts (if you've got any) override the new ones being introduced with the nwp. wp has the -p launcher with the new name. ll launcher could open it for renaming. pending css improvements (to replace the html templates), this is nwp1. this is already better than what i thought i'd be able to come up with. could probably spend a lifetime fixing the documentation. tried to make the drag and drop dual (editing and viewing) launchers less cryptic by adding a cheat sheet to the folder...


--p.dogfellow, 12/11/15
newer versions of install script add following comments and the w11 function described below :
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h

________________________(older version of installation procedure below--may still be of use)___________________
install the deps in the dependencies folder (pets and, in the case of 64 bit, there's an xz of aemenu you have to unpack and move to the path (e.g.: /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/X11R7/bin, /root/my-applications/bin, /usr/games, or /opt/jre/bin. you may have more or fewer, but those are easy enough to find)). move the nwp folder to top level (make it /nwp). enter the following into a terminal or run as a script:

cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl

pick the tab for /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc. comment out the bottom tray if you want to use the new bottom tray, or just comment out the dock if you want it on the upper tray without having to swap out your stock tray for the new one.

mtk is the file you edit for trays, keys and keys 2 have the default customizations and the 120 or so blanks respectively. (hopefully the files are sufficiently commented)

if you want the nine menu version, add
to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file

if you want only the jwm menu on root one, add
to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file.

if you just want the aemenu version, make a keyboard shortcut for the p file you copied over to /root/my-applications/bin. use "elp" for help in learning the codes. aef will give you a pop up of all the aemenu menus. below is the new help file that pops up when you enter "elp" into the launcher (leafpad help became lelp, which is the file elp calls. open it in the ll launcher, modify, rename help or hayelp, ll in the main launcher, name the new file (as you open it) with hmn (since those keys are all together and indicate pause), scz in the launcher, leafpad /nwp/help or hayelp, save, ch in the launcher, hmn, and you have an extra note taking scrap pop up. you could use leafpad as a pop up script maker or a note taker like xpad, but with better title and path management (no cool pop up menu though).

the recommended helper programs (including python for some pdf stuff by rcrsn51--without that it'd be almost as small as the nwp itself) are packed separately. if you are going to comment out (surround with <!-- -->) the <Include>/nwp/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include> line in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc (recommended even if you don't comment it out after you recopy it (recommended) to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file--frees you from needing to run fix menus for changes to that tray to take effect), you'll need to run fix menus to free the desktop of it. most other changes require only jwm -restart (keys and other trays' buttons) or jwm -reload (menus only need that--it's the quickest of the three).

so the nooby uuord processor and uber utilites pack is now officially nwp and the launcher pwn. it's the new word processor because you never get done modifying's always somewhat new...

anyway, the spacebar placement and quick codes are supposed to flow with you, and a geany document with the vtg enabled can be a decent start center, but you may want to use the keys for file launching. joop in the launcher opens up keys and keys 2; v activates the vtg, which will allow you to launch lines of code just like you'd do with the keys, but you'd be able to see and modify the lists on the fly.

contents of the recs folder:

aemenu, xdotool, and wmctrl are included in the 32 and 64 deps folders. overall, it's been lightened, the showdesktop on the menu bug has been removed (jwm issue--works as a key and a button, but you can't call it or a button for it from the menu (windows functions called like that generally work), the help files have been improved, and a few conveniences have been added. jwm menus have been reworked for convenience, but i never discussed them much before so this is basically an introduction to them rather than an announcement of change. copies of the files you'd be inserting into your jwm personal file below.


this is the help file that pops up in leafpad when you enter elp in the main (called and reset by p in itself or terminal) pexec-based launcher:

cheat sheet for paste and paste codes. launch with elp, modify to taste and need. general help file follows launch codes.

tip: enter lelp2 in the ll launcher (enter ll in the main (p) launcher) to get a blank alternate--use as scrap or a make a more personalized version of this file. ll launcher again, and either open elp to copy it as elp2 or add
|leafpad lelp2
to the line that's there to have both open whenever you call for elp.

hlx - htop (through urxvt) and lxtask
bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
paw -- page break above, white text
pbw -- page break below, white text
wm -- go to one of the giant menu submenu menus (presently set for root 0 menu--requires jwm and the root3 folder in /nwp)
t - choice of terminal
f - find and run
p - main launcer/reset launcher
ll - leafpad launcer
gl - geany launcher
rn - gfnrename (batchrenamer)

config help:
joop - open jwm and nwp config files (mtk and keys series, jwmrc tray, personal, and the one in /etc.)
joopf - joop plus the three scripts immediately following this one
root9 - default set of 9 menus
root10 - same as above for root1 (left click, alt plus 1) menu, but the others are generally just the desktops slot or blank
root9b - open up nine blank menu templates (adjust mtk2's includes line)
what it is -- what to enter into the p,wn launcher:

nwp and submenus -- n
word processor without supplemental menus -- n1
paste and place formatting codes only -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes only -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors -- 1
double monitors -- 2
aef -- aemenu containing (nearly?) all the aemenus
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement -- w1

what to enter into the p,wn launcher, what it calls, opens, or does:

atdesk --make a desktop template
jp -- open jwmrc-personal with geany
(a new gynysys based on the move of many files out of root and root/my-applications/bin and into /nwp. will open a duplicate for you to modify)
hi - hard info
mr - sfr's multi rename
ppm --so you can call the ppm from the nwp launcher without having to go to findnrun or a terminal or backspace or ctrl-a over the text (/nwp/)
v - the vtg (also working well in quirky)
m - pmount and partview
veg - same a alt+g -- vgt, nwp and puup help
gi - new instance of geany

rad -- rox, starting level is /root/my-documents
rab -- rox, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
gad -- geany, starting level is /root/my-documents
gab -- geany, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
lad -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-documents
lab -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
chab -- chmod 755 (allow script to run) prefix, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin

roks -- open k1-10 in geany for editing (they're rox bookmark files, but will open regular files with default handler in addition to directories with rox)
geak - open all the word processor templates in geany
duals -- open a folder containing a group of dual launchers (text editors and browsers) for use with the nooby word processor

l- open launcher customized for leafpad
r- open launcher customized for rox
g- open launcher customized for geany
ggc -- geany, chrome
gigc -- geany new instance, chrome
gio -- geany new instance, opera
lgc -- leafpad, chromium
gif -- geany new instance, firefox
def -- default text editor, default browser
gf -- geany, firefox
tef -- default text editor, firefox
lff -- leafpad, firefox
gb -- geany, default browser
gib -- geany new instance, default browser
leb -- leafpad, default browser
leafy -- leafpad, seamonkey
dlll -- leafpad, dillo
ged -- geany, dillo
ges -- geany, seamonkey
lop -- leafpad, opera
gep -- geany, palemoon
gc -- geany, chromium
gip -- geany new instance, palemoon
gic -- geany new instance, chromium
lep -- leafpad, palemoon
gid -- geany new instance, dillo
lec -- leafpad, chromium
gis -- geany new instance, seamonkey


bb -- bold
bb2 -- span tags for bold fonts or other, non default font choices (bold tags don't appear to work though the nwp's underlining and italics tags show the expected results). default is for monospace, same as po1, po2, po4 (the latter two are templates, po1 is an xdotool "spit this code" script/a backup of the main (monospace) template).
book -- older version of one of the tocs/tics--customize if you like
bpo -- open the default template files in a browser so you can see the line spacing, highlighting, etc. use gpo to edit what the command calls and what browser gets opened
bq -- block quote tags
f - findnrun, optional but recommended
gpo -- open the browser, leafpad, and geany configuration files for the nwp word processor plus the default default templates in geany.# geany /nwp/po1 /nwp/po2 /nwp/po3 /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/gpo /nwp/lpo /nwp/bpo /nwp/bb2
h1-h6 -- print out tags for headings 1-6
her -- open the hr template in geany
herl -- open the hr template in leafpad
hero -- open the hr template in geany
hr -- print out hr tags
hr0 -- open the hr template in geany
hr0l -- open the hr template in leafpad
hr1 -- spit out hr doc template
hrl -- <hr> tag, 35%, grey left side
hrr -- <hr> tag, 10%, grey right side
hrt -- template for autopage breaks with hr tag. called by other scripts.
ii -- italics tags
link -- external form of the toc tags
lp -- launch leafpad
lpo -- leafpad /nwp/po2| leafpad /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5| leafpad /nwp/po6| leafpad /nwp/lpo (open the wp template files in leafpad; open the file that determines what leafpad opens
mono -- open monospace template with geany
mono1 -- spit out monospace doc template
monol -- open monospace template with leafpad
monot -- monospace template
np02 -- pu(/)up launcher (configured to begin with a highlighted /nwp/)
p -- pu(/)up launcher configured to start at the end of /nwp/
pb -- <par style="page-break-after: always"></par>
pba -- <par style="page-break-before: always"></par> (a=above)
po -- open po2
po1 -- print out an improved version of the preotry template
po2 -- (template--po1 without the mini-wait--use clone (under documents menu) or save as to preserve the file)
po3 -- geany /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/po2
po4 -- template as 14 pt monospace
po5 -- template as 14 pt sans
po6 -- template as 14 pt serif
pr -- print out paragraph tags
prc -- print out paragraph centered tags
prj -- print out paragraph justified tags
prl -- print out paragraph left tags
prr -- print out paragraph right tags
q -- cite tags
san1 -- spit out sans serif doc template
sans -- open sans template with geany
sansl -- open sans template with leafpad
sanst -- sans serif doc template
ser1 -- spit out serif doc template
serf -- open serf template with geany
serfl -- open serf template with leafpad
sert -- serif doc template
sub -- subscript tags
sup -- superscript tags
t -- launch terminal of your choice (delete/comment sakura and uncomment or add your choice)
toc and tic paste bookmark/hyperlink codes. good for tables of contents, master documents, etc. on the editing side, you can make bookmarks in geany with ctrl+m, which will also toggle it off. ctrl plus comma is previous bookmark, control plus period is next bookmark. the plugin for numbered bookmarks makes a list on the side panel (unless that's default and i can't just can't figure out how to work/access the plug in version):
tic -- tic same page template and anchor --new tab
tic1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- same tab
tic2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- same tab
toc -- toc same page template and anchor, same tab (general bookmarks). look up your text editor's method for bookmarking for the edit text (also non formatted) view.
toc1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- new tab
toc2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- new tab
to open files in geany at specific location, append :line#:column# to the file, i.e. geany /nwp/docs/file1:50:14
ul -- underline
v -- activate vtg
xp -- launch xpad/new xpad
terminal nwp/pwn/pax shortcuts:
s# send active window to desktop#
s#s send next clicked window to desktop#
d# go to desktop#
c plus a single letter is normally a close command--cr, close rox; cu, close urxvt terminals; ct, close rxvt Terminal.
pp# --change pinboard
p# --change/toggle four panel set frame (can be altered down to one)
my# --swap out custom jwm configurations
gea3 --edit custom jwm configurations
la, lb, lm ---layer above, below, middle/normal for active window
las,lbs, lms ---layer above, below, middle/normal for selected window
stk, ustk --stick unstick active (add an s for the click to select version)
pv2--partview and rox /mnt
rr --rox recently visited
rb1 --four (iirc) rungs down on the rox bookmarks menu
rup --three rungs up from the bottom of the rox bookmarks menu
wp-- access the nwp area of one of the root menus
w5 --access the quadrants, halves, and wholes area of one of the root (jwm) menus
pcp --access pup control
fnr --find and run
hlx -- htop in an urvxt window and lx task ...
ppm is a built in for package manager (will work without pxc launcher or anything having been symlinked to /root/my-applications/bin)
x#-- move to # on x-axis (increments of 5)
y# --move to # on y-axis (increments of 5)
h# --height (increments of 5)
w# --width (increments of 5)
rs --resize
t --terminal (set for my-applications/bin, so launchable from terminal or np/nwp/pxc launcher)
f --findandrun (also set for my-apps/bin)
np --nwpus launcher2
sd --speeddials
sdr --speed dials recent list only
gnysys --open a slew of config files in geany
3but -- speed dials and a version of winswitcher
ws -- winswitcher (also ctrl plus spacebar).
galc -- galculator
nc-- notecase
gd -- goldendict
5c -- print out the template command for making multiple copies of a file
5cd -- print out the template command for making multiple copies of a directory
7c -- print out the command for changing permissions of a script to executable (kind of lazy--chmod 755 isn't that involved...).
sehd -- print out a helpful sed command and a find and replace tip (/ for /\)
1 -- single monitor menu
2 -- double monitor menu
g -- grid menu
x -- x axis menu
y -- y axis menu
w -- width menu
h -- height menu
mv -- move
wn -- windows menu
mn -- minimize
mx -- maximize window
o -- old windows manipulation menu
s -- new version of supplemental menus
n -- the original nwpus menu
n1 -- the full word-processing menu without any of the supplementals. it has n2 and n3 as submenus but gives some prominence to the overall document formatting commands from n3
n2 -- just the highlight and click to apply word processing/html code section
n3 -- the paste and place section of the main (word processing) menu.
slac -- search all databases
sloc -- search selected database with option to print results #sometimes problematic
sluc --update all slocate databases/create databases (thanks to musher0 for the slocate wrapper and the three scripts i've renamed here)
ww - winswitcher
sv -- make a folder a server. open a terminal and sv in the pax launcher (nwp launcher, etc) will print out "python -m SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload"--open a browser in the client computer and input the ipnet address (run ifconfig in a terminal) with :8000 appended to it (i.e. this will allow you to upload and download files to the directory you ran the sv command (i.e. shift+spacebar (which pops up the modified pexec launcher showing /nwp/ in the entry box) then sv then enter) in.
by rcrsn51. thread here: ... 132#415132 (unnecessary now that it has a gui)
fw -- toggle firewall on off (actually give a pop up that provides the function. requires the pet by tronkel you can find at ... 9ea478cf1f). rcrsn51's SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload won't run with the firewall in place and this is a convenient way to temporarily disable it.
-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7
b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.
1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9
a# series is quadrants...
sk - sakura (also t in nwp/pwn/pax or any terminal for most of them (some may be set to urxvt or rxvt--they all have sakura though)
rn - gfnrename (batchrenamer)
hlx - htop (through urxvt) and lxtask
bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
wm -- go to one of the giant menu submenu menus (presently set for root 0 menu--requires jwm and the root3 folder in /nwp)
some changes to the templates...
a much better way to launch and batch launch files (you'll get a a dual view without having to to click the file more than once. for print preview of the pdf form of this essentially txt/html word processing document (though you can embed and link what you like , it seems), you'll need to access to your choice of browser/htmlviewer's print preview button. to change the headers and footers, you'll need to use your browser's print > options menu.

dual launchers (text editor and browser) for the Nooby Word Processor/nwp:
ggc -- geany, chrome
gigc -- geany new instance, chrome
gio -- geany new instance, opera
lgc -- leafpad, chromium
gif -- geany new instance, firefox
def -- default text editor, default browser
gf -- geany, firefox
tef -- default text editor, firefox
lff -- leafpad, firefox
gb -- geany, default browser
gib -- geany new instance, default browser
leb -- leafpad, default browser
leafy -- leafpad, seamonkey
dlll -- leafpad, dillo
ged -- geany, dillo
ges -- geany, seamonkey
lop -- leafpad, opera
gep -- geany, palemoon
gc -- geany, chromium
gip -- geany new instance, palemoon
gic -- geany new instance, chromium
lep -- leafpad, palemoon
gid -- geany new instance, dillo
lec -- leafpad, chromium
gis -- geany new instance, seamonkey
more shortcuts now available to the Nooby Uber Utility Pack
sda[1-6]-sdd[1-6] -- open those partitions
the following will open in rox if entered in the pw,n launcher: mnt, home, mdoc (opens root/my-documents), apps (opens usr/share/applications), jwm (/root/.jwm), bin, jxdg(etc/xdg/templates), conf (/root/.configure), mybin (/root/my-applications/bin), etc, tmp, and pack (/nwp).
at, at[1-10] are autotext scripts. atx is the template, ate will open the 11 in geany for you to edit/rename. single monitor setups now have similar nwp shortcuts as doubles:
q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx).
q1 q2 q8
q5 q6 q7
q3 q4 q9
some deps, recs, and links:
pcp requires puppy control panel:
tas requires take a shot:
f requires find and run: ... 5582835582
xpc and xpb require xpad
some other included shortcuts:
xpc -- xpad clear
xpb -- xpad back up
cnt -- spit out the code in those echo sections from the script above that allows you to create files with predetermined content (cnt--content)
c- -- a comment line that looks like this: #------------------
tas -- SFR's take a shot
pcp -- radky's puppy control panel
ww -- MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher
v -- vtg
(another batch from recent update:)
roks -- open k1-10 in geany for editing (they're rox bookmark files, but will open regular files with default handler in addition to directories with rox)
geak - open all the word processor templates in geany
duals -- open a folder containing a group of dual launchers (text editors and browsers) for use with the nooby word processor
paw -- page break above, white text
pbw -- page break below, white text
l- open launcher customized for leafpad
r- open launcher customized for rox
g- open launcher customized for geany
another batch from recent update:
rad -- rox, starting level is /root/my-documents
rab -- rox, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
gad -- geany, starting level is /root/my-documents
gab -- geany, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
lad -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-documents
lab -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
chab -- chmod 755 (allow script to run) prefix, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
atdesk --make a desktop template
jp -- open jwmrc-personal with geany
(a new gynysys based on the move of many files out of root and root/my-applications/bin and into /nwp. will open a duplicate for you to modify)
hi - hard info
mr - sfr's multi rename
ppm --so you can call the ppm from the nwp launcher without having to go to findnrun or a terminal or backspace or ctrl-a over the text (/nwp/)
v - the vtg (also working well in quirky)
m - pmount and partview
veg - same a alt+g -- vgt, nwp and puup help
gi - new instance of geany
cursor at right versions of launcher
p -- main nwp launcher
ch - permissions launcher
gl - geany launcher (also -g)
ll - leafpad launcherr (also -l)
rl - rox launcher (also -r)
highlighted entry versions:
r- rox launcher
g- geany launcher
ch- change permissions launcher
l- leafpad launcher
f1-f24 --type those function keys
(one of my machines is without) Crying or Very sad
elp - help opened up in leafpad (mostly paste and paste cheats until you modify them)
tem - ae templates menu
what it is -- what to enter into the p,wn launcher:
nwp and submenus -- n
word processor without supplemental menus -- n1
paste and place formatting codes only -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes only -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors -- 1
double monitors -- 2
aef -- aemenu containing (nearly?) all the aemenus
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement -- w1
(new one, "elp," pops up a leafpad document with what's between the asterisk trains. modify to taste)

post from murga-linux that goes a bit more into the word processing aspect of the nwp:

Puppus Dogfellow
Joined: 07 Jan 2013
Posts: 1102
Location: nyc

PostPosted: Sat 22 Aug 2015, 15:16 Post subject: word processing four
Subject description: also, rox is a file navigation and creation powerhouse.
i suppose it's more of a typewriter...

here are some guides for setting up line breaks, line wrapping, and font choice:

mono/courier/courier new 11 breaking column: 75
serif 12: 99
sans 12: 80
nimbus condensed monospace 14: 110

left, right, and center are all what you'd expect, but justify doesn't work out as nicely as on a full word processor. use search and replace and tick the use regular expressions box, swap \n for a space (one blank white space), hit enter, right click the section, choose format > reflow lines. if you're not concerned with underlining and multiple fonts and don't want the hassle of making sure lines don't run off the page, printing from leafpad is probably best (no line wrapping markers in the default view, no auto-line breaking capability and so makes reshaping text a bit easier, though i suppose you could just toggle that off in geany. another strategy for nearly justified text would be to set the font small in the text editor and use the zoom settings in the browser's print dialog to come close to a justified page. for actually banging out pages of wood and ink, i think it's maybe better to think of this word processor more as an advanced archiving typewriter and pdf maker (pdfs can be bare black and white text or portable sections of the internet, it seems--i'm just a noob who wants something that never breaks--leafpad and geany never break...) and poetry producer--that requires no changes to the basic document format of the templates (maybe one more and some new launchers in the next pack) and preotry (pre tag bug fix in next pack as well), the proto-template, was in fact devised because i noticed what text makers do to lines sometimes and thought it'd be nice to make that behavior optional (it's still pretty cool for comments sometimes). if you're primarily concerned with printing something out and don't care about underlining and other formatting, print from leafpad or geany (there must be a way to shut of the line wrap markers from showing). dillo has a little less capability than the other browsers being discussed, but it always opens new batches in tabs in a new window and it is super fast. the new pack uses it as reference material pop-up with the following:

#dil. place in /nwp and/or /root/my-applications/bin

you can get rid of the close dialog and set other preferences in /root/.dillo/dillorc.

since dillo doesn't respond to the code changing font color, invisible page breaks (those done in white--use the quasi-visible text slots as quick find anchors or as a variation on comments) are visible in dillo--you can use the reference popup to check them. tip: if you don't fill out the title tag in editor view, dillo will give every word processing tab a tiny blank marker that's of less help than ctrl page up and down.

leafpad and seamonkey don't open batches of files dragged to them or sent to them in tabs as default behavior (dragging files to the address bar may be a workaround for some browsers in this category) and so seem like a natural match--seamonkey can do the tabs with a little extra fiddling around, i'm sure, and already has the print preview that dillo lacks--this seems to be the next most capable and second fastest set up. so dillo has no print preview or print to pdf capability, but you can use geany or leafpad to print. speaking of which, if you're not using this as an exercise in minimalism but rather for speed and convenience, the main use of the view/read mode (apart from readability and hyperlinks/bookmarks/functional tables of contents) is to copy and paste your formatted (spacing and otherwise) text into zoho, google docs, libre office,, word, textmaker, or any other document handler that will be more likely to be handling the final form of your work, though between the majority of browsers having save to pdf capability and rcrsn51's peasy_pdf making it easy to cut apart and rejoin those documents, this really can be a stand alone solution in many cases. palemoon and firefox take minimal resources to open ten or twenty of these document type tabs, but dillo takes about a thirtieth it seems. (10 vs 300 mb usage at first run with a batch; adding to an already running instance seems to add less overhead to both palemoon and firefox...dillo opens a new window with a new batch of tabs each one is dragged to's really very quick but insists on the file:///path/file syntax rather than the syntax the other browsers (and nearly all puppy programs, it seems) accept, /path/file (unless you're doing it through the terminal, vgt, or a launcher--in those you can use /path/to/file). they've all got buttons or other methods for opening files, so interplay between the interfaces should be pretty smooth. to navigate tabs in dillo:

ctrl+page up -- tab left
ctrl+page down -- tab right

to navigate them in geany:

Ctrl-Shift-PageDown Move document right
Ctrl-Shift-PageUp Move document left
Ctrl-PageDown Switch to right document
Ctrl-PageUp Switch to left document


in short, you're basically working with a super advanced typewriter (but getting back to basics) and justification is a bit more difficult than other formatting for our purposes here. for formatted text, you'd need to use the template and print from a browser. quick print, use geany or leafpad. want to open 100 100 page text files instantly and copy the text back and forth between a dozen locations? use geany. want multiple views of the text in various stages in development, use the dual launchers or open the batch in a browser as well (vtg or terminal).


regarding rox, there is probably no faster way to navigate folders or create files than rox with short cuts set. right click to go to the create new file dialog and press a letter--now every time you are in a rox folder and press that letter, a copy of that document type will appear for you to retitle/save as in that location. ctrl+1-0 gives you speed dials to ten locations, ctrl+b is book marks (you can shortcut-open parent in new window to get a freebie bookmark/dual plane set up. you could also make a bookmark of a folder of symlinks to launchers, files, programs, directories, etc).

erase keycuts with backspace. if your rox filer doesn't appear to support the right click short cut keys, see this post by Cat Dude: ... fb3#354862 or

sed -i '1 i\gtk-can-change-accels = 1' /root/.gtkrc.mine; restartwm

in a terminal (requires x restart either way).

touch /root/.gtkrc.mine (enter that if the terminal says no such file as .gtkrc.mine, then reenter the previous command)

documentation fix: w11 in terminal will give you the geometry read out discussed below. there's no included bash mod.

i forgot to document two scripts in the previous pack, htopp and htops, which respectively resize and place an active and a selected window to the central htop position you can see in this screenshot. rename and alter the code (get current geometry of windows with winswitcher f1 or right click menu, wmctrl -l -G in a terminal, or new terminal in distros (~572-p575) with the wmctrl bash prompt mod) to make custom versions. new pack will have q1-5 and sd1-5 (or some equivalent) to give it /nwp launcher shortcut equivalents for the dual monitor's a1-10 and b1-10 (windows sized and moved by quadrant, half, and whole/center).

change to geany -i /nwp/elp if you want the file opened instead in a new instance of geany. take out the -i if you want it in a running instance of geany.

to do:
1. autopruning script or find a fix for 64bit bugs (many of the size and placement and window-move functions don't work)
2. css i'm sure is more capable than the html code i've cobbled together to make the word processor (for example, i could probably get bold to work if i knew it), but it does work as is. still, the reason i put a link to "learn some css codes" on the main nwp word processing menu hasn't gone away.


depending how/if this develops, i guess it ends up either in desktop, utility, or back to documents.
copy or symlink files to nwp. 19kb compressed, 130kb uncompressed. (30 with gz compression, if anyone's interested. 925 files (x2) not including the readme).
it's grown quite a bit. recs are 9mb, nwp itself is 825kb compressed (about 23 mb uncompressed). here are some more screen shots:

some more screenshots:







shots show vgt and spacer trays, most if not all of the nine menus, the top hidden trays--most reflect what the 392 install script would give you.

the mtk file that gives the menus and keys

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2015, 13:08
by Puppus Dogfellow
most of the customization comes from a file called mtk or one of its variants. those files in turn call your keyboard customizations files. the three files that follow are mtk, keys, and keys2--hopefully they're sufficiently commented.


name mtk and activate by placing
somewhere in your jwmrc.personal file. (jpe in the launcher will open the necessary jwm files and mtk will open the necessary nwp files).

<!-- <Include>/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include>-->

<!-- Number of virtual desktops -->
<Desktops width="8" height="3"/>

desktops for you to modify, but as with the <!-- <Include>/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include>--> below, you'd need to comment something out elsewhere for it to be meaningful. if you want the 24 desktops, comment out the one in your jwmrc-personal file. if you want the alternate bottom tray with the dock on the top, comment out the jwmrc-tray line in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc. if you don't want the one that comes with this file, comment out

comment out or delete the <Desktops width="8" height="3"/> above if you'd rather not have the 24 (this file assumes them--kind of hard to justify all the function key cuts devoted to the lot otherwise)

if you want a right side lower tray or a right side floppy tray, add
for the lower, and
for the side slide out. (you'll have to adjust them for the width of your monitors if you're on a dual screen set up) by placing either or
both on the other side of the arrow below:

<!-- stick your icons in either folder above to easily (you'll no longer need the full path) place them on the menus later-->

<!-- ^ should've been named 2.jwmrc-tray. that's the lower left/main bottom tray. active in this file by default, place the arrow that begins this comment on the line above it to disable it.-->

<!-- needed for MochiMoppel's bookmarks script (which gives Places on the menus) to work-->

<!-- you can have as many tasklists or pagers as you like, but you're limited to one dock. if you prefers yours in the stock location, you don't have to do anything. if you'd prefer it on the top, commenting out your tray would do it. if you'd prefer it on the bottom, just keep your stock bottom tray--it will override the one on the top tray. move the arrow that begins this comment up a line to disable the top tray. disable (comment out) <Include>/nwp/root3/9/3.jwmrc-tray</Include> if you're keeping your lower tray as it will interfere with it. the name's a hold over from when there were two upper trays. it's more or less a centrally placed tray containing the dock, the pager, and buttons for root menus 6-(1)0, show desktop, and the vtg. because of the pixel boarder along the left and the show desktop at the top, the custom bottom tray doesn't include a menu button or a show desktop buttons--go to the bottom left corner or all along the left edge (and any where on the wallpaper and most of the top of the screen) for root menus 1-3 (four and five are the scroll wheel).-->

<!-- left side tray hidden tray is active by default. as above, move the arrow to comment it out/disable it.-->



<!-- <TrayButton label="1">root:1</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="2">root:2</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="4">root:4</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="5">root:5</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="6">root:6</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="7">root:7</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="8">root:8</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="9">root:9</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="0">root:0</TrayButton> -->

<!-- you need an anchor for the root menus to work--first versions used tray buttons/imaginary tray buttons. you could delete the TrayButton bit or use it as a template. by default all nine custom menus are activated by the <Include>/nwp/root3/9/mtk</Include> line. move the arrow that starts this comment above the <Include>/nwp/root3/9/root0menu</Include> line to disable all of them. these are the ten root menus. (vgt function on the keyboard and tray wouldn't function without it in its position on the root1menu)

<Tray x="200" y="1">
<Spacer width="1" height="1"/>

<Tray x="1" y="200">
<Spacer width="1" height="1"/>

<Tray x="3357" y="200">
<Spacer width="1" height="1"/>
<Tray x="200" y="-27">
<Spacer width="1" height="1"/>

<Tray x="200" y="-1">
<Spacer width="1" height="1"/>

spacer trays so the menu items work/can be accessed on screens with fully maximized windows. left and top active by default.




<!-- Key bindings -->

<!-- alt z is the vtg, alt g is the help files for the vtg and nwp, alt shift g is the grids pop up (aemenu set up to divide the screen into 100 pixel placement points)-->
<Key mask="A" key="z">exec:xdotool key alt+1 Down Return</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="g">exec:geany /nwp/vtg5</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="g">exec:/nwp/g</Key>

<!-- alt shift g is grid menu (move windows around the screen by 100 pixel increments), alt g opens vtg help files in geany, alt plus z is the vtg-->

<Key key="Up">up</Key>
<Key key="Down">down</Key>
<Key key="Right">right</Key>
<Key key="Left">left</Key>
<Key key="h">left</Key>
<Key key="j">down</Key>
<Key key="k">up</Key>
<Key key="l">right</Key>
<Key key="Return">select</Key>
<Key key="Escape">escape</Key>

<Key mask="C" key="Tab">prev</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Tab">next</Key>

<!-- a, b, q do the following:

q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx).
q1 q2 q8
q5 q6 q7
q3 q4 q9

-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7

b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.

1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9

a# series is quadrants...

one of the most up to date versions of the cheat sheet available (to cross reference codes) ... 701#860701


<Key mask="C" key="F12">exec:/nwp/n1</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F11">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F10">exec:/nwp/q10</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F9">exec:/nwp/q9</Key
<Key mask="C" key="F8">exec:/nwp/q8</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F7">exec:/nwp/q7</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F6">exec:/nwp/q6</Key
<Key mask="C" key="F5">exec:/nwp/q5</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F4">exec:/nwp/q4</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F3">exec:/nwp/q3</Key
<Key mask="C" key="F2">exec:/nwp/q2</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F1">exec:/nwp/q1</Key>

<Key mask="AC" key="F12">exec:/nwp/n2</Key
<Key mask="AC" key="F11">exec:/nwp/n3</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F10">exec:/nwp/a10</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F9">exec:/nwp/a9</Key
<Key mask="AC" key="F8">exec:/nwp/a8</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F7">exec:/nwp/a7</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F6">exec:/nwp/a6</Key
<Key mask="AC" key="F5">exec:/nwp/a5</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F4">exec:/nwp/a4</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F3">exec:/nwp/a3</Key
<Key mask="AC" key="F2">exec:/nwp/a2</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F1">exec:/nwp/a1</Key>

<Key mask="SC" key="F12">exec:/nwp/tem</Key
<Key mask="SC" key="F11">exec:/nwp/s</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F10">exec:/nwp/b10</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F9">exec:/nwp/b9</Key
<Key mask="SC" key="F8">exec:/nwp/b8</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F7">exec:/nwp/b7</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F6">exec:/nwp/b6</Key
<Key mask="SC" key="F5">exec:/nwp/b5</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F4">exec:/nwp/b4</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F3">exec:/nwp/b3</Key
<Key mask="SC" key="F2">exec:/nwp/b2</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F1">exec:/nwp/b1</Key>

<Key mask="S" key="F1">exec:/nwp/g</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F2">exec:/nwp/wm</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F3">exec:/nwp/o</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F4">window</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F5">move</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F6">resize</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F7">minimize</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F8">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F9">prev</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F10">next</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F11">exec:/nwp/ww</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F12">exec:/nwp/w1</Key>

<Key mask="AS" key="F1">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F2">rdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F3">udesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F4">ddesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F5">prevstacked</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F6">nextstacked</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F7">shade</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F8">showdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F9">fullscreen</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F10">exec:/nwp/pxc</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F11">exec:/nwp/gxc</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F12">exec:/nwp/p</Key>

<!-- alt plus f1 and f4 are built-ins. -->

<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:3</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F3">/nwp/rr</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F5">/nwp/sd</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F6">/nwp/sdr</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F7">exec:/nwp/w</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F8">exec:/nwp/h</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F9">exec:/nwp/x</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F10">exec:/nwp/y</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F11">exec:/nwp/1</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F12">exec:/nwp/2</Key>
in dual monitor setups, the q series could be replaced or modified to give ten additional preset position/dimension commands to active windows or replaced with select select versions of a(1-10) and b(1-10) (called by as(1-10) and bs(1-10)). single monitor setups can get 20 additional custom positionals by editing the a and b series below* (enter ll in the main launcher, then enter the launch code to edit in leafpad. use gl to do the same in geany. the function keys below are for the 24 desktops. windows key sends you to the first 12 desktops, alt+windows key the next 12, control instead of alt for the send to version for 1-12, shift and windows key for desktops 13-24. personally, i think it's easier to use d# and s# in the launcher, but it's here for you to use or modify/reassign. there's no included select version for the quadrants and halves for single monitor setups, but
geany q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10
will open them up for editing. swap the :ACTIVE: for :SELECT: and rename to qs# if you want them. (next version will likely include them and a few other tweaks to the jwmrc-personal file.

*the a and b series have now also been moved to the function keys (they're easier to edit (q5 aside as it's the same syntax) than the q series--you'll just be filling out four fields, x,y,w,h) and can be found above. (i'll merely comment out their former location--you could pick which set up you like better).


<Key mask="4" key="F12">exec:/nwp/d12</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F11">exec:/nwp/d11</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F10">exec:/nwp/d10</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F9">exec:/nwp/d9</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F8">exec:/nwp/d8</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F7">exec:/nwp/d7</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F6">exec:/nwp/d6</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F5">exec:/nwp/d5</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F4">exec:/nwp/d4</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F3">exec:/nwp/d3</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F2">exec:/nwp/d2</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F1">exec:/nwp/d1</Key>

<Key mask="4A" key="F12">exec:/nwp/d24</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F11">exec:/nwp/d23</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F10">exec:/nwp/d22</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F9">exec:/nwp/d21</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F8">exec:/nwp/d20</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F7">exec:/nwp/d19</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F6">exec:/nwp/d18</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F5">exec:/nwp/d17</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F4">exec:/nwp/d16</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F3">exec:/nwp/d15</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F2">exec:/nwp/d14</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F1">exec:/nwp/d13</Key>
<!-- go to desktops 1-24-->

<Key mask="4C" key="F12">exec:/nwp/s12</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F11">exec:/nwp/s11</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F10">exec:/nwp/s10</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F9">exec:/nwp/s9</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F8">exec:/nwp/s8</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F7">exec:/nwp/s7</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F6">exec:/nwp/s6</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F5">exec:/nwp/s5</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F4">exec:/nwp/s4</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F3">exec:/nwp/s3</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F2">exec:/nwp/s2</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F1">exec:/nwp/s1</Key>

<Key mask="4S" key="F12">exec:/nwp/s24</Key
<Key mask="4S" key="F11">exec:/nwp/s23</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F10">exec:/nwp/s22</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F9">exec:/nwp/s21</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F8">exec:/nwp/s20</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F7">exec:/nwp/s19</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F6">exec:/nwp/s18</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F5">exec:/nwp/s17</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F4">exec:/nwp/s16</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F3">exec:/nwp/s15</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F2">exec:/nwp/s14</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F1">exec:/nwp/s13</Key>

<!-- send to desktops 1-24-->

<!-- F12 is a built in. -->

<Key key="F12">root:3</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="Escape">fullscreen</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="Escape">showdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="Escape">window</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Escape">move</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Escape">minimize</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="Escape">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="Escape">resize</Key>

<!-- editing the escape series necessitates editing other things. which reminds me, don't use the showdesktop entry on the menu--it doesn't work. use the keys or the buttons. press escape and hold if you hit the showdesktop on the menus (it needs to be removed)-->

<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:rox</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:winswitcher</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:/nwp/p</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:/nwp/rr</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:/nwp/cr</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:/nwp/t</Key>
<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:/nwp/rup</Key>

MochiMoppel's excellent winswitcher allows you to navigate windows better than than the tray does (more options, more keyboard friendly--it's ww in the launcher. rr is rox recents, cr is close all rox, rup is three up from the bottom on the rox bookmarks tab (ctrl plus b in a rox window), rox is activated by alt plus spacebar (ll launcher plus rr will allow you to set what folder is being opened when the recents is being called. you could do the same for rup and rb (rox bookmarks)).

<Key key="h">left</Key>
<Key key="j">down</Key>
<Key key="k">up</Key>
<Key key="l">right</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="h">move</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="j">resize</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="k">prev</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="l">next</Key>

<Key mask="AC" key="h">exec:laa</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="j">exec:lma</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="k">exec:lba</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="l">exec:wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,sticky</Key>

<Key mask="SA" key="h">exec:ccdi</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="j">close</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="k">exec:kill</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="l">exec:cadi</Key>

<!-- mnemonic is "ask to kill"--these are shutdown scripts on the right side home row. alt plus shift plus. the alt controls above it are layer and stickiness.-->

<Key mask="SC" key="h">exec:/nwp/x0</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="j">exec:/nwp/x1200</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="k">exec:/nwp/x2000</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="l">exec:/nwp/x2500</Key>

<Key mask="SAC" key="h">exec:/nwp/y0</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="j">exec:/nwp/y200</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="k">exec:/nwp/y400</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="l">exec:/nwp/y800</Key>

<!-- these are fairly lame--random spots on the x and y axes -->

<!-- supleft et al scripts (grab and quickly move a window with the arrows) don't work in 64 bit slacko, 64 bit quirky april, or 64 bit werewolf, so there seems to be a problem with the 64 bit versions of xdotool and wmctrl. here's a blank version for you to fill in with whatever you choose (move the comment arrows to the above in 64 bit). note--no "exec:"--add if you're not using windows function.

<Key mask="A" key="Up"></Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Down"></Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Right"></Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Left"></Key>


<Key mask="A" key="Up">exec:/nwp/supup</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Down">exec:/nwp/supdown</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Right">exec:/nwp/supright</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Left">exec:/nwp/supleft</Key>

<Key mask="AC" key="Up">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Down">minimize</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Right">resize</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Left">move</Key>

<Key mask="AS" key="Up">fullscreen</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Down">showdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Right">next</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Left">prev</Key>

<Key mask="SAC" key="Up">exec:/nwp/2</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="Down">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="Right">exec:/nwp/g</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="Left">exec:/nwp/s</Key>

<!-- nearly everything is now duplicated on the function keys so you could generally pick one or the other/modify either. don't mess with escape or alt plus number though.-->

<Key mask="A" key="1">root:1</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="2">root:2</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="3">root:3</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="4">root:4</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="5">root:5</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="6">root:6</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="7">root:7</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="8">root:8</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="9">root:9</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="0">root:0</Key>


<Key mask="4" key="1">exec:/nwp/n1</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="2">exec:/nwp/n2</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="3">exec:/nwp/n3</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="4">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="5">exec:/nwp/tem</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="6">exec:/nwp/uh</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="7">exec:/nwp/ii</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="8">exec:/nwp/pbw</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="9">exec:/nwp/paw</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="0">exec:/nwp/elp</Key>

the above repeat below as commented out blanks. delete these (or move the arrow on line 14 to line 2) if you'd prefer to use your own. 4 is the windows key. held together with the number specified they execute the following functions (exec code (minus the /nwp/ part) is what gets entered into the launcher, which itself is most conveniently called with the built in spacebar plus shift shortcut):
win+1=main nwp menu
win+2=only the highlight and click to apply word processing codes (thanks again to miriam).
win+3=only the paste and place word processor codes
win+4=main nuup menu: nwp menu as 1 plus the uber utilities packs' functions.
win+5=ae tem menu--access template files or make word processing files out of text files. access a folder for drag and drop launching of batches of files (something that could also be done through the vtg or with launcher if the identical code is sent as a script (i.e. it has #!/bin/sh at the top and has been given the proper permission (e.g. with ch in the launcher followed by its name in the following launcher that pops up)) to the /nwp/ folder.)
win+6=underline -- highlight and activate (through code, key, or menu)
win+7=italics -- paste and paste version
win+8=page break in white, below
win+9=page break in white, above
win+0=help file pop up in leafpad

1 and 5 can be seen as start centers, though the vtg and the remaining blanks can likewise initiate the dual launchers (or any other program, for that matter)

blank templates for an additional 132 shortcut keys. they all rely on the ten number keys. surround path and file name with <Include></Include> and place in /root/.jwmrc-personal. i.e.

then jwm -restart/then restart jwm.

uncomment a section below and fill in the program choices of a section to use it.

4 is the windows key; S, A, and C are shift, alt, and control. windows commands generally don't need the "exec:" and things off the PATH need their full paths after it.

the nwp menus (both ae and jwm) allow access to just about (there may've been a few oversights) every word processing command, but it's still menu access instead of button-immediacy, so to get that regular word processor feel back, you may want to have, for example, bold or underline only a key combo away.
copying the commented out group below and inserting the following (from the vtg cheat sheet that pops up when you hit alt plus g)

bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
tem - open templates/duals menu

these are all in nwp, so they need the path (/nwp/) prepended to them so machine can find them. or you could just pick (and possibly copy to overwrite the versions without the "/nwp/"--just substitute out (through find and replace) the modifiers. substitute the keys to make similar levels of any other keys. well, here they are again, but with the proper path added to the call:

/nwp/bh # adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
/nwp/uh # adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
/nwp/sth # add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
/nwp/ih # add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
/nwp/bb # print out bold tags
/nwp/cmt # print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
/nwp/ii # print out italics tags
/nwp/st # print out strikethrough tags
/nwp/ul # print out underline tags
/nwp/tem # open templates/duals menu

(i made them so they'd work in a fake pexec or gexec history pulldown as a launchable cheat sheet, but we just need the /path/file bit for the keys. if you don't have a template with the "exec:" bits already in place, do another substitution, /nwp replaced with exec:/nwp or something similar. then just pick the keys you've got your bold, italics, and whatever else you want (including batch launching and things normally deemed apart from word processing). so that's the basic idea behind the big batch of potential keyboard shortcuts.


<Key mask="AC" key="1">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="2">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="3">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="4">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="5">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="6">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="7">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="8">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="9">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="0">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="1">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="2">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="3">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="4">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="5">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="6">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="7">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="8">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="9">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="0">exec:/nwp/</Key>

<Key mask="SAC" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="1">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="2">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="3">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="4">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="5">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="6">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="7">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="8">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="9">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="0">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="0">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="SAC4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="0">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="4SAC" key="F12">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F11">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F10">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F1">exec:</Key>

(another set of function key blanks for you to customize)
