can some one define: what is Puppy?

A home for all kinds of Puppy related projects

Saving sessions on a DVD-RW is not a bad idea.

#21 Post by Pelo »

There is no bad system. Each process has interest. Saving sessions on a DVD-RW is not a bad idea. That is the reason why from time to time, topics about RW have to be sent at the top of the forum. To remind that they exist.
Don't care about those who would like to keep them buried.

however, DVDs and CDs are often bad quality. Some will run only on cd-player were they were burnt. I have two computers, and an usb cd dvd player.
I began with Linux buying revews with CD included (around 10 euros) . Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Mint, Suse were my first Linus distros on test.. and boring. Untill i discover Puppy. Sure i burn ISO, but it was fast, because 130Mb are not 4GB..
Some Puppies have a new versions each week.. Burning and burning versions will get people leaving..
I have a Slacko 6964. I feed back some remarks. No value because 6964 is not the last released. That is foolish !

What is sure is that USB are RW, Live USB are better than Live CDs.. and less expensive.. When you count CD trashed because of wrong burnt
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#22 Post by pp4mnklinux »

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#23 Post by Robert123 »

Puppies built with Unleashed are also Puppies as well as the original woof and woof 2.
Devuan Linux, Stardust 013 (4.31) updated [url][/url]
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#24 Post by mikeslr »

What's a Puppy?

Make you're choice, but by definition, it can either be a young bitch, or, or a cuddly companion for life.

There is such a thing as a typical dog. Left to their own devices, any dog will interbreed with any other dog, and eventually you end up with the mid-sized animal you'll find surviving on the means streets of any neighborhood without adequate animal control; and in the animal shelters of those which do. To suggest that only such animals are dogs, that pugs. chihuahuas, and Jack Russels, mastiffs and labrador retrievers aren't dogs, is ignore the adaptability of the species to provide just the companion we want.

It's been commented that the characteristics of a dog often reflect the characteristics of those who keep them. That's true of our Puppies. Especially after Barry K's woof unleashed their genetic pool, now that wiak has opened up the the mysteries of woof to 'us passengers', and fredx181 and saintless have introduced us to "DebianDogs" with the potential for the cross-fertilization of ideas and even applications, your Puppy is what you make it; and ultimately, your Puppy will reflect your personality.

Here's the thing. Each of us who stick with Puppy for any length of time do so because there are somethings about it which we love. Love is a strong word. But if you try to figure out why any of us would take the time to keep it alive and make it better when we could easily just download and run any of a score of other distros you'll soon realize something more than a rational choice is involved. What that something is is likely to differ in kind and degree from one of us to another. In fact, perhaps that is Puppy's most essential feature: its adaptability. My 'perfect Puppy' is what I make it.

No useful purpose is served by trying to define a Puppy as having only those characteristics you, yourself, love.

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#25 Post by wanderer »

to me puppy is an idea and a goal
and a great group of people
and a forum

barry k started it all
and laid the groundwork
but puppy is always evolving
and new ideas from other distros
will only enrich puppy
and continually make it better

and actually
one of the most important people to thank is murga
who has given us all a venue all these years
to collaborate on puppy

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#26 Post by rockedge »

Puppy Linux is the OS that will start on many many many different machines.
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#27 Post by slavvo67 »

A baby dog...

Can't believe I beat Musher0 to that one!
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#28 Post by Robert123 »

rufwoof wrote:
saintless wrote:Reading this:
Puppy's goals:

1. Easily install to USB, Zip or hard drive media.
2. Booting from CD (or DVD), the CD drive is then free for other purposes.
3. Booting from CD (or DVD), save everything back to the CD.
4. Booting from USB Flash drive, minimise writes to extend life indefinitely.
5. Extremely friendly for Linux newbies.
6. Boot up and run extraordinarily fast.
7. Have all the applications needed for daily use.
8. Will just work, no hassles.
9. Will breathe new life into old PCs
10. Load and run totally in RAM for diskless thin stations
Then DebianDog is Puppy linux according to the above list except maybe "5. Extremely friendly for Linux newbies." which needs more improvement.
There are a number of distros out there that could fit that definition. Most I suspect would moderate their users forums to reject DebianDog postings. Puppy Forum moderation in contrast is way more lenient ... leading to arrogant abuse.
No Debiandog is not Puppy - important thing is puppy was pretty much the first to be able to do the above - other Distros followed.
Devuan Linux, Stardust 013 (4.31) updated [url][/url]

#29 Post by Pelo »

Puppy's goals:

1. Easily install to USB, Zip or hard drive media.
2. Booting from CD (or DVD), the CD drive is then free for other purposes.
3. Booting from CD (or DVD), save everything back to the CD.
4. Booting from USB Flash drive, minimise writes to extend life indefinitely.
5. Extremely friendly for Linux newbies.
6. Boot up and run extraordinarily fast.
7. Have all the applications needed for daily use.
8. Will just work, no hassles.
9. Will breathe new life into old PCs
10. Load and run totally in RAM for diskless thin stations

A Puppy must do it. of course other OS can do it too.
I should add, as for mobile phones, that a Puppy allows laptop owners to use their laptop outside. Puppy and 431 did it.. Not sure that everybody can reach the goal
Puppy has to be defined by users, as cars are defined by marketing, not by engineers. Engineers work is to realize what people like. Business is business.
The here above goals were written first, In our forum puppy-builders don't know what users need, they ignore how many they are, they suppose what they like will please to users.
And why a trade mark ? Is that not in complete opposition of GNU Linux spirit..

#30 Post by oui »

saintless wrote: DebianDog and its forks are not Puppy linux. But everything you can do with Puppy is possible with DebianDog.
no saintless, I am sorry, and it is the reason, why, I, in the first time enthousiast lover of the "dogs", did abandone the dogs:

on a simple PC only with hard disk, you are totaly dependant from an idiotic only one directory, "live".

you can install 100 or more Puppy without some problem, some collision in the same partition :idea: :roll:

but only one poor dog at the same time!

and you can't start like Puppy with only each one

- kernel
- initrd
- and pup'pipapo.sfs

and each restart, the dogs don't find but require some *.sgn file it does not find else it is present... you can't go to your breakfirst and let it do what needing: It does not continue to work and start the system! It waits for that *.sgn being present but not found!
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#31 Post by saintless »

oui wrote:on a simple PC only with hard disk, you are totaly dependant from an idiotic only one directory, "live".
It isn't true. Maybe you are just confused by someone who thinks porteus-boot is the best in the linux world. But even with porteus-boot you can avoid live folder name: ... fef#965141 ... fef#965275
Live-boot needs only live-media-path= to change live folder name to different one:
oui wrote:you can install 100 or more Puppy without some problem, some collision in the same partition :idea: :roll:

but only one poor dog at the same time!
Wrong. You can do the same with DebianDog.

oui wrote:and you can't start like Puppy with only each one

- kernel
- initrd
- and pup'pipapo.sfs
Wrong again. DebianDog needs the same to boot with live-boot:

oui wrote:and each restart, the dogs don't find but require some *.sgn file it does not find else it is present... you can't go to your breakfirst and let it do what needing: It does not continue to work and start the system! It waits for that *.sgn being present but not found!
I agree here but this .sgn file is needed only for porteus-boot. I don't know why it is still included in DebianDog forks but I've posted the fix how to remove this .sgn file for porteus-boot a long time ago:
Change the default .sgn fiile to initrd1.xz
The boot option sgnfile= still works to add any .sgn file name you like. But now the system boots without .sgn file in "live" folder (one file less in the iso). ... d8fa9ec602
DebianDog is community project now and needs only someone to apply the fix for new forked versions. I did it a long time ago for my own needs and the information is available for anyone interested from DebianDog development. BTW I would also remove the 4 empty folders (base, optional, modules, rootcopy). You can create them anytime if you need some of them.

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Correcting Qui's misunderstanding

#32 Post by mikeslr »

Sorry Qui. But all it takes to run multiple 'dogs' from the same partition is to place each live (if debian based) or casper (if Ubuntu based) folder within a uniquely named folder. The live/casper folder of a 'dog' contains the necessary *.sgn file.

My menu list in part reads:

title XenialDog 64 porteus-boot save on EXIT in /casper/changes folder
uuid c526ec9f-5915-4f31-932f-84c143a3a3cf
kernel /xendog64/casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/xendog64/ changes=EXIT:/xendog64/casper/
initrd /xendog64/casper/initrd1.xz

title Jessie64 porteus-boot save on EXIT in /live/changes folder
uuid c526ec9f-5915-4f31-932f-84c143a3a3cf
kernel /jessie64/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/jessie64/ changes=EXIT:/jessie64/live/
initrd /jessie64/live/initrd1.xz

So I can select which 'dog' I want to boot into and go to breakfast. Of course, if I didn't place each 'dog' in its own folder and identify that in my menu.lst I couldn't.

But then, if I tried to install multiple Puppies to the same partition without providing each with its own folder the chances are my breakfast would also be cut short.

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#33 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
In my opinion what makes Puppy Puppy are three things.
Run as Root
Run in Ram
Use of aufs layering.

In the beginning I remastered my Puplets.
Then I used Unleashed, then Woof.
I have not used WoofCE, as anymore I just build from the kernel up, sort of a "manual remaster" thing.
Because of aufs, Puppy only needs a kernel, and an initrd.
The rest is one .sfs unless one uses a a zdrive etc for drivers or modules.
I feel that Debiandog meets the standards to be called a Puppy. But it is not.
I was never a fan of Woof, it caused Puppy to be taken as a derivative other distros. But the economy of binary comparability is undeniable.
I currently run Tahrpup64, "slightly" modified. ;-)
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lones, no! Imagination, yes you can

#34 Post by Pelo »

you tell OUI that Puppy is Puppy because of how it is build, Puppyluver told us that puppy now fully depend on Ubuntu, Debian or Slackware.
Puppy was doing its own stuff, with its own apps. Is it unable to do it now ? Obliged to import,free of charge, all what is needed. obliged to ask users to trim the fat, or to compile.
But then why Puppy devs are soo busy, if everything is imported :?:
Clones, no! Imagination, yes you can
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#35 Post by foxpup »

Puppy to me is
- run as root
- layered system; that means: frugal install, nicely "boxed" and always knowing in what "box" a file is: mainpup.sfs, pupsave.fs, other sfs, initrd, inside or outside the system ...

I would say the Dogs are Puppies too. I really don't know why not. They certainly look like Puppies.
It doesn't really matter that they turn Debian into Puppy, instead of putting Debian into Puppy.
Puppies can be made in many different ways: handcrafted (the first ones?), with woof or woofCE, by remastering ...

The combination of "run as root" and "boxed" is why I consider Puppy to be safe: it gives the user total control.
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#36 Post by belham2 »

Pelo wrote:you tell OUI that Puppy is Puppy because of how it is build, Puppyluver told us that puppy now fully depend on Ubuntu, Debian or Slackware.
Puppy was doing its own stuff, with its own apps. Is it unable to do it now ? Obliged to import,free of charge, all what is needed. obliged to ask users to trim the fat, or to compile.
But then why Puppy devs are soo busy, if everything is imported :?:


A simple question:

Why can't you---just once----take all that energy that comes forth from your vocal chords (or typing fingers) and CREATE a pup version that meets exactly your vision of what it should be?

Building via woof-CE is easy, and wiak has made it very, very easy.

You attack so many of us that have tried to make pups and/or derivative pups, yelling that you are a "passenger" and the accommodations in a certain pup are t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e or not-worth-your-time-and-effort. Well, you know what? You are NOT a passenger that is a very kind.

In fact, are you a passenger that moves past "kindness" and into the realm of 'une petite esprit personne' (English speakers: it just generally means a 'small minded person')?? Prove us wrong, Senor Pelo (if you have created your own pup, please do point to it so it can be tested)
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#37 Post by foxpup »

if you have created your own pup, please do point to it so it can be tested
That is something I love about Puppy: it is easy to make your own Puppy!
Maybe it is not what makes it Puppy, but it is a wonderful thing.

How Puppy can help people in their life, that was the base

#38 Post by Pelo »

i have a dozen of Puppy home made. Most of them i just changed the kernel using a topic explaining how to do. I consider that putting a piece or another one in the puzzle is not a new puppy, it's a Puppy for me. About Dogs , they don't want to be Puppies. Why , i don't know. But they need a forum, and Puppy's one was existing. But if they don't try to kick away our puppys , exchanges can be profitable to everybody.
About devs, if some of them needed to create Facebook sites to meets users, i mean people wanting an OS to make they computer join there needs and their hobbies, it's because the forum frightened them by huge and quite only creating Puppies and installing. , like doctors, people don't speak all day long of diseases
Pregnancy is a step, Puppy needs support once born,
But i you can see, my goal is to give people applications to run, and to verify for which puppies they run. And i make me a tester for some projects that i find nice. Devs miss users. I am often the only one. So you must be kind with me :!:
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#39 Post by puppyluvr »

:) Hello,
Pelo, I did not imply that puppy was dependent on anything.
Rather, I implied that puppy is built from anything.
I use .debs, Slackware/Fedora/Suse...
Whatever works.
Puppy is a single file switch root setup.
What's in the file is the key.
What Lego's its built from is unimportant...
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in the spirit they are more requirements,

#40 Post by Pelo »

in the spirit they are more requirements, About Support, among others. You cannot let down-loaders without assistance because version is public released !
Drivers must be provided by the Puppy-builder. Ok if somebody provides the forum his own home version to get some help, he is as an user, not an official dev. But they should inform in titles that their Woof-ce is personal, not for public release. , is for asking help, not to help
Puppyluvr, i fully agree on your rules shown on Facebook.. If the forum is more technical; it should not be only technical and for technics.
About Puppy only a boot system.. as Porteus.. even porteus is not only booting sytem.
Our Linux devs are only delivery men, but us, passengers, we want something in the basket. To play with it. Not play 'installers'. Install is not a pleasure at all.
Why Pemasu, Dejan, smokey01 ... and many others try to provide pets for Puppy users, by trimming the fat, or creating home made apps. That is good, asking people to do it is bad., because only a few dozen instead of thousands will still use Puppy.
But i want to close by underlining that way of doing is typically US, north American. Facebook or foreign Puppy forum are a lot more friendly to help everybody, whatever the Puppy they use. People get replies, that is polite, respectuous. Even if answer is 'we cannot help you in this matter'
:? Unanswered posts : Search found 12086 matches
ready for use Puppies, do it yourself Dogs
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