The wmx window manager, version 8, is now available.

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#21 Post by musher0 »

Ok, found the

#cp "$file" /root/.dmenu

line towards the bottom of your wmx_menu
script, and uncommented it.

Downloaded the two pets and created the .dmenu folder.
Launched xbindkeys, and have hit F10.

Works fine. This dmenu is a neat little utility.
(Ugly, but neat!) (No offense intended!)

I believe the still experimental "firebox" wm has
incorporated something like it.

Anyway, thanks again!
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#22 Post by musher0 »

(Oops. Repeat of previous post. Deleted by author. Sorry about that.)
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aemenu accessed with left click from wmx

#23 Post by musher0 »

(I hope this will be posted in the wmx forum...)

If anybody's interested:

In wmx 7's config.h, lines 81-82 (perhaps lines 79-80, or thereabouts), I managed to make wmx call aemenu with the mouse left click, by changing these two lines :

// What to run to get a new window (from the "New" menu option)


// What to run to get a new window (from the "New" menu option)
#define CONFIG_NEW_WINDOW_LABEL "Menu_principal"

Of course, you'll have to recompile wmx and have already installed a working copy of aemenu-gtk (with a "aemenu" symlink). I've installed
my aemenu in /usr/X11R7/bin, and I've put the menu(s) in /etc/X11/aewm.

The result is something like this:

which gets developed to this, when you release the left mouse button:

(N.B. The small picture [wmx] should be viewed first, before the aemenu illustration.)

That's my basic aemenu "concept". Very simple. From there, anyone can build aemenu's for any purpose. Just follow the instructions in the aemenu docs.

Your aemenu will have a structure similar to this:

-wide config file for aewm clients

cmd "--=> Menu_principal <=--" ""
menu "Bureau..."
cmd "...précédent" "~/my-applications/Systeme/ae/"
cmd "...suivant" "~/my-applications/Systeme/ae/"
menu "Bureaux echinus"
cmd "...1 (main)" "wmctrl -s 0 && mrxvt -geometry 83x27+378+475"
cmd "...2 (web)" "wmctrl -s 1 && mrxvt -geometry 83x27+378+475"
cmd "...3 (dos)" "wmctrl -s 2 && rox ~/my-applications/dos && ~/my-applications/dos/"
cmd "...4 (mus)" "wmctrl -s 3 && rox ~/my-applications/Medias && rox ~/my-applications/Medias/Radio"
cmd "...5 (gfx)" "wmctrl -s 4 && mrxvt -geometry 83x27+378+475"
cmd "...6 (misc)" "wmctrl -s 5 && rox ~/my-applications/Systeme && aemenu -rc /etc/X11/aewm/disques"
# [etc., etc.]
As you can see, you can insert some sophistication in the commands.

aemenu as called from release of left click in wmx
(11.55 KiB) Downloaded 2112 times
call to console replaced with call to aemenu
(4.33 KiB) Downloaded 2110 times
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#24 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

I've uploaded a slightly different wmx7 here: ... 091#361091

The main differences with the first one I presented are:

Use of AltCar instead of Alt for window-related commands. The latter can now be controlled almost entirely with the right hand only.

The wmx window frame now comes in either rich gray or the former textured white (as in wmx6). Symlink your preferred one to filename "wmx" and you can then start wmx with "xwin wmx".

Complemented by ipager, stalonetray, wmctrl and aemenu, as well as jemimah's (see above), to make a more complete desktop environment. aemenu comes with meta-menu, disk menu and linux-structure menu. A few others of these icon-less menus are offered for your convenience. NOTE: You will have to edit and adapt these additional menus to the listing of disks / software you have on your machine.

Works fine under Puppy 3.02, Puppy 4.12, Puppy 4.3x and dpup. (Don't forget to make a good back-up of your pup-save file and store it somewhere safe before you install this window manager pet or any other important program.)

Those are the highlights. I will translate the rest of the initial announcement in French upon request.

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#25 Post by musher0 »

musher0 wrote: Works fine. This dmenu is a neat little utility.
(Ugly, but neat!) (No offense intended!)
Just revisited your implementation of dmenu today. Practical indeed.

About dmenu being ugly, I discovered that its colours can be changed.
The how-to is in its man file. So that could compensate its "spartan" look a little.

Again thanks, and congrats for providing these utilities, for wmx7, but also for alternative window managers.

PS. Saw your posts in wm or desktop related forums: that's great! The Puppy desktop can only benefit if we shake a few fleas off it! 8)
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#26 Post by `f00 »

Thanks for putting this together - I'd tried the earlier and failed to appreciate it, now I do :) mmyes, either roxpanel or fbpanel work fairly well (and the ae-set may be useful in other wms if desired). Quite the interface, once one gets used to it. Looking forward to trying some of the newer flea-shakers :lol:

..attaching a screenie (if that's oki), since I resized for this forum's pp
still some minor settlings-in . . .
(77.24 KiB) Downloaded 2074 times

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#27 Post by musher0 »

Thank you, kind sir!

I enjoyed doing it, I'm glad others like it too. Once you get the knack of it, wmx can be more impressive on the screen than BeOS. I just extended the reach to Puppy; the real person to thank is wmx author Chris Cannam and his collaborators, at

I see you have a nice choice of wm's, there. pekwm, openbox, etc. Did you create that start-up panel?

Nice backdrop too. If you care to use jemimah's dmenu, here's some colors that might go well with your picture.

# /usr/local/bin/dmenu-app -nb NavajoWhite3 -nf LemonChiffon1 -sb darkgreen -sf cornsilk

(Un-comment if you wish to use)

the -nb and -nf parameters are for the normal slate
the -sb and -sf are for the selected bar.
You can also use any other colour available in the Gcolor2 color chooser (graphics" sub-menu), by name, or if you quote them (e.g., "#A2C4E6"), in rgb fashion.

All the best!
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#28 Post by `f00 »

The plogout was originally in the Macpups - I only ran into it about the time of Macpup Opera and it seemed such a simple useful f00lproof; interface that it was one of my first forays 'under the hood' so to speak (murgalua color references eluded me for a bit.. all I have done since is adapt it slightly to suit differing pups as needed). The bg is from AS (which in recent pups seems to have some command bugs?, tried to start ASRun from a console and it spit segfault* and the bg-xml editor eludes :| but most of the rest seems well enough). I tend to re-do styles and such frippery (new pekwm is a bit different). So much to learn, I have to chuckle at 'bored' folk :)

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#29 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all!

wmx version 8 is now out!

Compared to v. 7, here are a few of the new options:
  • * gnome-type mouse behavior
    * large on-screen clock at the top right of the screen as an option
    * faster rendering capacity of new video cards
I'd say it's an "under-the-hood" upgrade, because the usual features and
behavior of the wm are still there. In particular, it retains its famous
accordeon-type handling of desktops and the title bar on the left side of
the application window.



I've provided a capture on the Show us your puppies thread.
Last edited by musher0 on Tue 08 Nov 2016, 00:45, edited 1 time in total.
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#30 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

I've assembled a pet archive of the latest wmx brew for you to download:
-- ... BeIL7hs6zy --
It contains compilations of the original / OOTB milk-colored wmx by Chris
Cannam, plus three variants, namely in Navajo White, light grey, and
Navajo White with "bristles". :)

The wmx-8 executables included in this pet archive were compiled on
Puppy Precise 5.4.3, so any Puppy with eglibc-15 should be able to run
them. (To find out which glibc your Puppy uses, type < ldd --version >
in a console.)

Improvements to the wmx menu
This pet contains considerable work on the wmx menu appearance. It's
been made much more comfortable to use by incorporating layout lines
and by substituting a wider font (Vera Sans 15) the original 12-sized font.
The combination of these two improvements make your hand much more
stable within the very reactive wmx menu.

Again, concerning the menu, I've included
  • * a full Default Apps menu,
    * a Folders menu (leading to my-documents and such)
    * a quite usable, but still tentative, Puppy menu, based on the contents
    __ of the *.desktop files in /usr/share/applications.
I say "tentative" because this Puppy menu for wmx is for Puppy Precise
5.4.3; as you well know, the contents of /usr/share/applications change
from one Puppy to the next. To get around this problem, I've included
some scripts / templates to build various Puppy categories in the wmx

You can also use / adapt / reactivate the wmx menu creation script
provided by jemimah earlier. It's in a post somewhere above this one.
Please do not use any of these blindly; test them first and adapt them
if need be.


Again, in a post above, there's a description of the key bindings used in
wmx. In these wmx-8's, the major key is the window key. You type the
window key (left or right doesn't matter), plus keypad + or -, etc. to
affect your program window.

The docs provided above are still valid, BTW. As I mentioned elsewhere,
wmx 8 offers internal rather than visible updates.

For reference, you'll find a list of the pet archive contents below. I may
be back in a day or two to provde explanations for some of the files.

Finally, there's a screen capture of the "Navajo White with bristles" ;)
variant in the Show us your Puppies thread.

Any questions, please ask. As well, any constructive feedback will be
much appreciated.

I hope you'll enjoy this great window manager as much as I do! :D


Heads Up: the aemenu's called by some of the items in the included
wmx menu are NOT included. I'll be back with those later.

Fonts : The wmx-8 config.h file specifies the following fonts. For better
readability of the menu and side titles, please add fonts Lucida Sans Unicode
and Bitstream Vera Sans fonts to your TTF fonts folder. Then open a terminal
and type:

Code: Select all

fc-cache -r
to get them recognized by your Puppy system.

A ready-made *.pet archive is also included below for your convenience.
Contents of
(5.84 KiB) Downloaded 379 times
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#31 Post by musher0 »

Hello again, wmx lovers! :)

I've succeeded in coming up with two other themings for wmx-8, in
olive-green and wave-blue variants. You can get them here:
-- ... 726fopkJB7 --

I wanted to do a blackish variant, but I haven't yet found where in the
wmx code to change its font color to a light color.

Screen caps of

-- the blue-wave variant


-- the olive-green variant


The *.pet archive also contains:
  • * a potential new /root/.wmx folder under the name wmx-FR. I'll leave it
    __ to you to activate it through a symbolic link because I don't know if
    __ you're already using one of the variants uploaded previously. If you've
    __ done some work in that folder, of course forcing a copy would destroy
    __ it. As I said, I'm leaving it to you. And an EN translation is under way.

    * the script and its loader. It's already integrated in
    __ the new .wmx/wmx-FR "menu" folder. There's a separate discussion
    __ of it here.

    * a PuppyMenu at /usr/local/PuppyMenu, again integrated in the main
    __ wmx menu. This is pretty much the usual jwm menu, except in
    __ folder/sub-folder form. Again... an EN translation is under way, but
    __ it's quite usable as is.
TWYL. Enjoy!

Last edited by musher0 on Fri 08 Jul 2016, 01:22, edited 2 times in total.
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#32 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

Please replace the wave-blue themed wmx-8 in the package above with this
attached one. I had forgotten to substitute a matching color for the desktop
number at compile time. (I had left in the color used for the green theme.)
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.


Simply unzip in /usr/bin and make executable. Then erase wmx-8_vagues3
from the previous download to avoid confusion. Thanks.
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#33 Post by musher0 »

Edit, March 18, 20915:
We now have many ways to access our applications in wmx.
Four ways from the wmx menu itself:
* the simili-xdg sub-menu (revised script attached; see below)
* the default-apps sub-menu, which lists all the "default-something"
__ applications on your Puppy
* my "share-Cats" and "share-Apps" listings of what's available in
__ /usr/share/applications
* the /usr/share/applications folder itself, accessible directly from the
__ "Folders" sub-menu

One from outside the wmx
* dmenu2
Hopefully, that is enough?! :) Best regards.

Hello, all.

Here is a menu generator for wmx. It derives all entries from the
*.desktop files at /usr/share/applications, not from the jwm menu.

Being able to use awk as the extractor of the data was a big plus.

I solved the "mysteries" I reported a couple of days ago, and version 2 of
the script works quite nicely now.

Do you need a very steady hand to use the wmx menu?
You still need a steady hand to navigate the wmx menu, but with the
layout it's easier than it was. OOTB, you need the hand of a surgeon or of
a concert pianist... ;) not just a regular steady hand. But that's beyond
me, upstream from me, actually: it would be for the author to change.
(He's a musician, BTW, author of the LiliPond software, in addition to

Maybe not.
The solution at the user's end may be to slow down the mouse speed by a
couple of notches, until it feels comfortable for you.

Run pupx from the Desktop sub-menu and set set pixel distance to 16.
Save. If it feels too stiff or too slow, change the pixel distance to 15. And
so on, one down, one down, until you find a speed you're comfortable
with. (The "pixel distance" notion is the distance the mouse will travel on
screen before it starts accelerating.)

Feedback welcome
I would be most grateful for your input on how the script reacts to the
categories in your *.desktop files. There can be small differences in the
spelling of the Puppy categories from one Puppy to the next, for example
(or of official freedesktop categories, for that matter), and a wrong or
different spelling could stall menu creation.

And of course people like to organize their programs their own way. A
menu script would have to incorporate that human aspect as well.

Version 2 of this script takes about 4½ seconds to re-create the wmx
menu on my Puppy Precise 5.4.3. It's not "dynamic", but it's still fast.
Nobody adds a new application to his/her Puppy every minute, so strictly
speaking, a "dynamic" menu is never needed. (IMO.)

I can't remember who said that it couldn't be done, but it's now more than
a proof of concept: a simili-xdg menu can be successfully integrated
in wmx.

Anyway, if you have a couple of minutes and a kind heart, please have a
look at this script -- or simply run it --, and share your impressions and
ideas for possible improvement of the code? Constructive feedback is
always welcome.

Many thanks in advance. BFN.

Unpack in /root/my-applications/bin for the time being, and make
executable. Then make a link from there to /root/.wmx: it will appear in
the main wmx menu, and you can launch it from there.
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#34 Post by musher0 »

Hello, again.

Two screen captures of the new simili-xdg menu for wmx:

Full screen:




One neat thing about wmx is that it provides two accesses to your menu:
an actual menu and a folder-sub-folder access.

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#35 Post by Ted Dog »

Interesting.. somewhat like the use of left right of a appwindow for tile and such makes better use of the ultra wide monitors so much wasted pixels on with window managers from the 4x3 era. Wish you would self promote your finds better! seems I find your interesting threads SO late.

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#36 Post by Ted Dog »

What version of puppylinux are these pets for.... any 64bit versions ?

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#37 Post by musher0 »

Ted Dog wrote:What version of puppylinux are these pets for.... any 64bit versions ?
Hi, Ted.

Thanks for your reply and interest. No, I've never been much of a
salesman, unfortunately for me...

Regarding the other question, I don't think there is a 64-bit version of
wmx-8 yet. There's only this one, that was published last November. So
it's a "universal" 32-bit version, I suppose. I have an old 64-bit laptop in
my storeroom aka dining room ;) that runs 32-bit Puppies nicely.

This wmx wm should run on a 64-bit, no? (Shucks, something else to
test...) :)


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#38 Post by musher0 »


Success with version 2 of the menu script !!! I just updated my previous post
about it. Please re-read? Thanks, and of course...

...enjoy this wonderful wmx window manager! :)

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#39 Post by musher0 »


As announced earlier in the post presenting wmx-8, here is the download URL
for the two fonts required by wmx-8. (Archived as as a 334k *.pet file.)

Best regards.

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#40 Post by musher0 »


Below is the edited Config.h that I used to created this great (IMO) port &
cornsilk theme for wmx. ("Port" as in "dark wine color".)


The solution was to replace some dynamic configurations with actual
numbered or named colors as seen in gcolor2. Otherwise, the foreground
(in other words the letters) remained in black print, which made the
info entries on the frame and on the menu unreadable on a dark frame
such as this.

Since I was not and still am not familiar with the logic of the C language,
it took me actually a few days compiling through trials and errors (mostly
the latter!) :) to discover the proper way to get the result I wanted.

I think this is a breakthrough, in the sense that I have found this info
nowhere on the Internet, and it greatly expands wmx's theming capacity.

We now have access to dark frame colours for wmx, whereas before we
didn't. If the attached can save some people some time, I'll be glad.



Note. The same "port" color was used to theme conky and the rox panel
to give the desktop a unified look.

Photo credit: "Pe aripile vantului". (Unknown photographer.)

Edit, July 29, 2015:
A compatible port color gtk-2.0 theme is attached. My adaptation of the
Dust theme original by Rico Sta. Cruz and Ricardo (Kido) Mariano III,
amended by daman. There's also a series of Dust themes you might want
to dress up in port color on page 108 of Untried, but the
Crimson themes at Gnome-Look may also look nice with this wmx theme.
Unzip in /usr/share/themes.
(32.33 KiB) Downloaded 248 times
I would recommend that you back-up the original Config.h before dropping
this one in your wmx compile folder.
(6.18 KiB) Downloaded 264 times
Last edited by musher0 on Wed 29 Jul 2015, 03:03, edited 3 times in total.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

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