Rox-filer : show directory size, please (Solved)

Filemanagers, partitioning tools, etc.

EmelFM, XFE dont sum the repositories

#21 Post by Pelo »

EmelFM, XFE dont sum the repositories.
Musher is right, i was deceived by the column size in Emelfm. The number shown is not the sum of contents. Sorry Musher.

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#22 Post by amigo »

Yeah, I doubt any file managers are showing dir sizes -it would simply slow every operation down -to a crawl sometimes. I have about 45GB of stuff under /usr. If I let du calculate the disk usage, it takes nearly ten minutes to complete. rox would take even more time because of updating the display. So, if this feature was built-in and I open rox in '/', then it would be at least ten minutes before I could navigate in to any directory there.

You can get a sense of how slow it might be by opening rox in /usr/bin or somewhere where there are thousands of files -or trun thumbnails on and navigate into a dir which contains hundreds of jpg images.

I agree that visualizing file/dir sizes is very useful. I use gdmap for the purpose as it is a pure gtk/gdk application. In fact, I use and old gtk-1.2 version which took me forever to find...

I like very much the pie-chart view which baobab seems to provide, but am unwilling to depend on 123 GNOME packages to have the feature...

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Re: EmelFM, XFE dont sum the repositories

#23 Post by greengeek »

Pelo wrote:EmelFM, XFE dont sum the repositories.
Musher is right, i was deceived by the column size in Emelfm. The number shown is not the sum of contents. Sorry Musher.
Any idea what the size number actually does mean in Emelfm?


#24 Post by simargl »

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#25 Post by SFR »

There's also Worker (I found it yesterday, it's obviously inspired by Amiga's DirOpus), which can do it on demand.
It's enough to just select all directories (e.g. by pressing 'Invert selection' button) and then press 'Dirsize' button (see screenshot).
But yeah, it takes some time...

That's probably the answer: ... -l-command

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#26 Post by musher0 »


I've reworked the script. Enjoy!

Code: Select all

# ~/my-applications/bin/
# Unpacking -- If you have downloaded the zipped version, please unzip 
# 			   in folder /root/my-applications/bin.
# Installation -- Make a link from the /path/filename mentioned on line 2 to:
# 			  /root/.config/
# Usage --
# in GUI -- Just right-click on the directory and click ""
# in CLI --  Type: /directory/. # For ex.: 
# ~/my-documents/ 
# /etc/  		# Please use the slash at the end. OR:
# . 			# (If you already are in the queried directory.)
# Note 1: "$@" and $PWD should indicate the same. (It's a built-in check.)
# Note 2: If you do not have the Proc2 font (which I'd recommend), I can 
# 		 suggest the Liberation Mono, DejaVu Mono or Monaco fonts.
# Note 3: Does not work on linked directories. The size indicated will be 0 (zero).
#		 Please use ROX's "target" to get to the folder, and then use
# (c) musher0, 2013-08-18. 

cd "$@"
echo -n "`du -sh $@`" > /tmp/totaldir
COL="fg linen -bg "#594311" -rv -bd DarkOliveGreen3 -cr cornsilk +tr -w 15"
urxvt -T "Folder size ~~~~~~~~ Taille du dossier" -b 5 +sb +tr -$COL -fn "xft:Monaco:pixelsize=11:antialias=true:autohint=true" -g 55x2 -e less -~ -P "~~~~ $PWD ~~~~" /tmp/totaldir &
sleep 6s 
# If you find that wait too long, you can reduce it to:
# sleep 4s
kill "`pidof -s less`" >/dev/null 2>&1
rm /tmp/totaldir

### 30 ###
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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)


ytree PPM Puppy 2

#27 Post by Pelo »

Ytree dans le PPM Puppy 2 est un tar.gz ! En console çà répond not found.
Peux-tu y mettre ta touche ? En faire un pet qui fonctionne ...
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Re: ytree PPM Puppy 2

#28 Post by musher0 »

Pelo wrote:Ytree dans le PPM Puppy 2 est un tar.gz ! En console çà répond not found.
Peux-tu y mettre ta touche ? En faire un pet qui fonctionne ...
Ask and thou shalt receive (Gospel) / Demandez et vous recevrez (Parole de l'Évangile) :)


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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)


Dirax m'oriente bien

#29 Post by Pelo »

Dirax fullfilled my wish, showing where are the fat files. It avoids me opening each directory. Musher0, once again, you answer the question !
But i go on exploring the matter.
Ytree and treesize seem efficient tools too. Is my english clear enough ?
Musher dit it ! in a few seconds. What an efficiency !
I am very pleased that several forgotten tools answer the question... excepted rox-Filer, which is a pity !
Go ahead, let us make treesize available.
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Re: Dirax m'oriente bien

#30 Post by musher0 »

Pelo wrote:Dirax fullfilled my wish, showing where are the fat files. It avoids me opening each directory. Musher0, once again, you answer the question !
But i go on exploring the matter.
Ytree and treesize seem efficient tools too. Is my english clear enough ?
Hi, pelo.

Thanks for the compliment.

While you were writing the above, I uploaded ytree v. 1.94, a pet I made from ... 6.deb.html
Because I did not find it in the wary 5.5 PPM.

Enjoy! (Dommage que ça fasse cochon de traduire par "Jouissez !") :twisted:

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

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#31 Post by musher0 »

Erratum --
File ytree.desktop, line 9, in above package, should read:

Code: Select all

Exec=urxvt -sr -tr -tint firebrick4 -sh 55 -fg white -fn "xft:Liberation Mono:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true" -e ytree /
Thanks for your understanding.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)


treesize : one more !

#32 Post by Pelo »

Quote :
Thanks, I know gdmap, it runs, but treesize much better for me. Treesize lists biggest folders at top of list, with many right-click functions, makes it easy to manage disk. Gdmap requires visual hunting.

The matter is closed ? 'la boucle est bouclée ?"

NO ! We were asking Rox-filer to do it....
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#33 Post by musher0 »

If you believe you have a solution, then please add
to the title of this thread.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

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#34 Post by musher0 »

musher0 wrote:Erratum --
File ytree.desktop, line 9, in above package, should read:

Code: Select all

Exec=urxvt -sr -tr -tint firebrick4 -sh 55 -fg white -fn "xft:Liberation Mono:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true" -e ytree /
Thanks for your understanding.

Hello again, all.

I just noticed that this version of ytree has a tendency to "take a nap"
in memory even if you close it with the "q" (quit) function from within
ytree, and not by clicking the "x" on the window bar. When ytree does
"take a nap" in memory like that, it slows down all your computing
operations, because it keeps the main chip busy at 99-100 % for no
good reason.

To solve this problem, put the following in your /root/my-applications/bin
folder as file and make it executable.

Code: Select all

kill "`pidof -s ytree`" >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 0.1s
urxvt -sr -tr -tint firebrick4 -sh 55 -fg white -fn "xft:Liberation Mono:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true" -e ytree /
kill "`pidof -s ytree`" >/dev/null 2>&1
Then change line 9 of /usr/share/applications/ytree.desktop simply to

Code: Select all
The "kill" lines in the above script will make sure that ytree really
closes. Line 4 is just a precaution.

If you prefer to download the script as an archive, unpack the
attached file in /root/my-applications/bin and make it executable
before using it.

There is no need to make file /usr/share/applications/ytree.desktop
executable. The "mechanism" of the *.desktop files is not the same as
the "mechanism" of bash scripts.


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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)


2015 : treesize is the One i was looking for.

#35 Post by Pelo »

2015 : treesize is the One i was looking for.
Adopted as quite a default application beside GDmap
First GDmap, then Treesize for deeper check. Wonderful tool.
Developers should use them, to trim the fat before painting their new puplet.
Remove builtin does not remove all the stuff, mainly for browsers. I know puplets with MBs left in libs.
i was answered it was in case of seamonkey re-installed or if Chrome would be installed.... don't mind.

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