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Posted: Mon 11 May 2020, 19:05
by step
Paulo, try tigerVNC I did *not* test it on bionicpup32 but I've used it successfully on several 32- and 64-bit Puppy and Dog Linux computers. From the homepage above follow the links to the downloads page; they have pre-compiled binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac. Here's a direct link to the version released on Dec 22, 2019 You will be running 'vncserver' on the small netbook, and vncview on your Win10 PC. The viewer doesn't have to be TigerVNC's; it can be UltraVNC or any other brand, including TigerVNC.

I don't see a chance that backseat driver will be able to connect to Skype, Teams and Zoom. At the heart of bsdriver there's VNC, and none of those services is based on VNC, as far as I know.

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 00:10
by Semme
Hey Mike, these pkgs are no longer available, correct?

Posted: Wed 27 May 2020, 14:28
by mikeslr
Semme wrote:Hey Mike, these pkgs are no longer available, correct?
The original link to the AppImage goes nowhere. The link from this post works. ... 20#1045420. Scroll to below "You can find the .pets & ROX-Apps at my Google Drive, here:- "

Posted: Wed 27 May 2020, 20:01
by Mike Walsh
Semme wrote:Hey Mike, these pkgs are no longer available, correct?
Slight mix-up on the Drive, mate, after a re-packaging/re-uploading session.

Everything straightened out now, and new links established; these are all RoxApps. A, because it's a 'Puppy-native' format, and B, because for this particular app, at least, it's more hassle-free than any of the others (even the AppImages). Plus, they're a hell of a lot easier to upgrade when needed.....

Click on 'em, and they just fire-up. Which is how a RoxApp is supposed to work.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2020, 11:22
by smokey01
Mike, Back Seat Driver 3.24 is the latest and has been for a while now. I have no intention to develop it further.

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2020, 13:30
by Mike Walsh
Thanks, Grant. I'll do another "re-pack".... :D

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2020, 16:27
by Mike Walsh
Right, boys & girls.

AFAIK, these will be the final, "mature" versions of BackSeatDriver.


These are all packed as Puppy's 'native', portable format, the RoxApp. It just works better than any other for this particular 'gem'.....and makes any future upgrades a lot simpler to work with.

There's :-

32-bit, and
32-bit packed for 'older' Puppies, along with a 'runtime' you need to install for upgrading the glibc to the newer version required by PSIP. This has to be installed as a .pet package, I'm afraid; an SFS package won't work, since it won't overwrite the all-important '' "linker".....and without that in place, it won't run....

(It won't hurt to leave this in place permanently. For the very small increase in Pup's size, it has no side-effects whatsoever, and is a worthwhile upgrade.)

See HERE for info about the required 'libpcap' sym-link for older Puppies.



64-bit - ... sp=sharing

32-bit - ... sp=sharing

Older 32-bit - ... sp=sharing

In all cases, MD5 checksums are supplied for verification.

Download; unzip; place anywhere you like, and click to launch. Simple as that.


Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2020, 16:57
by ndujoe1
I have not had a chance to try it other with a fellow puppylinux user, but if it operates as advertised it should be incorporated in puppylinux iso's going forward. I have often wished to be able help new users visually when they get started. Sometimes it is hard to say in words what is the best path to their questions.

Posted: Thu 04 Jun 2020, 12:58
by p310don
but if it operates as advertised it should be incorporated in puppylinux iso's going forward
BSD works brilliantly - albeit with a couple of quirks here and there. It is included in Fatdog. Not sure of any other versions where it is in there by default at this stage.

Posted: Thu 04 Jun 2020, 22:45
by nilsonmorales
Mike hola
what's mean Older
Tahr to down?
precese to down?
4 series to down?
thank you.

Posted: Thu 04 Jun 2020, 23:28
by Mike Walsh
Hi, Nilson.

Glad you asked that. I didn't make it too clear, so let me do so know.

Through experimentation (using my own 'kennels' as a base), I take 'newer' to mean anywhere from Tahrpup upwards. Thus, older will generally mean, say, from the Precise 571/Slacko 570 era downwards.

It does depend to a large extent what you already have on your system. One or two of my older Pups actually ran the 'newer Pups' package, and a couple of the newer Puppies needed the 'older Pups' package because I didn't have all the non-included dependencies required.

Easiest way is probably to download both if you're not sure. They're tiny apps, TBH, so both of 'em together won't hurt most people's systems. AFAICT, a 'ROX-App', unlike AppImages or 'self-extracting scripts' (which run in /tmp for the duration) still hunts around the system for stuff that's not included....

The included PSIP does, however, need at least glibc 2.19 to run, since that's what it was compiled against, apparently. Hence why the 'runtime' package is included.

I hope that clarifies things a bit.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2020, 02:01
by nilsonmorales
Thank you Mike
now is clear
ok Spanish locales here.
(For spansish users)

check the line 20 in bsdriver main script

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

had to change fatdog for bsdriver, if I'm wrong please just rename the to

Para usuarios en espaƱol
Revisa la linea 20 del script principal

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

tuve que cambiar fatdog por bsdriver, si estoy equivocado, por favor renombra por

Mike if possibble resize the main window? the spanish translation convert to more large text in the gui.

Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2020, 11:18
by Mike Walsh
@ Nilson:-

As far as re-sizing's concerned, drop Smokey a PM and explain the problem, please (if you don't mind). Where GTK-dialog is concerned, I don't have a clue what I'm doing, and they're Grant's scripts anyway.....all I've done is a packaging excercise to try and ensure BSD is accessible to as many Puppians as possible.

I'd rather not mess around with the GUI stuff at all, if I can help it! As things stand, it works.....

If you can reach a satisfactory workaround for the increased size of the Spanish translation, I'll be more than happy to include it.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2020, 22:30
by nilsonmorales
Mike you are very kind
I do not want to bother Smokey, made some changes that works for spanish users and my dark gtk theme, just for the record:
line 511

Code: Select all

set -- $(gettext "main-window-width 600 toolbar-button-width 95 send-window-button-width 285 config-panel-label-width 90 config-entry-col1-width 88 config-entry-col2-width 50 wide_button_width 250")
# Don't change the NUMBERS above. Change them below as needed. If you add new WORDS above then change ABOVE and BELOW.
line 750 and 869

Code: Select all

<label>"<b><span bgcolor='"'yellow'"'><span fgcolor='"'black'"'> '$(gettext "Changing configuration requires restart")' </span></span></b>"</label>

Posted: Sat 06 Jun 2020, 20:43
by step
@nilsonmorales, the intent of line 511 is to offer translators a way to resize the window specifically for a translation. Notice how line 511 is a gettext entry. It might look weird, but really it's just a sentence. You should put it back as it was originally, then change the numbers directly in your .po file for Spanish and generate a new .mo file. If you do it correctly, when the Spanish .mo is loaded the window should be resized. Also, there is no need to change line 513. The numbers there provide default values that are only used when --due to any unforseen reason-- line 511 fails to provide window dimensions.

I wrote line 511 originally, and I would be pleased if you liked to test it for the Spanish translation. As far as I know, Spanish is the very first translation provided for backseat driver.

P.S. I like the dark theme.