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Posted: Sun 16 Dec 2018, 14:35
by Mike Walsh
Morning, Puppyt.

Well, I'm pleased you found it useful.

It's beyond time I updated that, anyway. When I made it a while back, at that time I was having major problems getting audio recording to work on the big Compaq desktop (since rectified by replacing the ancient, default version of ffmpeg with a modern version!). I ended up recording the video on the Compaq, then recording the voice-over with don570's Bacon Audio Recorder on the old Dell lappie while watching the video on the Compaq, so as to get the synchronization correct (nightmare!), followed by combining the two together with Openshot before finally uploading it to Youtube.....

The problem, as I said, is now solved. Not only do I have a modern version of ffmpeg throughout the kennels, I've also upgraded my very elderly, cheap'n'cheerful headset for a decent USB model from Logitech, with its own sound card built in to the somewhat chunky connector. Having its own card has made all the difference, with the result that after tweaking the settings, every single one of the multiple screen capture apps I use now works perfectly; it's simply a case of recording & uploading.

Makes such a difference when the hardware & software all works together, the way it's supposed to..... :D


Another 'tip' for ya, related to the above. I've been experimenting these last few days; now that I have two sound cards, I wanted to be able to switch back & forth between 'em easily. I've discovered that the 'modern'-look Alsa Sound Wizard from the current Pups is a direct, drop-in replacement in older Pups; not only does it look miles better, but there's now no need for a re-boot to get sound sound working again. And if you also swap-over the Multiple-Sound-Card Wizard, too, it auto-resets to using the new card, as well.....again, without a re-boot.

In fact, I've found quite a few of the re-vamped utilities in the modern Pups will happily 'drop-in' to older Pups. It's a nice way of not only 'upgrading' abilities, but also 'smartening-up' their appearance, and making them look more up-to-date. Other candidates include the 'PuppyApps Default Applications Chooser', and also the 'EventManager'. These are all totally self-contained scripts, so nothing interferes with anything else.

I'm particularly pleased with the EventManager being 'transplantable'. I have a lot of drive icons on the desktop, and in the older Pups the EventManager wouldn't allow you to alter the spacing between 'em. With the new version, I now can.

'S all good fun, of course. I'm about to start investigating whether pMount will do the same.....though I suspect that one won't be quite as simple, somehow. We shall see.....

Mike. :wink:

Short Video - How to Change Mouse Pointer B'H.

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2019, 04:55
by MrDuckGuy
How to change the mouse pointer
in Puppy Linux shown in


How to Change Mouse Pointer in Puppy Linux Tahrpup64

This is for beginners, for the curious, but knowledgeable
users, this may be watched at 2x speed and 720pHD.
It is 5:40, but at double speed, it's only 2:50.

To change viewing speed, in YouTube, find the little
"gear" icon at the bottom of the video display, click on
it for a menu to edit the playback speed, resolution
quality, and other things.

Hope this is of some help. B'H.

old version: