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Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 15:25
by jemimah
puppyiso wrote:Thank you for all your support.

I fixed it myself.
What did you do to get scim working? Some other people were having the same issue, but I couldn't figure it out.

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 17:24
by Ron
I'm no expert, but do have experience with Skype... my go-to version of Skype is the stable version listed here ... 62&t=27198.
The links to the Skype pets found here seem to be broken. Does anyone know how to access the pets now?


Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 19:10
by dougeeebear
Maybe this link will be of some help with installing skype


Using the bluetooth applet to send files and browse files

Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 20:42
by MrToad
Hi Fluppians!

About a week ago I finally downloaded and installed Fluppy 006 on my two ancient laptops (details below), and was immediately impressed by the effortless manner with which it handled my mixed wired/wireless LAN. A quick look around... and it seemed that Fluppy was exactly what I had been hoping for. Abiword had its usual problems, like not coping too well with a copy-and-paste operation from a webpage in the browser, but that wouldn't be any problem as I normally install and use Softmaker Office's "TextMaker" instead.

However, I had some difficulties with the bluetooth applet. Although "pairing" with another device worked fine, I was unable to get any response when I clicked on the bluetooth applet's "Send files to device..." menu item. Similarly, although clicking on "Browse files on device..." brought up a file-selector, selecting a file to transfer and clicking "OK" resulted in the file-selector closing with nothing else apparently happening.

Running dmesg indicated that a segfault had occurred in both cases. At this point I am at my technical limit.

I had concentrated on transferring files between the two Fluppy laptops. I did this because I thought it might rule out any non-Fluppy issues. I then tried each in conjunction with my wife's Linux Mint 5 "Elyssa" system, with which each Fluppy machine "paired" easily, but in every case I failed to transfer anything across by means of the Fluppy bluetooth applet. I fared no better with the Linux Mint bluetooth applet.

I then spent a little while playing on the commandline with obexftp and obexfs - both allowed me to transfer files back and forth between the two Fluppy systems, so the underlying system seems sound.

Has anyone else tried the bluetooth applet and had this problem? And - even better - has anyone else had this problem and fixed it? ;-)

I would be grateful for any guidance on this. Thanks in advance.


Info: Sony Vaio PCG-FX301, Duron 800 MHZ, 256 MB RAM, 200 MB swap partition; Dell Latitude CPt, Celeron 500 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 200 MB swapfile; md5sum on the zipfile is correct; I repeated both installations from the zipfile stage and obtained the same results both times.


Posted: Fri 29 Oct 2010, 21:11
by Roy
link to (courtesy of previous dev's)

For some reason, adding the URL tags to the link blanks this entire message....


Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2010, 01:22
by Ron
Thanks for the Skype replies.
This link shows a flawless way to install the latest Skype with a tar file.
Worked perfect for me.

Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2010, 03:18
by edoc
I just realized with all of the apps upgrades I had never actually updated Fluppy from 005 to 006!

Since Page 1 of this thread says to use the ZIP source rather than the ISO I did so.

I extracted flp-006, moved the three Frugal files to a folder named flp-006 and added flp-006 as an option in GRUB. I also copied the zf006347.sfs to /mnt/home the same as the other sfs files.

Fluppy 006 does not play nicely with my Samsung NB30:

1. I had to use xvesa because xorg doesn't work.

2. It comes up in low-power mode even though the AC adapter is connected.

3. It does not recognize the networking cards.

4. It does not recognize zf006347.sfs

So, I will be reverting to Fluppy 005 for now.

Sorry to have to report bad news.

Posted: Tue 02 Nov 2010, 05:04
by puppyiso
I used theold old scim files(now ancient) just see if it works.

I can type Korean. However, I keep getting annoying keyboard, locale selection message everytime I boot.

Also I still don't know how I fixed the sound problem. I have never found the original sound setup menu which all normal puppies have.

Where have it gone to?

Because it was the first time I fully installed Puppy, I don't know if it's only me but I have to choose from GRUB menu to start Puppy.

Am I the only one? Or it is normal?


Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 05:45
by jemimah
It seems everyone else has tried implementing a control panel for Puppy so I thought I should try it.

I'm using the lxlauncher codebase with only a few simple modifications.

This will populate using regular .desktop files. I've modified the main menu so item categories that belong in the control panel don't show up there.

This will clean a lot of cruft out of the menu so it's easier to find things I hope.


Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 07:44
by nooby
Looks cool.

I tested Fluppy 006 on my Acer D250.

What is bad with using such an OS on a machine that needs Puppeee instead?

I mean does it drain battery or make it too hot or what is bad about the full grown up Fluppy on the too small machine?

Thanks for all the effort you put into your versions.

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 16:04
by jemimah
The only reason to use the small puppeee kernel is that it's smaller and boots faster, and may have slightly faster performance. Functionality should be pretty much the same.

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 17:18
by nooby
Thanks Jemimah!

I am in Puppeee now because lup235 failed to boot 3 times in a row and that one have worked for a week two booting each day and I had only problem with new isos and never with those me already had installed but not this problem appear even on old trusted versions.

You knowing puppeee and Fluppy so well.

When a boot go into kernal panic at the fifth dot at first line.

Is it then some timing of getting hardware access the script going through all that is there and somethibng goes wrong.

So what can it be. Maybe you get a hunch on what it is.

Could one add some code that make the boot slower so it not fail?

I lose connection now and then on puppeee so that must be the reason me stopped using it?

Lenovo X100e

Posted: Sat 06 Nov 2010, 14:25
by GaRailroader
Hello gang,

My employer upgraded my Lenovo S10e with a Lenovo X100e. I've tried Fluppy 005 and Fluppy 006 on this X100e and in both cases the screen is extremely dim like the backlight is off or very low. I've got the brightness settings maxed out and it is very difficult to use. When I connect the laptop to my 19 in monitor it is very dim on it as well. I've got to turn the S10e in next week and I'd like to get Fluppy running satisfactorily on the X100e prior to turning it in. Any suggestions on how to get the monitor brighter? I booted Puppy 5.1 and it looked fine. When I go to HardInfo there is no information on the graphics card. According to Amazon, it should have an ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics card.

Incidentally, this X100e must have the BCM4312 wifi as it works using the settings that we determined on the S10e but not using the Fluppy defaults.

Any information on how to get the display working properly is greatly appreciated.


Patrick J

Posted: Sat 06 Nov 2010, 15:23
by nooby
I don't remember it clear enough but somebody gave an answer to this close to our time. At most a week or two or maybe a few days ago.

So try to use the well minded search.

Unless somebody reading this know how to.

coolest puppy ever

Posted: Sun 07 Nov 2010, 23:45
by yerc1
fluppy006 is the best puppy! congratulations jemimah

i have discovered fluppy only 3 days ago but i found that it runs very nicely on my acer aspire one 532 netbook and my aging hp notebook.

fluppy blows all puppies away, including lucid puppy 5.11.
small footprint, all hardware working, and good looks (and i mean not just the initial desktop screen but throughout the whole package)!

will there be a fluppy based on lucid puppy?

thanks for fluppy!

Volunteer to fix the 006 ISO?

Posted: Mon 08 Nov 2010, 16:26
by jkostpu
I really appreciate all the work you guys put into this. Ubuntu is too heavy for my aging HP laptop and I really want to try version 006 but I need a functioning ISO. I didn't see the note on the first page and apparently the red font wasn't obvious enough for me. After a couple of coasters I finally caught it.

Thanks again,


Posted: Tue 09 Nov 2010, 22:05
by jemimah
Fluppy07 is ready for testing. I've split printing and scanning out into its own sfs since the new ghostscript is so large. I then added the hpliplight drivers and the foo2zjs drivers. I'll probably add more drivers as time goes on. Hopefully this will make printing easier to maintain, and less of a hassle as we can incorporate bugfixes as we go.

Added: grandr, davfs2, mozplugger, vbetool, hpliplite, gpa, pclockset, fonts, lxl-controlpanel

Removed: pcmanfm, gliv, billiardgl, nall, emelfm, nicoedit, zarfy, Xvesa

Updated: chrome, ghostscript, pnethood, mtpaint, openvpn, xorgwizard, fpm, goggles

(The ISO for Fluppy07 is tested and worked for me.)

Posted: Tue 09 Nov 2010, 22:17
by jemimah
I also should mention I added the new open source broadcom driver brcm80211. I do not know if this will take precedence over b43 or not. Wl is still there but still blacklisted so you can unblacklist it if you need it. Let me know how the new driver works.

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 00:26
by edoc
The md5sum does not appear to match the printer-scanner-.02.sfs

I tried twice.

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 01:34
by edoc
Fluppy 007 installed Frugal on my Samsung NB30 from the ISO loads but xorg dos not work - only xvesa in 800x600 works.


It also fails to recognize the internal wireless nic and it's weird trying to work around the menu as it looks like something from MS and is missing stuff one expects in Setup, e.g. the Internet Connection Wizard - it is only visible via the Connect icon on the desktop.

Suggestions, please?