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Posted: Wed 07 Oct 2009, 18:21
by James C

Good news, the installer patch worked and I was able to complete a full install of 482 Beta 1 to sda10 (ext 3).

Bad news, it will not boot. Get a page full of scrolling error messages to quick to read. Got a brief glimpse of what looked like X related errors, but they were zipping by too fast to read.

Works fine running live though. No trouble in full installs of Puppy 430 w/ the kernel either.

Posted: Wed 07 Oct 2009, 21:14
by dejan555
kde pets uploaded here:

Take both kdelibs and kde, these are to be used with dpup, on other pups might need more dependencies, since I striped some libs that dpup already had.

KDE Menu is messed up, most items are in Lost & Found :D
I'll leave to someone else to fix that, you can arrange it with kmenuedit then share it if you know which are kmenu conf files.

I'll upload amarok pet some other day. I tested this on clean dpup477 boot. After install exit X then type xwin startkde. After you end session type reboot or poweroff. Have fun ;)

Posted: Wed 07 Oct 2009, 21:58
by James C
After numerous reinstallation attempts with 482 Beta 1 and still no boot, I was comparing the filesystems of a successful 477 install and the unbootable 482 install.Both are full installs.

In 482 Beta the SYS directory is totally empty and the TMP directory has much less inside.

Is the installer not copying everything to the hard drive?

Posting from 477 is working complaints, just waiting for the Synaptics patch later.

482beta1 Service Pack

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 06:00
by gposil
Ok, I have released a Service Pack which adds all Barry's ext4, installer, netmodules, grub update and a few other patches from 430, as well as some of the fixes that will come in 431. ... rvicePack/

Could someone test the full install option and report back please.


Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 06:07
by James C
As soon as I can reboot I'll give it a try. Thanks for the quick work...

482 Consensus

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 06:22
by gposil
Can I get everyone's view on making 482 the main dpup release and keeping 477 as our retro version.

If the consensus is that 482 is our base then I will let Barry know, and announce the fact that dpup will follow the base course of Barry's releases.

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 07:49
by James C
I hope that someone has better luck with the service pack than I had. Downloaded the delta, verified, combined into 482 Beta 2, burned and verified with burniso2cd and rebooted with the new disc.

No boot. right after "loading initrd.gz.............ready" I got"Bummer, cannot run '/etc/init.d/rcS : no such file or directory". And a prompt which would accept no input, so had to do a hard shutdown.

Redownloaded the delta. remade the new iso and reburned.......same result.

Edit: Added screenshot......

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 07:55
by James C
To the other question at hand, since I'm running Puppy 430 w/ the kernel I'd vote for using 482 as the main release. If it works as good or better than 477, which I can't really test yet.I prefer the newest kernel that will run on my equipment.

Oh, I tried 482 Beta 2 on 2 computers.....same result.

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 08:00
by 01micko
Yep, 482 as the Flagship, 477 the skanks.

(PS, Thanks for fixing Pet Store)

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 14:04
by Jim1911
Bad news, I had the same results as James C , but I've included some additional error message content:

Bummer, cannot run'/etc/init.d/res': No such file or directory.
Please press enter to activate this console.
(Pressing Enter resulted in:)
-sh:id: not found
-sh:id: not found
-sh:id: not found
[:14: unknown operand
-sh:id: not found
(Then went blank, pressing Enter again resulted in repeat of above.)

This was with a frugal install, will do another full hd install when this is corrected. For the present, that partition has 477b. Agree with 01micko, 482 should be flagship.

Has the synaptic pet been updated?

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 14:55
by sinc
482 is the only version that works for me so ... yeah... a vote for 482 for me. I will try the full install later on my home computer and report back. :D

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 16:45
by clarf
Hi, I hope not to be too late to the party guys.

I tried dpup-477beta1- in a VMWare machine without problems, later tested dpup-482beta1- and worked fine too. Then decided to use the later version with updated kernel for my laptop (has the same features and runs fine) dind´t find any problem yet.

First impression:

- The menu options are a mess, seems alphabetically ordered but need a separator bar for app categories and some submenus could be good too.

- The Control Panel in contrast is well organized and something that Puppy really needs in all official versions, good categories and color schemes.

- In many areas seems to have the same software collection that Puppy 4.3, needs a little fat free work here. But I suppose your are making a stable base version first.

- I liked ROX theme (somehow Gnome related?).

- Seems a little faster than Puppy 4.3

Great release gposil, very solid base to work with. :wink:

I´ll suggest that for the dpup-482beta1 version you should create a new thread, large threads are hard to follow and the title in this thread is for 476.


Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 16:53
by Jim1911
Successfully installed 477b to an old Sony laptop with only 64MB ram. Runs great.

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 19:37
by sinc
i downloaded the xdelta. created the beta2. and did a manual frugal install and got the same error message as the guys before me posted. oops, something broke. Image <--- thats a mean little face, I'm not really upset.

hmmm? i just booted up in 214x and checked the md5sum and it actually is not the same as what you have listed. I am going to try and download again.

is there a way to check the md5sum from within dpup?

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2009, 23:55
by 01micko

I agree with your comment on a new topic.. in fact 2 new topics... dpup477 and dpup482..

What say you gposil?


Posted: Fri 09 Oct 2009, 00:03
by sinc
alright i've done it a few times and this is the hash i get


and this is the hash you say it should be


everytime I have to keep booting into 214x to check the hash. it really would be a nice right click option. :D

Posted: Fri 09 Oct 2009, 01:04
by gposil
Sorry guy's, it appears that the 482 service pack is flawed, I will withdraw it and re-do it....

clarf's suggestion to create a new thread for 482beta is a good one, i'll do it now.

Posted: Fri 09 Oct 2009, 08:53
by 01micko
Bad News

No luck with the kernel sources for k2.6.27.4. Barry didn't keep them but he has stuff for k2.6.27.19 but needs patching and stuff.

Good News

K2.6.27.4 is an Ubuntu kernel which Barry used! That's why there are so many drivers already in it.. Going by that rationale, many Hardy Heron drivers could possibly work in dpup-47x.


Posted: Fri 09 Oct 2009, 09:36
by gposil
Yes Mick Ubuntu 8.04 uses the same kernel

Posted: Fri 09 Oct 2009, 09:55
by 01micko
Hello Guy

If people need a driver they can hunt it down in Hardy repos I spose.

Just one thing. Just running live on my old p3 out in the shed, nice that the acx module was there (It won't compile in, even BK had trouble, he has one too). the thing is the locale gui interface, it's too tall and my res is 1280x1024.

Cheers, Mick