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does not work with artfulpup.. no device recognized.

Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2018, 20:13
by hamoudoudou
does not work with artfulpup.. no device recognized.
Try with another puppy. Feed back in few minutes
Ok Seem to depend on hardware connections (usb cable, usb port)
Pictures transfered

Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2018, 20:38
by Mike Walsh
april wrote:EDIT Hes resurfaced with a bit of BS below. Don't take this lightly .You don't need this program.
I've also downloaded and tested elsewhere on this forum some "ko" programs he has referenced for rtl wifi drivers and they cause problems . I think he is a scammer now and is intentionally putting up malware!
April, you're talking out of your arse. Like all idiots do.

Bill has, single-handedly, probably contributed more in the way of useful utilities to Puppy over the years than you've had hot dinners. The fact that many of those same utilities are now incorporated, as standard, into the majority of Pups produced should tell you a thing or two. Use your head, man.

From what I can see of it over the last few years, your problem is that you don't listen to the sensible advice people on here give you. You insist on trying to solve your own problems (an admirable trait in itself).....but then you invariably turn round and muddle your own 'concoctions' up with advice given by others.

That is a recipe for's no wonder you have more than your fair share of problems. Most of 'em are of your own making, mate...

(And before you even think of making a snarky reply, don't . I couldn't care less what you might think of me for posting what I're the one who'll end up with egg all over your chops.)


Mike. :roll:

sucessful on artfulpup too by changing plug .

Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2018, 21:15
by hamoudoudou
sucessful on artfulpup too by changing plug .

Posted: Tue 06 Feb 2018, 00:14
by rcrsn51
CamPhoneTab v1.6 is posted on the first page. It has a simpler user interface.

Posted: Tue 06 Feb 2018, 22:49
by april
Mike Walsh wrote:
Mike. :roll:
Buddy buddy bullshit Mike. Wake up
Elsewhere he wants people to contact him and he gives each individual software for a problem . Whats he putting on those peoples computers? he won't show the source. Suspicious behaviour on the internet must be handled with even more suspicion . he has not answered those suspicions .

Your backing him up will not change that

CamPhoneTab is not needed

Posted: Wed 07 Feb 2018, 14:49
by rockedge
Hey sound INSANE.... you might be smoking to much weed and really are getting paranoid....... with your logic why are you using Puppy at all?? Can't check all the source can ya now? Maybe I slipped something in there to get ya!

lay off the sound crazy. If this is not a result of drug use at all... maybe you should consider starting

Posted: Wed 07 Feb 2018, 15:43
by Mike Walsh
april wrote:Buddy buddy bullshit Mike. Wake up
Elsewhere he wants people to contact him and he gives each individual software for a problem . Whats he putting on those peoples computers? he won't show the source. Suspicious behaviour on the internet must be handled with even more suspicion . he has not answered those suspicions .
Just so's you know, I've helped Bill out with 2 or 3 'projects' where he wanted to get things straight before presenting them to the Forum. On 2 of those 3 occasions, I've had access to the source.....simply by politely asking..!

Nothing fishy about it at all. Perfectly straight-forward code.....and some of it pretty ingenious.

AFAIK, Puppians just don't do shit like that....
rockedge wrote:Hey sound INSANE.... you might be smoking to much weed and really are getting paranoid....... with your logic why are you using Puppy at all?? Can't check all the source can ya now? Maybe I slipped something in there to get ya!

lay off the sound crazy. If this is not a result of drug use at all... maybe you should consider starting absolutely sure you're not 'toking' a few 'hits' of something, hmm? :lol:

:D :D :D

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 07 Feb 2018, 21:15
by april
Piss off Mike and rockedge too if thats the best you can do . Viruses and malware are everywhere and you should look more .
Those comments tell me you are in collusion Spreading shit on the forum.

Posted: Wed 07 Feb 2018, 22:28
by fredx181
You are the one spreading shit on the forum - stop it.

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2018, 00:55
by Mike Walsh
april wrote:Piss off Mike and rockedge too if thats the best you can do . Viruses and malware are everywhere and you should look more .
Those comments tell me you are in collusion Spreading shit on the forum.
Jeezus H.... What the f*** are you running on about, man? Can't figure you out at all.

I always thought this forum was a friendly place; well, it is - (mostly).

(*shakes head in amazement*)

I'm outta here.

Mike. :roll:

pupjibaro has included CamPhoneTab in its Puppy Stretch

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2018, 13:40
by hamoudoudou
pupjibaro has included CamPhoneTab in its Puppy Stretch
Pupjibaro is always ahead. Beware, These Puppies are born outside USA, australia ? No, mexico y abajo
Please make change in 1st post to better highlight where to click to install CamPhoneTab . New version installed on my artfulpup.
I will test it on... :twisted: April ... I put it a month in quarantine

Posted: Thu 15 Feb 2018, 00:28
by Semme
Long time Big Guy --"Good" stuff ! Happy Valentines Day too! :D:wink:

S4 Kit-Kat mount via factory USB cable is instantaneous aboard Xenial 7.5, 32bit. File transfer to and fro, as expected. Xenial required the additional libgcrypt-11 pkg.

For any of you out there having trouble with this connection method, make sure you've got a decent cable and not one of those lousy after-market jobs. Without a solid connection you're gonna encounter missing directories and Input/Output errors when you go to transfer files. And if you happen to accidentally bump the cable or phone during a connection session and CPT becomes unresponsive, ensure you're unmounted, unplug, then restart your X server.

BTW Bill, nice work ball-gag'n :mrgreen: Xenials plug'n-play apps.

In fact, I'd expect nuthin less from you these days..

the reason of not working : equipment bad quality

Posted: Thu 15 Feb 2018, 03:48
by hamoudoudou
To Confirm what Semme tells us, plug and cable quality were the reason of not working. Software is not guilty. Unless April is right and soon our laptop will explode..