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Posted: Sun 20 Aug 2017, 12:33
by backi
Thanks again norgo! :)

SSR available for 64 bits..

Posted: Sun 20 Aug 2017, 17:45
by Pelo
going to upload SMplayer, i saw that you make SSR available for 64 bits..
Testing it right now on my Slacko 6.9.64 version (vintage yet) I only take a glance to 64 distros.

My laptop is 64 bits and since 2011 i never had a problem with 32 bits puppies and their thousands of apps. install an OS 64 bits perhaps is an error, i should have waited for final release for Slacko 64, Idem for Xenialpup and Tahrpup 64

Posted: Sun 20 Aug 2017, 23:44
by Mike Walsh
Hallo, norgo.

Just installed your 64-bit 17.8.0 package in Tahr64 6.0.5. Works nicely!

I've been steadily moving the kennels (mostly 32-bit) over to SMPlayer, after discovering scabz's 14.9.0 package some little while ago. After using VLC for years, I just find it more user-friendly....and rather easier on the eye. MPlayer's OK, but its menus are not the easiest to use.... And the version of SMPlayer in the Tahr64 repos is's 0.8.6!

One request, perhaps, for future versions? Any chance you could compile in the 'Skinnable GUI' option? I find I prefer the 'Modern' skin; it's much more stylish. (Perhaps that's just me...)

Just by way of illustration, this is the 'Modern' skin in the Windows 'portable' version, running under WINE:-


Anyway, many, many thanks for an excellent package. It's very much appreciated.

Mike. :wink:

SMplayer skins and themes

Posted: Mon 21 Aug 2017, 19:46
by norgo
Mike Walsh wrote:... this is the 'Modern' skin in the Windows 'portable' version, running under WINE...
Oh my god, this is really terrible, I will do it.
Compiled in Slacko 6.3.0 but not extensively tested yet. This is your job @Mike Walsh

Re: SSR available for 64 bits..

Posted: Mon 21 Aug 2017, 20:49
by norgo
Pelo wrote:... i saw that you make SSR available for 64 bits..
Testing it right now on my Slacko 6.9.64 version (vintage yet) I only take a glance to 64 distros...
This is highly interesting.
I can't remember to built a 64 bit version of SSR ever.
What the heck did you test ? :shock:

Re: SMplayer skins and themes

Posted: Mon 21 Aug 2017, 22:35
by Mike Walsh
norgo wrote:
Mike Walsh wrote:... this is the 'Modern' skin in the Windows 'portable' version, running under WINE...
Oh my god, this is really terrible, I will do it.
Compiled in Slacko 6.3.0 but not extensively tested yet. This is your job @Mike Walsh
Hiya, norgo.

That's very much appreciated, old son. I had a look inside your .pet, just out of curiosity, to see where the themes went. I'd suspected something of the sort; /usr/share/smplayer/themes sounds about right. I guessed SMPlayer was probably 'sortable', along the same lines as how WinAmp does it (I run an elderly 2-series under WINE).

(BTW, I've used the 15.2.0 .pet; it's done the job nicely. Of course, they're not architecture dependent, are they? And I doubt SMPlayer's general layout has changed that much...)

I shall know how to do it now for the couple of other versions of SMPlayer I've got that don't have the themes installed. One thing I like about the alternate themes is that they provide a straight-forward, single-button method for repeating a given playlist, instead of messing around with the A-B 'markers'; normally, the 'repeat' function only seems to work for a single track. Unless I just haven't found the right settings yet..... :oops: (*shrug*)


Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sun 27 Aug 2017, 16:11
by Mike Walsh
Hallo again, norgo.

Just installed 32-bit 17.8.0 in Tahr 6.0.5. I had a slight problem getting this to start.

My problem could be that most folks have installed Tahr 6.0.5 straight off, from the repos. In my case, I installed the original Tahr 6.0 just after Xmas 2014....soon after release. My Tahr is at 6.05 level.....but it's got there by means of the various 'Service Packs' PhilB released for it over time. It's quite an elderly Tahr, this one; she's nearly 3 yrs old!

Anyway; starting from the terminal, it wanted first, followed by I had not Likewise, not

So; following an inspired guess, I sym-linked each one across from /lib to /root, renamed 'em.....then moved 'em back. I'd already got MPlayer 2.20 installed from the PPM. Result?

17.8.0 now runs nicely in a Tahr 6.0.5 which has been upgraded through the 'Service Packs' from the original Tahr 6.0. Sweet!

I thought I'd just share this 'workaround', in case anyone else has the same problem with the original Tahrpup....

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Mon 28 Aug 2017, 13:31
by festus
Hey, Mike

I installed,, in LxPupXenial-17.06, a derivative of XenialPup-, by adding these symlinks:

Code: Select all

ln -s /lib/ /lib/

ln -s /lib/ /lib/
I really enjoy using this player.

Thank you, norgo, for these pets



Posted: Mon 04 Sep 2017, 18:10
by Mike Walsh
Hi, festus.

Ah, good. Nice to know the trick's worked for someone else. And it's a really simple 'fix', too.

I guess I could have done the symlinks via the terminal, but I'm more 'mechanically-minded', shall we say; I'm happier digging around in the guts of the system, and physically moving things around & linking them like that.

But that's just me..! Different techniques, same result.....and in the final analysis, it's the end result we're interested in.

And I agree with you; it is a brilliant player to use. Since I discovered scabz's version of 14.9.0 a while back (here), I've been steadily moving the whole kennels across to SMPlayer, as I get around to it.

Mike. :wink:

SMplayer 17.10.0

Posted: Mon 02 Oct 2017, 23:05
by norgo
SMplayer version 17.10.0

compiled under use of Slacko 700 RC3 / Slacko64 700 RC3 and shared qt-5.6.1 libs.

compiled under use of Slacko 630 and shared qt-4.8.6 libs.
SMplayer version 17.10.0 - statically

compiled under use of Slacko64 700 RC3 and statically qt-5.6.1.

Important hint:
Linux users may need to update mpv in order to use SMPlayer 17.10


Posted: Mon 09 Oct 2017, 12:28
by backi
Hi norgo !

As always .....Thanks a lot :)

How to save a video using SMtube

Posted: Wed 11 Oct 2017, 16:12
by norgo
you are welcome

How to save a video using SMtube

SMtube is able to save videos by default.
There are only a few things to define.

1. open SMtube and select "View" -> "Settings" ( a new window will pop-up )
2. select "Players"
3. click at "+" to add a new player
4. complete the settings

Name: wget
Executable: xterm
Parameters: -e wget -O /root/Downloads/%f %u

this will download the desired video to /root/Downloads using wget
Make sure that the download folder exist !
Of course alternatively you can use uget or other download tools for download if installed.

How to save a video ?
1. search for a desired video
2. do a right click at the preview window
3. choose "open with wget"

now video becomes downloaded into download folder
that's all

Re: How to save a video using SMtube

Posted: Wed 11 Oct 2017, 16:54
by festus
norgo wrote:How to save a video using SMtube

SMtube is able to save videos by default.
There are only a few things to define.

1. open SMtube and select "View" -> "Settings" ( a new window will pop-up )
2. select "Players"
3. click at "+" to add a new player
4. complete the settings

Name: wget
Executable: xterm
Parameters: -e wget -O /root/Downloads/%f %u

this will download the desired video to /root/Downloads using wget
Make sure that the download folder exist !
Of course alternatively you can use uget or other download tools for download if installed.

How to save a video ?
1. search for a desired video
2. do a right click at the preview window
3. choose "open with wget"

now video becomes downloaded into download folder
that's all
Thanks, norgo, I tested this and it works.

I just substituted lxterminal for xterm and changed the location of the dl folder and it's good to go.


SMplayer 17.10.2

Posted: Fri 20 Oct 2017, 20:10
by norgo
SMplayer version 17.10.2

compiled under use of Slacko 700 RC3 / Slacko64 700 RC3 and shared qt-5.6.1 libs.

SMplayer 17.10.2

Posted: Sat 21 Oct 2017, 22:43
by norgo
SMplayer version 17.10.2 - statically

compiled under use of Slacko 630 and statically qt-4.8.6

compiled under use of Slacko64 700 RC3 and statically qt-5.6.1

Posted: Wed 25 Oct 2017, 14:48
by backi
With the newest version of Smplayer seems Audio-Equalizer is no longer working
.......anybody else or am i the only one ???
I don`t like it this way .

Posted: Wed 25 Oct 2017, 15:25
by norgo
Hello @backi

thank you for feedback.
Make sure that equalizer is enabled.

Options->Preferences->General->Audio "Enable the audio equalizer"

Tested and worked for me.

Posted: Wed 25 Oct 2017, 15:50
by backi
Hi norgo !

Did not know .
Thanks working fine.........

SMplayer 17.11.0

Posted: Sun 05 Nov 2017, 14:41
by norgo
SMplayer version 17.11.0

compiled under use of Slacko 700 RC3 / Slacko64 700 RC3 and shared qt-5.6.1 libs.

compiled under use of Slacko 630 and shared qt-4.8.6 libs.

Posted: Tue 07 Nov 2017, 13:13
by backi
Thanks again Norgo !