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Posted: Wed 17 Jun 2020, 10:51
by bigpup
Well, Libreoffice web site does not specifically say when it stopped offering 32bit v6.3.0 onward.

I checked their download archive and under 6.3.0 it has a 32bit version directory, but it is now empty.
Any version newer has no 32bit version.
There is a 32bit directory, but it to has nothing in it.

Seems if there was a 32bit version, newer than v6.2.8.2, they all got deleted from the Libreoffice web site repository.

Newest version with 32bit download is v6.2.8.2

Posted: Wed 17 Jun 2020, 13:21
by mikeslr
FWIW, although Apache OpenOffice appears to be stuck at version 4.1.7 first announced September 21, 2019, ... ffice-4-13, 32-bit builds remains available for download. from a consistent location.

Posted: Thu 18 Jun 2020, 11:59
by gyro
gyro wrote:I've uploaded 'huge-4.9.227-gyro-pae.tar.bz2' to, for BionicPup32.
The kernel with mmc storage support is now called 'huge-4.9.227-mmc-pae.tar.bz2'



Posted: Thu 18 Jun 2020, 16:06
by tosim
My thanks to bigpup re the 32b version. It,(sfs), working fine.

BionicPup32 install and browser

Posted: Fri 26 Jun 2020, 23:46
by Bird Dog
I installed the base Bionicpup32 with a good md5 sum with hopes of updating the delta's. I burned the iso to a cd and the installation went perfect to a Dell Dimension 3000 with a celeron 2.4 ghz cpu with 1 gb of ram. The install was frugall to a save folder on a ext 3 partition. I downloaded the latest delta 21 and updated with the System Update program and was told it was successful.
I have one question about installing a new browser which is where to install it when given a choice of a subdirectory/upupbb19.03 frugall or partition sda5. I appreciate any help and would like to thank peebee and everyone who helped to make this great program. Stay safe.

Bird Dog

Extra browser

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 03:07
by davids45
G'day Bird Dog,

If possible, I suggest you steer clear of old-fashioned 'installing' and go the SFS route.

Put the SFS in the partition root directory and just mount it with Load-SFS-on-the-Fly in the Setup Menu.
Much easier to 'uninstall' by just unmounting the SFS, again with Load-on-the-Fly.

If the browser you want to try is only as a .pet or .tar.gz for example, extract/expand the .pet/.tar.gz to a directory somewhere with Uextract and then use a dir2sfs script (search this forum for a version) to create the SFS from the new directory. Then copy this SFS to the partition root directory (e.g. sda1, if that's where your Pup sub-folder is).

Finally use SFS-Load-on-the-Fly to mount the SFS and 'Run' it once mounted.

Alternatively try a Portable version (check this forum for a possible version).

David S.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 15:13
by peebee

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 19:53
by Bird Dog
Thanks for replying David S. When I click on Get Browser I'm asked where I want to download the browser SFS files. So from what your telling me it's sda 5 for me. Thanks very much for your help and it seems to be working great. One last thing has anyone been able to install flashplayer or is it not being used because of being retired at the end of the year? I get an error message /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins does not exist.

Bird Dog

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 22:11
by Semme
Create the folder and dwnld the player if you have the need. Things should work out fine.

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 09:37
by peebee
@Bird Dog

Of the provided heavyweight browsers, Chromium (at the moment) comes complete with PepperFlash and would the one to use if you really need FlashPlayer.

For the other Mozilla based browsers (Firefox, Palemoon & Seamonkey), if you really need Flash there is a menu item Internet -> GetFlash Setup which should prompt you to download and install a utility (which changes often as Adobe keeps changing the download location) to download FlashPlayer for you.

Browsers installed from sfs work fine from both locations - partition or sub-directory. Where you put them depends on how your system is configured - how many Pups you have, whether you want to share the same browser between a a number of Pups etc. If you just have 1 Pup on the partition choose whichever location seems tidiest to you (you can move the sfs later if you want).

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 10:03
by nic007
Hi, peebee. Is this "big" delay at bootup (just before desktop is loaded) a common thing with the new kernels? I've noticed this from the release of Bionic and also newer kernels after that. Quite annoying and irritating.

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 10:43
by peebee
nic007 wrote:Hi, peebee. Is this "big" delay at bootup (just before desktop is loaded) a common thing with the new kernels? I've noticed this from the release of Bionic and also newer kernels after that. Quite annoying and irritating.
Hi @nic007

BionicPup32 was built in March 2019 and neither the kernel nor Woof-CE have changed in subsequent updates.

I'm not sure I am "seeing" the "big" delay you describe....??

Have you tried UPupEF? Is the same delay there?

Which system built prior to March 2019 are you comparing with?

I would think any increase in bootup time would be more likely to be from changes in Woof-CE rather than the kernel - could be tested by putting the kernel from an old quick booting system into BionicPup32 for a test - if the delay goes away it's the kernel, if it's still there it's probably Woof-CE.

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 11:09
by nic007
I don't have this delay with Xenial 32 and older Puppys. All newer kernels after that of Xenial does this prolonged delay on my laptop. If I remember correctly (I don't use it anymore) the real-time kernels are even worse in this regard. I have an old HP laptop from 2007.

PS: To test, I made a kernel swop for Bionic 32 (swopped it with Tahr 6.0.5 kernel) and no delay.

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 13:25
by peebee
nic007 wrote:I have an old HP laptop from 2007.
PS: To test, I made a kernel swop for Bionic 32 (swopped it with Tahr 6.0.5 kernel) and no delay.
I just did a similar test on my desktop (2012 vintage) and........

the Xenial kernel was 4sec SLOWER to boot - 25sec as opposed to 21sec with the Bionic32 kernel....

I don't have Tahr to test....

[Later] tahr-3.14.56-pae is also 25sec i.e. SLOWER

Delays must be hardware specific

Delta updating

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 22:46
by Bird Dog
Thanks Pee Bee for the Flash Player and browser installation information.Maybe I'll just forget Flash Player since it's end of life is in six months. I had a problem updating the +22 delta which I downloaded with a good md5 checksum. The way I updated the +21 delta was to click on the delta file which then opened the Xdelta difference manager with the Delta file in it's proper box. I then put the base file in the old file box clicked Generate and was told it updated successfully. I did the same thing with the +22 delta but I got an error message saying it failed to create the new file. Error message xdelta3: to overwrite output file specify - f:/root/downloads/bionicpup32-8.0+22-uefi.iso. Maybe I'm not supposed to update so often? I appreciate any help and thanks for this great operating system.

Bird Dog

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2020, 15:29
by OscarTalks
Latest VLC 3.0.11 compiled from source in BionicPup32
Mostly just built against what is already in the Pup
Had to include Qt5 libs for the GUI of course - this version no longer accepts Qt4
I had to disable schroedinger and vaapi to avoid errors
It didn't like lua 5.3 for some reason, so I used lua 5.2 which worked.
Seems reasonably OK in a brief test.
Uploaded .pet in case it is of any use to anyone

Does SMTube work under Bionicpup32

Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2020, 01:32
by mikeslr
Hi All,

Gezer is new to Linux & Puppies and has a computer which may only have 1Gb of RAM. He's working with Bionicpup32 want to watch Youtubes, ... 78#1062778.

I think someone mentioned a couple days ago that less RAM was needed to watch Youtube via SMTube than thru a web-browser. Although Norgo created SMTube for Slackos, ... 13#1061813 I've run the 64-bit version under Bionpup64. But I have no experience with Bionicpup32.

Re: Does SMTube work under Bionicpup32

Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2020, 06:14
by peebee
mikeslr wrote:watch Youtube via SMTube with Bionicpup32.
Is available from the Ubuntu repo: ... 6.deb.html

but would need Qt5: ... s/download
could be tried but may not work with Bionic32 - otherwise you would have to download the Qt5 dependencies individually as debs (PPM should do this for you - maybe)
libqt5core5a >= 5.9.0~beta
libqt5gui5 >= 5.0.2
libqt5network5 >= 5.0.2
libqt5script5 >= 5.6.0~beta
libqt5webkit5 >= 5.6.0~rc
libqt5widgets5 >= 5.0.2

Re: Does SMTube work under Bionicpup32

Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2020, 10:23
by norgo
mikeslr wrote:... someone mentioned a couple days ago that less RAM was needed to watch Youtube via SMTube than thru a web-browser...
@mikeslr yes I read this too :wink:
information: smtube 20.6.0 is the only working version ( all prior versions doesn't work anymore )