Feh Image Viewer

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Feh Image Viewer

#1 Post by labbe5 »

Feh website :https://feh.finalrewind.org/

Guide :https://www.linux.com/learn/cool-linux- ... ment-hacks

Feh is easy on CPU and Ram, being a command-line image viewer.

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#2 Post by drunkjedi »

Doesn't puppy already have feh?

When I was playing with transparency in conky.
I noticed the scripts use feh to make the window appear transparent.
I mean it takes your wallpaper, crops it according to conky window and use it as background for it.

I have to look again to be sure.

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#3 Post by solo »

I use feh in conky to have an animated sequence at startup.

I have a desktop with conky at the bottom right, and a wallpaper with an image of the head of a dog looking at you with one eye.
What I wanted at startup, was for the dog to blink its eye once, and for conky to load like they seem to make computer screens load in oldschool science fiction movies, filling line after line.

So first I modified the startup script which is in the Startup folder in root, called conkystart.
It now reads like this:

Code: Select all

conky -c /root/.conky/MyConky02/animations/conkyani
conky -c /root/.conky/MyConky02/conkyrc
The first line invokes conky solely for the purpose of displaying animations. The second line is for starting my 'normal' conky.

the conkyani script is very simple. It's the same as the conkyrc, but the TEXT area has this code:

Code: Select all

${execpi 60000 feh -x -g 376x357+1059+510 -D 0.05 --cycle-once ~/.conky/MyConky02/fehnimation02/}
${execpi 60000 feh -x -g 21x21+644+518 -D 0.03 --cycle-once ~/.conky/MyConky02/animations/}
It tells conky to display two feh slideshows, one positioned at x1059 y510, with a size of 376x357 and refresh rate of 0.05, and one positioned at x644 y518, sized 21x21, with a refresh rate of 0.03.
Both will only display once.
The first is the conky startup sequence, and the second is the dog blinking its eye.
The eyeblink is a set of 14 smal jpg images, and the buildup sequence a set of 28 jpg images.

Of course, this only works with a fixed display size.

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#4 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

I prefer qiv. https://spiegl.de/qiv

It's similar to feh, but more versatile, IMO. You can use it as the initial
background setter for conky. (ROX-Filer sticks its background at sort of
the "2nd level!"; ROX does not touch that "initial" background level).

Plus you can use qiv as the < defaultimageviewer > in Puppy, and as a
slides viewer. Also it provides an editable script to send the viewed image
to an image editor (by typing a "0" or a "1" on the displayed picture, for
example), or access other utilities to process your pictures, if you need to.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

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