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Internet of Things

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 11:35
by labbe5 ... s-attacks/

The lack of secure IoT devices is largely responsible for this wave of DDoS attacks, far more potent than previous vectors.

From the look of it, we are going to face digital armageddon, that's what i read between the lines.


Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 11:56
by labbe5 ... de-leaked/

The leaking of a malware source code is of great significance for security of countries, factories, cities, homes, and, of course, websites, that can be victims of DDoS attacks of such magnitude, it has never been seen before. Moreover, these attacks can be a tactics from hackers to do greater damage, stealing data and other sensitive information, while security experts try to stop the DDoS attacks. And the vectors of such attacks are your IoT devices you use everyday, because credentials (usernames and passwords) used by manufacturers are all the same, instead of being unique to each devices.

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 15:51
by Burn_IT
Quite why everyone NEEDS everything connected puzzles me.
I have my computer, my sky box and occasionally my Ereader to download a new book or briefly look up something mentioned in a story. That is it. I know what is in the fridge since I put it there. Same with the freezer. The central heating is on a timer/room stat.
I suppose my phone is connected, but that is only for calls.

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 16:50
by Scooby
Burn_IT wrote:Quite why everyone NEEDS everything connected puzzles me.
It's not for you.

You are actually the product.

It's for companies to know what you have in your fridge etc etc

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 16:56
by belham2
Scooby wrote:
Burn_IT wrote:Quite why everyone NEEDS everything connected puzzles me.
It's not for you.

You are actually the product.

It's for companies to know what you have in your fridge etc etc

Did you ever think about why are cells from millions of years ago assembled into a package that is the "cells of everything"? Think about it. When we're kicking back, feet up in the air, we don't need that big right toe attached and we don't need to know what it is doing every second. But attached and in constant communication it is, because when it is called on demand, the response is swift and near instant. In a 1000 years, provided we don't succumb to disease, do the earth and/or ourselves in, and no little green men come from far away to eat us, the Earth itself and everything on it is going to part of one gigantic AI network, all connected, on all the time, unimaginable processing power available for free to any who wants.

In order to get there, we must start from here. And, along the way there, we need to PAY, lol, for it to keep it going (and iron out the goofs and mistakes)

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 19:40
by Burn_IT
(and iron out the goofs and mistakes)
Meanwhile people and property are getting destroyed by the mistakes.
The general public is NOT the place to do your testing, but it seems to industry that people don't matter as long as we get sales.
If something goes wrong we'll get someone else to fix it and deny all responsibility.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-technolgy, far from it. But I do think it has its place and that is not telling me what I must eat because the fridge only ordered that.

Let me give you an example.
A few years ago I was tripped on the stairs by my cat and took a dive on to a concrete floor. Needless to say I suffered considerable nerve and upper body damage including loss of use of my arms and legs amongst other things.
I was told I would never get out of bed again and would need full nursing care. I'm a stubborn sod and refused to accept that and gradually worked my way to the stage of hobbling around with a zimmer frame, but I was not happy with not being able to get to a proper toilet so I had a stair lift installed. I have never actually used it since by the time it was fitted I had managed to get up the stairs.
It is still there. I still get numness in my legs when I am tired and I can't walk more than a 100 yards without a rest.

I don't want technology doing things for me unless I can do it myself or build it myself (within reason).

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 20:17
by Sailor Enceladus
Burn_IT wrote:Quite why everyone NEEDS everything connected puzzles me.
I have my computer, my sky box and occasionally my Ereader to download a new book or briefly look up something mentioned in a story. That is it. I know what is in the fridge since I put it there. Same with the freezer. The central heating is on a timer/room stat.
I suppose my phone is connected, but that is only for calls.
Humans will all turn into the obese people on flying chairs in Wall-E who talk to each other through monitors when they're right beside each other with IoT eventually. :shock:


Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 20:30
by Burn_IT
You think that is the future.
I watch school kids walking past my living room window and they are talking to each other by text on their mobile computers (some call them phones) even though they are standing next to each other.

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2016, 21:08
by belham2
Burn_IT wrote:
(and iron out the goofs and mistakes)
Meanwhile people and property are getting destroyed by the mistakes.
The general public is NOT the place to do your testing, but it seems to industry that people don't matter as long as we get sales.
If something goes wrong we'll get someone else to fix it and deny all responsibility.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-technolgy, far from it. But I do think it has its place and that is not telling me what I must eat because the fridge only ordered that.

Let me give you an example.
A few years ago I was tripped on the stairs by my cat and took a dive on to a concrete floor. Needless to say I suffered considerable nerve and upper body damage including loss of use of my arms and legs amongst other things.
I was told I would never get out of bed again and would need full nursing care. I'm a stubborn sod and refused to accept that and gradually worked my way to the stage of hobbling around with a zimmer frame, but I was not happy with not being able to get to a proper toilet so I had a stair lift installed. I have never actually used it since by the time it was fitted I had managed to get up the stairs.
It is still there. I still get numness in my legs when I am tired and I can't walk more than a 100 yards without a rest.

I don't want technology doing things for me unless I can do it myself or build it myself (within reason).


Sorry to hear about your unfortunate twist of fate with your cat. For me, it was 15 yrs ago, road cycling on a bright, cloudless sunny afternoon, and next thing I knew a man in his vehicle crossed the road hitting me head-on at high speed, and well, life changed. I've fought back, re-found purpose, happiness, and so forth, but some days it still is not easy. Technology is never going to replace the things we are determined to do...that will never, ever change in a sense. Technology will always be a facilitator as long as we don't violate Asimov's simple three laws. Take our grandparents or even parents, born in the beginning of this century. There are so many things you and I take for granted, how it (technology) has integrated seamlessly into our lives, that they would not understand it. It's not for us to make moral judgements whether that integration is good and/or bad. That is the purview of the future generation, not ours, no matter how old and crusted we become. :) Those kids (walking by your window) one day will be sitting where we are, repeating the exact same cycle, seeing things that bewilder them yet still, surrounded by tech in ways too numerous to even think about. The saving grace in all this is that we humans remain inquisitive to each other and with our environments, and it is the major reason we should survive, thrive and know that future generations will be do the same. The major driver of this will be tech (which includes bio-), and it will mostly all be good. Call me an optimist, but I know what our grandparents/parents from back in the beginning of this century would be saying if they could sit beside us now and look out upon the world.

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2016, 02:09
by musher0
@Burn_IT and belham2:

Bravo for your courage, guys.
And thanks for sharing: you are inspiring us.