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How to get Minecraft Multiplayer working Precise 5.7.1?

Posted: Wed 16 Nov 2016, 14:45
by RickGT351
I have 2 computers which get used for playing Minecraft, a tower and a laptop. Both are dual booties running Precise 5.7.1 and windows 7.
I have not been able to get a multiplayer Minecraft game to work. I have started a game on the tower and tried to log in as a multiplayer from the laptop and have also tried the reverse.
I mainly use Precise for playing Minecraft since the performance is much better than windows.
I even tried hooking the two computers together with a crossover cable but even that didn't work.
Is there a trick I need to use so the computers will talk to each other?

Here's the error message I get from the computer I am trying to connect with multiplayer

Posted: Sat 19 Nov 2016, 13:15
by Semme