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Linux kernel 4.13.8 for tahrpup64 6.0.6

Posted: Mon 30 Oct 2017, 19:51
by enkilo
I was having problems with the internal WiFi of my Dell Inspiron 1520 Laptop.
The b43 drivers had severe bandwidth and stability issues in the original 3.14.79 kernel.
Because I knew it was working in other distros with newer kernels, I decided to compile a vanilla 4.13.8 kernel, using the same config as the tahrpup64 3.14.79 kernel.
For me it fixed the issue, the b43 wireless driver is now working like a charm. So I provide the kernel as a PET package for those having the same problem, or perhaps this newer kernel can also help with other hardware issues.

Just install it and reconfigure your "Grub4Dos bootloader config" in the menu "System" to boot with this new kernel.
Mirror URL:!ATInBYoQ!UiogApQbFCxp ... w_jwJbZync

Posted: Thu 16 Nov 2017, 21:55
by Puppyt
Thanks enkilo - and a belated "Welcome to the kennels"!
Hmm your first link is click-bait central and my uni has kyboshed any downloads from the "malicious website" it has detected. But your second link to Mega seems to have worked OK. Will do a fresh install of a 3.14.79 TahrPup64 and let you know how it goes. Cheers :)

UPDATE: Well thank you, but I think extra explanation is needed to get your pet to work. I loaded it in a fresh install of TahrPup64 3.14.79 (x86_64) and it said that it had installed it to "Utility"[EDITED CHANGE] without a menu entry. I rebooted and no change to the kernel. I'm not sure what you mean by changing the "Grub4Dos bootloader config". How is that necessary please? I install frugal only, and have multiple Puppy versions on any given machine. I install by manually constructing a new directory and copy over the 4-5 key files from an iso (e.g., initrd.gz, puppy_tahr64_6.0.6.sfs, vmlinuz and zdrv_tahr64_6.0.6.sfs), then manually modify the menu.lst to reflect the changes. Your pet didn't make any changes to the filestructure that I could see needing modification with the bootloader config.

As I'm new to the kernel-switching game, I think I will test out 01micko's 4.1.7.tar.xz offering, and the kernel_sources-4.1.11 sfs I found on the forum somewheres and see how that goes. At present, your 4.13.8 kernel pet doesn't seem to work. Happy to have any further information from you, enkilo.

UPDATE: 5 minutes later, and I uninstalled the pet, and extracted it to snoop around inside. It certainly looks kosher regarding module updates etc - the vmlinuz-4.13.8.tahr64 file in the boot directory might be the sticking point. I'm going to re-install your pet and then over-write the vmlinuz with your version, and see how that goes...

Posted: Thu 16 Nov 2017, 23:44
by Puppyt
No my "shortcut" solution didn't work, as illustrated below. Any further advice warmly welcomed

PS I also changed the grub line "kernel /TahrPup64/vmlinuz-4.13.8-tahr64..." to reflect your file, but received a similar result to that pictured