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media fullscreen on second display

Posted: Thu 09 Nov 2017, 22:51
by moijdikssekool
i try to plug a second display which is full HD but i can't activate a full fullscreen with VLC or the installed media player. On the main display, it's fullscreen but not on the second one, it seems that resolution of the mediplsyer is the same of the main display, exept that main display is lower resolution than the second one. I can increase the size of the window dragging the lower corner
I try with the setup application but it doesn' suceed
it seems there is just a problem with a config.ini or something like that, what to do?

Posted: Thu 09 Nov 2017, 23:45
by rcrsn51
Run the command "xrandr" and post the results.

It may provide some clues.

Posted: Fri 10 Nov 2017, 04:28
by bigpup
What version of Puppy?
What graphic hardware and what driver is being used?
What are you using to setup two monitors?

Posted: Fri 10 Nov 2017, 14:55
by moijdikssekool
Run the command "xrandr" and post the results.
here it is
the hardware is an intel 845 or something like that, on a eeepc like
the version of puppy is slacko 6.3

it works fine on windows7 if main screen is switched off, but there is some laggs
on puppy, if i full increase the size of the multimedia window in the second screen which has the full HD resolution, it works fine, but we still see the taskbars.
If i succeed to access to full HD resolution, the main display occupies something like a quarter of the second display

Posted: Fri 10 Nov 2017, 15:15
by rcrsn51
So you are plugging the external monitor into the VGA port? Your xrandr output isn't showing anything for VGA.

Posted: Sat 11 Nov 2017, 10:27
by moijdikssekool
So you are plugging the external monitor into the VGA port?
yes. The second display isn't detected when plugged, i have to setup the graphics

Posted: Mon 13 Nov 2017, 15:32
by moijdikssekool
in fact it isn't linked only to multimedia applications but any. Is there a way to change full resolution settings manually somewhere?

On zindozs, if i want the full resolution on second screen, i need to switch off the main screen.
On Puppy, is there a way to let the plugged screen as the main screen?
Anyway, if i work on the plugged screen, i see on the main screen only a quarter of what is displayed on the plugged screen. So the main screen isn't independant and so useless

Posted: Mon 13 Nov 2017, 16:06
by bigpup