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Vous êtes incroyable ! You are unbelievable.

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2018, 17:18
by fabrice_035

I've been using for years glady Tarhpup 6.0.x and I can't do without it anymore. But I've decided to test Xenialpup_7.5 (32 bits)
As I don't want to modify my internal hard disk I just plugged an external hard disk into the usb port. I download ISO of Xenialpup
With GParted i added a partition (vfat) , flag as boot. I decompressed the Xenialpup ISO above, and i used Grub4ForDos... i pass the details.

Reboot computer, i choose boot USB.

The system starts perfectly. Am I lucky? As I want to try Netflix, Youtube, Orange TV (french ISP) i install Firefox with Quickpet.

Firefox Quantum does this update automatically (in about Firefox item, version 63.0)

Netflix works perfectly, Youtube, Orange TV. Nothing to do. Great !

I discovered that Claws Mail, excellent choice.
Of course I'm not a beginner with Puppy's, but you all do a very good job.


ps: french to english ->


Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2018, 18:09
by jplt_bis
Welcome to Puppy Land , you always return to puppy .

Content que tu aime puppy (Happy tha you love puppy)

:lol: :lol: :lol: