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Posted: Mon 20 May 2019, 22:11
by scsijon
Latest build of pkgutils set for playing with.

pkgutils is a set of utilities (pkgadd, pkgrm, pkginfo, pkgmk and rejmerge), which 'can be / are' used for managing software packages in Linux.

Thanks are to protonesso of ataraxia linux for working source that builds dynamically.

Be aware it's a generic build, so try before you get excited and comit to using it.

Source is at

Posted: Mon 20 May 2019, 22:45
by musher0
Funny guy!
Your pet is next to empty!
.[4.0K] ./pkgutils-20190521
[4.0K] ./pkgutils-20190521/etc
[ 672] ./pkgutils-20190521/etc/pkgadd.conf
[ 539] ./pkgutils-20190521/etc/pkgmk.conf
[ 67] ./pkgutils-20190521/etc/rejmerge.conf
[ 104] ./pkgutils-20190521/pet.specs
[4.0K] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr
[4.0K] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/bin
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/bin/pkgadd
[ 6] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/bin/pkginfo -> pkgadd
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/bin/pkgmk
[ 6] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/bin/pkgrm -> pkgadd
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/bin/rejmerge
[4.0K] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share
[4.0K] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man
[4.0K] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man/man5
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man/man5/pkgmk.conf.5
[4.0K] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man/man8
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man/man8/pkgadd.8
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man/man8/pkginfo.8
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man/man8/pkgmk.8
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man/man8/pkgrm.8
[ 0] ./pkgutils-20190521/usr/share/man/man8/rejmerge.8
[ 0] ./pkgutils.lst

8 directories, 16 files

Posted: Wed 22 May 2019, 03:40
by scsijon
shouldn't be, it's about the right size, I shall investigate!
yup, you right, wierd as it built ok, but it won't package the real commands, but everything else is there!?
however the op has updated his package so I shall rebuild/repackage/reupload when I can sort out the problems.

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2019, 10:57
by scsijon
OK, lets try again with version 6.00.0, apparently the last version, and this one seems to have built and packaged correctly this time. There are also man docs in the package to help.
To use this to build a package you need KagamiBuild, and rejmerge needs the info files in /var/lib/pkg/rejected, however the rest works.

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2019, 15:01
by sc0ttman
Oooh, interesting..

CRUX Linux has some great build tools .. I played with some of them briefly and liked them a lot..

Actually Pkg took some inspiration from pkgutils...
And there are some other features I've yet to steal but intend to.

...I would be very interested to see if we can get this working actually - especially with the
Crux ports repos - for a nice way of getting user-maintained, well tested, third-party
(contrib) repos added to Puppy.

The Crux ports system is similar to Petbuild - it is for building packages from source using
build scripts.. If we can get it working, we'd have lots of build scripts already available and being
maintained.. it would also allow us to build custom packages from source, and host them at our
own repos.

However, I believe CRUX is 64-bit only... ?


Pkg does allow a very, easy way to create & maintain your own repos (much easier
for novice users than Cruxs pkg tools), and to build packages from source, so Pkg can do
most of what pkgutils can do... But pkgutils is much 'smarter' and more professional..

Also, buildpet is another alternative to Petbuild and Crux ports .. Made by Iguleder and Tman.
It is included in Pkg, as it's much nicer than Petbuild, more CRUX-like, nicer build scripts,
but builds very outdated packages - the build scripts were not maintained by anyone after
a while - resurrecting buildpet to build up-to-date packages would still be worthwhile.