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IBM purchases Red Hat

Posted: Tue 09 Jul 2019, 14:24
by perdido
IBM said Tuesday morning it has closed its $34 billion acquisition of Red Hat, which was announced last October.

It used to be everyone danced to the tune IBM was playing.
Now IBM is playing catch-up

Usually when one of these monster companies buys something well established it marks the beginning of the end for the product purchased.

One other issue is the business partnership between microsoft and Red Hat for cloud services. I don't see IBM & Microsoft playing well together.



Posted: Tue 09 Jul 2019, 17:17
by bigpup
Wonder if Red Hat will change to OS/3?

Re: IBM purchases Red Hat

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2019, 03:52
by wiak
perdido wrote:IBM said Tuesday morning it has closed its $34 billion acquisition of Red Hat, which was announced last October.

It used to be everyone danced to the tune IBM was playing.
Now IBM is playing catch-up

Usually when one of these monster companies buys something well established it marks the beginning of the end for the product purchased.

One other issue is the business partnership between microsoft and Red Hat for cloud services. I don't see IBM & Microsoft playing well together.


IBM may have become 'famous' for the original IBM PC, but really they were one of the main players in Enterprise UNIX (with AIX) more generally. Their competition was Sun Microsystems, and HP and the likes. Then Linux came along as a little UNIX-like plaything, but then wiped the rest of them off the floor. RedHat dominates Linux in terms of certification/professional education - mainstreams Linux system admin roles in industry and so on. IBM just bought its way back into domination of Enterprise Linux - nothing they will throw away. Canonical has no major role in industry/enterprise market, try though they always do - job market wants RHCE and other qualifications from Red Hat Training and Certification (along with similar training for Microsoft products, and Cisco). IBM just securing their future (bringing back the past) as the mainstream Enterprise Linux "solution provider".


Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2019, 15:58
by stemsee
I thought IBM was bought by Lenovo of China.

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2019, 19:53
by 8Geee
Lenovo-China bought the laptops not the OS/Tech.

Posted: Sun 20 Oct 2019, 00:32
by hatemonday
Wonder if Red Hat will change to OS/3?

for OS/2 : I Blame Microsoft

for OS/3 : I Blame Money (top enemy)

for OS/4 : I Blame Mother (the decision giving birth to such a stupid guy is totally wrong)

I Blame Myself ? No, every investment was the best investment at that point of time.
