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screen, touchscreen and touchpad rotation for tablet

Posted: Thu 01 Aug 2019, 15:19
by stemsee
So my tablet has a keyboard with touchpad that attaches only on one side horizontally.

My tablet also boots display orientation is upright, and this script is arranged with that in mind.

The touchpad transformations have comments to label the real transformation. So if your tablet's orientation is horizontal then swap the touchpad transformations from the functions according to your needs.

Sometimes I want the screen and touchscreen to rotate but not the touchpad.

This script does that, and by swapping the transformation matrices allows all possibilities.

Save as ytsr.

depends on xinput and yad being installed

Code: Select all

# yad tray screen rotation "ytsr" by stemsee
# copyright (c) 2019 Marcos M Contant
[[ "`whoami`" != "root" ]] && exec sudo -E -S ${0} "$\"" #Normal
running=`ps -e | grep ytsr | wc -l` 
[[ "$running" -gt 2 ]] && exit #check if running, one instance only
mkfifo /tmp/RPIPE
exec 3<> /tmp/RPIPE
export connected=`xrandr | grep connected | cut -f1 -d' ' | head -1`
export TRANSFORM='Coordinate Transformation Matrix'
# get event number from xinput
export pad=13 #my hardware specific
export touch=14 #my hardware specific
function left (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate left
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1 #normal
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "left" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f left
function right (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate right
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
	xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 #inverted
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "right" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f right
function inverted (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate inverted
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    xinput set-prop $pad  "$TRANSFORM" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1 #left
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "inverted" >/etc/rotate

}; export -f inverted
function normal (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate normal
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
	xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 # right
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "normal" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f normal
function restate (){
	export state=`cat /etc/rotate`
	[[ -z "$state" ]] && state=normal
	bash -c $state
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/$state.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
}; export -f restate
bash -c restate
yad --notification --listen --text="Rotate Screen" --tray-icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/$state.png" --command="bash -c normal" --menu="Rotate Left!bash -c left!/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png|Rotate right!bash -c right!/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png|Rotate Inverted!bash -c inverted!/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png|" <&3

Posted: Sun 04 Aug 2019, 13:06
by stemsee
I have added the ability to rotate the touchpad independently. I will add the same for the display and the touchscreen, while retaining also integrated functions.

Posted: Tue 06 Aug 2019, 09:11
by stemsee
Improving all the time!

The script now auto-detects the touchpad and touchscreen devices.

There is a swap function in case the devices are labelled incorrectly.

The menu has individual rotation options for display, touchpad and touchscreen/digitizer.

/etc/rotate stores last set values for persistence at next boot.

Posted: Tue 06 Aug 2019, 15:15
by stemsee
Latest script with new features

Code: Select all

# yad tray screen rotation "ytsr" b stemsee
# copyright (c) 2019 Marcos M Contant
[[ "`whoami`" != "root" ]] && exec sudo -E -S ${0} "$\"" #Normal
running=`ps -e | grep rotate | wc -l` 
[[ "$running" -gt 2 ]] && exit #check if running, one instance only
[[ ! -p /tmp/RPIPE ]] && mkfifo /tmp/RPIPE
exec 3<> /tmp/RPIPE
export connected=`xrandr | grep connected | cut -f1 -d' ' | head -1`
export TRANSFORM='Coordinate Transformation Matrix'
# get event number from xinput
export touch=`xinput | grep -i touch |  cut -f2 -d'=' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1`
export pad=`xinput | grep -i touch |  cut -f2 -d'=' | awk '{print $1}' | tail -1`

function swapdevfn (){
	export pad=`xinput | grep -i touch |  cut -f2 -d'=' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1`
	export touch=`xinput | grep -i touch |  cut -f2 -d'=' | awk '{print $1}' | tail -1`
}; export swapdevfn
function pormal (){
	xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
	echo "normal" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f pormal
function pight (){
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1
	echo "pight" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f pight
function perted (){
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1
    echo "perted" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f perted
function peft (){
	xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
	echo "peft" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f peft
function chorm (){
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    echo "normal" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chorm
function chight (){
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    echo "chight" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chight
function chited (){
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    echo "chited" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chited
function cheft (){
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    echo "cheft" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f cheft
function dimal (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate normal
	echo "dimal" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f dimal
function dight (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate right
	echo "dight" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f dight
function diserted (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate inverted
	echo "diserted" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f diserted
function deft (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate left
	echo "deft" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f deft
function left (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate left
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
	xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "left" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f left
function right (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate right
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "right" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f right
function inverted (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate inverted
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "inverted" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f inverted
function normal (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate normal
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "normal" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f normal
function restate (){
	state=`cat /etc/rotate`
	[[ -z "$state" ]] && state=normal
	bash -c $state	
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/$state.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
}; export -f restate
bash -c restate
for i in /etc/rotate /etc/rotatet /etc/rotated /etc/rotatep
	bash -c `cat "$i"`
yad --notification --listen \
--text="Rotate Screen" \
--tray-icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png" \
--command="bash -c normal" \
--menu="Rotate Left!bash -c left!/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png\
|Rotate right!bash -c right!/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png\
|Rotate Inverted!bash -c inverted!/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png\
|Rotate pad Left!bash -c peft!/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png\
|Rotate pad right!bash -c pight!/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png\
|Rotate pad Inverted!bash -c perted!/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png\
|Rotate pad normal!bash -c pormal!/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png\
|Rotate touch Left!bash -c cheft!/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png\
|Rotate touch right!bash -c chight!/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png\
|Rotate touch Inverted!bash -c chited!/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png\
|Rotate touch normal!bash -c chorm!/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png\
|Rotate display Left!bash -c deft!/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png\
|Rotate display right!bash -c dight!/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png\
|Rotate display Inverted!bash -c diserted!/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png\
|Rotate display normal!bash -c dimal!/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png\
|Swap touch pad/screen event!bash -c swapdevfn!gtk-refresh" <&3

Posted: Sat 10 Aug 2019, 08:04
by stemsee
colour coded menu

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2019, 03:33
by stemsee
Well I know this is simplistic. What it should be doing is parsing udevadm info to identify the touchscreen and touchpad. But I noticed that one could also use the events in /sys/class/input/(mouse[0-2] etc with xinput. or simply let the user enter the event numbers after looking at xinput output. Or a udev rule, which requires the same in depth parsing of udevadm info/db.

Oh well.

Posted: Sun 08 Sep 2019, 02:59
by stemsee
Compromise....user must identify from the xinput info.

event numbers are stored in /etc/rotate_events
last rotation is stored in /etc/rotate

still a few icon display bugs to sort out

Code: Select all

# yad tray screen rotation "ytsr" b stemsee
# copyright (c) 2019 Marcos M Contant
# version 2.0
[[ "$1" == reset ]] && rm -f /etc/rotate_events
[[ "`whoami`" != "root" ]] && exec sudo -E -S ${0} "$\"" #Normal
running=`ps -e | grep rotate | wc -l` 
[[ "$running" -gt 2 ]] && exit #check if running, one instance only
export keg="yad xinput udevadm"
# check dependencies....use xmessage in case no yad
for i in $keg
not=`busybox which $i`
[[ -z "$not" ]] && echo "$i" >> /tmp/missdeps
missing=`cat /tmp/missdeps`
[[ ! -z "$missing" ]] && xmessage -center "Without these missing dependencies

- YTSR may not be fully functional

YTSR copyright (c) 2018 Marcos Contant
GPL 3.0 license applies.
Version 2.0" -fore black -back green -timeout 4

[[ -f /tmp/missdeps ]] && rm -f /tmp/missdeps && exit

[[ ! -p /tmp/RPIPE ]] && mkfifo /tmp/RPIPE
exec 3<> /tmp/RPIPE
trap 'rm -f /tmp/RPIPE' EXIT
# get event number from xinput
if [ -f /etc/rotate_events ]; then
	events=`cat /etc/rotate_events`
	events=$(xinput | yad --tabnum=1 --plug=$$ --text-info --geometry=800x400 &
	yad --tabnum=2 --plug=$$ --form --field="Touchscreen/digitizer event 1 id=:NUM" --field="Touchscreen/digitizer event 2 id=:NUM" --field="touchpad event 1 id=:NUM" --field="touchpad event 2 id=:NUM" &
	yad --key=$$ --paned --tab="Xinput device info" --tab"Select device event number" --width=800 --height=500 --splitter=300 --orient=verti &)
	echo "$events" >/etc/rotate_events

export connected=`xrandr | grep connected | cut -f1 -d' ' | head -1`
export TRANSFORM='Coordinate Transformation Matrix'
[ ! -z "$events" ] && export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
[ ! -z "$events" ] && export _touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2-d'|'`
[ ! -z "$events" ] && export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f3-d'|'`
[ ! -z "$events" ] && export _pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f4-d'|'`
[ -f /etc/rotate ] && export state=`cat /etc/rotate`
[ ! -z "$state" ] && export CMD="bash -c '$state'"
[ ! -z "$state" ] && export ICON="/usr/share/pixmaps/$state.png"

function pormal (){
	xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
	echo "pormal" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f pormal

function pight (){
    xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1
	echo "pight" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f pight

function perted (){
    xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1
    echo "perted" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f perted

function peft (){
	xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
	echo "peft" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f peft

function chorm (){
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    echo "normal" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chorm

function chight (){
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    echo "chight" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chight

function chited (){
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    echo "chited" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chited

function cheft (){
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    echo "cheft" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f cheft

function dimal (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate normal
	echo "dimal" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f dimal

function dight (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate right
	echo "dight" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f dight

function diserted (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate inverted
	echo "diserted" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f diserted

function deft (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate left
	echo "deft" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f deft

function left (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate left
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
	xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "left" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f left

function right (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate right
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "right" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f right

function inverted (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate inverted
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 1
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "inverted" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f inverted

function normal (){
	xrandr --output $connected --rotate normal
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 0
    xinput set-prop $touch "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    xinput set-prop $pad "$TRANSFORM" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "normal" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f normal

function rotate_reset (){
	rm -f /etc/rotate
	rm -f /etc/rotate_events
	rm -f /etc/rotat*
}; export -f rotate_reset
sleep 2 && echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/${state}.png" >/tmp/RPIPE &
bash -c `cat /etc/rotate` &
yad --notification --listen \
--text="Rotate Screen" \
--tray-icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/${state}.png" \
--command="$CMD" \
--menu="Rotate Left!bash -c left!/usr/share/pixmaps/leftr.png\
|Rotate right!bash -c right!/usr/share/pixmaps/rightr.png\
|Rotate Inverted!bash -c inverted!/usr/share/pixmaps/invertedr.png\
|Rotate pad Left!bash -c peft!/usr/share/pixmaps/lefty.png\
|Rotate pad right!bash -c pight!/usr/share/pixmaps/righty.png\
|Rotate pad Inverted!bash -c perted!/usr/share/pixmaps/invertedy.png\
|Rotate pad normal!bash -c pormal!/usr/share/pixmaps/normaly.png\
|Rotate touch Left!bash -c cheft!/usr/share/pixmaps/leftb.png\
|Rotate touch right!bash -c chight!/usr/share/pixmaps/rightb.png\
|Rotate touch Inverted!bash -c chited!/usr/share/pixmaps/invertedb.png\
|Rotate touch normal!bash -c chorm!/usr/share/pixmaps/normalb.png\
|Rotate display Left!bash -c deft!/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png\
|Rotate display right!bash -c dight!/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png\
|Rotate display Inverted!bash -c diserted!/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png\
|Rotate display normal!bash -c dimal!/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png\
|Reset!bash -c rotate_reset!gtk-refresh" <&3

Posted: Tue 24 Sep 2019, 18:37
by stemsee
I notice that my 2-in-1 has two events one for touchscreen and one for pen, On BionicDog the pen is actually the touchscreen and on fatdog the opposite. Either way I am successfully rotating each device.

Posted: Tue 24 Sep 2019, 19:15
by stemsee
I'm using this
EDIT: this

Code: Select all

# yad tray screen rotation "ytsr" by stemsee
# copyright (c) 2019 Marcos M Contant
# version 3.0
[[ "$1" == reset ]] && rm -f /etc/rotate_events
[[ "`whoami`" != "root" ]] && exec sudo -E -S ${0} "$\"" #Normal
running=`ps -e | grep rotate | wc -l` 
[[ "$running" -gt 2 ]] && exit #check if running, one instance only
if [ -z $(busybox which gxmessage) ]; then

export keg="yad xinput udevadm"
# check dependencies....use xmessage in case no yad
for i in $keg
	not=`busybox which $i`
	[[ -z "$not" ]] && echo "$i" >> /tmp/missdeps
missing=`cat /tmp/missdeps`
[[ ! -z "$missing" ]] && $MESSAGE -center "Without these missing dependencies

- YTSR may not be fully functional

YTSR copyright (c) 2018 Marcos Contant
GPL 3.0 license applies.
Version 2.0" -fore black -back green -timeout 4
[[ -f /tmp/missdeps ]] && rm -f /tmp/missdeps && exit
export connected=`xrandr | grep connected | cut -f1 -d' ' | head -1`
export TRANSFORM='Coordinate Transformation Matrix'
[[ ! -p /tmp/RPIPE ]] && mkfifo /tmp/RPIPE
exec 3<> /tmp/RPIPE
[[ ! -p /tmp/check ]] && mkfifo /tmp/check
exec 7<> /tmp/check
# get event number from xinput
function checkfn (){
	echo -e '\f' >/tmp/check
	udevadm info -e | grep input | grep -e "event${touch}" -e "event${pad}" >/tmp/check
}; export -f checkfn

function xinputfn (){
	echo -e '\f' >/tmp/check
	xinput | grep -v Virtual >/tmp/check
}; export -f xinputfn

function listeventsfn (){
	echo -e '\f' >/tmp/check
	cat /etc/rotate_events >/tmp/check
}; export -f listeventsfn

function evntsfn (){
	touch=`cat "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	pad=`cat "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	exec 7<> /tmp/check
	events=$(yad --tabnum=1 --plug=$$ --text-info --listen --geometry=400x400 <&7 &
	yad --tabnum=2 --plug=$$ --form --field="touchpad event id=:NUM" "$pad" --field="Touchscreen event id=:NUM" "$touch" &
	yad --key=$$ --title=Events --paned --tab="Xinput device info" --tab"Select device event number" --button="OK!gtk-ok:0" --button="Cancel!gtk-cancel:1" --button="Xinput:bash -c xinputfn" --width=600 --height=300 --splitter=260 --orient=vert &)
	[[ "$events" != "0|0|" ]] && echo "$events" >/etc/rotate_events || exit
	export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`

}; export -f evntsfn

function pormal (){
    xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 
	echo "pormal" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f pormal

function pight (){
    xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1
	echo "pight" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f pight

function perted (){
    xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1
    echo "perted" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f perted

function peft (){
	xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
	echo "peft" >/etc/rotatep
}; export -f peft

function chorm (){
	events=$(cat /etc/rotate_events)
	export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	[ -z "$touch" ] && bash -c evntsfn
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 0
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    echo "normal" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chorm

function chight (){
	events=$(cat /etc/rotate_events)
	export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	[ -z "$touch" ] && bash -c evntsfn
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 1
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    echo "chight" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chight

function chited (){
	events=$(cat /etc/rotate_events)
	export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	[ -z "$touch" ] && bash -c evntsfn
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 1
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    echo "chited" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f chited

function cheft (){
	events=$(cat /etc/rotate_events)
	export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	[ -z "$touch" ] && bash -c evntsfn
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 0
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    echo "cheft" >/etc/rotatet
}; export -f cheft

function dimal (){
	xrandr --output "$connected" --rotate normal
	echo "dimal" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f dimal

function dight (){
	xrandr --output "$connected" --rotate right
	echo "dight" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f dight

function diserted (){
	xrandr --output "$connected" --rotate inverted
	echo "diserted" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f diserted

function deft (){
	xrandr --output "$connected" --rotate left
	echo "deft" >/etc/rotated
}; export -f deft

function left (){
	events=$(cat /etc/rotate_events)
	export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	xrandr --output "$connected" --rotate left
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 1
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
	xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/leftr.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "left" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f left

function right (){
	events=$(cat /etc/rotate_events)
	export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	xrandr --output "$connected" --rotate right
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 1
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axes Swap" 1
    xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/rightr.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "right" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f right

function inverted (){
	events=$(cat /etc/rotate_events)
	touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	xrandr --output "$connected" --rotate inverted
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1, 1
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/invertedr.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "inverted" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f inverted

function normal (){
	events=$(cat /etc/rotate_events)
	touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	[ -z "$touch" ] && bash -c eventsfn
	xrandr --output "$connected" --rotate normal
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axis Inversion" 0, 0
    xinput set-prop "$touch" "Evdev Axes Swap" 0
    xinput set-prop "$pad" "$TRANSFORM" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
	echo "icon:/usr/share/pixmaps/normalr.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
	echo "normal" >/etc/rotate
}; export -f normal

function rotate_reset (){
	rm -f /etc/rotate
	rm -f /etc/rotate_events
	rm -f /etc/rotat*
}; export -f rotate_reset
	exec 7<> /tmp/check
	export touch=`cat "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	export pad=`cat "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
	events=$(xinput | yad --tabnum=1 --plug=$$ --text-info --listen --geometry=400x400 <&7 &
	yad --tabnum=2 --plug=$$ --form --field="touchpad event id=:NUM" "$pad" --field="Touchscreen event id=:NUM" "$touch" &
	yad --key=$$ --title=Events --paned --tab="Xinput device info" --tab"Select device event number" --button="OK!gtk-ok:0" --button="Xinput:bash -c xinputfn" --width=600 --height=250 --splitter=200 --orient=vert &)
	[[ "$events" != "0|0|" ]] && echo "$events" >/etc/rotate_events || exit
	export touch=`echo "$events" | cut -f2 -d'|'`
	export pad=`echo "$events" | cut -f1 -d'|'`
bash -c `cat /etc/rotate`
echo icon:"/usr/share/pixmaps/${state}.png" >/tmp/RPIPE
CMD="bash -c 'xdotool click 3'"
yad --notification --listen \
--text="Rotate Screen" \
--tray-icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/${state}.png" \
--command="bash -c 'xdotool click 3;xdotool click 3'" \
--menu="Rotate Left!bash -c left!/usr/share/pixmaps/leftr.png\
|Rotate right!bash -c right!/usr/share/pixmaps/rightr.png\
|Rotate Inverted!bash -c inverted!/usr/share/pixmaps/invertedr.png\
|Rotate pad Left!bash -c peft!/usr/share/pixmaps/lefty.png\
|Rotate pad right!bash -c pight!/usr/share/pixmaps/righty.png\
|Rotate pad Inverted!bash -c perted!/usr/share/pixmaps/invertedy.png\
|Rotate pad normal!bash -c pormal!/usr/share/pixmaps/normaly.png\
|Rotate touch Left!bash -c cheft!/usr/share/pixmaps/leftb.png\
|Rotate touch right!bash -c chight!/usr/share/pixmaps/rightb.png\
|Rotate touch Inverted!bash -c chited!/usr/share/pixmaps/invertedb.png\
|Rotate touch normal!bash -c chorm!/usr/share/pixmaps/normalb.png\
|Rotate display Left!bash -c deft!/usr/share/pixmaps/left.png\
|Rotate display right!bash -c dight!/usr/share/pixmaps/right.png\
|Rotate display Inverted!bash -c diserted!/usr/share/pixmaps/inverted.png\
|Rotate display normal!bash -c dimal!/usr/share/pixmaps/normal.png\
|Reset!bash -c rotate_reset!gtk-refresh|Events selection!bash -c evntsfn!gtk-refresh" <&3