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WOW ---> The Bionic Pups <-- WOW

Posted: Fri 23 Aug 2019, 01:30
by jafadmin
BionicPup64 & BionicPup32 are the most bleeding edge puppies ever. They hit all the notes for me.

They have lured me out of my Precise 5.7.1 shell and inspired me to once again immerse myself in some pure, self indulgent, app development.

TAKE A BOW, GUYS : 666philb - 64 ... peebee - 32

Folks, this is some Peak Puppy Linux ®™ right here. I'm stunned .. :shock:

:P Mate-terminal, ftw .. 8)

gtk2, gtk3, glade .. yep, yep ..

Many thanks to all the folks on all the teams that contributed to this. This changes everything .....

Posted: Fri 23 Aug 2019, 03:52
by musher0
There's like a smell of incense in this thread !? :lol:

Posted: Fri 23 Aug 2019, 08:21
by nic007
Depends on how old your machine is. Could be dreadful for an oldish machine..that's why I'm still using Tahr.

Posted: Sat 24 Aug 2019, 16:51
by 666philb

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2020, 21:20
by 6502coder
BionicPup 8 just got a nice review from Dedoimedo here: ... pup-8.html

Posted: Sat 18 Apr 2020, 14:35
by tigerwuff
I have a HP Envy uefi 512ssd 16g with I7 that I think this would be great on. Cannot wait to try it out. Just d/l the iso and will boot it up and take Mint off and see just how far Barry's creations have come.

I want to thank all of you that have kept PL alive all these years. It has been the mainstay in my life. Small, fast and packed with features. When in doubt, use a PUP!

Da Wuff

Posted: Sun 19 Apr 2020, 02:33
by wiak
6502coder wrote:BionicPup 8 just got a nice review from Dedoimedo here: ... pup-8.html
Yes, this is one of the best reviews of Puppy. It is fair, and accurate. It doesn't exaggerate what is good about Puppy, points out a few limitations but does a good job of explaining why these limitations are often not important, whilst identifying why Puppy remains relevant and useful.
