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The Debian Buster Starter Kit (64bit)

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 20:33
by rcrsn51
This is the next generation of the Stretch-Live Starter Kit from here. Get the Buster ISO here.

Code: Select all

0c297ab7559feed7ea3e16d3a046ce13  DebLive_Buster-amd64-60.iso
Install Buster as usual with the stretch-live-frugal-install tool.

Hint: A few Buster machines with Intel i915 video may appear to be booting but end up with a black screen.
Try this kernel argument in your GRUB menu: i915.invert_brightness=1

Most of the Stretch content extends directly to Buster. These packages are now in Fred's Buster repo via apt-get. There are a few modifications:

1. The following built-in apps in the Buster ISO should be updated immediately:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install touchpad peasyclock sound-card-selector
#or use: apt upgrade
2a. Some of your squashfs modules may need to be rebuilt for Buster. For example, libavcodec57 is now libavcodec58.
2b. Firefox needs libavcodec58 for some streaming content.

3. If you have used repo2sfs to make browser packages like Chromium, they need rebuilding. I have posted new "guest-setup" scripts and instructions. In particular, Chromium now requires the Extra package: chromium-sandbox

4. Some locally developed packages like hplip-print-scan and evince need patches. Open a terminal and run:

Code: Select all

cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
ln -sf
ln -sf
5. Mesa accelerated graphics are already in the ISO. You just need to run: apt-get install mesa-utils

6. Buster and Stretch are both currently using the kernel 4.19.0-6-amd64. The combo package of WiFi drivers posted for Stretch should also work in Buster.

7. Some bleeding-edge computers (eMMC drives?) may have trouble booting. There are two possible fixes:
a. use the Live-boot procedure in the latest stretch-live-frugal-installer.
b. Do a kernel upgrade to k5.6.0. See Page 3 for details.


apt to sfs

Posted: Tue 11 Feb 2020, 01:25
by ras
Hi rcrsn51,

I downloaded your iso and have made a frugal install. your prebuilt squashfs are very helpful, (especially the wifi firmware), as well as the laptop "essential" utilities you developed.

Where can I best learn more about the apt-to-sfs script? and its full install sister? Not sure what the difference is or it's intended usage.


Re: apt to sfs

Posted: Tue 11 Feb 2020, 01:57
by dancytron
ras wrote:Hi rcrsn51,

I downloaded your iso and have made a frugal install. your prebuilt squashfs are very helpful, (especially the wifi firmware), as well as the laptop "essential" utilities you developed.

Where can I best learn more about the apt-to-sfs script? and its full install sister? Not sure what the difference is or it's intended usage.

Apt2sfs takes a list of packages, downloads them with their dependencies, and then uses them to create a compressed file with those packages. That sfs file can then be loaded either at boot time or manually later and can be unloaded.

So say you don't use libreoffice all the time, but need it occasionally. You can create an sfs file of it and only load it when you actually need it and unload it when you are done.

Posted: Tue 11 Feb 2020, 08:04
by rcrsn51
@ras: If you read the Stretch Starter Kit thread, you will see that I prefer "repo2sfs" to "apt2sfs". In most situations, I find it to be the superior tool.

Posted: Wed 12 Feb 2020, 01:56
by ras
rcrsn51 wrote:@ras: If you read the Stretch Starter Kit thread, you will see that I prefer "repo2sfs" to "apt2sfs". In most situations, I find it to be the superior tool.
I seemed to have confused the two utilities when I was exploring the tools included in the Accessories sub-menu, and you have my apology for misdirecting my question. Your repo2sfs is downloaded, but I will have to look at it later as I am not near the desktop I use for testing. I have read that you use both scripts, and wish to understand what are the circumstances where you prefer one over the other?

I also am going to give your make-palemoon-squash.tar.gz a try also as it seems like the best way to update. You mentioned the need for a CleanMode setup here.............. ... 617#981617

would a frugal install with a new /changes folder suffice for the CleanMode?

That sfs file can then be loaded either at boot time or manually later and can be unloaded.
thanx, Dan

Posted: Wed 12 Feb 2020, 02:17
by rcrsn51
ras wrote:I have read that you use both scripts, and wish to understand what are the circumstances where you prefer one over the other?
Experience. If one method doesn't work the way I want, I use the other.
You mentioned the need for a CleanMode setup here
When you run the stretch-live-frugal-installer, there is a checkbox to add a GRUB entry for CleanMode. It is basically the same entry but with no "changes=" argument.

Posted: Mon 17 Feb 2020, 02:41
by ras
Hi rcrsn51,

went back and revisited the stretch-live-frugal-installer for a second time to understand why I did not fully utilize it when I first made my install.

At first it brings up a dialog that directs me to the just created file in /etc/pwf in the frugal installed puppy I was running it from. The instruction to set up my helper apps seemed to imply that I should do something further? perhaps open a terminal and set some envrionment variables in my existing puppy? Guess that didn't seem right to me at the time so moved on with out trying to use it further.

on a second look I just moved past the dialog without doing anything at all, and found the main dialog that moved the live folder and generated some menu entries.

Looks good, just wondering what edd=off is all about? I see the parameter included in the entries your script generated. It took me a while to add this on my own, and I have no idea, nor could find very little info otherwise.

Posted: Mon 17 Feb 2020, 13:00
by rcrsn51
The "helper apps" are the equivalent of Puppy commands like "defaultbrowser". To use them, you edit the file /etc/pwf/appfile and specify the apps you want.

The "edd=off" option is included because Fred's examples also have it. Some Googling will provide details. It may not be important.

Posted: Mon 17 Feb 2020, 23:33
by ras
Thanks rcrsn51,
looks like /etc/pwf is specific to the dog family?

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2020, 23:14
by ras
Hi rcrsn51,

I tried the make-palemoon-xz-squash.tar.gz found on p66 of " Create Debian 9 (Stretch) minimal ISO similar to DebianDog"

Should I expect this script to run ok in this starter kit? It ran as shown, but I could not find the built sfs.
root@live:/mnt/live/mnt/sda4/tarballs/palemoon mk-sfs/pmxz/empty# sh

Is this a CleanMode setup? [y/n] y
Is there JUST ONE .tar.xz file in this folder? [y/n] y
Extracting ...

Do you want to let Palemoon handle lots of MimeTypes? [y/n] y line 56: cd: too many arguments
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 4 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on palemoon-28.8.3.linux-x86_64.tar.xz.squashfs, block size 131072.
[==============================================================\ ] 931/934 99%
File /tmp/build/palemoon-28.8.3.linux-x86_64.tar.xz.squashfs changed size while reading filesystem, attempting to re-read

File /tmp/build/palemoon-28.8.3.linux-x86_64.tar.xz.squashfs changed size while reading filesystem, attempting to re-read

Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 57215.68 Kbytes (55.87 Mbytes)
47.52% of uncompressed filesystem size (120405.69 Kbytes)
Inode table size 3632 bytes (3.55 Kbytes)
52.14% of uncompressed inode table size (6966 bytes)
Directory table size 1163 bytes (1.14 Kbytes)
54.09% of uncompressed directory table size (2150 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 2
Number of inodes 93
Number of files 58
Number of fragments 5
Number of symbolic links 5
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 30
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1
Number of uids 1
root (0)
Number of gids 1
root (0)

root@live:/mnt/live/mnt/sda4/tarballs/palemoon mk-sfs/pmxz/empty#

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2020, 23:32
by rcrsn51
/mnt/live/mnt/sda4/tarballs/palemoon mk-sfs/pmxz/empty
This path contains a folder with a space in its name. Get rid of it.

Posted: Wed 26 Feb 2020, 00:01
by ras
thanks, works fine now

Samsung ML-2010 with BusterDog

Posted: Sat 29 Feb 2020, 07:17
by ras
Hi rcrsn51,

Before I ask for a bit of help setting up my printer, I would like to mention I chose a Dog so I could install some debs that I have not had luck installing with petget. Apt has served well in that regard, and I appreciate the simplicity of the starter kit and your assistance.

My printer is a Samsung ML-2010 (usb to laptop), and I have had it working twice before with linux.
the first was with fedora (it just worked out of the box), and the second was with a pup that used petget to install .debs. Both installs used the foomatic/gdi driver. I must admit that the pup printer configuration was a bit crude in that I simply installed everything foomatic that pet-get offered. The same crude ignorance has not worked a second time with other pups that utilize debian. HP does not include drivers for this printer in their usual packages in spite of taking over support for samsung.
I recently followed your links to the stretch starter kit and tried the foo2xxx you offer at ... ar.gz/file. and it does not appear to have the needed driver either.
As you seem quite knowledgeable with printers, I was hoping I could ask your advice to help me set up this printer in the Buster starter kit.

So far, I have run "apt-get install cups sane-utils peasyscan" per your advice on the stretch starter kit page to get started, but do not know how to bring up the cups page in my browser or properly find and install the needed driver.


Posted: Sat 29 Feb 2020, 12:00
by rcrsn51
Your Samsung ML-2010 is NOT supported by the foo2xxx package. But has two choices.

1. Get the Debian "splix" package via apt-get.
2. Use the foomatic/gdi driver that is built into Ghostscript. You just need to download the PPD file - put it in /usr/share/cups/model. ... 010&show=0

[Edit] It appears that the foomatic/gdi driver also needs the "perl" package installed via apt-get.

Posted: Sat 29 Feb 2020, 19:49
by ras looks like a nice resource.
I down loaded the .ppd and placed it in the .../model directory
I did notice that it was a .ppd rather than a .ppd.gz as were the files for other printers there.

brought up http://localhost:631/admin in the browser , but the printer was not detected so I could not proced to choose the new ppd.

does the starter kit need something additional to make the detection?

btw, apt-get shows perl as already installed, although using apt shows some additional info about manual install?
root@live:~# apt install perl
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
perl is already the newest version (5.28.1-6).
perl set to manually installed.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Posted: Sat 29 Feb 2020, 20:54
by rcrsn51
ras wrote:but the printer was not detected

If you click on Add Printer, is it not listed in the Local Printers group?

Are you sure that it's turned on and connected properly?

With the printer turned OFF, run: lsusb
Repeat with the printer turned ON.
Was it detected?

cups authentication

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2020, 00:04
by ras
well I chose "list available printers" and it returned something like no printer found.

Later, when I clicked on "add printer" though, it brought up an authentication dialog even though I was running as root already. Backing up, I opened a terminal and ran passwd to set the root password. Once authenticated in cups, the "add printer" tab showed my Samsung ML-2010 and all went well.

Thanks for pointing me to the PPD and it's required location in /usr/share/.....

Maybe you can help with something else.
I installed foo2xxx-rcrsn51_2018.06.22_amd64.deb with 'install deb+dependencies', but find no way to uninstall.
the scripts seems to use apt-get, but "apt-get purge returns
root@live:~# apt-get purge foo2xxx-rcrsn51_2018.06.22_amd64.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package foo2xxx-rcrsn51_2018.06.22_amd64.deb
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'foo2xxx-rcrsn51_2018.06.22_amd64.deb'
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'foo2xxx-rcrsn51_2018.06.22_amd64.deb'

is there a better way to use apt or apt-get to install a local .deb such that it is registered properly?

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2020, 01:15
by rcrsn51
To remove the package, just use the name "foo2xxx-rcrsn51", not the full filename.

Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2020, 23:24
by ras
If I wanted to create a squashfs from a .deb located locally, but still keep the ability to have necessary dependencies downloaded via apt-get, Is there a way to make repo2sfs do this?

the .deb I am looking at is available at git-hub, but presumes one is using a larger debian/ubuntu distribution with the "standard" dependencies.


Posted: Tue 03 Mar 2020, 11:43
by rcrsn51
I am not clear on your objective. It sounds like you want to do a repo2sfs "third-party" build, but NOT include the dependencies inside the squashfs module.

If so, install the dependencies FIRST via apt-get, then do the build.

Have you tried a third-party build using something like the chrome browser? There are instructions in the Stretch Starter Kit section.

Have you tried it with your github deb package?