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EasyPup version 2.3.1, released June 6, 2020

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2020, 11:35
by BarryK
EasyPup 2.3.1 released, June 6, 2020

Blog announcement and d/l: ... p-231.html

Forum feedback: ... 21#1060321

EasyPup 2.3 released, May 30, 2020

Blog announcement and download link: ... eased.html

Forum feedback for 2.3 starts here: ... 49#1059349

EasyPup 2.2.16 released
April 6, 2020

Blog announcement and download links: ... eased.html

Forum feedback starts here: ... 81#1054781

EasyPup 2.2.14 released
March 27, 2020

Blog announcement and download link: ... eased.html

Forum feedback starts here: ... 41#1053841

EasyPup 2.2.12 released
March 4, 2020

Blog announcement and download link: ... eased.html

Forum feedback starts here: ... 28#1051828

EasyPup 2.2.11 released
February 22, 2020

Blog announcement: ... eased.html

Forum feedback: ... 88#1050988

EasyPup 2.2.10 released
February 13, 2020

Blog announcement: ... eased.html

Forum feedback starts here: ... 77#1050277

EasyPup version 2.2.7
This has been a fun diversion. It is a "classical Puppy", circa 2012-2013 (the era of Racy and wary 5.5), blended with features from EasyOS Buster-series, and all the packages as in EasyOS Buster-series.

There is an intro page here: ... asyos.html

Blog announcement: ... eased.html

Download version 2.2.7: ... es/buster/

The ISO is a hybrid-ISO, that may also be written to a USB-stick. It will boot on traditional-BIOS PCs as well modern UEFI PCs. Minimum specs are 64-bit CPU, 1024x768 screen, probably 1GB RAM will work, but will be happier with 2GB. Genuine PC only, no support for Chromebook or Macbook. The old PCMCIA and ISA buses are not supported.

Who will use it? I don't know, anyone who wants to I suppose. It has the Racy/Wary 5.5 flavour, with lots of new features and packages, so I guess anyone who likes a "classical pup" but updated.

The EasyOS thread is here:

...we have been discussing EasyPup in that thread, but it may cause confusion, hence I started this new thread.

Let me know if you discover anything that needs fixing...

EasyPup 2.2.7

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2020, 13:26
by Billtoo
I installed to my Acer desktop.

Thanks for the new version.

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2020, 15:15
by scsijon
And the devx, please?

And T2's building at last!

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2020, 16:00
by Sage
2.2.7 EP. Nice! Polished. All working. GF video card > nouveau driver with xorgwiz&co. Would help for liveDVD use to have default sound up to 85-90%. Otherwise, much to like about it. Thanks.

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2020, 19:52
by Billtoo
I also installed to my Compaq Presario desktop. Nouveau driver works well.

The option to increase the size of the save file doesn't work.

Agreed - savefile expansion doesn't work

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2020, 23:23
by Rodney Byne
To Billtoo,

Yes I found the same,
"the option to increase the size of the save file doesn't work"

An instruction link from the flashdrive, to new
storage files created on sda seems to be broken.

Have advised Barry in an email.

Internet connection

Posted: Tue 04 Feb 2020, 09:07
by lp-dolittle
@ Barry,

Hi Barry,

what about these error messages which use to pop up since some time?

kind regards

Posted: Tue 04 Feb 2020, 17:27
by OverDrive
Hi Barry,

Like what I see so far.

Would be nice to have a "create save directory" option instead savefile only. For me, I tend to prefer a save directory for flashdrive type installs. It makes backing up the save stuff more compact.

Posted: Tue 04 Feb 2020, 17:38
by OverDrive
Oh, and the universal installer requires some extra program to install to ext4 partition.

ext3 worked well though.

First impressions

Posted: Wed 05 Feb 2020, 00:12
by davids45
G'day BK,

Posting from Easy227 via OperaPortable. HP smallform desktop, vintage mid 2000's.

I had a number of start-up issues with deleted icons re-appearing and added desktop icons for some directories not re-loading.

I imagine this is because my desktop computer has about 28 partitions and I run most programs from a boot-mounted data partition to keep the savefile small. So a lot going on during start-up?

With repeated re-boots while adding more applications (as a collection of symlinks in a single sfs), start up is now more 'settled' with most changes being re-loaded.

I agree with poster Overdrive that a save directory is more convenient than the old-fashioned save-file - particularly if there is a re-size issue at the moment.

I also miss shinobar's excellent SFS-Load-on-the-Fly - easier than the BootManager and not restricted by the old '6 sfs or less' constraint.

And there's a pupsave-hotbackup application that I find very handy when tinkering/crashing :oops: new Puppies which I could not find in this Easy.

I also miss the JWM desktop manager that allows easy re-positioning of the drive icons during booting. Easy227's default spacing is too wide to put all my partitions on a single row across the screen bottom (attached image of present pinboard - icons of non-running (yet?) apps grouped in centre-bottom of image - all other icons run their apps).

Printing and scanning is working (Epson-WF2510 networked inkjet) and after some teething troubles (see above), WiFi connection seems to be starting reliably.

So I've added Easy227 to my partition of 64-bit Frugals on this computer, and might try on my Samsung laptop when time permits.

Thanks for all your 'doings'.

David S.

Posted: Wed 05 Feb 2020, 01:25
by ras
Hi Barry,

2.2.7 installed frugally in an ext4 partition on a Thinkpad T420 seems to work well with limited testing. I appreciate the addition of the screen dimmer that also lets you choose a nightime color temp. 5600 seems bettter for default daytime over 6500, but that is of course a just one persons preference, or maybe my laptop lcd

Looking at distro-specs, I see possibilities on the horizon. Would a puppy with version control still be a puppy?

Posted: Wed 05 Feb 2020, 03:24
by BarryK
scsijon wrote:And the devx, please?
I am not running EasyPup right now, but you should be able to click on "sfsget" on the desktop and download it.

Posted: Wed 05 Feb 2020, 03:29
by BarryK
Content deleted. Will post later when have an EasyPup running.

Posted: Wed 05 Feb 2020, 11:56
by watchdog
Bootmanager not working for me to load a sfs at boot. I have many sfs's at root dir. Clicking the button to add an sfs does nothing. Installed sfs_load by shinobar and loaded chromium sfs from sfsget. This chromium is not supported by google and I can't login at my account. I tried Google_Chrome-portable by MikeWalsh. I found a way to start it: use run-as-spot from ScPup64-20.01 and add "--no-sandbox" at last line in chrome-pup inside the portable Chrome.

Posted: Thu 06 Feb 2020, 16:30
by Caneri
Ty Barry!

This works well on my problematic Acer.
Acer hangs at shutdown/reboot with all other versions of pup and Easypup is mostly good to go.

I need to learn the container stuff as I've been away for a long time.

This will definitely replace my old Lucid5.28 as a daily OS.


Posted: Fri 07 Feb 2020, 23:09
by BarryK
I'm baack! Been away on the South Coast all week: ... -2020.html

Posted: Fri 07 Feb 2020, 23:11
by BarryK
Billtoo wrote:The option to increase the size of the save file doesn't work.
Billtoo, Rodney,
back on-board after a nice break -- though still had Internet access while on holiday.

Resizing of the save-file is fixed, well, it should be: ... fixed.html

Posted: Fri 07 Feb 2020, 23:21
by BarryK
Caneri wrote:Ty Barry!

This works well on my problematic Acer.
Acer hangs at shutdown/reboot with all other versions of pup and Easypup is mostly good to go.

I need to learn the container stuff as I've been away for a long time.

This will definitely replace my old Lucid5.28 as a daily OS.

Hey, it has been a long time since I saw a post from you. Welcome back!

EasyPup is a "classical Puppy", from the Wary and Racy 5.5 era, around 2012-2013. What is merged from EasyOS is recent packages and many improved utilities, such as NetworkManager.

What is not brought from EasyOS is support for containers.

I intend to leave EasyPup as a classical Puppy, will not compete with the latest Woof-CE built pups.

The merging from EasyOS has caused some issues, that I will continue to discover and fix. But that's it, it will remain an old pup.

If you want container support, and other innovations, see the EasyOS thread:

Posted: Sat 08 Feb 2020, 16:39
by rockedge
Decided to give EasyPup a whirl and wow! It really is working well on this Dell Optiplex 990 4 core 4 thread cpu 8 gigs of RAM.

So I decided to go all in and attempt to install a LAMP and ZoneMinder and see how easy it would be using the tools already present in EasyPup.

Well it almost worked using the PPM only and some geany editing of config files for Apache. I usually always replace Apache with my favourite Hiawatha but in this case the test is using EasyPup to install all the components.

Since installing ZoneMInder is somewhat complicated it did not work out of the box but came really close! The potential looks good and I am really pleased with the speed and constincey that EasyPup is running on this machine. SeaMonkey is just really really fast.

Good stuff. Great potential and I'm just getting started experimenting with this set up in a container!

overall very nice system.

Posted: Sat 08 Feb 2020, 17:45
by Caneri
This easypup is very good. I plead to Barry to keep this one going. Big ty to Barry! There might be a LOT of users from Lucid 5.28 filtering back I reckon.

I have some issues with the firewall being inconsistent with seamonkey and firefox ( testing). Dunno why yet.

I find Seamonkey very good. I'm used to Firefox with no scipts and will use it for certain jobs but Seamonkey is a good daily driver. Well rendered pages etc.

I'll spend time on this one and try to help with testing of new versions.

I don't spend much time on computer now as there seems to be more important things to do in retirement, but for this one I'll spend some time.

Libra Office works well and for some reason my crappy Acer works as it should for the most part.

I've found a new home.
