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Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2020, 17:42
by corvus
Good evening everyone, below a utility that serves to enable/disable the touchpad, that works with the synaptics driver, depending on the presence/absence of the mouse. It is based on an udev rule. I use it on Bionicpup64 but it should also work on the 32 bit version.

Edit: In the file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-togglemouse.rules the ATTRS{idProduct} and ATTRS{idVendor} part must be adapted with the specifications of your mouse, that can be obtained with the command:

Code: Select all

lsusb | grep -i mouse
Remember that the first part of the hexadecimal code represents the idVendor and the second part the idProduct.
Unfortunately, despite the various solutions proposed on the web, I could not find a way to adapt the udev rule to a generic mouse.


Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2020, 19:37
by bigpup
That pet is small.
You can attach it to the first post, so it can be directly downloaded from the forum.

The forums max file size limit is 256K.

Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2020, 21:14
by corvus
Thanks bigpup for the tip.