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COVID-19 incorrect ventilator settings?

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2020, 16:08
by greengeek
I don't know yet if Dr Kyle-Sidell is a real person, but if so these two recent videos are worth a look.

The first video is a very short plea for people to consider that this disease is not behaving like other illnesses and the current treatment paradigm may be incorrect.

The second video is more detailed with regard to the possibility that incorrect pressure and oxygen rate programming of the ventilators may lead to lung damage and worse outcomes. He makes a plea for doctors to treat this as a new disease rather than a viral pneumonia - which he says does not normally behave this way.

If he is correct (and not a bogus hoax) then we need to look for other non-ventilator treatments for some patients. I see that there are some reports that success is being achieved with hyparbaric oxygen chamber treatments.

...and here is some commentary from another ED doctor talking about the pressures they face in treating COVID:
Really takes it's toll on the medical staff.

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2020, 20:29
by Flash
A Guide To Designing Low-Cost Ventilators for COVID-19
Pretty definitive technical background about ventilators and their effects on lungs.

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2020, 23:27
by some1
A group over at MIT are trying to come up with a blue-print for a low-cost ventilator:
General ptojext-outline:
some blogposts:

We may note - that for various reasons - in the developed
countries the HealthAuthorities fx the FDA implement strong regulations/standards
on medico-machinery/-procedures.
A low-cost/poor-mans approach may not be acceptable there.

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2020, 09:56
by some1
From a Danish University,certified by the Danish Lægemiddelstyrelsen,
i.e. the equivalent to the FDA iin US.

Blueprint on github,uploadet yesterday.
Cheap standardcomponents - looks a bit robust.
24 items produced,expected production for the Danes: 1000 in a month.


Newslink,Danish TV-station-no translation - but pics: ... respirator

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2020, 17:41
by Flash
Astrophysicists looking for dark matter invent dirt-cheap open-source ventilator to combat Covid-19
A team of over 100 scientists who had been building a super-sophisticated detector to find the universe's dark matter had to suspend operations while in quarantine. But they didn't stop working. They developed a super-simple, super-cheap ventilator they hope to make in volume to fight COVID-19.