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[solved] How to boot uPupBB32 in an old laptop w/out PAE?

Posted: Wed 13 May 2020, 10:16
by LNSmith
for info/help: See these links ... 0&t=117939
See also: ... 0&t=113891
The first link deals directly with 'forcePAE'. The second link deals with editing the boot-loader. Thanks to big-pup and others for the postings below.

Hello All.
Pls read the subject line and subject description.
First - the instruction is forcepae, not forcePAE, but uppercase enhances readability.

OK - in brief When I boot uPupBB32 on a Dell Inspiron 8600 I get an error message reminding me the Intel Mobile Pentium lacks PAE. It says I can use forcepae but there is a risk. The booting process stalls. Since the 8600 has only 2GiB of RAM I don't anticipate a problem. Same thumb drive boots a Pentium 4.

This forum also mentions the forcePAE instruction, but I am unclear about how/where to add this command.
Again, videos on you-tube demonstrate how to add forcePAE to the boot process, but my laptop config. does not match the config in the you-tube demo.
Some links on the forum (about forcePAE) are also broken.
Can anyone here point to info that will allow me to add this instruction?
Ditto for a 32bit Bionic Beaver that includes the forcePAE instruction.

Any help about how/where/why the forcePAE instruction should be done would be appreciated.


Hardware: The laptop with the problem: Dell 8600 with Intel mobile Pentium Has SSE2 capability. 2GiB RAM. Boots nicely with Tahr-pup.

Posted: Wed 13 May 2020, 11:00
by ozsouth
Les, you'd be better off sticking to a puppy with a non-pae kernel. Since PAE is only needed for > 3Gb ram, won't affect you.
I did try upupbb-32 with the NON-PAE 4.9.13 kernel at link below. Had to use i915.modeset=0 in kernel boot line & even then some things didn't work. Suspend didn't resume - needed hard reset. Had to set retrovol to hw:1. Kernel below doesn't need fdrv. ... AE.tar.bz2.

Posted: Wed 13 May 2020, 17:44
by bigpup
If we had info on how Bionicpup is installed, on what drive, and what boot loader is being used, we could give exact info.

Basically find the boot loader config file and add forcepae to the end of the kernel line or append line of the boot menu entry.


Code: Select all

title Puppy xenialpup 7.5 (sda1/XPup32)
  uuid 7c0c8c85-da6f-4699-8bd2-6dfa6feae012
  kernel /XPup32/vmlinuz   psubdir=XPup32 pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck forcepae
  initrd /XPup32/initrd.gz
The boot loader config file could be:

If you boot to a boot loader menu.
Highlight a menu entry.
Usually, you can press e key.
This goes to edit screen, where you can edit the entry, before booting with it.
This only edits it, just for that boot.

To make permanent change. Have to change the boot loader config file and save change.

Posted: Wed 13 May 2020, 18:26
by peebee ... 998#989998

For older systems that won't boot PAE kernels - new kernels have the forcepae option and adding

Code: Select all

-- forcepae
to kernel line gets it to boot. (note there's a space after -- )