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EasyOS: getnvidia: linux-5.4.40 kernel source file is needed

Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2020, 21:39
by LarryDC
Since it was an option, I decided to try it. But I can't find the subject kernel source file. I even went to Linus T.'s site and downloaded the kernel 5.4 source: "/home/downloads/linux-5.4.tar.gz". That didn't help.
I have the nvidia 340.108 run file and the devx sfs.
Could someone point me to the required kernel source file?
It would jump my scree resolution from 60Hz to 72Hz.
Thanks for your help.

Posted: Sat 06 Jun 2020, 01:05
by BarryK
Click the "sfsget" icon at top of page, you will see the kernel source SFS listed.

Download it, choose to install it to the main desktop.

To do any compiling, you will also need the "devx" SFS.

Easy Buster: Gitnvidia needs both SFS loaded via Boot SOLVED

Posted: Sat 06 Jun 2020, 12:36
by LarryDC
BarryK wrote:Click the "sfsget" icon at top of page, you will see the kernel source SFS listed.

Download it, choose to install it to the main desktop.

To do any compiling, you will also need the "devx" SFS.
Thanks for the rapid response, Barry.
It had been a while since I used buster. I keep both Pyro & Buster on two thumb drives.
Your Gitnvidia instructions clearly said that too. I just hadn' t gotten my head around the "container" way both devx & the kernel sourse from SFS installed.
What it took to get them all working together was the Boot loader setup from the system or setup menus. Once they both loaded I could use the nvidia... run that I had already downloaded on another partition.
The trick then on the reboot was to hit "Escape" when xorgwizard asks to decide between modesetting or Vesa. Only then does the nvidia 340.108 video option appear.
It was definitely worth it for the more desktop space I got with the higher resolution. Now to put it back on my hard drive as well.
If anyone is looking to get QT5 back on Easy Buster, installing Keepassxc brought a ton of dependencies with it. It works fine... as does everything else so far.
Thanks for all your continued work. I even installed Easy Buster on its thumb drive from your EasyDD from Easy Pyro booted on another thumb drive!