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ALSA/Retrovol versus PulseAudio; an observation...

Posted: Sat 13 Jun 2020, 13:41
by Mike Walsh
Afternoon all.

Just wanted to make an observation about this long-running debate; which is better for Puppy....ALSA w/Retrovol, or the teeth-gnashing PulseAudio? :roll:

I've been using josejp2424's 64-bit DPup Buster 64 for a few days. José's equipped this with PulseAudio instead of the traditional Puppy set-up, i.e., ALSA & Retrovol. OK, I appreciate that PulseAudio is used by all the mainstream distros, and a lot of software is being written to expect it nowadays.....and hell, yes; some folks actually like it!!

But one thing has struck me this last couple of days, and that is the ease of use Retrovol endows Puppy with. You want to alter the volume, just hover the cursor over the volume icon in the tray, and scroll up or down; it changes instantly, and the tooltip tells you where you are. Don't even need to click to bring up the actual control, it's that versatile.

As for PulseAudio in Busterpup?

1 ) Ist click brings up a sub-menu.
2 ) 2nd click to choose the controls.
3 ) 3rd click to select the specific tab you want. And finally...
4 ) .....4th click allows you to change the volume slider. (Yay!!?!)

WHAT a palaver. What a load of arsing around just to change a basic setting!

(Radky equipped his wonderful DPup Stretch with PNMixer in place of Retrovol; this uses Gnome-Alsamixer - which is sort of OK, 'cept I find it doesn't "translate" as accurately to the actual sound-chip controls as Retrovol does.)

No; for my money, Pizzasgood's marvelous creation suits Puppy's nature down to the ground. Some of the "big boys" could take a lesson from this simple, yet highly-featured economically-coded volume control.....but I'm starting to get the impression the mainstream distros are beginning to embrace over-complexity purely for its own sake.

"Retrovol ROOLZ!"; yes, indeedy. :D :lol: :lol:

I'd be interested to hear other's views on this one, just out of interest.

Mike. :wink: