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How to install lmule(Emule port)?

Posted: Sun 14 Jun 2020, 02:52
by MrAccident
(edit) I see that it's possible in this version of Amule - to find complete sources; but some other search features - are less good.


Why not available programs?:
― Amule doesn't have the ability to search for complete sources only; and maybe other things are missing.
― MLDonkey - finds less files, and doesn't search any other network than ED2K(?); unless I haven't done something right.

I found this -
Can I install it?
(update) Also this file "imule.deb", here -

Posted: Sun 14 Jun 2020, 08:12
by nic007
You will have much better results using torrent sites (although this has also gone downhill lately). I wouldn't bother with emule, the glory days of peer to peer sharing are long gone. Users make use of usenet groups, etc. these days for sharing and downloading. Is there something specific you are looking to download or share?

Posted: Sun 14 Jun 2020, 08:19
by MrAccident
@nic007 - I'm using both, since forever. Each has its strengths & weaknesses.

Posted: Sun 14 Jun 2020, 11:57
by bigpup
With 342 posts.
You should know that we always need to know what exact version of Puppy you are using????

Posted: Sun 14 Jun 2020, 12:01
by MrAccident
@bigpup - of course. Added.

Posted: Wed 17 Jun 2020, 21:09
by MrAccident
I've found this file "imule.deb", here -
After installation ― it doesn't appear in the programs. Can this work?

Posted: Wed 17 Jun 2020, 21:24
by Semme
What say you?
iMule is a small porting of MobileMule, which let's you control your eMule from iPhone. Note that MobileMule is NOT an eMule for your mobile phone, but a remote control for your eMule.
It's also NINE years old!

Posted: Wed 17 Jun 2020, 21:29
by MrAccident
@Semme - Oh; I thought the file from SourceForge is with capital "i" but actually it's a small "L". OK thanks.