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Something suddenly filled up all my drive space [SOLVED]

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 06:17
by tigerflag
I have a frugal install of Bionic puppy 8.0 64-bit on /dev/sda2. That partition is 19.5 GB. The installation only takes up about 4GB.

All my personal files, documents, music etc. are on /dev/sda3. That partition is also 19.5 GB. I had about 4.5 GB free.

I also have /dev/sda7 which is 386 GB and was empty until tonight.

Using ROX-filer, I transfered maybe 20-30 files from /dev/sda2/ root/Downloads to /dev/sda3.

Then I dragged and dropped all my music albums (~9.5 GB) from /dev/sda3 to /dev/sda7.

Then I downloaded 7 GB of MP4 videos from youtube to /dev/sda7.

I was finishing up, copying and moving a few more files over to /sda7 when it I started getting errors:

Code: Select all

"Error saving /root/.config/rox/"

Code: Select all

cp: error writing '/mnt/sda7/Baboons-Peaceful-Primates.mp4': No space left on device
Failed to copy '/mnt/sda3/MyMusic/Baboons-Peaceful-Primates.mp4'

Code: Select all

Error saving pinboard /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin: No space left on device
There is plenty of room on /dev/sda3 and 370 GB free on /dev/sda7. But suddenly the ENTIRE /dev/sda2/ where Puppy is installed is full!

What is taking up all that space? I didn't download anything to there; I actually removed some files from there so if anything it should be less full, not more. I've looked all over. The Trash folder is emtpy.

One thing I noticed is GParted shows the Mount Point for /dev/sda2 as /initrd/mnt/dev_save .
I thought it was /mnt/sda2 but maybe I'm wrong.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your time.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 10:04
by Burn_IT
With lots of files the index can fill up and show this message.
Also there is very specific limit to the number of entries allowed in the index of the root directory which is not there if you use a sub directory.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 10:57
by foxpup
I would boot from usb and look from'outside' to the content to understand.
Look into the pupsave(s).

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 11:48
by rcrsn51
Was sda7 mounted when you did the copy?

If you copied files into the UNmounted folder /mnt/sda7, they would actually go into your own filesystem and eventually fill up your savefile.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 13:53
by tigerflag
The partition was mounted. I checked on the progess throughout to make sure things were saving in there correctly. But it feels like the safefile got full. That's the only thing that could explain this phenomena.

What is the default path to the savefile? I've looked all over for it.


Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 14:37
by bigpup
Have you run Quickpet->Info->Bionicpup updates?
Rebooted and saved, so new changes and fixes are being used?

What format is partition sda2?
Using ROX-filer, I transfered maybe 20-30 files from /dev/sda2/ root/Downloads to /dev/sda3.
That may be the problem.
When navigating in Rox between partitions.
use /mnt/ not /dev/
/mnt/sda3, /mnt/sda7
To see sda2, where Bionicpup is installed.
Click on desktop file icon or the desktop drive icon for sda2.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 15:42
by tigerflag
So sorry, I misspoke. I was transferring between /mnt/sda3 to /mnt/sda7, not /dev/sda3 to /dev/sda7.

I'm running off a puppy live CD now, trying to find the pupsave folder that apparently got full. My bolloxed Puppy is installed to /sda2. The whole partition is full but I don't see what's filling it up.

I've never gotten the hang of the puppy filesystem. Can you please tell me the path to wherever trash or duplicate files would be saved so that I can delete them?

Thanks so much!

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 16:06
by tigerflag
OK. Using the live-cd and ROX-filer I'm in /mnt/sda2/bionicpup648.0frugal/bionicpup64save-bionicpup64_default .

Looking through all the folders, where would the files be that are filling up this partition? I don't see them anywhere.


Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 16:16
by rcrsn51
Just to be sure, look in the folder /mnt/sda7.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 16:23
by tigerflag
Gparted shows 7.13 GB of data in /dev/sda7.
Yesterday I was in /mnt/sda7 and the files were there.

After the system started throwing errors, /mnt/sda7 appears empty except for Lost+Found. But the data IS in there. Mounting /sda7 shows empty.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 16:44
by rcrsn51
While booting off the Live CD and with sda7 UNmounted, run:

Code: Select all

e2fsck -y /dev/sda7

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 16:55
by tigerflag
typing this out by hand because the terminal won't let me copy/paste:

Code: Select all

root# e2fsck -y /dev/sda7
e2fsck 1.4.1 (24-Mar-2018)
/dev/sda7: clean, 11/25346048 files, 1870148/101359616 blocks

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 17:21
by rcrsn51
Is Gparted still reporting 7GB of USED space on sda7?

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 17:29
by tigerflag
rcrsn51 wrote:Is Gparted still reporting 7GB of USED space on sda7?
Yes it is. 7.13 GiB used, 379.52 GiB unused, 386.66 GiB total.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 17:34
by rcrsn51
I made up an empty ext4 partition and Gparted reported that it was 3% used.

So your 7/386 GB is probably OK. It looks to me like sda7 is empty.

I have no idea where the data went.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 17:42
by tigerflag
OK, thanks. I'm just going to reformat /dev/sda2 and reinstall.

I appreciate everyone's help.

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 21:37
by disciple
typing this out by hand because the terminal won't let me copy/paste:
You can normally paste the "primary selection" with the middle mouse button.

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 14:53
by tigerflag
disciple wrote:You can normally paste the "primary selection" with the middle mouse button.
That's a great tip- thank you!

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2020, 06:22
by enrique
Do not delete anything. You files are not lost. Just learn to used it.

rcrsn51 pointed out to the correct answer:
rcrsn51 wrote:Was sda7 mounted when you did the copy?

If you copied files into the UNmounted folder /mnt/sda7, they would actually go into your own filesystem and eventually fill up your savefile.
Yes it happened to me too. Puppy save is so good that will save your data into the PuppySave even when you did not mounted a partition.

Now to newbie this seems confuse because you think partition is mounted just because you look into /mnt/sda7 and you see the data there!!! So you false think the partition is mounted. But no it is only stored in your PuppySave. That is why PuppySave is FULL. But when really mount sda7 all is gone!!!! How is that possible? you question your self?

You need to learn this. As it will happens alot, or every time you save DATA on a Partition that you did not mounted previously!!

If you need help how to move out the wrongly save data in PuppyySave at your /mnt/sda7 then ask.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2020, 14:26
by tigerflag
I'm sure you're correct, Enrique, but I could not find those files in PuppySave anywhere. I spent a day looking for them.

I hate giving up; it would have been nice to find those files because I would have learned something. But I had work to do and I needed my system to function, so I reinstalled. I'll be more careful going forward.

Thanks again, everyone. Mods can mark this as SOLVED, I guess, although I never did find where those files went.