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UPDATE The Puppy Package Manager on "Legacy" Releases.

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2020, 20:07
by Smithy
I was talking with Fred about the Puppy Package Manager and how some of the old but good releases may no longer have a functioning PPM.

Well he discovered how to get them functioning again. Tahr, Lucid, Debian etc.

The working recipe is:

1. Update the Database First.
2. Close the Puppy Package Manager.
3. Locate in ~/.packages/DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS TXT FILE and open it up.
4. Where you find instances of, eg for ubuntu bases: (example below)

Code: Select all

CHANGE These Instances to:
5. Save the txt file.
6. Open The PPM and Update Once More.

7. Test and Report if possible.

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2020, 22:03
by Mike Walsh
Hi, Smithy.

That 'formula' works very well, too. I forget who told me ( it may even have been Fred! ), but back when I was still running the old Compaq tower, I used it to get the PPM for pemasu's UPup 'Raring' 3992 functional again.....and, with very few exceptions, it worked perfectly. And that was almost 6 years after Raring went EOL; it was one of the "9-month wonders", y'know.....the 6-monthly interim releases between the bi-annual LTS versions.

You can see it for yourself, if you go to

.....and just have a scan through the various repos, and 'investigate' stuff at random. For all that Canonical preach about always using the very newest version all the time, and hype each release up to the max, to get people excited about the new version, they don't throw anything out. This site contains every single bit of software ever used by Ubuntu, dating all the way back to the very first Ubuntu release - Ubuntu 4.10, affectionately known as "Warty Warthog", and released on the 20th Oct 2004.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2020, 10:39
by fredx181
Mike Walsh wrote:You can see it for yourself, if you go to
In the 'pool' section, you can find and download .deb packages, but you cannot see the various distributions, AFAIK
In the 'dists' section you can, as Mike says above, it's the full ubuntu software history archived (except the recent ones, that are still 'supported')


Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2020, 20:38
by Smithy
Yes lads, after having to hand craft a lot of those pets in smokey's repo,
I am very happy that we can now let Barry's do the heavy lifting and trim the fat whilst I have a bacon butty instead!

I thought they just deleted everything.

It will be good that the Cosmics, Discos and Vivid (that was a pretty solid one imo) have some sea legs left in them.