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RTL8169/8110 on Puppy 2.16 Not recognised

Posted: Tue 12 Jun 2007, 15:58
by BenEbelt

ive got 2 problems: the first is bad for u and the second is nerving me:
1) ive got a terrible english
2) i havent got my internet running under puppy 2.16!!

there is a distribution => lg3d 3.0.0 ( ) where i didnt even realise that there were a configuration window for the internet connection and it works just by clicking mozilla (i think it is based on slax linux). ive tested a lot distributions, hell i think puppy is the best of all! not cause of its grafical interface, hell no, but just cause of.. its handsome!

even ive to put the option acpi=off in the bootmenu.

k, hey, im just an enduser, consument, specificly, cause i got no clue off nothing at all of linux. (after 2 days reserch i know now the history of linux and ... -hey!! i know the command wget -c and how i can swich between the directorys or copying files.. rename and so on WOW- thats all. a a n d ive got a LOT of distributions saved on cd/dvd now ;))

learned at: -a linux for dummys side- im sorry, its just for germans:

Back to my problem:
i cannot reach internet. ive no reason why dhcp does not work. there was an other distribution, where it workes fine.. duno which one- and i havent a clue why the driver (r8169 Gigabit Ethernet Driver 2.2LK) wouldnt solve the problem. the system tells me, it has the interrupt 11..

hope, my notes where enough input for you to help me
cu here again. even i have no idea, which system would be the one installes on my maschine, but puppy will be coexisting (wow- what a handsome program!!).


Posted: Fri 20 Jul 2007, 16:52
by Browny
The pup package given in the following link will be suitable for your realtek card
