Puppy reviewed

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Puppy reviewed

#1 Post by Lobster »

Puppy Reviewed


"Puppy Linux is the superior small Linux distribution"
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#2 Post by BarryK »

Quite a lot of praise!

Not 100% technically accurate.
For example he refers to Puppy using umsdos, but then he may have used Puppy way back when umsdos was "in".
Also, he seems to have confused DotPup and PupGet... oe maybe that's just how it reads ...perhaps we need to clarify that they are two different ways to install.
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#3 Post by Rhino »

That was a pretty nice review! Congratulations!

As I was reading I kept fearing that he wasn't going to get to the Dotpup or pupget abilities. Seems like his gripes were mostly customization issues, such as the window manager.

Puppy is distancing itself from DSL and Feather in a good way!

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#4 Post by Rich »

Just read the review and I thought it was very positive.
Seems the author is knowledgable about all the other small distro's but comes out fully behind Puppy.

I know the saying ' No publicity is bad publicity', but this is definitely good publicity !

Well done

Very Nice!

#5 Post by jq »

Very nice indeed. Those download servers are going to be hammered now:-)
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