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Puppy/Portable VirtualBox

Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2007, 18:22
by jasray
Puppy running as an .iso in Portable VirtualBox successfully completed its next phase of testing. I took the USB w/ the install I was using on my desktop over to a laptop that connects via Linksys and IntelPro wireless card. At first, I thought all had failed!

Remember, the assigned drive letter on one machine for the USB may change when going to another machine. My setup was on the G:\ for the desktop, but when I went to the laptop, it changed to the F:\ drive. Naturally, it wouldn't boot until I reloaded the .iso on the USB to point back to the F:\ drive--an easy 30 second process. The original Puppy .iso MUST remain on the flash drive if/when using the "easier" method.

Wireless connected within seconds using the Connect icon/network wizard. Remember no loading of drivers, no saving of configuration.

Firewall: My firewall asked to Allow/Block Innotek VirtualBox--two requests. I allowed both and had no problems; however, I shall go to a public library within the week and see what happens.

In the past, firewall issues haven't been a problem on even the most "locked down" of computers. The only time I've had an issue is when the USB ports have been disabled--very tight security.



Jasray's right at the forefront

Posted: Sun 25 Nov 2007, 01:51
by Turpin
Everywhere I go, I find Jasray. :D He and I are like-minded I think. I wonder what his latest incarnation of Portable Puppy is.